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Unfeigned Christianity

Author: Asher Witmer

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Following Jesus faithfully in our current cultural moment.
102 Episodes
Hey friends, I just wanted to pop in here and say "Thank you!" to all of you who've reached out and expressed that you're praying for me and my family with the health issues that have come up in the last couple of months. I'm grateful that I am feeling better. My energy is recovering and the last several weeks have been quite a bit better all around. Here's a bit of an update. Please continue to pray for us as you think about it.
Hello friends,   This month has been a pretty difficult month for us as a family. I've been hit with some fairly significant health issues and it has led us to put pretty much everything on hold as we seek out some answers. Here's an update on everything.   We envy your prayers and thank you for your participation in this work!   Grace and peace. Asher
Sometimes we mistakenly center ourselves in the story of the Bible, as though the Bible is all about answering our questions and giving us direction for life. But the Bible is not simply about helping us navigate through life successfully.  It could be said the Bible is about God—who he is, what he has done, and what he is doing. More specifically, the Bible is Messianic literature. It’s about the Messiah: the God who became human. Therefore, it’s about US—God and Man. Following Jesus is about becoming him, becoming a part of His body. Why might it be important for us to see the Bible as a story of humanity becoming the body of Christ as we read it? You can send your feedback to To access the early-bird enrollment of the Live Free video series, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Become a Member: Become a member of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon for as little as $5/month and take your journey deeper. We have five different tiers of membership with a variety of bonus content resources available. Check it out here.  Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email |
I recently published an article, Is It Sinful to Use “Transgender Pronouns”? In the article, I explored how Rosaria Butterfield recently “repented” from using what she calls, “transgender pronouns.” Why is she doing that? Should you feel the same way? A few people responded with some questions that I thought were worth responding to in a specific episode. So that's what we dive into today. How do you think we can best build bridges with folks choosing to identify as transgender? You can send your feedback to Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Become a Member: Become a member of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon for as little as $5/month and take your journey deeper. We have five different tiers of membership with a variety of bonus content resources available. Check it out here.  Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email |
How does the rest of the world view the Christianity that comes from the West? David Swartz does a wonderful job giving us reminding us that evangelical networks not only go out to, but also come from, the ends of the earth as he shares stories of resistance, accommodation, and cooperation in his book Facing West. Then we dive into the third paradigm shift that helps us better understand the story of the Bible. That is that Jesus saw himself embedded within a large story. Why is it important to understand that the Old and New Testaments are not separate messages but one continuous message climaxing in Jesus? You can send your feedback to Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Become a Member: Become a member of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon for as little as $5/month and take your journey deeper. We have five different tiers of membership with a variety of bonus content resources available. Check it out here.  Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email |
God Doesn't Waste a Thing! That's the book I talk about at the beginning of this episode. Even when life has changed in inconvenient ways, God will use it to further his purposes, as Luke Chance shares in his beautiful testimony of redemption. After the blurb about the book, we dive into the second paradigm shift that helps us better understand the story of the Bible: it's made up of many pieces of writings written by many different authors.  Since the Bible was written by many different people, what implications does this have for how we read and study the Bible? You can send your feedback to Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Become a Member: Become a member of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon for as little as $5/month and take your journey deeper. We have five different tiers of membership with a variety of bonus content resources available. Check it out here.  Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email |
This week I discuss two books I've been reading, Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard and Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Duggar Vuolo, and an important lesson I was reminded of as I've read them. Then, we dive into everything it does and doesn't mean that the Bible is a story. Does the fact that the Bible is a story mean we don't have follow any of its rules? We get into all that and more in this week's episode. What is your biggest question about the Bible being a story? You can send your feedback to Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Become a Member: Become a member of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon for as little as $5/month and take your journey deeper. We have five different tiers of membership with a variety of bonus content resources available. Check it out here.  Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email |
Hey friends! Welcome to 2024! To kick things off, I'm going to be sharing a series of episodes with you that addresses how we ought to interact with scripture. It'll be a paradigm shift for many of us: the Bible is a story, not a reference book. Today's episode introduces it all. Enjoy! How does viewing the Bible as story instead of as a reference book change the way you approach it? You can send your feedback to Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Become a Member: Become a member of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon for as little as $5/month and take your journey deeper. We have five different tiers of membership with a variety of bonus content resources available. Check it out here.  Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email |
As an end of year roundup, I discuss the interviews I did in 2023 that were highlights to me plus share my top 5 reads of the year. Here are some time-stamps for the episode: The birth of our daughter (0:32). My three favorite conversations from the last year (1:56). Quarterly guided studies coming up in 2024 (24:42). WAP in 2024 (27:43). My five favorite reads (29:33).  What are your favorite reads of this past year? You can send your feedback to If you would like to become a member of Unfeigned Christianity, click here.  Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
This episode is exclusively for our valued patrons on Patreon. In this episode, I dive into three valuable lessons I've learned the hard way about spiritual abuse. These lessons aren't just "failures vs. successes," but rather insights gained through challenging experiences that can benefit us all. Access the episode here. Here's what you can expect: Raw discussion: I've gone through some experiences that were pretty tough to sort through and I share about the disillusionment that comes with that. Practical lessons: As a result of those experiences however, I've learned a lot about having greater self-awareness when it comes to spiritual leadership, church dynamics, and disciple-making. Three key lessons and responses: We're not just going to look at the negative side but offer a healthier way forward as well. If you're interested in this episode and haven't already joined the Unfeigned Christianity Patreon community, I invite you to explore the benefits of membership: Access exclusive member-only content like this episode. Support the work of Unfeigned Christianity. Join a community of like-minded Christians seeking deeper understanding. Try out our membership for free for seven days! This allows you to access this episode and experience the benefits firsthand. Thank you for being a part of Unfeigned Christianity. Together, we can continue exploring what it means to live faithfully in our current cultural moment. Please note: This episode is only accessible to members of Unfeigned Christianity on Patreon.
In this episode, I share some reflections on being a part of the Christian community, particularly relating to my experiences with the challenges of maintaining faith within flawed institutions. I opened up about my previous experiences with panic attacks, depression, and dealing with some personal and systemic issues in church communities, which sometimes led me to ask raw questions about faith and the role of the church. What I've discovered, however, is that despite the faults and failings, the church is not as terrible as it might seem. It is filled with people who are on their own complex faith journey and who are also striving to live a more Jesus-embodying life. Contrary to my assumptions coming out of some really difficult experiences, there are people willing to have open-minded conversations about differing perspectives and issues within Christian communities. While our experiences may cause us to doubt, it is important to remember our experiences are just a small part of the larger picture. There is hope for healthier Christian communities. What makes you the most hesitant to open to people? You can send your feedback to Get cash back on all gas purchases: This free app gets you cash back on gas! Use promo code ASHER52753 to get a $7 bonus on your first purchase. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you think. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
It's been three months since I released an update. I share why in this personal update.  What would you like to see from this channel going forward?? You can send your feedback to If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
It was a pleasure to sit down with Dorcas Smucker and discuss all kinds of things, not the least of which included parenting. We spent a good bit of time in the expanded version reflecting on some of the broken systems we've been a part of and talking about what to do when we realize we are currently participating in such a system. You can access that version here. Be sure to check out Dorcas' blog and her books for yourself. What are things you've learned about parenting? You can send your feedback to If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
I had the honor of talking with Kristi Mast about her experience in Bible college, discovering the whole scope of Scripture more in-depth, and the importance of women getting this sort of Bible training. Kristi serves on staff with Sattler College, and has recently published a Bible study specifically designed for guided women through the process of studying the Bible for themselves. You can check it out here. How do people view women getting theological training in your church setting? You can send your feedback to If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
I am SO EXCITED to tell you that we've opened enrollment once again to ​Finding My Place in God's Story​. I share the full scoop in today's episode of Unfeigned Christianity. Finding My Place in God's Story walks you through a 5-part process for understanding scripture and discovering your life's purpose. You can learn all the details about the course and how to sign up through this link. Don't wait -- enrollment isn't open for long! P.S. Enrollment is open until Friday. H
"If the Bible is story and not a reference book where we find answers to theological questions, moral guidance for navigating ethical issues, or inspiration for the day, what are we to do when we face ethical struggles? Are you telling me not to go to the Bible for answers? What do we do with the various beliefs about God and doctrine and so forth? What do we do when we struggle to feel inspired?" We look at all this and more in today's episode of Unfeigned Christianity. I'd love to hear what questions do you have about God's story and about connecting it with yours after you listen to this. You can send your feedback to You can read a transcript of this episode here. If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
As we continue our series on how to connect with God and your purpose through His story, we take a deep dive into what God's story is and how to read the Bible as story. Just like all good stories, in God's story there are many moving pieces and it can be easy to miss the story unless we take time to step back and observe it fully. That's what we learn how to do in today's episode. When you're done listening, I'd love to hear how seeing God's story and understanding the Bible as wisdom literature changes the way you've viewed scripture? What questions do you have about God's story and about connecting it with yours? You can send your feedback to You can read a transcript of this episode here. If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
Do you long to be close with God and have a deeper confidence that you know why you exist? I think many people feel distant from God and unclear about life because they haven't gotten a good grasp of His story. In this episode, we're beginning a three-part series on finding connection with God and clarity about life purpose through a better understanding of His story.  When you're done listening, I'd love to hear whether you've ever seen your life as being a piece of God's greater story before? What questions do you have about God's story and about connecting it with yours? You can send your feedback to If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
My friend, Ricky Miller, joins me to discuss reading the Bible as story. Discovering the story nature of scripture has radically changed the way Ricky views the Bible. While this approach can feel modern, it's actually a more historically accurate approach to scripture. We've simply grown accustomed to the more rigid approach to scripture perpetuated by the Reformation and the Fundamentalist movement. Ricky serves as associate pastor of Skyline Mennonite Church, as well as a prison chaplain for New Horizons Ministries.  When you're done listening, I'd love to hear how reading the Bible as story impacts the way you view it? You can send your feedback to If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer
Dru joins me once again to dive deep into reading scripture as literature. How does this shape the way we interpret the Bible? Listen and find out!  You can hear more from Dru on his own podcast, That Jesus Podcast, where he explores what it means to be a radical apprentice of King Jesus. If you'd like to check out the Dwell App, click here. Be sure to rate and review the podcast to let us know what you thought. How does reading scripture as literature changes the way you understand the Bible? You can send your feedback to Subscribe to our email list: Be sure and at least subscribe to our email list as well as the podcast so you don't miss any future episodes. Dive Deeper: Become a member and access expanded podcast episodes and deep-dive essays sorting through issues Christians face so you can better love God and others from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. Order your copy of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Connect with Asher: Facebook | @asherwitmer Instagram | asher.witmer YouTube | Asher Witmer Twitter | AsherWitmer Email | Support Asher's Work: The best way to support Asher is to become a member. Venmo | @Asher-Witmer