Understanding God's Word

Welcome to UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WORD – an easier explanation of the THE STORY LINE OF THE BIBLE, and THE QUOTES AND STORIES FROM JESUS. The most recent series is called BIBLE SEEDS, my commentary on bible readings and whats happening to us in our daily lives. Type Carl Vasta into any browser to get to my website and download FREE videos, MP3s, PDFs and music that I wrote and performed.

Bible Seeds: Jesus' Three Days In The Tomb

Bible Seeds:  Joseph of Arimathea was given permission by Pilate to take the body of Jesus’ and give it a burial in a new tomb he had just prepared for himself. In the book of John, Chapter 19, verse 39, “Joseph and another disciple named Nicodemus, came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds.” The Jews prepared a body for burial like they were taught when they lived in Egypt, and now it was their custom to use a mixture of myrrh and aloes to bind the body with strips of linen, and it would be wet until it solidified. . . . or like a mummy! This is probably what the apostles saw in the tomb, an empty shell without a body! And they believed! What happened to Jesus during the three days before the tomb was opened is not immediately told in a story form but is discovered in other readings.  From these readings, we find out where the real Paradise is.  It's not up there,  but down below the Earth!


Bible Seeds: The Meaning Of Easter - Three Examples From Jesus

Bible Seeds:  This podcast shows three examples that Jesus is God"s Word made flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The first example is that Jesus proved He has the authority fo forgive only what God can forgive.  Your sins!The second example shows that Jesus has the power  with God the Father to raise people back to life!  So when He says,  "I am the ressurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me will live even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die!"  He is telling you the truth.The third example  shows that; first of all, Jesus was raised back to life and is victorious over death!  And even though you claim to believe in Jesus, if you are stubborn in your unbelief of all that Jesus has said and done,  you will not be raised to life and live with Him in Heaven! But your spirit will live in torment ever after!Remember what Jesus said to Thomas,  "You became a believer because you saw me.  Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed!"


Bible Seeds: The Great Divide

Bible Seeds: Many nations and kingdoms have come and gone, and people have mistakenly thought that political leaders or kings of their culture were responsible for establishing the foundations of righteousness. Unfortunately, the foundations of righteousness do not exist in any mortal culture, but only God’s Kingdom.


Bible Seeds: Our World Is A Strange Place

Bible Seeds" God made this world a heavenly paradise, but it sure has turned into a strange place. God made our forefathers invent an interesting Courtroom called Congress to test the hearts and the strength of men and women, who sell themselves like hookers and “LIE” straight to your face, smiling at you! The sweet women who used to tell us “Don’t worry, it will be okay”, have been forced to become “Mama Bears” at Congress, Courts and School Boards to protect their children and themselves from these morally bankrupt leaders who would take all our money and think nothing of TAXING OUR HUMAN DIGNITY! And those are the people we have to lead this nation into the future? Tell me, would we believe it if they sent us a Valentine’s card saying how much they love us?So Who Can You Trust?


Bible Seeds: Why All Of God's Word Is True

Bible Seed: I have often heard a person say, “How can we believe the words in the bible when it has been written by so many people? Because basically it was all written by God! Jesus explained it at the Last Supper; how God’s word was given to mankind by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Bible Seeds: Play This Christmas Eve

Bible Seeds: This Sunday is Christmas Eve. A day for celebration not only by the children of the world, but by God's children of FAITH! Remembering when our Father in Heaven reached down to us ordinary people and delivered a newborn baby named Jesus, His Son, and asked us to belive what He would say to us. "I am the resurrection and the life . Whoever believes in me will live even though he dies; and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die."


Bible Seeds: The Hanukkah-Christmas Celebrations - 2023 ( The "Hanukkah - Christmas Song )

Bible Seeds: The celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas is coming up this month. Hanukkah starts on December 07th and ends the 15th. Jerusalem was delivered from the cruel king, Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), by Maccabees in the month of Chislev (our month of December in 165 B.C.) This time of deliverance has been celebrated by the Jews as Hanukkah, or the Feast of Lights. The story is told in this podcast.Christmas starts four weeks before the 25th of December. It is referred to as The Christmas Advent and is recognized by many Christians as the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December, which is Christmas day. His story is told in this podcast.And finally, here is my song for both Hanukkah and Christmas. It’s called Invitation, the Hanukkah – Christmas song. It shows that both those of the Jewish faith and the Christian faith are waiting for the coming of the Messiah!


Bible Seeds: My Sheep Know My Voice

Bible Seeds: For thousands of years, shepherds who live In Israel or the Eastern part of that world, have brought their flocks of sheep into one centralized sheepfold, which is an enclosure made of stone, wood, or a combination of both. It has sturdy walls or fences that prevent the sheep from wandering off or being attacked by predators and keep the sheep safe at night or during bad weather. There are usually five or six dozen flocks of sheep from different shepherds gathered together in this one place and guarded by a gatekeeper who oversees the sheep behind locked doors or fences. In the morning the shepherds return and each calls his own sheep. Although the flocks have been mingled together, each flock knows its own shepherd's voice, and follows its own shepherd and will not follow any other.What about the statement Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice?” Why don’t we take that seriously? Keep in mind that God spoke to His people directly, even though there was some written scripture. And even through Revelation in our standard bibles! Those people heard God! The bible makes the point that God has not changed!Does that mean God talks to His people today? Yes! Those who put their faith in Him and listen will hear His voice. Jesus backs it up by saying at the last supper: John, Chapter 14: verse 26 & Chapter 16: verses 13-15


Bible Seeds" Prejudice

Bible Seeds: Prejudice can be described as a preconceived opinion that has no reason, facts or actual experience behind it. The term “prejudice” comes from the Latin meaning for “injustice” or “prior judgment.” When you even look at the word pre-jud-ice, it almost sounds like pre -judge or pre- justice.You may often hear people that are discussing religion say, “That may be your truth, but that’s not my truth!” as if facts were debatable! They just explain it away as “My truth is what I believe to be true”.


Bible Seeds: Bringing Order To Chaos [ Re-boadcast ]

Bible Seeds: This podcast was one that was broadcast a year ago, but I think it needs to be rebroadcast again because of all the traumatic events that have taken place recently and the combination of wars, the devastating effects of a “no borders policy”, inflation and and cities not defending the rights of it’s residents over criminal lawlessness. Add to that the loss of parents rights to determine what their children are being taught in public education and a complete view of CHAOS happening World Wide! Is there any way to bring ORDER to all the Chaos in our lives?


Bible Seeds: Is Ezekiel 38 Starting In Israel?

Bible Seeds: After the death of King Solomon, Israel was divided into two kingdoms: The 10 tribes of Israel, ( the Northern Kingdom) and The 2 tribes of Judah, ( the Southern Kingdom. ) God sent many great prophets ( Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Elijah, Obadiah, and Ezekiel ), to warn the kings and people of each nation not to worship idols and not to disobey God! But the people didn’t take the warnings seriously and were removed from the promise land and lived in exile in Babylon for at least seventy years.The prophet Ezekiel lived in exile in Babylon during the period before and after the fall of Jerusalem. His prophecy is for the people of Israel in the last days. Some believe that there are two different prophecies of war in the “last days”, besides the last “Armageddon” war. That is Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38!


Bible Seeds: Living Between The Lightning And Thunder

Bible Seeds: Many people have experienced rain, lightning and thunder. And we have ofen counted the seconds between the lightning flash and sound of thunder, although they are not always the same amount of time but thunder consistently follows the flash of lightning.So Jesus Christ's, lightning victory, was real over death! Satan lost control of this world because many of the Christians became "the great opposition" to those who did the deeds of the Devil. "The good news of the gospel" was presented and "salvation offered" to those who would believe in God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit!We are now living in the seconds between Jesus' lightning victory and God's Thunder, the time Jesus will return with His Saints to take possession of the world from Satan and throw him into the great abyss for a thousand years and destroy all his works!


Bible Seeds: A Beginning Gift Of God

Bible Seeds: There is a beginning gift that God has given to all of his human creation. It is the gift of "Compassion". It is given to every person living on this planet. Some of us have decided to ignore it for our own selfish reasons, but everyone has it It's given to the athesist and every sect of religion ever invented. To all people!


Bible Seeds: A Society Practicing Tribulation

Bible Seeds: Human beings have often been facinated by scary things; stories and movies; even celebrations like Halloween. Ancient civilizations have long feared dragons and demons. But there is another evil that is being practiced today by governments, politicians, judges, schools, military, businesses and people in the general population. These are the people who practice some of the threats stated in the book of Revelation in the bible. That story is about the end of all evil perpetrated by the devil, his demons and all who are possessed by those who follow in the devil's footsteps!


Bible Seeds: Brothers, Sisters And Mothers Throughout The World

Bible Seeds: Living in these days and time, we think of people in terms of nations and countries. Because of political ideas and the world of the media, we might thinik that people living in these places agree with those who rule their nation. But that is not true!Just because a ruler is a communist doesn't mean the people suffering under his leadership believe in socialism or communism. Many times they are forced to replace a picture or a cross of Jesus with a picture of the "Great Leader" of that country!But there are people living under government rules that have a strong faith in God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. They exist in many places all over the world. And as one body, we Christians are a relatively new ethnicity! We are like the description that John spoke of what he saw in heaven. 'A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne of God, the head of this body, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit'. But we are still on the Earth waiting for the government of Jesus - the thousand year reign and the coming of GOD's New Heaven!


Bible Seeds: The Answer That Job Never Heard - ( Part 2 )

Bible Seeds: The way i understood the first words God said to Job was, "Does God Have A Valid Critic?" And God asks Job for his answers to questions like "Where were you when I created the Earth?" God asks Job questions for the next three chapters that cannot be answered by anyone. And Job says "In the past I knew only what others had told me, but now I have seen you with my own eyes, so I am ashamed of all I said and repent in dust and ashes. God restored Job's losses and gave him twice as much as he had before. But the question of WHY was not answered in the book!God blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning and he lived one hundred and forty years and saw his children and grandchildren for four generations. So he diied, "old and full of days."But what Job didn't hear that was explained to the generations beyond Moses and by Paul, the Apostle of Jesus, in the book of Romans, chapter 8: verse 28, was "We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be a part of His plan."andthe book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29: verse 11 - God says, "For I know the plans I have for you - plans to prosper you and not to harm you . . . plans to give you hope and a future."But the most important thing we have to realize about our Creator is when He tells us, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts then your thoughts." [ found in the book of Isaiah, chapter 55, verses 8-9 ]


Bible Seeds: Does God Have A Valid Critic? - ( Part 1 )

Bible Seeds: Does God Have A Valid Critic ( Part 1 ) What makes criticism valid? Is it when people criticise someone but they don't have the knowledge or the experience to qualify the point they are trying to make. I started by relating what happened to me on a job. It reminded of a story in the bible from one of the oldest books, but I got off on a tanget to where these books came from and then told the story of a book called JOB. It's not about a computer guy but its a story where a person is a target of evil, but doesn't know why God allowed to happen. God doesn't really give him an answer for that but asks Job "Does God have a critic? How many people are wondering "Why" about many things. At this point, we look at other Gods and then at Paul in Athens, Greece and his speech on Mars Hill.Next Podcast: ( Part 2 ) The Answer That Job Didn't Get From God


Bible Seeds: This Makes Believing A Lot Easier

Bible Seeds: I was wondering the other day, What makes people's faith stronger? No matter if it's faith in God, your doctor, your parents, your husband, your wife , your children, your neighbor, a friend, your pastor. The very thing that makes your faith stronger in each other has to be THE TRUTH!In the fur gospels, Jesus did not waste His words. Many times the point He makes only takes a paragraph or two. And even though the disciples would ask Him what He meant, about a parable or story He told, Jesus asked them why they didin't understand! Then he would explain it differently so they would get it.But there was a phrase Jesus used commonly and He said it in differents ways. Jesus said "I tell you the truth" seventy eight times in the new Testament gospels of the King James Bible.There are nineteen bible verses Jesus said, that start with or contain the words, Truly truly, I say to you". There may have been a time that the Apostles thought they lost Jesus to the cross, but they were filled with joy at His resurrection and they knew that all Jesus told them was true and they would join Jesus in heaven and their bodies would be like His and they would live wonderfully forever! And they remembered what Jesus had tol them: "I am the way, The Truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.


Bible Seeds: Pray For A Corrupted Nation - also a song - "America The Free"

Bible Seeds: How can we pray for corrupted nation? We certainly cannot deny that we are in the midst of experiencing the effect of a corrupted nation! if you have lived for a long time as I have, you remember a different America. A people more proud of their inheritance; a land where laws were taken seriously and peopl enjoyed a happier life. Parents took pride in their families, their mates and their children.Teachers were happy to educate the young ones to reading and writing skills, and how to work with numbers: add, subtract, multiply and divide; how to work with fractions and percentages. They took care in telling us about the history and the geography of our nation. We were taught about the simple things of science: air, water, light, gravity, magnetism, and electricity. There was more reverence for God and not the mockery we experience in today's world. The United States planted a flag on the moon and the 200th aniversary of our nation was coming up. I had been writing songs and i wrote one to celebrate "America" This was and is a new song didicated to: the power the American peeople have when they exercise their right to VOTE.They are choosing a moral direction for America, a land where they want to live and raise their children. The framers o the Constitution planned it so that the people would be able to decide what direction America should travel. We have found that if you elect liars, thugs, robbers, and thieves as your leaders you will be lied to, robbed, and have your lives stolen from you! Let us pray: that God will give us the wisdom to elect leaders who have a strong faith, like our Founding Fathers, and who are willing to promote moral well being among our people and teach the value of the FREEDOMS given to us in our Bill Of Rights and our Constitution.


Bible Seeds: Those Who Won't Be Judged By God

Bible Seeds: The twenty third Psalm in the Bible contains a sentence that states: "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou (meaning God) art with me"Did anyone ever ask where this 'valley of the shadow of death' exist? It exist right here on Earth! In fact, it is The Earth! We all live in the shadow of death! it happens to everone and most peopl are scared of dying. But this is where the meaning is separated according to what each person believes. The next line in this Psalm is "for God is with me!". Now this can present a problem. The bible speaks of a great judgment at the end of our lives where everone will be held accountable for all the good or bad things they did while they were here, on the Earth.


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