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Unscrew the News on Odysee

Author: Unscrew the News

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Unscrew the News is a truth news podcast that debunks the myths and propaganda of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and other globalist institutions. Hosted by Bruce Scholl, this podcast tells the truth and exposes the lies. If you value freedom and independent thinking, you will find Unscrew the News informative, entertaining, and inspiring. Tune in regularly for new episodes of Unscrew the News.
101 Episodes
Harry is a paramedic who, I recently found out, is a recovering liberal. They really are the worst enemy of the deep state plan to genocide the western world.I have met a few like him and I guess that is part of the motivation to continually go out and expose this mess and the crimes.I threw in the clip of our Criminister and his rant to divide us based on our private medical status, showing that he is a sinister puppet for the globalists, as an example of the worst crimes ever, brought against us. We will never forget the trauma and the pain. The ones that were forced to do this will forever be looking over their shoulder for the next illness.Everyone must come together to recognize the real enemy here is the dirty bastards that pretend to be working for you and I.Don't let them get away with this. $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.Copy and paste this link to save .5% and help support independent media, when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker. Trial - Focused Life-Force Energy
It turns out that Alberta Healthcare is less about health than we would expect.Where exactly is the $24 Billion dollars given yearly to AHS going?You might be surprised to know that a large portion of that money is being used to fight doctors like Dr. Makis and currently have 500+ lawsuits on the go.He has roughly calculated that they have wasted nearly $10 million trying to ruin his career, intimidate his family after he refused to a ND of $400,000, to shut him up. There are many whistleblowers that can carob-orate similar stories where AHS has poured money and time into destroying anyone speaking ill of this mafia organization.Shouldn't they spend all or most of the money for healthcare, on "healthcare"?How many patients should they be allowed to murder? A few? None?Danielle Smith seems to be controlled by one or many of these corrupt organizations.Who is she supposed to be answering to?We also talked about the recent video with Dr. Mike Yeadon and his claim that “Ivermectin is one of the most violent anti-fertility drugs i’ve ever encountered… unquestionably, at the doses you’re being suggested to take… in studies in rats, rabbits, and limited studies in humans, it reduces the ability to conceive and grow babies to term.”How convenient is it that just before the psychopaths release their next lockdown, pandemic, must have vaccine, they find another angle to deter free thinking people from trying the nobel awarded Ivermectin.It seems very conspiratorial to have this come out, from this once trusted figure, just before the powers that be, need to have everyone, living in fear again.Please share to help get this message out to more people.Substack: $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.Copy and paste this link to save .5% and help support independent media, when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.
Our famous surfing PhD, Dr. Jessica Rose is back to discuss her tweet response to Denis Rancourt and his assertion that there was no pandemic.I really wanted to discuss the hoax some call Covid 19 and the coordinated response from each and every country in the western world. We talked about coordination among countries, governments, pandemics, virus', bacteria, loss of smell, AI, vaccines, masks, free speech, surf meditation and problem solving.We had fun making this, I hope that we are able to help others by making it fun and more approachable.Share this information with 5 friends to help others to wake up.Substack: $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.Copy and paste this link to save .5% and help support independent media, when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.
Are the reasons for the larger and more widespread forest fires, due to "climate change" or are there other things that are happening here?Our discussion with Peter Mac Isaac hopes to answer some of these questions and hopefully spur anyone watching, into asking more questions.Peter shares some tips on how to protect your home should you be in an area that maybe affected by our yearly forest fires as well as a tonne of insight into forestry management and perhaps the underlying agenda.Please share this to friends and family.Thank you for watching.X: $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.Copy and paste this link to save .5% and help support independent media, when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.
Immensely talented and driven to derail the globalists. Dr. Rose turns out to be a free spirit, that I envy, and has a clear picture of her role in the exposure of the lies, in this monstrous attack on humanity.We talk a bit about the National Citizen's Inquiry and VAERS and compare it to Canada's piss poor version of reporting, CAEFISS.We had to discuss the International Bird Flu Summit coming up in (You guessed it, October, just before the election)Washington DC, in October. Is it a big strategic plan or a money grab or both?Anyway it is out there, just like Event 201 and that ended up as the playbook for the plandemic.Don't be fearful, just take in the information so that you are aware of the scenarios they have planned.Dr. Jessica reminds us all to enjoy life and not to fall into the trap of the globalist plan, to worry and stress yourself into sickness and despair.Please share this message and support great works like Dr. Jessica Rose.Substack: this link to save .5% when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.For $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.
Thank goodness for people like Dr. Regina Watteel, who will risk it all and not stop righting wrongs, until the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted.I for one, am grateful that many of us are finally seeing the same outcome.We all need to be speaking out against this treachery that has swallowed our countrymen.This rabbit hole goes deep and this discussion is merely scratching the surface on the fraud that continues at our institutions.Regina exposed these crimes with her best selling book, Fisman's Fraud The Rise of Canadian Hate Science. She comes back to update our viewers to the continuation and lack of accountability by our "education" institutions and government agencies. She continues to fight to set the record straight so that these tyrants are not able to use the same fraud to impose even harsher lockdowns and mandates in the next fake pandemic.X:'s Fraud: $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.Copy and paste this link to save .5% and help support independent media, when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.
Dr. Kimberly Biss, 30+ years as OBGYN and more than 8000 women comes back to fill us in on some new information that she has to share with us.She has been working on a series of reports on the safety of these vaccines, specifically on pregnancies, with Dr. Thorp and many others in the field.Stick around for some astounding statistics and a great conversation.X: this link to save .5% when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.For $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.
Harry has been an EMT since 1997 so he has seen his share of people in their different stages of health and sickness.Since the plandemic started he has been vocal about the agenda and opening people's eyes to the plot.Over the years of government planned genocide, he has documented what he saw in his various contracted locations. His journal is the basis of his upcoming book, documenting the many stories he was witness to.Please watch and share this video to help wake more souls to these crimes.X: this link to save .5% when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.For $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.
OOPS! I start by calling out the doctors that were complicit and did not speak out. I do feel bad and try to retract my statement. It was a huge psychological operation that most were coerced into. I get that. It still makes me mad that most good, god fearing, intelligent people weren't able to see the madness that was upon us.The event from June 17, An Injection of Truth was, I believe, a crucial moment in our history that created enough of a stir, that it allowed some of the previously asleep, to see what had been hidden.This event was sold out in very little time and the online viewing was seen by about 15000 people the world over.I wanted to sit down with these 3 warriors and get a sense from them on some of the fallout and benefits of this momentous gathering.This tragedy called a pandemic was formulated and contrived over many years. The evidence is now so obvious.Many of us hope that events like this are able to bring attention and break the spell that many people are still under.Please support brave people, like these 3, so they can continue to stand tall for all of our families and their futures. I encourage all who haven't joined the mission, to do your part to wake up humanity to the crimes in front of us.Dr. William MakisX: http://makismd.substack.comDr. Chris ShoemakerWeb: drshoemakercovidtruth.comNAKAHARA STUDY SHOWING HARM TO 700 OUT OF 700 VAXXED HEARTS if support for my work is wished please consider:Dr. Shoemaker / Give Send Go support:cshoemakermd@gmail.comDr. Mark TrozziX: https://drtrozzi.substack.comWeb: drtrozzi.org greatly appreciated Council For Health resources This is not a vaccine. Jan 2021 my first video publication Doctors Nurses Ethics & Law. April 2021 warning doctors and nurses that we were being coerced to commit crimes Presentation to the Parliament of Romania - Recorded November 18, 2023 Detox. Help for the injection victims this link to save .5% when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.For $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.
Brett Oland, CEO of Bow Valley Credit Union comes to talk about Alberta, politics, markets and how the Saudi Petro dollar, evaporation with the US, may affect Canada and markets in general. this link to save .5% when you purchase your gold or silver from Nugget Stacker.For $5 off your first order use promo code UNSCREW.
Xi was a little girl when Mao felt the need to reclaim his strangle-hold of China. He had already starved upwards of 50 million Chinese in his first reign, but felt the need to complete the job he set out to do when he took power in 1942.My hope is that having Xi, who became well known after speaking at the Louden County school board in opposition to CRT, can enlighten more of my fellow Canadians.As you will see, we all need to rise and awaken to this menace that has infiltrated all aspects of our easy going lifestyle.She talks about many of the campaigns that the Marxists use.They don't advertise that their intention is murder and slavery, but always disguise their motives as beneficial for the group.The parallels for Canadians should be obvious and I fear a number of factors makes it near impossible to penetrate the brainwashing that has already occurred.X: Story: Sponsor:
JJ Carrell is a 24 year, recently retired border patrol agent that worked under Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. He comes to share some of his harrowing stories of human trafficking, drugs and the intentional destruction by administration of the immigration system and therefore the republic as a whole.I was hoping to here from JJ how Canada is subjected to the same invasion, no matter how far we are from the border.This is not by accident. This is intentional.So many are pouring over the border, they have to just allow them in. It is literally insane to think that the US government is OK with this.He estimates that they have allowed somewhere above 45 million illegals have come into America during Biden.Upcoming documentary, What is Treason? Expected release date July 2024.X:
Doctor Marizelle Arce is back to talk about the ever prevalent "allergy season" and what is really causing it.Most of us have been programmed to believe that we should be "treating" our "allergies" with some sort of medication. Like it is something wrong with us.Check out, about half way through the theory of Dr. Arce and her thoughts around the types of allergies.Website: sponsor for this video, :
Natasha Gonek is an investigator, previously with the Office of the chief medical examiner. She was helping people in healthcare to advocate and fightback during the dark times of covid when members of Edmonton Police asked for her help to research what was going on in the service.After FOIP pages of over 8000+ and filtering through the scrambled emails and communications from the last 3+ years, she has found some truly shocking information.Much of her findings is hard to believe for most as the level of deceit is hard to comprehend.This may have to be part 1 of a multiple part series, just to be able to deal with all the details that are uncovered.We barely scratch the surface, so listen in as we dig for truth and show the ugly truths, right here in our ngonek@protonmail.com
@CoercedNurse on twitter(X) stood out as a warrior, so I reached out to her with the opportunity to "barf up the truth" and this spurred her to get back to me.Like so many other "injured" folks, she is using her story to reach others and educate, advocate for the accountability that needs to be had.She took the pfizer shots(2,PFEW0187 and EW0181) after feeling forced or without another option to save her family from the hardship of lack of income. She was promised that the company would care for them in the event of any injuries as a result of taking the injection. Shocker, they refused to provide any medical or wage coverage after being diagnosed with a vaccine injury.She has a compelling story to tell.She is a warrior mom, out to share truth and wake up the still sleeping, to the horrors of what can and has happened to so many good people.Share her story. Wake up others.X: kevin.tuttle@spiritpr.netGive Send Go: Send Go:
Wyatt Claypool, conservative candidate for Signal Hill, National Telegraph, comes to talk about municipal and federal politics.Federal influence and "money with strings" seem to be leading council and zero input from taxpayers, has Calgarians steaming mad.This Mayor, hot off the recall, seems to be making all the wrong moves.The pretend "public hearing" is scheduled for April 22, 2024 and will last for many days, while they hear from the 650+(at time of recording)citizens about their thoughts on the rezoning plans.Who do they answer to?WEF?Justin Trudeau?Certainly not the people paying their ever increasing salaries!X:
Kirk Lubimov and I discuss Calgary city council and executives decision to blanket rezone the city to meet the requirements of the meddling Liberal government.Jyoti and the hateful 8 has spent the last 3 years on insignificant projects like defunding police, drag queen story hour, crackdown on paper napkins, chasing away business, crony development projects while allowing our streets to crumble, raising taxes and dividing Calgarians with ideology.Who is steering the ship?Who has decided to accept this money for blanket rezoning from the feds, before Calgarians had the opportunity to have their say?
Peter Mac Isaac, 29 years with Forestry and Fire management in Nova Scotia, helps me to dig into the FEAR around the "wildfires" and mismanagement of our great forest resources.Is this a terrorist tactic?Is it coincidence?What does "Cause Undetermined" actually mean?Alberta had approx. 400 fires last year, with 92 determined as arson, and 175 "cause undetermined".In Nova Scotia last year that had one of the worst years and most damage, when they had recently cancelled what Peter calls their insurance policy, by the way of $1.5 million for the heli team. Their fire season ended up costing more that $200 million in damages.
Calgarians seem to be in the throes of a battle to regain the reins of this runaway city council.How did we get this far off track that our councillors believe they are not in the position to do the will of the people, but foist their ideals onto the plebs of the city?Thank you to people like George, who tells us he has been active his whole life, that took the time to participate in municipal government and uncover the hypocrisy that has invaded many of the people in city council.Our city is hosting a public hearing on April 22. Please participate, by attending, viewing online, or reporting on the event.I only hope that council actually "hears" the people during this heated issue before us.April 13 councillor Carra was hosting, along with Strong Towns Calgary, YYCNeighbours and Calgary'sFuture, which might have ties to the same groups that help raise over $1 million to elect certain councillors.Question everything.The councillor and team were very specific about who was allowed to come to the training.
Calgary Rezoning: Truth and Lies on Youtube video that explains what is wrong with the attempt of the councillors of Calgary to pull the wool over the eyes of many Calgarians and sink our once great city into absolute ruin.Calgarians need to stand up for our legacy and for our community. Do your own research and look into the lies that this corrupt system is spreading.