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Universal Man

Author: Mark Queppet

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Learn about how to quit porn, develop sexual self-mastery, and live on the front lines of your life.
34 Episodes
If you're struggling to reach the levels of progress and productivity you want, there's a good chance that your problem is not just a lack of effort. It's more likely that your modern lifestyle is sapping you of the precious neurochemicals you need to truly get hooked into advancing the story of your own life. In this video I introduce the new Man of Action series and the Dopamine Detox concept. It's time to learn how to take your brain (and your results) to a whole new level.Download the Metascript Method the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon
Ever find yourself browsing non-pornographic websites but end up clicking on sexually triggering (but not quite porn) images that pop up? This is what I call "porn fishing" (sites like Instagram are big offenders here) and it can spell disaster for for your reboot. Check this video out to learn how to cut this behavior out and end up stronger along the way!Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
Willpower & Energy Work

Willpower & Energy Work


Do you feel like you have the knowledge needed to achieve your success, but can't seem to actually get rolling or sustain your progress? There's a good chance the missing link is learning how to properly manage your energy. If your emotional and psychological energy gets too out of whack, you're not going to be able to think well, and you're not going to be able to act well. There's a bunch of practical common sense stuff you can do to aid in this, but how do you get yourself to consistently do THOSE things?This is where willpower and energy work comes into play. Until you can internally manage your own energy like how you can manage your own musculature, you are not in control of yourself or your outcomes. Watch this video and fix that. Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
A properly kept journal is one of the most powerful self-development tools that exists. The problem is that people either write a ton without ever writing the things that will create personal change, or they don't know what to write so they don't write at all. I'll tell you exactly what to do in this video to get the most out of a journal.Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
I believe the old-school mindset of spiritual warfare that saw angels and demons constantly among us was an extremely powerful filter for modifying and aligning our behavior.Sadly, there were some issues with this approach that has caused us to mostly abandon this perspective. In this video I update the mindset of spiritual warfare for the modern mind so you can tap into a level of discipline and aggression that will allow you to finally break free from the demons in your life.Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
Guys tend to get stuck at different points in their reboot journey. Whether you are struggling to just string a few clean days together or are trying to figure out how to make a long streak a permanent one, I'll tell you what you need to do to reach the next level in this video.Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social mediaTwitter: Instagram: Facebook:
The puppet-master of lust attaches strings of tension to your eyes, mind, emotions, and body - looking to push and pull you into acting out in inauthentic ways. If you wish to break free, you must learn how to cut these strands of tension and establish new intentional patterns of action. In this video I teach you the practical internal steps for making this happen. Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
Trying to quit porn from a place of pure rationality has serious limits. If you want to take things one step deeper and unlock an new level of psychological motivation, then you need to learn how to quit porn from a place of identity. Doing so helps you overcome the psychological battle between emotionality and rationality.Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
We've talked repeatedly about the importance of self-talk in the process of quitting porn. However, if you don't understand the psychology behind your emotional reactions, then it can be very difficult to figure out what to actually say to yourself. By understanding the link between lust, your identity, and your limbic brain's hunger for "status," you'll gain access to an incredibly powerful self understanding which you can use to master yourself and quit porn.Download the Reboot Regimen the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social media:Twitter:
 In order to maximize your chances at reboot success, you must learn how to cultivate and utilize BOTH positive AND negative emotion. If you want to create sustainable change, not only do you need the pull of positive desires, but you ALSO need the push of appropriately aligned /negative/ emotion.  Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Trying to figure out the best way to quit porn while in a relationship can be very tricky. Often, I see guys go about this process in a way that ultimately just causes more pain for their partner and more failure on their end. If you want to learn the best way to reboot your brain from porn while in a relationship, then this video is for you. Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
The reality is that for most guys, quitting porn is a process that involves relapse. The key is to make sure that with every single relapse you grow stronger. You should not be failing in the same way twice. Watch this video and learn how to turn any slip into an experience that makes you stronger. Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Making sure you've got a clear plan around your internet, computer, and phone usage can have a major impact on your success with quitting porn. The trick is to make sure that while you employ some safety measures to prevent poor split second decisions, you don't ultimately RELY on these things to be successful. Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
You can't just quit porn and do nothing else. You need to engage in habit replacement. However, since porn is such a potent coping mechanism, you can't just replace it with just ONE thing. Instead you need to develop a holistic lifestyle shift that allows you to live a life you DON'T want to escape from! Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Porn itself is a deception designed to trick you into thinking you are having a real sexual experience when you are not. Once you recognize it's bad for you and want to quit, you must deceive yourself on an even deeper level to continue to use it. The solution is to learn how to speak to yourself honestly. Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Using porn is an act of escapism. You either escape because you aren't living a life you want to be engaged in, or you don't know how to properly manage yourself (or both). This episode I talk about how to fix that problem. Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TAGS: Porn addiction, quit porn, quitting porn, masculinity, sexuality, abstinence, nofap, no fap, no-fap, reboot, porn reboot, rebooting, discipline, self-development, psychology, universal man, mark queppet,
If you want to maximize your ability to permanently quit porn and maximize your mental rewiring, then you'll want to do a "hard mode" reboot. But since hard mode is well... hard, you might need some convincing. That's what this episode sets out to do. Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Download the Reboot Regimen Join the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Follow Universal Man on social media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Ever wonder why some habit changes "click" while others "grind"? The secret is *resonance* and if you don't know how to create a progression of resonant shifts (and dodge the forces which would drag you down) then you'll never make it where you want to go. Download the Anabolic Optimism guide the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social mediaTwitter:
Download the Anabolic Optimism guide the Universal Man Vanguard community through Patreon Universal Man on social mediaTwitter: