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Universe City

Author: Universe City

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A scientifically funny podcast (p<0.05); new episodes every Tuesday.
Comedians Joe Zimmerman, Jono Zalay, and Raj Sivaraman (two PhDs and one NCAA athlete) explore a new topic in science each week, from evolutionary biology and particle physics, to political science and economics. They review the most exciting scientific findings and discuss the impacts for science, society, and their own personal lives. Listening to this podcast has been scientifically proven to make you a better citizen of the multiverse.
3 Episodes
The three pod oil salesman push the placebo effect on the expectant masses, and it works! Direct to consumer advertising may make Americans more reactive to the sweet sweet sugar pills! Raj reveals the how the placebo and the lollipop have similar origins in the doctors office. Jono has a cure-all for your herpes outbreak, and half of Joe's diet is pure snake oil. (also available on iTunes). Follow us on Twitter @UniverseCityPod & on at You can also find us individually at: Joe Z – Jono – Raj –
The demilitarized trio heat check the claim that North Korea "successfully" tested a hydrogen bomb. Kim Jong Un might be a tad bit too boastful as seizmic readings show the earth didn't exactly move for his thermonuclear test. Raj has been reading a lot of Jacobin magazine, and believes that North Korea will poison the earth's crust before they actually start a war. Jono explains the physics of nuclear weaponry in terms of Jenga puzzles, and Joe finally understands that splitting an atom doesn't involve shooting a laser at one to make a explodey. (also available on iTunes). Follow us on Twitter @UniverseCityPod & on at You can also find us individually at: Joe Z – Jono – Raj – Tags: North Korea, Hydrogen Bomb, Dictators, Kim Jong Un, Neuroscience, Japan, Rockets, Satellite.’
The 3 noble gaseous podcasters reveal that the 7th period of the periodic table has been filled with 4 new elements, and their names are almost UN-comprehensible. Some scientist fired protons at a wall for 5 years to create an element that lasted less than a one-thousanth of a second. Science! Raj throws shade at tainted drinking water in Michigan, Jono reforms the olympic medal ceremony, and Joe expresses his love for Gallium: the prank element. (also available on iTunes) The Paper: "New Result in the Production and Decay of an Isotope, (278)113, of the 113th Element" (Morita et al., 2012). Follow us on Twitter @UniverseCityPod & on at You can also find us individually at: Joe Z – Jono – Raj – Please check out all our other great podcasts on Go to to see who’s performing live at Stand Up NY’