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Unheard audios

Author: Lailouche

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A podcast by a star, and no matter what I'm right.
I'm a cool girl, I give you unfiltered, unhinged , unedited podcast audios.
I think too much to waste my friends time, these are the audios that I would've send my bestie. I have the best podcast (don't talk about Wondery I love them too much). I'm bored bye.
37 Episodes
Todays episod talks about how social media changed forever since 2020? we had consummers and product that was influencers, things changed and now everyone tries to post, and the marketing terms changed too, from share with your friends and family to share with the world and grow a community, that's not the same words, and I will talk about
Politics become bullies, Celebrities and projets, celebrities, don't work anymore, why are they looking like influencers
let's talk about bing watching Youtube My email:
I can cancel culture, but I hate bad people too.
To many advices, for different people, living in different countries, having different personnalities. Internet is fed with people's success stories, listen to podcasts with advices make you guilty of not changing your life 180 degrees.
Pact with myself to stop consumming "sucess story" format
manifestation, gratitude, and religion!
Nathalie BALLA example, Pause podcast, why college name matters, my take on sacrifice, carrer and personnal life balance.
Hi I'm Lailouche , I'm a first year undergraduate dregree student in a french uni and I had a take for this documentary that I loved:
First advice: Realize that you NEED a goal Second advice : Know wich one to realize Last advice : Be creative with the goal, I began to do sport in college because I know that trying to do it on my own will not happed, because it's not a priority when I'm home. In university, I'm already there and also I can't take a class and not attend, or I feel shame. Try new ways to atteign your goals and subscribe.
You're not the average of the FIVE people you surround with. It's way bigger than that. You're the average of all the people who surround you.
Statistics bullshit, victimhood, propaganda, denying free will.
switch your major if you don't like yours. I used to study licence d'économy et gestion, economy and management and I switched to business administration. I think that this is a good degree for me: 1. First thing first I like my degree 2. I have good grades 3. I don't feel like less than other people 4. My degree is not seen as "bad" enough at least. I still love economy and thinkt that economy can be my side lover and writing articles and reading essays is better than majoring in economy, which is more a math degree than anything else.
Soft life is bullshit wake up girls!!!! Tradwives, patriarcy, propaganda
Why your friends are not products of motivation, carrer opportunity my hot take
internships, college experience, graduates, bad startups
this is an episode about a singer that people want to be perfect advocators, I never liked the way people made celebrities be anything more that singers, people who sing songs, who go to concerts and win prices, nothing more nothing less.
These stories of love, passion, and adventure have been captivating hearts for centuries. And while some may write off romance as nothing more than trashy escapism, there are actually many good reasons why you should give these books a chance. For one, romance novels can be incredibly empowering for women. These stories often feature strong and independent female protagonists who are unafraid to go after what they want. They also feature more and more relationships, which is something that is often lacking in the real world. Romance books are often maligned as being silly, cliché, and unrealistic. But there’s more to them than meets the eye! In fact, romance books can be quite interesting, and even educational, if you know where to look. For example, many romance books deal with important topics like sexism, racism, and other forms of discrimination. They also often deal with tough topics like violence, abuse, and trauma. And while they may not always get it right, they can still provide valuable insights into these complex issues. So next time you’re looking for something to read, don’t write off romance books just yet. You might be surprised by how much you learn from them. In addition, romance novels can be a great way to escape from the stresses of everyday life. These stories provide a chance to escape into a world of fantasy, where nothing is impossible and love always triumphs in the end. They let you rebuild your vision about love with books who feature more and more real relationships than ever , with more representation of his readers identity. They give you an ideal love , that is really empowering for readers who lived in houses where love didn’t existed making them feel like they diserve better. Even if in our society Romance books are pointed to be unrealistic with high standards. 2. books that are predictable every body know that they will fall in love and be together. 3. A lot of stereotypes in these books. The problem with these accusations is that ALL FICTION work can be criticized this way. If people like to point out the weaknesses of romance I think it’s more a problem with women’s guts that people try to point out. Adventure books are filled with unrealistic performances of people who were on their couch for 32 years and in 1 month they run climb fight and run like they didn’t ache 5 months before when they run 10 minutes for the bus. Point the predictable aspect of romance is a little bit weird because in fantasy we know that in the end the object they search for will be found (Harry Potter) and I just don’t see the importance of Dystopia if we know that the message is basically that we should be aware of our actions in society. I will also say that self-help books can be resumed in one setence . Atomic habits it would be “ build good habits for your future self” Rich dad poor dad “ don’t trade you time for money but build systems that will make money for you” But it’s not the end of the book that we wait for it’s the journey that is more important than the destination of all the feelings, the way the writer of the self-help book motivates is, by the way, he writes nothing more or nothing less. As a romance reader I felt a lot of shame to say that my last book was twisted lies ( incredible btw), if someone told you ‘’gna gna gna, romance is shit” “gna gna gna that’s MY shit, and what do you read by the way”. Well, I’m not here to book-shame people (yes I invented it et alors?) but really it’s exhausting to always be seen as the least interesting reader, as someone who read basically every genre to finally stick with romance, yes reading romance is not “easy” if you read Mariana Zapata with a long slow burn or Collen Hoover books that could be tricky sometimes.
New money and why elegance exist? I think that rich people and middle class hate new money because they're the only one who actually are the most intelligent! They know that money is everything, and chic and elegance comes after.
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