Undercover Jetsetter TV

110 Episodes
We tell you everything you need to know if you are headed to Rome: sites to see; restaurants to hit; how to get around; and how to interact with Romans. Pour yourself lots of wine and prepare some food and lets eat, drink, and talk together here about Roma.
Imagine climbing the highest peak on each continent.How about circumnavigating the world in 35 days in a single-engine plane.Or rowing across the Atlantic.Or motorcycling through the Mojave Desert?Now imagine doing it in one year.We will tell you about Dawson’s Peak – with the creator – and his Hollywood partner – who are making these transformational journeys a big charity fundraiser.And talk about jet setting the world.I met Matt Dawson and Jay Jablonski at a charity golf event for Hope for the Warriors – a charity that helps war vets get back into life.And when they told me about Dawson’s Peak project, I said we need to talk.So here they are.Matt Dawson – who goes by Dawson -- is a successful investment banker who changed his unfulfilled life by finding a purpose – not just to navigate the world, but to provide purpose for others.And Jay Jablonski is an actor/producer. You know him from films such as Take Me Home Tonight, the Big Short, and my favorite Everyone Wants To Be Italian. He is the Director of Operations for Dawson’s Peak.Along with vets and some celebrities, Dawson will climb seven of the highest peaks on each continent, circumnavigate the world in a single engine plane, cross the Mojave on motorcycle, and row across the Atlantic. Their website is www.dawsonspeak.comThe proceeds go to Hope for The Warriors and The Gary Sinise Foundation
We are taking you to Ireland. Our expert Trina Vargo has an Undercover Jetsetter tour.Trina is the founder and president of the US-Ireland Alliance. She is the author of a new book called Shenanigans The US-Ireland Relationship in Uncertain Times. And she has spent years visiting Ireland.We talked about the tournament she held at the K-Club outside Dublin. Those were Ryder Cup format tournaments where we had 12 Americans playing against 12 Irish. The last one we held was just before the economy crashed around 2008. As the economy is coming back, if we find sufficient interest from sponsors, we would look to bring them back – people really enjoyed them. Those tourneys led to a lot of craic.Any chance The Open will be held in Ireland?Other courses we discuss: Old Head; links courses like Lahinch and Waterville; the buzz now is the golf course at Adare Manor, which is outside of Limerick which owner JP McManus has put a lot of money into the course and it will host the 2026 Ryder Cup.What is best time of year to visit Ireland?Where to stay in Dublin? Westbury Hotel in the center of Dublin.; walk nearly everywhere you want to go, they have two restaurants in house, a great bar and afternoon tea … it’s an easy place for people to meet me there. And they have great concierges who have been there forever and really know the city. It’s just become a home away from home.First-timers to Dublin should see: Guinness Storehouse, the Book of Kells at Trinity College, and Kilmainham Jail to get your head around Irish history in about two hours. Writers Museum at Parnell Square, Hugh Lane Gallery, and art gallery, which has Francis Bacon’s studio, home of James Joyce is also nearby. For many years there has been an exhibition of the poet W.B. Yeats at the National Library of Ireland which is also worth checking out, EPIC Museum. It is a museum about Irish Emigration and it’s interactive, very well done, a great spot for the whole family, see plays at The Abbey and The Gate theaters.Where to eat? Dunne and Crescenzi which is an Italian place with great coffee excellent food and good prices. For authentic Irish cuisine, you could try the Winding Stair. And there is a new great Asian place called Pickle. Bewley’s Café on Grafton Street is an institution and it was closed for years but when it reopened, they really retained what was special about it. There is no shortage of good restaurants in Ireland. The Irish cuisine is excellent … a foodie culture has definitely developed. Immigrants from around the world have brought their traditions and dishes to Ireland and that’s made it all the better. Gone are the days of only fish and chips. Go to Burdock’s if you want good fish and chips.How about hiking?About 40 minutes outside of town you can do a cliff walk from Bray to Greystones, which is lovely on a nice day. It’s not strenuous, it’s pretty flat. And the gardens at the Powerscourt estate are nearby and a nice place to find a quiet spot, as well as grab a bite.Star Wars shot there. off the beaten path: Lough Hyne. Lough is the Irish word for lake and this lake is not far from the town of Skibbereen. You can do a night kayak trip there from about 9 p.m. ‘til midnight. It’s magical. The lake is bioluminescent. incredible meal at O’Connors Seafood Restaurant in Bantry in West Cork. The Chef there, Anne Marie Butler, is one of Ireland's finest.Benedictine monks at Glenstal Abbey, the former Abbot, Mark Patrick Hederman, attend vespers and often get to enjoy
Susan is just back from Hong Kong with some travel intel and insights about whether you should head to this bucket list destination. The demonstrations, some turning violent, give people a lot of concern.In our podcast here, we don't tell you to go or not to go.But we give you a lot of information to digest.Here are some sites we mentioned:If you go, check in with this site first: is the site for Hong Kong subway: Kong Airport site: is the recipe for the Konghattan -- the drink we created and enjoy while talking to you here: episode from Hong Kong:
He’ll be playing in the Hope for the Warriors Invitational coming up in Wallace North Carolina at River Landing. He holds two World Series rings. And he is known as “the glue”. Plus he has been a guide for us on Undercover Jetsetter. We talk to baseball great Doug Flynn. The Hope for the Warriors Invitational is August 25 and 26, 2019 at River Landing country club -- in Wallace North Carolina which is just north of Wilmington. go to
We have a great charity golf event for you. It is coming up August 25 and 26th at River Landing in North Carolina. And we will be there. Come join us. You will be helping our veterans who served our country.It is a great time -- while also very inspiring.You will hear from Robin Kelleher. She is the President and CEO of Hope for the Warriors. www.hopeforthewarriors.orgthe
We have a great charity and celebrity-golf event for you. It is the Hope For The Warriors Invitational. It is August 25-26, 2019. We are going to tell you about it. And we’re going to talk to one of the celebrities, one of the great NFL coaches, Rex Ryan.It is at the River Landing Country Club in Wallace, North Carolina -- which is just north of Wilmington, North Carolina. John will be there Rex Ryan. He is the former head football coach for the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills. He is currently an analyst for ESPN’s Sunday NFL countdown.
So you want to hit Boston. Say it right first. It is Boston.Next, listen to our expert.He can tell you what to do. And he can get you out of trouble too – because he is a local attorney.Ken Lakin, a local attorney who has lived in Boston all of his life, went Boston College including law school, and you saw him on our bucket list segment we did on Boston – and going to a Red Sox Yankees game. He has restaurants, things to do, hotels to stay, and when to go to Boston. Sit back and listen in.
Do you like to run? Well we have some races for you coming up in the area from Myrtle Beach South Carolina to Wilmington North Carolina.The man who makes them happen is our guest. We will talk to him about these races, why you should come down, and why they are so successful in the Carolinas.This is just another reason this area is booming.Dave Hutnik runs Coastal Race Productions and Awesome Website guys is also an Undercover Jetsetter golf course go-to-guy. You can see him on some of golf pieces. Just go to tells us about three big races coming up in the Fall of 2019 you need to plan for.
We all saw the moving ceremonies for the 75 Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion that ended World War-2 in Europe.You want to go. We have the expert to help you.Plus, we may be putting together an excursion, so stay tuned.In the meantime, heare John's interview with Retired Marine Corp General Dick Vercauteren. He is a recipient of the Navy Distinguished Service Medal who served in Vietnam. He is also a world traveler. He tells us the museums, hotels, restaurants, and even the golf courses to hit.Here is one museum Dick mentions: is the Omaha Beach Golf club: the Churchill Hotel in Bayeaux:
It is one of the great food towns that most people don’t know about. We’re going to entice you with Providence Rhode Island. Check out Pat Cruz's site: www.patcruzevents.comAnd this site for all events in Providence: https://www.goprovidence.comHere is the Providence Performing Arts Center: https://www.ppacri.orgAnd Trinity Rep: was fortunate to graduate from Providence College in Providence Rhode Island. I also was a reporter and anchor at WPRI in Providence. So over the years I have spent a lot of time there. It has a salty reputation from back in the 70s as a home for The New England mafia. In fact, I was there as the feds were cracking down on the Patriarca crime family. Providence also had its political characters like former mayor, and convicted felon, the late Buddy Cianci. In fact, there is a play coming up – on buddy’s life -- at Trinity Rep – one of the great playhouses in the US – you should take in if you visit the Ocean State.Providence has its own New England accent. Unless you lived in New England you would have a difficult time differentiating it from a Boston or a New York accent. Providence also has its own language. A milkshake there is called a cabinet.In Rhode Island and in Providence, it’s a quahog – not a clam. And while driving, a rotary is known as a round-about.Providence is also a rebuilt city that is a joy to visit with a great waterfront on Narragansett Bay. It’s food culture comes from the mix of Italian and Portuguese immigrants who make up a lot of providence and Rhode Island throughout the 20th century. To help us explore the culinary experience in Providence, let me bring in an expert.Pat Paolino Cruz is a Rhode Island resident. She runs Pat Cruz events. She puts on a number of events like the taste of Rhode Island.She has a long list of great things to try. Listen in.
I am no longer just a TV host. I am a hot leg model.Well, not really. But my legs look and feel much better.You will meet the doctor in the Carolinas who took care of me.We are going to talk some medical and health stuff in the Carolina boom area – from south of Myrtle Beach all the way north of Wilmington North Carolina. My guest is Dr. Michael Cahn. He is a surgeon practicing in a lot of areas around here.You can reach him and at is one of the reasons this area is attracting so many people and businesses.
Stephen Root is one of the most prolific character actors of our time. Check out his credits here. John has been friends with Stephen for more than 20 years. They got together in Wilmington, NC where Stephen is shooting an indie film. He talks about that, his career, the changing film industry thanks to Netflix and Amazon. This was recorded at True Blue Butcher and Table in Wilmington, NC.
Going all out -- to know your family history.Hear from the author who uncovered the story of his father and uncle during World War Two – fighting the Nazis and the Soviets.And the story comes full circle in his European homeland -- in a few days from now.It is a fascinating and inspiring story – that could help your family history research.The book is called Captured in Liberation. It chronicles the story of a family caught between the Nazis and Soviets in World War-2 when Hitler and Stalin secretly planned to exterminate and split Poland. The author is Andrew Bajda. He is a business professor at Cuyahoga Community College outside of Cleveland, Ohio.
Newport RI is a must-see for anyone near New England. It is a seaport with great food, great views, history from the Gilded Age, and a ton of events and nightlife from Spring through Fall. We talk to Cathy Ray, former news anchor in Rhode Island, and John's co-anchor in Las Vegas, about living there and how to enjoy it. She has tips on planning and what to do when you get there. And what time of year. Cheers
We have a great celebrity and charity golf tournament coming up in the Columbia South Carolina area – that you need to know about so you can join us.The tournament is called the Children’s Chance Celebrity golf tournament. Go to this website: speak to longtime professional golfer, and 4-Time World one club champion and Guinness book of world records holder Thad Daber.Here is our TV segment on Thad on Youtube:
If you come to the south – for either vacation or to move down here -- you will need to learn about beach music and shagging.And it is not the shagging of Austin Powers. No this is the dance of the south.And we will talk to a legend about it. His name is Big John Thompson.I am sipping on the Jetsetter Mule with bourbon, spiced rum, and Bai Gingerale. You can see it on our mixology page on is beach music here which has Southern roots in rhythm and blues, Motown, big band, and rock and rollIt is a culmination of the black and white cultures in the 20th Century.Then there is the dance of the south – which is shagging.It is an art form. Take a look at our Youtube channel and we show you shagging. It was posted on July 8, 2018 here: know more about shagging and beach music, I sat down with a legend. His name is Big John Thompson. He is one of the great bass singers for decades here. And he told me why shagging is so popular.SOTThanks to Big John Thompson. If you want more info on shagging and beach music in the Carolinas. Go to www.shagdance.comAs great as the economy is down here, there are also some financial burdens that keep many of us from jet setting the way we want. It doesn’t have to be. Even if you are older and sick there are ways to protect your assets and your family. Plus there is a great business opportunity. Call this number 910-239-2279. That’s 910-239-2279. And we will fill you in protecting yourself and looking at this business opportunity.Remember to check into our Facebook and youtube channels at Undercover Jetsetter. On twitter we’re at uc foodie tv. And our site is slash undercover jetsetter.We will have more here on our podcasts here on Spreaker.SA: Keep jetsetting, everyone.
She was one of the last in Notre Dame Cathedral before the fire.Hi everyone. John Daly here. Welcome to Undercover Jetsetter Radio.We are joined by Alecia Fife. She is from Las Vegas. She is a teacher and a personal trainer.She is talking to us from Amsterdam.
Miami and South Beach were devastated by Hurricane Irma. How can all of us help even if we live outside the area or we just love to visit?John Daly and his Undercover Jetsetter cohost Susan Anzalone speak with Kelly.Let’s bring in our friend and contributor -- Kelly Edge. She is a celebrity interior designer. You’ve seen her on HGTV. You also saw that she helped Undercover Jetsetter on our tour of Miami and South Beach. And she plays in a lot of Celebrity-Golf events with me.Kelly talks about how things are improving. Most of the buildings, she says, survived without much damage. the problem was the trees knocking out power lines. And so far, the electricity is not back on. Still, she thinks Miami and South Beach will be ready for tourists by the time winter tourist season begins.We did this interview on Wednesday September 13.She also filled us on on a great restaurant she took us to -- the restaurant in a gas station -- El Carajo International Tapas and Wine. It is still there serving wine and tapas, but because it is at a gas station so many folks are trying to fill up but can't because there is no gas.We hope to get down there once South Beach Miami or back to show how people can support the area.
There’s a great golf event coming up in Columbia South Carolina at the Columbia Country Club.It is the 2017 Children’s Chance Celebrity Golf Event.Website is www.childrenschancesc.orgIt will be September 10th and 11th.All the proceeds go to Children’s Chance, a charity that helps families with kids that have pediatric cancer and the devastating effects to the whole family sometimes.A lot of my friends will be there – including my guest Thad Daber, professional golfer who has won the World one-club championship 4 times and holds the guiness world record. But he gives a lot of time to charity events.
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