Unfiltered with Claudia

A podcast with conversations touching on various topics from lifestyle, travel, culture, money saving tips, investment tips, sex and self love just to name a few.

Good deeds: A lesson in Kindness

A lot of times we are so wary of strangers talking to us because of all the bad things we see on the media however, a good deed happened to me this weekend that reminded me of the fact that there is good in this world and as much as it is easy to be jaded just remeber that there is beauty and people who believe in good and practive it!!! #kindness #seoultravel #openmind #traveltips #actsofservise


8am unfiltered conversations

I really thought this conversation will be nice to share so you all can listen to an unscripted conversation between adults with conflicting view points. The audio has been edited to respect peoples privacy (names and other personal information) but please feel free to chip in and comment if you resonate with anything we shared or if you have any questions and will like to chip in respectfully.


Lessons #1

Birthday feels


Is our self worth determined by who we date/our partner especially in these times of online dating.

This episode touches on the importance of how we handle people regardless for how short of a time we know them for. Everyone is at different levels of their self worth journey and it should not matter but when trying to date, your words carry weight. Trying to find someone to spend your life with requires trust, faith and vulnerability three things that do not come easily to people. The hope for this episode is that we all reflect about how we address people while respecting our boundaries.


Roe Vs Wade: Sorting out the feels.

The past week has been heavy with a lot of pro-Life/pro-Choice debates. Let's ultimately remember that everyone's journey us different and a such we don't agree, all we can do is be respectful to one another and respectfully disagree. Before disagreeing, have conversations to understand and not to prove a point.


Thinking about Adoption as a Single African Woman.

I have always known I was going to adopt but this thought process has become a self imposed fear as I get older. Not to the point of depression or mental health issues but in a very introspective way! Here is to hoping that if you are someone who has thought about this, please know you are not the only one!


The art of vulnerability and self exposure within complex relationships.

This week I decided to shoot my shot and got rejected. For people who take that risk, much respect. However, that got me thinking about the ways different individuals are vulnerable and how we as strangers do not see that struggle. However I hope I can spark some thought and conversations within your circle.


Recap of the month

Hi guys! This is just a quick recap of my travels this month!!! I was fortunate enough to complete a road trip from the east coast to the west coast and back. This was a quick summary and I hope you guys listen all the way to the end for what I think about some of the comments I received.


In this episode, we will be talking about my love for webtoons.

In honor of pride month, we will be talking about some of my favorite LGBT webtoons. Since this is a podcast about literally anything, I will be talking about some of my favorite webtoons in other episodes. Feel free to reach out to me through my IG (msKlaudia23) if you read webtoons and let me now what some of your favorite webtoons are.


Preveiw to Episode 3: Webtoons

Hi guys, thank you again to all who have listened. Welcome back this is a preview to episode 3 where I will be talking about my favorite webtoons and why they are at the top of my list! Feel free to leave a comment and follow the podcast if you like the content. Thank you! See you next episode!


Values and upbringing ... how important are they to you?

How do you want your kids to be brought up and what values do you instill in your kids? Are you the one who does not want your kids to be brought up like you were or are you the one who wants to stay as close to tradition as you can? Listen and tell me what you think


Today we are talking about being friends after a breakup with a partner.

So I recently went through a breakup and my partner kept insisting on being friends. How do you feel about being friends with your significant other after a breakup? #breakups #relationships #love #friendship #happiness #mentalhealth


Trailer: What is to come!

What to expect from the podcast.


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