United We Stream Podcast

UNITED WE STREAM █ the global club cultural platform and collaborative broadcasting initiative █ listen to our podcasts at Soundcloud, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts █ And in the radio: at Radio Flux FM's "Clubsandwich" (Friday & Saturday from 19.00 CEST) or Deutschlandfunk Nova's "Club der Republik" (Saturday from 19.00 CEST)

Redfreya (@redfreya) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 216

Redfreya (@redfreya) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 216 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Could you take us through a day in your life, from a possible morning routine through to your work? It depends on how many projects I have on the go at once; sometimes I am solely doing music, other times when I am working a 'day job' on the side, it comes and goes, so at those times life is very busy because it's 2 jobs :') . But I think a lot of artists can relate to this - gigging can be very up and down, especially in the phase of 'establishing yourself', and it can be reassuring to have a steady source of income during those phases. Regardless, a few key principles remain...I always start the day with a good coffee (this is like the highlight of my day haha) and a look at the sun (even though in London it's often raining)...I try to prioritise things to take care of my health, and one really important one for DJs is to work on your circadian rhythm - it's important to get outside in daylight first thing in the morning after waking as this exposure to sunlight helps to reset your sleep pattern. Usually I'm getting music admin or other 'day-job' type work tasks done during the day, and then it comes to producing and working on music for DJ sets etc, I prefer to do this in the evening when it's darker. Actually my favourite timing for studio work would be 7-8pm - 2-3am, I feel a lot more creative during these hours (which helps also for the DJ job) ! Finally, I have been working on having a proper wind-down routine at the end of the day - it's helpful to switch off all technology, and put the phone in another room / on airplane mode after a certain hour. I will try to do relaxing, present moment things for a bit at the end of the day, like meditate, read a book, take a bath etc, and get into the here & now because when we're working on tasks I think our brain gets so caught up in the future and our goals etc. Sometimes I'm also hitting the gym and sauna on evenings, also important for health! ▌II Which artist influenced you a lot? My favourite painter is Rothko and I am very inspired by him, just in use of colour to portray raw emotions. I love simplicity, and I like bold artwork, whatever the medium be it painting or music. I love art where the message is communicated with subtlety. I appreciate raw, distressed and imperfect elements in artwork too, as opposed to a glossy finish. Musically, I've been inspired / influenced by artists like Nicolas Jaar, Kollektiv Turmstrasse, Mano Le Tough, Stimming, Recondite and many more of course. ▌III How did you prepare this mix and what was your main inspiration? Once, during a set, a lighting engineer asked me exactly what mood I want to evoke with my music, and the answer always stuck with me (and I think it's very true in this set). I want to bring about a moody, groovy, hypnotic vibe - melodic, yet subtle and not 'in your face', but layered with quite intense emotional depth and some melancholic elements. I always think that being brought to feeling a bit sad on the dancefloor (or when listening music) is the best and it's a goal when I'm playing or making a mix. It helps you to feel the full spectrum of your emotions & release them. I really hope you'll enjoy this mix :) ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Redfreya (@redfreya) SC - https://soundcloud.com/redfreya █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #redfreya #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Soso Klein presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 215

Soso Klein (@soso-klein) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 215 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your history with music in general and DJ-ing especially? I come from a family where classical music was always played and listened to, and I played piano & harp during my childhood. I later discovered electronic music, then downtempo music from Germany, and immediately loved it. I started DJing in Berlin in the summer 2022 and it's been an incredible musical adventure since, which I can't wait to continue. ▌II How would you describe your style? I like to mix different genres of downtempo & mid-tempo in my DJ-sets, driven by groovy bass lines and melodic moments, and I try my best to share a story with the people and take the public on a musical trip. ▌III Which artist influenced you a lot? There are 2 electronic music artists who have had a particular impact on me, long before I started djing. The french producer Thylacine and the Leipzig-based band Wide Awake. There's often a track from one or the other in my DJ sets. For this United we Rise podcast, the closing track is one of my favourites by Thylacine: Memories from his album Transsiberian. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Soso Klein (@soso-klein) SC - https://soundcloud.com/soso-klein IG - https://www.instagram.com/soso__klein/ RA - https://de.ra.co/dj/sosoklein FB - https://www.facebook.com/sosokleinmusic █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #sosoklein #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


GIGEE (Spectrum / Mobilee / Katermukke) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 214

GIGEE (@gigee6 – Spectrum / Mobilee / Katermukke) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 214 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I How did you prepare this mix and what was your main inspiration? Soooo...Getting ready for a set is like laying out a roadmap, sorting through 100-150 tracks a couple of days beforehand. But when I hit the stage and feel the crowd's energy, that's when the real fun starts. I dive into their vibe, see what they're feeling, and let it steer the ship. It's all about being in the moment, reading the room, and crafting a unique experience together. So I pick each track after another based on that. There's something special about that live connection—it's where the magic happens. ▌II How does "Babylon" reflect your musical journey thus far? "Babylon" is more than just a track—it's a reflection of my personal and artistic evolution. It draws inspiration from the intricate tapestry of human emotions and experiences that shape us. Each note is a snapshot of where I am in my musical journey, capturing the essence of growth, exploration, and self-discovery. Through "Babylon," I aim to invite listeners into this journey, to resonate with the highs and lows, the twists and turns, and ultimately find solace in the shared human experience. ▌III "Babylon" seems to blend various genres seamlessly. How do you maintain this eclectic style while still staying true to your artistic vision? The eclectic blend of genres within "Babylon" is a reflection of my belief in the fluidity of music and the power of genre-bending experimentation. While my sound is often associated with melodic techno and indie dance, I'm not one to be confined by labels or boundaries. Instead, I draw inspiration from a diverse array of musical influences, spanning across electronic, world, ambient, and experimental genres.This approach allows me to infuse each track with a unique flavor and texture, ensuring that every listening experience is fresh and exciting. Whether it's the pulsating rhythms of techno, the infectious melodies of indie dance, or the ethereal atmospheres of ambient music, I aim to create music that resonates with listeners on a deep and emotional level. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ GIGEE (@gigee6 – Spectrum / Mobilee / Katermukke) IG - https://www.instagram.com/gigee6/ SC - https://soundcloud.com/gigee6 SP - https://open.spotify.com/artist/7mqebOCOql0RKtn1bGUdOd?si=VvBn0rFfR0SPdNf0GmmyVw █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #gigee #spectrum #mobilee #katermukke #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Djolee (Stil Vor Talent / Habitat / Rummel) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 213

Djolee (@djolee_music – Stil Vor Talent / Habitat / Rummel) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 213 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I How would you describe your style? Melodic & Percussive Trying to be as eclectic as possible on every performance as a DJ and when producing music inside the studio. ▌II Which artist influenced you a lot? Trikk - Frank Wiedemann - Frankey & Sandrino. ▌III What’s your favorite food? Asado (Argentinian Barbecue). ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Djolee (@djolee_music – Stil Vor Talent / Habitat / Rummel) SC - https://soundcloud.com/djolee_music IG - https://www.instagram.com/djolee.music/ LINKS - https://linktr.ee/djolee SP - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1HfGJTanZiMBHskJLQkRxL █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #djolee #stilvortalent #habitat #rummel #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


ANGST vor GRETA presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 212

ANGST vor GRETA (@angstvorgreta) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 212 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I How did you prepare this mix and what was your main inspiration? I wanted to share some tracks I loved from the past with new more bouncing ones. I really like to make the transitions with my vocals and to create variations that inspire me. ▌II Did you gain something positive from this time with Corona? Yes! I met a lot of artists. As no one could be on the roads, it allowed djs & artists to connect more via the internet and it was the begin of great collaborations. ▌III Is there some new things you learned in the last while? Did you find more inputs or new topics to focus on? Yes! I focus on what inspires me! There are a lot of new inputs coming and I love to play with them. And I recently learned how a wish can come true: feel the wish & try to forget about it. The day you less expect it, the dream will come true. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ ANGST vor GRETA (@angstvorgreta) SC- https://soundcloud.com/angstvorgreta BP - https://www.beatport.com/artist/angst-vor-greta/1065041 SP - https://open.spotify.com/artist/523kilxCABZGEE85KJHYre IG - https://www.instagram.com/angstvorgreta/ YT - https://www.youtube.com/@decidelamusic █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #angstvorgreta #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Gazbee (Wumanas) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 211

Gazbee (@gazbeee / Wumanas) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 211 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I How would you describe your style? My style is eclectic - it’s super diverse and I always say I’m genre-agnostic. My approach to music is all about storytelling - twists and turns and building excitement. Sometimes it can be bright, other times trippy, but it’s always groovy. The sets I make really reflect my state of mind at the time and sometimes even the state of the world. It keeps changing. ▌II What’s your favorite food? When I’m not doing music, I’m cooking so I’m going to cheat and share my favourite cuisine instead - which is Egyptian food! Not many people know what it is, and honestly it’s hard to describe but there are lots of super delicious dishes like molokheya, koshari, ful and fatta…yummmm. I’ll let you do the research! ▌III Which tracks marks a highlight in your set? I think every set has to have many highlights - It’s never just one! A highlight for me is an unexpected track, it’s that moment that gives you this sudden sinking feeling in your stomach (in the best way), heightens your senses or makes you feel these subtle vibrations on your skin. It’s that part that lifts your heart or suddenly makes you smile. You tell me which tracks in my set do that to you. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Gazbee (@gazbeee / Wumanas) SC - https://soundcloud.com/gazbeee IG - https://www.instagram.com/itsgazbee/ █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #gazbee #wumanas #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Babxi (Diskolusion) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 210

Babxi (@babxi / Diskolusion) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 210 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your history with music in general and DJ-ing especially? Since moving away from Canada at 20 years old, living in changing places (Asia, then Europe), dance floors have always been a constant in my adulthood. I’ve even been lucky enough to turn my passion for music and curiosity about the diverse characters of nightlife into professional opportunities, as a journalist – in Bangkok, I had a nightlife column for a major news website interviewing DJs, promoters and performers. In Berlin I’ve reported on diverse aspects of the local scene for international media from Lonely Planet to The Guardian and USA Today. That also brought me to a special connection to United We Stream in 2020 – I wrote about the platform in its earliest days for The Guardian and Thrillist, story about the creativity and perseverance of Berlin’s club scene despite the pandemic shutdown – a story I am very pleased I could help share to the world. During the pandemic, and time spent on a Thai island in a home frequented by touring DJs with no events but plenty of house parties, I was able to watch, learn, practice and really take the leap to translating my love of storytelling to production software and being on the decks. ▌II How would you describe your style? I describe my sound as a ‘Dreamcatcher of Disco and House’ – my aim is for my music to feel familiar, fresh… and of course, feel good. With high energy and positivity, I seek to appeal to the free spirits and old souls within us all. I believe that nostalgia is one of the most powerful forces in music, and though we often see samples misused and abused these days, we can all remember times when a certain lyric or melody connected us to beautiful past memories, different times and places. For me, nostalgia can mean digging for soul grooves, Motown samples, 90s vinyl tributing earlier sounds – in this way, I want my music to be a trip down memory lane that’s always intentional, and pay respect to dance music’s roots in amplifying lesser-heard voices. In short, my sound mostly spans worlds of disco, house (especially the early 90s), and when it comes to newer music, a special emphasis on producers who share unique perspectives with their music and provide diverse representation – for example, underground dance music from Asian and diaspora producers, Japanese house, etc. ▌III How did you prepare this mix and what was your main inspiration? Lately, I’m obsessed with the sounds of 90s disco house – in this mix, you'll find a lot of that, and hopefully, feel that sweet disco influence bridged to 90s house music laced with piano and synths. This mix aims to evoke nostalgia on different levels – bouncy 90s club energy and excitement inspired by earlier times. For me, the authentic feel of 90s vinyl and production with disco grooves is something that just can’t be replicated! This mix also resonates with me especially as a bridge between me and my dad. Everything I know and love about music has been passed down to me by him. Back in the 70s, he had a perm and danced in platform shoes. Playing tracks we always listened to together helps me remember his spirit carries on. He passed away in 2022. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Babxi (@babxi / Diskolusion) SC - https://soundcloud.com/babxi RA - https://ra.co/dj/babxi IG - https://www.instagram.com/xo_babxi/ █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #babxi #diskolusion #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


KALEEMA presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 209

KALEEMA (@kaleema_ba / Wonderwheel Recordings) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 209 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your history with music in general and DJ-ing especially? I've been studying academic violin and piano since I'm 13 years old, later I've studied music production in New York and music composition at the conservatory in my hometown (Buenos Aires). I've been dj-ing for ten years now, I really enjoy it and it's always a creative experience to find new narratives with different musical genres, soundscapes and I like to play a lot with textures. ▌II How did you prepare this mix and what was your main inspiration? I made the mix on Ableton and my main inspiration was the concept of sincretism, playing a lot with contrasts, break beats, folklore from latin america, spain and africa. ▌III Which artist influenced you a lot? BURIAL ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ KALEEMA (@kaleema_ba / Wonderwheel Recordings) SC - https://soundcloud.com/kaleema_ba IG - https://www.instagram.com/kaleema_ LINKS - https://linktr.ee/kaleema_ █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #kaleema #wonderwheelrecordings #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Dave Dinger (Bachstelzen / KaterBlau) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 208

Dave Dinger (@dave-dinger / Bachstelzen / KaterBlau) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 208 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your favorite drink while being behind the decks in the Club? I’m happy to have stopped drinking alcohol. It was a long tough way to admit that I have a problem with it and that I’m actually scared of trying to play without it. Plain fact is, that I function better when I’m sober, emotionally and technically. So for now Club Mate is mostly the weapon of my choice, with pretty similar results. I loose control while I’m playing, drinking much more than it is good for me and feeling fucked up on the day after. 
So while I work my way slowly towards drinking plain water, I practice other methods to deal with my insecurities than grabbing a drink.
Dancing for example😅 ▌II Could you take us through a day in your life, from a possible morning routine through to your work? My morning routine to fight berlin winter depression: I have a cold shower first thing. Always. Half a liter of green tea followed by half an hour of breathwork to get my mind and feelings straight. Then I do half an hour of qigong to fight the chronic pain in my body. If there is time I go for a dip in the river Spree. Yes! Then I’ll have a luxurious porridge for breakfast. After that I try to organize my life for the rest of the day. That’s a good day. On a bad I was sleepless half of the night so I can’t get up. There is nothing more attractive than sleeping, escaping the overload with all the things I should do and a feeling of being incapable of taking care of myself. And I’ll sleep all day, ending up sleepless at night. And repeat. Morning routine works quite well, currently I’m trying to establish an evening routine. And honestly in don’t know how to find time to do anything else in-between. ▌III Did you gain something positive from this time with Corona? The biggest benefit was that I deleted 10.000 shitty tracks from my music collection, haha. No, seriously, i spent the first lockdown living in a little pop up community out in nature. After some weeks i realize that I hadn’t spent that much time in one place in decades. Also I was feeling happy for the first time in years. And I had capacity to contemplate. I had spent over 20 years on the fast lane successfully running away from myself and everything else. I have been deeply unhappy for ways too long, living the dream of a 20 year old while being in my forties. What was my plan for the other half of my working life? I didn’t have any. And I liked the smell of freedom and adventure in it. So I did a professional training for somatic bodywork and started another, longer one for Bodypsychotherapy which I’m still into. In a way I’m doing what I always did, I help other to connect with their body and emotions, and show them how to let go of bullshit. And I had the call to talk about all that stuff, to show myself as what I really am and how I really feel and give others the chance to do the same. So i started a podcast RAVE & HEALTH which will go online in April. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Dave Dinger (@dave-dinger / Bachstelzen / KaterBlau) SC -https://soundcloud.com/dave-dinger IG - https://www.instagram.com/dave_dinger FB - https://facebook.com/dingerdave YT - http://www.youtube.com/@Raveandhealth █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #davedinger #bachstelzen #katerblau #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


SKADI presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 207

SKADI (@skadi_music_hh ) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 207 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Wie bist du zur Musik / zum auflegen gekommen? Als ich Techno nach langer Pause für mich wiederentdeckt habe, war für mich schnell klar, dass ich mich tiefergehend mit dieser Musik beschäftigen möchte. Zunächst wollte ich mich zu Hause einfach mit der Technik vertraut machen und Sets zusammenstellen, die ich beim Sport oder auf dem Weg zur Arbeit hören kann. Auch Producing faszinierte mich direkt. Mit Youtube Videos brachte ich mir die ersten Skills auf einem Traktor Controller selbst bei, später konnte ich mit meinem besten Freund in einem kleinen Club in Hamburg an Clubequipment üben. Als ich mich dann ein paar Monate in die Materie eingearbeitet hatte, wurde mir klar, dass ich meine Leidenschaft mit anderen teilen möchte und ich hatte recht schnell meinen ersten Gig. ▌II Hat sich deine Art und Weise und vielleicht auch dein Stil Musik zu machen geändert? Vor genau 4 Jahren hatte ich meinen ersten Gig. Natürlich hat sich in der Zeit immer wieder etwas verändert, habe ich mich auf vielen Ebenen weiterentwickelt. Ich habe als Mensch durch das Auflegen mehr Selbstvertrauen entwickelt, traue mir mehr zu. Soundtechnisch habe ich mich eine Zeit lang im Peaktime Techno gefangen gefühlt, die immer gleichen Arrangements haben mich gelangweilt und wenig Spielraum für technische Raffinessen gegeben. Nun wurde mein Sound im letzten Jahr immer hypnotischer, bis ich nun im Hypnotic/Hardgroove gänzlich angekommen bin. Technisch entwickle ich mich noch immer weiter, lerne immer wieder neue Skills dazu und habe mehr Bock, dies auch im Club umzusetzen. So habe ich mir gerade ein Mikro gekauft und experimentiere mit meiner Stimme, das macht mir irre Spaß. Ich begreife mich immer mehr als Artist, nicht mehr nur als DJ, der den Job hat die Massen zu bespaßen (was ich natürlich auch gerne tue). ▌III Wie würdest du deinen Stil selbst beschreiben? Am liebsten lege ich 3 Stunden auf. 3 Stunden, in denen ich mit den Ravern durch eine Achterbahn der Gefühle rausche. Es gibt happy parts, düstere Momente, es gibt mal einen Track der dich an ein Sommerfestival erinnert, dann wirst du von einem Rap-Part überrascht oder mit der nächsten Bounce Attacke vom Stampfen ins Shaken gebracht. Ich liebe es, den Menschen eine richtig gute Zeit mit Überraschungsmomenten zu geben. Dafür verbringe ich viel Zeit mit der Auswahl von Tracks, habe oft direkt in mind wie ich was kombiniere, um einen geilen Moment zu erschaffen. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Jo.Ke (@j-ok-e / Feathered Sun, Bar25, Platon Records) IG - https://www.instagram.com/skadi_music SC - https://soundcloud.com/skadi_music_hh FB - https://www.facebook.com/skadi.music.hh █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #skadi #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Jo.Ke (Feathered Sun, Bar25) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 206

Jo.Ke (@j-ok-e / Feathered Sun, Bar25, Platon Records) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 206 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Welcher Track ist für dich ganz besonders in deinem Set? Der Acid Pauli ‚Let it be naked-Remix’ von „Who Loves The Sun“ ganz am Anfang. Habe ihn durchs auflegen ‚wiederentdeckt‘ und mich mit dem Song neu angefreundet. Und dann kamen letztes Jahr die anderen Remixe raus :) Den Monolink Remix von Satie’s Gnossiene Nr.1 feier ich auch sehr ab. ▌II Was ist dein Lieblings-Club oder Festival und warum? Lieblingsclub für immer und ewig BAR25, weil es eine komplette Paralellwelt und Spielwiese für Erwachsene war. Lieblingsfestival Garbizc, weil ich da mit dieser Berlin-Community wieder zusammen treffe und auch wegen der musikalischen Vielfalt und der wunderschönen Kunstinstallationen. ▌III Wie bist du zur Musik / zum auflegen gekommen? Habe in jungem Alter Klavier gespielt und später aus meiner Liebe zum Grunge und ganz besonders Kurz Cobain mit Gitarre und Gesang and angefangen. Wieder entdeckt und wirklich connected habe ich mit meiner Stimme als frischer Vater um meine erst geborene Tochter Anouk in den Schlaf zu helfen. Der Rest kam dann peu a peu und learning by doing. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Jo.Ke (@j-ok-e / Feathered Sun, Bar25, Platon Records) SP - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0RKP3F2s1SHvGpckHuW4S7?si=mgBJMYrUScCwhknx9oCt_w IG - https://www.instagram.com/jo.ke___ SC - https://on.soundcloud.com/BZQ2RduQ5JiKyJ6MA █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #jo.ke #featheredsun #bar25 #platonrecords #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Magician On Duty presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 205

Magician On Duty (@magicianonduty / Magician On Duty Label) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 205 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I How do you make use of technology? I try my best to use it to learn things, to connect with family, friends and artists. ▌II Could you take us through a day in your life, from a possible morning routine through to your work? Wake up and have coffee with my girlfriend, then going on a walk with my doggie Billy. After that I start working on music related things first. Record label, social media posts then working on my own productions up until 15 in the afternoon. ▌III Which tracks marks a highlight in your set? Saygin - Haunted (Nada Remix) the opening track. Such a goove! ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Magician On Duty (@magicianonduty / Magician On Duty Label) SC – https://soundcloud.com/magicianonduty FB - https://www.facebook.com/MagicianOnDutyDjPage SP - https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/4kVh89zDjw0qTPfpSSg8Sg?si=dwPNj-meT5yveTJD8ZKSsQ&nd=1&dlsi=fa6dff2ece494b1b █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #magicianonduty #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Nico Tober (KataHaifisch) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 204

Nico Tober (@nico-tober / KataHaifisch / Woodlands e.V.) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 204 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Was trinkst du beim Auflegen im Club? Seit knapp 2-3 Jahren sehr häufig, Prosecco, Sekt oder Weizen 🧡 ▌II Welcher Track ist für dich ganz besonders in deinem Set? Ich achte allgemein immer auf eine schöne Stimmung von Anfang bis zum Ende, dennoch ist das Intro (die ersten 2-3 Tracks) schon mit am wichtigsten (Podcasts), weil es die Leute hoffentlich fesselt 🙃 ▌III Wie würdest du deinen Stil selbst beschreiben? Ich lege jetzt seit knapp 8 Jahren in Clubs & Festivals regelmäßig auf und habe mich auch vom Sound sehr verändert. Angefangen hat damals alles mit Deep House, danach kam dann Afro House & Melodic Techno bis hin zu Techno also schon etwas schneller. Vor knapp 4-5 Jahren habe ich angefangen mit Downtempo Sets was mich sehr inspiriert hat und auch unser Label „KataHaifsch“ zu dem gemacht hat wo wir jetzt vom Sound stehen :). Im letzten Jahr habe ich sehr viele Indie Dance / Midtempo Sets gespielt. Also häufig immer schön melodisch, basslastig, vielleicht auch manchmal ein etwas sentimentaler Sound der zum Nachdenken & träumen anregt. Und dieses Mal habe ich mich wieder in dem Sound von vor 5-6 Jahren wieder gefunden und mal eine reines Afro House Set aufgenommen. Also ich bin oft sehr vielseitig vom Tempo was mich selber aber auch super glücklich macht, weil man immer wieder was neues entdecken kann und nicht festgefahren ist auf eine Genre. Keep digging ♥️ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Nico Tober (@nico-tober / KataHaifisch / Woodlands e.V.) SC - https://soundcloud.com/nico-tober IG - https://www.instagram.com/nicotober █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #nicotober #katahaifisch #woodlands #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


justUS (Ritter Butzke) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 203

justUS (@justusberlin / Beschäftigungstherapie / Berlin Sound Therapy / Ritter Butzke) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 203 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your history with music in general and DJ-ing especially? justUS - that means something like: my music and stories for everyone - just us! Born and raised in Berlin, drawn back to the hometown of techno after an exciting and inspiring time away from home, on the high seas. I got influenced by different styles & cultural aspects. Let the sailor to the helm, give yourself fully to the musical journey around the world. In 2018 I founded the collective 'Beschäftigungstherapie' / BSTHP [Berlin Sound Therapy] with my partner in crime - the name says it all! The party series established itself as successfully as the podcast series in the Berlin underground. My references include the colorful bouquet of the Berlin club scene. Musical excursions to other European capitals, but also international & exotic places in the past. Further, I´m also a permanent fixture and resident at Ritter Butzke. ▌II How would you describe your style? My music can be described as impulsive, profound and melodic narratives - progressive and driving indie dance beats with a melodic techno kick consolidate the storys I tell you. ▌III Was trinkst du beim Auflegen im Club? Discoschorle = sparkling prosecco + energie. Makes me funny & drunk. Try out! ;D ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ justUS (@justusberlin / Beschäftigungstherapie / Berlin Sound Therapy / Ritter Butzke) LINKS - https://linktr.ee/just_us WEB - https://www.beschaeftigungstherapie.org SC - https://soundcloud.com/justusberlin IG - www.instagram.com/justus_ofc FB - www.facebook.com/justUSBERLlN █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #justus #ritterbutzke #beschäftigungstherapie #berlinsoundtherapy #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


KLAUDIA (WUZA) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 202

KLAUDIA (@musicklaudia / WUZA) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 202 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your favorite food? PIZZA! Could eat it everyday! ▌II How would you describe your style? I would describe my DJ style as a dynamic fusion of diverse music categories. My sets are a harmonious blend of melancholy and playful elements, creating a unique and engaging experience for the audience. I particularly enjoy the art of editing and reimagining old songs, delving into music from various eras to bring a nostalgic yet fresh vibe to the dance floor. My goal is to take listeners on a journey through time, infusing moments of introspection with bursts of joy, all woven together seamlessly in the tapestry of my sets. ▌III What’s your favorite club and what’s your favorite festival - explain why! My favorite club has to be Kater Blau in Berlin. It holds a special place in my heart because it's more than just a venue; it feels like a second home. Every time I step through its doors, I'm enveloped in a unique atmosphere where I not only enjoy incredible music but also reconnect with friends. The sense of comfort and familiarity at Kater Blau sets it apart from any other club in Berlin. When it comes to festivals, my heart belongs to Bucht. This year, I had the incredible opportunity to work with them, and it only deepened my admiration. The meticulous organization, coupled with the breathtaking location, showcases the passion and dedication poured into creating a truly unforgettable experience. You can feel the heart and soul of the organizers in every aspect of Bucht, making it a festival that resonates with me on a profound level. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ KLAUDIA (@musicklaudia / WUZA) RA - https://ra.co/dj/klaudia SC - https://soundcloud.com/musicklaudia IG - https://www.instagram.com/klaudia_biell/ █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #klaudia #wuza #soundcloudpodcasts #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Elias Doré (Rebellion der Träumer) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 201

Elias Doré (@elias-dore / Rebellion der Träumer) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 201 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I What’s your favorite drink while being behind the decks in the Club? That's an easy one - Secco all the way. I find that it hits quite a sweet spot for me in terms of flow, energy and connection with the music. ▌II How would you describe your style? This on the other hand is a tougher question.. since I find that many of the usual genre tags - organic house, melodic techno etc. - are not really capturing the essence of what I play and try to convey musically in a club or festival context. I would say that I play quite a broad array of styles, letting one track guide me to the next in terms of harmony, vibe and energy.. I rarely know in the beginning what direction things are going to take and I love to keep people a bit on their toes. I find there's a beautiful challenge for myself as a DJ in the 'task' of weaving very opposite genres such as disco and techno gently into each other, thereby always surprising the floor and keeping the energy up. ▌III What’s your favorite club and what’s your favorite festival - explain why! Bucht der Träumer* .. hands down :) Even now after the temporary closure of the Helenesee/the lake, its still an absolute feast for the senses with a beautifully diverse lineup, so many friends and companions from countless years and raves experienced together.. and it will always hold a special place in my heart, since my closing of the Atlantis floor in 2018 on Sunday Eve was simply one of the most epic musical experiences I've ever had the luck to have. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Elias Doré (@elias-dore / Rebellion der Träumer) WWW - www.eliasdore.de SC - https://soundcloud.com/elias-dore IG - https://www.instagram.com/elias.dore SP - https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/3MlBF2eUccQgQfeihwUtpJ?si=fNFkZFphQnaZHPrAYt3fXw █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #eliasdore #rebelliondertraeumer #soundcloudpodcasts #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


lisa luka presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 200

lisa luka (@lisa_luka / RE:VO Artists, Villa TuNichtGut) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 200 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Wie würdest du deinen Stil selbst beschreiben? was ich immer versuche in meine sets zu packen: groove, bounce & happiness. manchmal mit einem touch organic house oder einer prise dreamy techno, manchmal gibts auch richtig auf die zwölf, je nach laune :) ▌II Welcher Track ist für dich ganz besonders in deinem Set? ich freue mich über jeden einzelnen track, der es in den podcast geschafft hat. es sind alles tracks, die ich sehr selten bis nie im club gespielt habe, jedoch super schön sind und gehört werden müssen! ▌III Was trinkst du beim Auflegen im Club? am liebsten wasser mit zitrone :) ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ lisa luka (@lisa_luka / RE:VO Artists, Villa TuNichtGut) SC - https://soundcloud.com/lisa_luka IG - https://www.instagram.com/lisa.luka/ FB - https://www.facebook.com/itslisaluka █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #lisaluka #revoartists #villatunichtgut #soundcloudpodcasts #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Solvane presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 199

Solvane (@solvane / Ritter Butzke / Stil Vor Talent / Katermukke) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 199 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Wie bist du zur Musik / zum auflegen gekommen? Zur elektronischen Musik bin ich gekommen nachdem sich meine Band aufgelöst hat. Ich wollte weiterhin auf der Bühne stehen und Musik machen, aber eben nicht mehr von so ner großen Menge an Personen abhängig sein, wollte keine Kompromisse eingehen. Im Freundeskreis hatte ich ein paar Produzenten und DJs und das hat mich ohnehin schon fasziniert und nach dem Ende der Band hatte ich dann auch die nötige Zeit dafür. ▌II Welcher Track ist für dich ganz besonders in deinem Set? Ein wirkliches persönliches Highlight im Set hab ich nicht. Ich finde es auch schön wenn ein Set harmonisch und nicht auf einen Punkt hin aufgebaut ist. Klaro ist es immer was besonderes wenn eigene Tracks im Set sind, so wie dieses mal meine aktuelle Nummer Redemption aber grundsätzlich mag ich alle Tracks im Set. Ich hab das Set spontan und intuitiv aufgenommen und es ist sehr bunt geworden. Ich hoffe das gefällt den Hörern und ich bin wirklich gespannt was die Hörer als Highlights in dem Set definieren. ▌III Was ist dein Lieblings-Club oder Festival und warum? Ich bin ja seit ein paar Jahren sehr eng mit dem Ritter Butzke verbunden. Mein Einstieg war ne Residency und inzwischen darf ich den Club mitgestalten, was mir wirklich großen Spaß macht. Von daher ist die Antwort klar was mein Lieblings-Club ist, aber grundsätzlich gibt es in Berlin sehr viele gute Clubs. Das Niveau ist sehr hoch. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Solvane (@solvane / Ritter Butzke / Stil Vor Talent / Katermukke) IG - http://instagram.com/iamsolvane SC - https://soundcloud.com/solvane RA - http://residentadvisor.net/dj/solvane SP - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3bOQBNZv9K0NMW4WudrKb0?si=ejQBEEmATPOxBIcEsfsr8Q █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #solvane #ritterbutzke #stilvortalent #katermukke #soundcloudpodcasts #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Hello I'm Fine presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 198

Hello I'm Fine (@helloiamfine / Disco Noir Collective) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 198 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I Welcher Track ist für dich ganz besonders in deinem Set? Der dritte (Caleb Jackson - Jam Hot). Er macht mir gute Laune und Energy. Ein bisschen crazy muss auch sein. ▌II Was ist dein Lieblingsgericht / Essen? Salagne :) ▌III Was trinkst du beim Auflegen im Club? Sekt auf Eis. ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Hello I'm Fine (@helloiamfine / Disco Noir Collective) SC - https://soundcloud.com/helloiamfine IG - https://www.instagram.com/__hello_im_fine/ █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #helloiamfine #disconoircollective #soundcloudpodcasts #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


Deep Ghosh presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 197

Deep Ghosh (@deep_schismic / Flow Music) presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 197 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ ▌I How would you describe your style? Eclectic storytelling with a cosmic sensual journey grooving on the deeper along of the sonic spectrum ▌II Which tracks marks a highlight in your set? The music of late Daniel Zuur aka KRAUT, IV-IN and Jacob Groening really needs to be heard by more people. Daniel was a brother and inspiration in the realm of organic and downtempo music before the genre ever had a name and was bundled all into "deep house". He tragically passed away this summer in July 2023 (drowning in a lake in Amsterdam) but left behind his posthumous debut Genesis: Seed of Life--tuned to 432 Hz--as a healing and grounding gift IV-IN really gets me, as we share very similar musical backgrounds, he gets sexy psychedelic rock & indie and those baritone vocals: totally what I'm about and what shaped my style. Then there is one of my favourite producers of the electronic genre: Jacob Groening, an absolutely incredible musician and emotional storyteller who just released his debut LP Timefades on his imprint Kamai Music. There are so many gems on it, but the groove on "Traces" just floors me and blisses me out simultaneously. ▌III Which artist influenced you a lot? My favourite storytellers: Heimlich Knüller, DADADISCO, Magician on Duty, Leggy BLOND, Just Emma, Madmotormiquel And my favourite soundmakers: Viken Arman, iorie / Anna Almani, Nhii, Niconé and Dirty Doering, Elfenberg I also have to make a special mention of the Bridges for Music Academy, whom I support wherever I can. It is an inspirational organization grown from a beautiful idea 10 years ago and changed the lives of many marginalized people in Langa, Cape Town. One of their rising talents, Sakhe the Conqueror is also featured here (remixed by a couple of Berlin legends I consider a huge inspiration ;-D) and to be released on BFM Records (the Lange grown label run by Athie Umgido one of the first alumni of the Academy) ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ Deep Ghosh (@deep_schismic / Flow Music) SC - https://www.soundcloud.com/deep_schismic IG – https://instagram.com/deep_schismic FB – https://fb.me/deep.schismic █ UNITED WE STREAM (Berlin / Global) FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/ WEB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/ ████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ HASHTAGS #deepghosh #flowmusic #soundcloudpodcasts #music #electronicmusic #melodictechno #afrohouse #organichouse #deephouse #house #techno #electronica #downtempo #disco #techno #ambient #italo #wave #psy #twerk #darkdisco #techhouse


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