Unshaken Saints
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Seismic shifts in the religious and secular landscapes are destabilizing the faith of millions. Join religious educator Jared Halverson as he explores restored scripture, doctrine, history, and practice; examines patterns and pitfalls in navigating faith crisis; and wrestles with ways to make your faith unshaken.
Hello my friends, I’m Jared Halverson and this is Unshaken. I’ve spent my life studying the scriptures, my professional career teaching them, and my education at a Bible-belt divinity school exploring ways they have been used and abused, attacked and defended. And I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned. In March of 2020 I created a YouTube channel called Unshaken, and six months later we hit our one millionth view, as people around the world are eagerly pursuing an unshaken faith in God by immersing themselves in His word. More and more viewers have been asking for an audio-only version of the lessons on Unshaken, and this podcast is my attempt to meet those needs. What it lacks in the visuals shown on YouTube, or the polished sound of a podcast-only production, it hopefully makes up for in its accessibility to the drivers, joggers, and multi-taskers out there who want to study their scriptures “on the go.” To you, welcome to our verse-by-verse, Come Follow Me study of the scriptures. I pray that it helps your faith in Christ become unshaken.
Disclaimer: The content of these podcasts is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System.
Hello my friends, I’m Jared Halverson and this is Unshaken. I’ve spent my life studying the scriptures, my professional career teaching them, and my education at a Bible-belt divinity school exploring ways they have been used and abused, attacked and defended. And I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned. In March of 2020 I created a YouTube channel called Unshaken, and six months later we hit our one millionth view, as people around the world are eagerly pursuing an unshaken faith in God by immersing themselves in His word. More and more viewers have been asking for an audio-only version of the lessons on Unshaken, and this podcast is my attempt to meet those needs. What it lacks in the visuals shown on YouTube, or the polished sound of a podcast-only production, it hopefully makes up for in its accessibility to the drivers, joggers, and multi-taskers out there who want to study their scriptures “on the go.” To you, welcome to our verse-by-verse, Come Follow Me study of the scriptures. I pray that it helps your faith in Christ become unshaken.
Disclaimer: The content of these podcasts is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System.
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It is important to differentiate “The Law” in Nephi’s time, and “The Law” to which we are committed today. The Mosaic Law of Nephi’s time was an Aaronic Priesthood function, and as Paul repeatedly pointed out led to spiritual death. It was terminated with the atonement of Christ, and animal sacrifice ended. Christ required the sacrifice of “a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” We no longer require a Liahona to guide us through the wilderness because we have the Holy Ghost.
I greatly appreciate the deep dive into the question the Sadducees ask Jesus regarding eternal marriage.
This thought is really touching and impactful to me, and I'll add to it that I wonder how many times I don't even RECEIVE the seed that is being given to me.
Thank you so much for these podcasts. I truly appreciate the time, effort, and love you put into them.
"Let the cause inspire you and it will inspire courage within you."
I know Brett Harris! He cofounded an Author's Conservatory, so I'm doing that! They have a website full of help for young writers called "Do Hard Things". I just got super excited when I knew what you were talking about when you mentioned "Do Hard Things". 😁
thank you for explaining 'proving contraries.' as much as I think I understand something, I find there is a deeper more truthful explanation as you provided. thanks, as always!
love thede podcasts!
Best scripture study podcast! Jared Halverson is brilliant, yet explains verses, concepts, and spiritual principles that are life enhancing in a engaging, approachable and entertaining way. Ideal ‘Come Follow Me’ Study I am learning real-life applications to scripture study from this podcast on a deeper, clearer, and more fascinating way than ever before. My view on life and God and faith is richer and happily deeper because of Unshaken.
When I was a child my father hired an older man, the grandfather of one of my school friends, to find a good place to dig a well. in short order he identified a place where two underground streams crossed, using a forked green willow branch. My father dug the well there and not very deep down found a prolific water supply. The guy gave me tge stick and showed me how to use it and I was amazed that I could feel the 'oull' of the water too. I am sure that such things are not dead, even in the 21st century. I also believe it is still a gift!