Unscrew the News on Odysee

Unscrew the News is a truth news podcast that debunks the myths and propaganda of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and other globalist institutions. Hosted by Bruce Scholl, this podcast tells the truth and exposes the lies. If you value freedom and independent thinking, you will find Unscrew the News informative, entertaining, and inspiring. Tune in regularly for new episodes of Unscrew the News.

MAO'S AMERICA | A Survivor's Warning | Xi Van Fleet

Xi was a little girl when Mao felt the need to reclaim his strangle-hold of China. He had already starved upwards of 50 million Chinese in his first reign, but felt the need to complete the job he set out to do when he took power in 1942.My hope is that having Xi, who became well known after speaking at the Louden County school board in opposition to CRT, can enlighten more of my fellow Canadians.As you will see, we all need to rise and awaken to this menace that has infiltrated all aspects of our easy going lifestyle.She talks about many of the campaigns that the Marxists use.They don't advertise that their intention is murder and slavery, but always disguise their motives as beneficial for the group.The parallels for Canadians should be obvious and I fear a number of factors makes it near impossible to penetrate the brainwashing that has already occurred.X: https://twitter.com/XVanFleetBook: http://bit.ly/MaosAmericaBookImmigrant Story: https://youtu.be/Kw65HdanG64Show Sponsor: NuggetStacker.com


INVADED | Their Intentional Destruction of Immigration. JJ Carrell

JJ Carrell is a 24 year, recently retired border patrol agent that worked under Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. He comes to share some of his harrowing stories of human trafficking, drugs and the intentional destruction by administration of the immigration system and therefore the republic as a whole.I was hoping to here from JJ how Canada is subjected to the same invasion, no matter how far we are from the border.This is not by accident. This is intentional.So many are pouring over the border, they have to just allow them in. It is literally insane to think that the US government is OK with this.He estimates that they have allowed somewhere above 45 million illegals have come into America during Biden.Upcoming documentary, What is Treason? Expected release date July 2024.X: https://twitter.com/JJCarrell14WEB: https://www.jjcarrell.com/SUBSTACK: https://www.jjcarrell.com/substackBOOK: https://a.co/d/1GDvIyTSponsor: NuggetStacker.com


Allergy Season? Dr. Arce | What Is Really Going On?

Doctor Marizelle Arce is back to talk about the ever prevalent "allergy season" and what is really causing it.Most of us have been programmed to believe that we should be "treating" our "allergies" with some sort of medication. Like it is something wrong with us.Check out, about half way through the theory of Dr. Arce and her thoughts around the types of allergies.Website: https://www.terraindoctor.com/X: https://twitter.com/drarceOur sponsor for this video, NuggetStacker.com :https://nuggetstacker.com/


NO HEALING Without Accountability | Natasha Gonek

Natasha Gonek is an investigator, previously with the Office of the chief medical examiner. She was helping people in healthcare to advocate and fightback during the dark times of covid when members of Edmonton Police asked for her help to research what was going on in the service.After FOIP pages of over 8000+ and filtering through the scrambled emails and communications from the last 3+ years, she has found some truly shocking information.Much of her findings is hard to believe for most as the level of deceit is hard to comprehend.This may have to be part 1 of a multiple part series, just to be able to deal with all the details that are uncovered.We barely scratch the surface, so listen in as we dig for truth and show the ugly truths, right here in our home.email: ngonek@protonmail.comhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/BruceScholl


BARFING THE TRUTH! | Danielle Baker

@CoercedNurse on twitter(X) stood out as a warrior, so I reached out to her with the opportunity to "barf up the truth" and this spurred her to get back to me.Like so many other "injured" folks, she is using her story to reach others and educate, advocate for the accountability that needs to be had.She took the pfizer shots(2,PFEW0187 and EW0181) after feeling forced or without another option to save her family from the hardship of lack of income. She was promised that the company would care for them in the event of any injuries as a result of taking the injection. Shocker, they refused to provide any medical or wage coverage after being diagnosed with a vaccine injury.She has a compelling story to tell.She is a warrior mom, out to share truth and wake up the still sleeping, to the horrors of what can and has happened to so many good people.Share her story. Wake up others.X: https://x.com/thecoercednurseContact: kevin.tuttle@spiritpr.netGive Send Go: https://www.givesendgo.com/G9KZJGive Send Go: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC2CABreakingTheSilence https://twitter.com/thecoercednurse/status/1780730023609008160/photo/1


Runaway Council | Blanket Upzoning, Calgary. Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt Claypool, conservative candidate for Signal Hill, National Telegraph, comes to talk about municipal and federal politics.Federal influence and "money with strings" seem to be leading council and zero input from taxpayers, has Calgarians steaming mad.This Mayor, hot off the recall, seems to be making all the wrong moves.The pretend "public hearing" is scheduled for April 22, 2024 and will last for many days, while they hear from the 650+(at time of recording)citizens about their thoughts on the rezoning plans.Who do they answer to?WEF?Justin Trudeau?Certainly not the people paying their ever increasing salaries!X: https://x.com/wyatt_claypoolwww.youtube.com/@thenationaltelegraph9253www.youtube.com/@TheGreatCanadianBagel


SCAM! Affordable Homes Calgary

Kirk Lubimov and I discuss Calgary city council and executives decision to blanket rezone the city to meet the requirements of the meddling Liberal government.Jyoti and the hateful 8 has spent the last 3 years on insignificant projects like defunding police, drag queen story hour, crackdown on paper napkins, chasing away business, crony development projects while allowing our streets to crumble, raising taxes and dividing Calgarians with ideology.Who is steering the ship?Who has decided to accept this money for blanket rezoning from the feds, before Calgarians had the opportunity to have their say?https://x.com/KirkLubimovhttps://linktr.ee/KirkLubimov


Cause Undetermined! Fire Season = Fear Season

Peter Mac Isaac, 29 years with Forestry and Fire management in Nova Scotia, helps me to dig into the FEAR around the "wildfires" and mismanagement of our great forest resources.Is this a terrorist tactic?Is it coincidence?What does "Cause Undetermined" actually mean?Alberta had approx. 400 fires last year, with 92 determined as arson, and 175 "cause undetermined".In Nova Scotia last year that had one of the worst years and most damage, when they had recently cancelled what Peter calls their insurance policy, by the way of $1.5 million for the heli team. Their fire season ended up costing more that $200 million in damages.https://x.com/PeterRMacIsaac


When Carra Says Inclusive, He Might Only Mean, If You Think Like Him

Calgarians seem to be in the throes of a battle to regain the reins of this runaway city council.How did we get this far off track that our councillors believe they are not in the position to do the will of the people, but foist their ideals onto the plebs of the city?Thank you to people like George, who tells us he has been active his whole life, that took the time to participate in municipal government and uncover the hypocrisy that has invaded many of the people in city council.Our city is hosting a public hearing on April 22. Please participate, by attending, viewing online, or reporting on the event.I only hope that council actually "hears" the people during this heated issue before us.April 13 councillor Carra was hosting, along with Strong Towns Calgary, YYCNeighbours and Calgary'sFuture, which might have ties to the same groups that help raise over $1 million to elect certain councillors.Question everything.The councillor and team were very specific about who was allowed to come to the training.https://x.com/AlbertansFirsthttps://www.calgary.ca/planning/projects/rezoning-for-housing.html


Calgary Blanket Rezoning w Angus Sterling

Calgary Rezoning: Truth and Lies on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdUGIYN3Zs8Great video that explains what is wrong with the attempt of the councillors of Calgary to pull the wool over the eyes of many Calgarians and sink our once great city into absolute ruin.Calgarians need to stand up for our legacy and for our community. Do your own research and look into the lies that this corrupt system is spreading.


Playing God | Investigation Into Medical Democide In The UK

Playing God documentary will be released online, April 22, 2024.Award winning directors, Naeem Mahmood & Ash Mahmood. Co-producers Phil Graham & Jacqui Deevoy.This heartbreaking documentary looks at the system and touches a number of family's stories.The UK doesn't allow for euthanasia but somehow they have been carrying out the deaths of many family members, first with the Liverpool Care Pathway until 2014. It was considered at the time, too cruel and "was ended".Then the NHS revamped the protocol to NG31.In April 2020 the protocol got revamped again and now called NG163, but was essentially the LCP. It then morphed into NG191.Who is directing this democide? Why is no one being tried for this?Share this podcast. Support this independent production.Crowdfunder: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/playing-godTrailer: https://playinggod.uk/trailer/X: https://x.com/JacquiDeevoy1X: https://x.com/PlayingGodUK


Independent Nova Scotia, How To Knock The Stuffing Out Of WEF

Peter Mac Isaac is a man on a mission and Canadians better listen up!Peter and a group of like-minded patriots have put together a plan to take back Nova Scotia from the troglodytes that have brought ruin and shame to the people of this once great country.Peter is a retired game warden, TV producer, entrepreneur and now the president of the non-profit Independent Nova Scotia initiative.This educational society plans to unite Nova Scotians with their grassroots ideals and common sense approach to life in Canada.Listen up as he explains how Brian Peckford and many others are eagerly jumping at the plans for ridding the province of the bloated, corrupt and WEF directed agenda that is seeing our foundations eroding infront of the next generation.Please share this video with friends and family.Get involved and let's take back our country for our children.X: https://x.com/PeterRMacIsaacWeb: https://independentns.net/Web: https://independentbc.ca/Vote splitting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgBIUUI9JZ4


Dr. Arce | #PANS #PANDAS Solutions 4 Families

OCD, Tic disorder, Seizures, "The symptoms are usually dramatic, happen “overnight and out of the blue,” and can include motor or vocal tics or both and obsessions, compulsions, or both. In addition to these symptoms, children may become moody or irritable, experience anxiety attacks, or show concerns about separating from parents or loved ones."You maybe experiencing some of these symptoms:"Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as hyperactivity, inattention, or fidgetingSeparation anxiety (e.g., child is "clingy" and has difficulty separating from his or her caregivers; for example, the child may not want to be in a different room in the house from his or her parents)Mood changes, such as irritability, sadness, or emotional lability (i.e., tendency to laugh or cry unexpectedly at what might seem the wrong moment)Trouble sleepingNighttime bed-wetting, frequent daytime urination, or bothChanges in motor skills, such as changes in handwritingJoint pains"Dr. Marizelle Arce and I talk about this affliction that has had it's toll on many children. As the good doctor explains, there is no absolute test for PANS or PANDAS, so we offer an alternative to the pharma route of adding more toxins to this already overloaded system in these children.Please share this message far and wide to help more families.https://www.terraindoctor.comhttps://www.westonaprice.orghttps://x.com/drarce


Fergus Hodgson | Canada PONZI Plan, Trillions In Debt

With many years of research, a pinch of adventure and whole boatload of freedom, Fergus Hodgson shares his view of sovereignty, Alberta and suggestions for your typical pension questions.A runner. A world traveller. A citizen of Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and now a permanent resident of the USA.BA in economics from Boston University. Political Science degree from the University of Waikato.MBA in finance from Rice University.He was the founding editor in chief of the PanAm Post and founder and director of Econ Americas. Currently a consultancy focused on international finance, geopolitical risk and jurisdictional arbitrage.He is fluent in spanish and travelled to 19 out of 20 nations in Latin America, spending over a year each in Argentina and Guatemala.We are blessed to have this much world finance understanding with us for this discussion about CPP and the Alberta Pension Plan.Fear of the unknown is understandable, but Albertans and Canadians have been mislead by the Ottawa thugs and it might be time to believe in ourselves.Fergus talks about the incredible opportunity that we have here, to create one of the most powerful countries in the world.Thank you for watching and learning along with us.Please share this podcast so that more Canadians can learn and grow into the greatness that we all deserve!Book: https://amzn.to/3vGLupGX: https://x.com/FergHodgson?s=20Web: https://econamericas.com/


Regina Watteel PhD | The Rise of Canadian Hate Science

Regina Watteel PhD, Badass Statistician, battle ready and taking on the government shills.We talk about her book that uncovers the fraudulent work of David N. Fisman, Ashleigh R. Tuite & Afia Amoako and the University of Toronto.How far does this go?Is there any agency that would look at her claims that these studies are fraudulent?The obvious answer is that not one, not even the Anti-Rackets division of OPP would put an end to the fraud and corruption that has infested science.I ask Regina about her past and what has created this battle ready Mom-statistition. Hint: she already had her initial battle, before this covid crisis was foisted upon her family and yours.X: https://x.com/ReginaWatteel?s=20Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Fismans-Fraud-Rise-Canadian-Science/dp/1988363241Substack: https://substack.com/@statscritic


Marco Navarro-Génie | Canada Needs More Alberta

"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times"-G. Michael HopfDr. Marco from Haultain Research Institute, joins me again to discuss our province and some of the current issues that we are dealing with.I do feel that some of the issues that are coming up, are instigated by our federal government and left to the people of Alberta, we could come up with better solutions with less fear propaganda to also tackle, while searching for the best solution for Albertans.We delve into the $10/day childcare plan that Quebec has had for a number of years and look at the issues that families are dealing with.I wanted to talk to Dr. Marco about the federal dental plan as well as the NDP push for a national pharma care plan.Part of the concern about the push coming from the feds around new programs(buy your vote with your tax dollars)is that it creates a nanny-like society. The government is always the go-to and it takes away the independent thinker, solver of issues.Alberta is a bit of a rebel when it comes to that entrepreneur type attitude. We like to do it ourselves and have as little government involvement in our lives.This maybe why the Trudeau regime has such a hard time letting this bird fly.Please comment and share these videos so that we can start much needed conversations.https://haultainresearch.org/https://mnghaultain.substack.com/Email: mng@haultain.orgX: @haultain_orgCanada's COVID: The Story of a Pandemic Moral PanicBook: https://a.co/d/1icurKH


Dani Katz | The Language of Betterarchy

This badass from New Mexico could be the answer that we have all been searching for! I don't want to put too much pressure on her or these concepts, but I truly believe that if we understood these concepts, we would be in a better space individually and in turn the world would be a better place.As a journalist, Dani talks about her daily struggle to complete her assignments, while the "words" would bug her for her attention.I encourage anyone looking for a solution to the crazy world that we are experiencing, to look into her books, podcasts and her programs. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle you are on, or the party you vote for. We need to consider looking past the divide and wedge issues that we have been brought up to believe and find our commonality that makes us all human. Then we can see and achieve our awakened world of ultimate freedom.Share this with friends and family.Support freedom and the people helping to share this information.Web: www.danikatz.comDigital Course: https://www.poppropaganda.com/


The Hypocrites Cancelled Me: Confessions Of A Young Marxist

Kevin starts by telling me about growing up listening Rage Against the Machine and feeling like he had it all figured out as a young Marxist. He knew that he was against the establishment and that meant he was far left teenager growing up in Allen, Texas.Kevin's shocking story of being cancelled and targeted for a view that the majority looks down on and will find a way to crush anyone who questions. I feel for Kevin and the hurt is real, as he tells this uncomfortable story and his lack of understanding of the treatment received. It seems so hypocritical coming from the same people that say that men can be pregnant and there are numerous genders, to crush someone for a view of the world that differs from theirs? I hope that we can have a second interview where we can go a bit deeper into the reasons for things happening in his opinion."Canceled med student. Obstreperous. Scientist. Father. Feat in Newsweek, NYPost, Vice, NYMag, Zerohedge, JRE, Tucker, Daily Wire, etc. “Live not by lies.”"https://x.com/kevinnbass?s=20https://kevinbass.substack.com/


Dr. Hodkinson/Dr. Makis | Are All The Good Docs Destined For Reeducation Camps?

Dr. Hodkinson and Dr. Makis joined me for a rousing discussion about the corrupt enterprise know as the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta. Most of the public do not understand the inner workings of this privately run "authority" over the doctors of our province.Who knew that the governing body that is meant to protect the voting public, from faulty or poor medicine, would not be accountable to Albertans?If they are not protecting Albertans from doctors, what is their role?Is such a tyrannical governing body needed?We discuss this and much much more in this hour long meeting, plus talk about Alberta sovereignty and our leadership.Please share, like and subscribe.WEB: https://medmaldoctors.ca/dr-roger-hodkinson/Substack: https://substack.com/@makismdX: https://x.com/MakisMD?s=20


Randy Hillier | Canadian Government Is More Like A MOB Family

When no one else in government had the balls to stand up to the ridiculous hoax they called Convid, Randy Hillier did.When no one else would be there at rallies to represent, we the people, he did!15 years in Ontario politics as a representative for Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington, he has seen his share of corruption and the dirty tricks used to fortify oneself in our mob-like cesspool of a system called government.I got the chance to ask Mr. Hillier some of the questions, many Canadians would want to know.Do we have a chance of voting ourselves out of this mess?Is there anyone that we can trust in the system or are they all corrupt?Is Pierre Poilievre better than the two schmucks(Justin Trudeau & Jagmeet Singh)?Watch as I hope for the answers to the white knight question here in Alberta.Please support Randy and his fight for righteous freedom by donating to his legal fund in the link below.https://x.com/randyhillier?s=20https://nomorelockdowns.ca/https://nomorelockdowns.ca/accommodation/scuttlebutt-lodge/


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