Unstoppable Marketing & Mindset with Em Gee

Female Entrepreneurs who want to be UNSTOPPABLE in Business - Listen up! The Unstoppable Marketing & Mindset Podcast with Em Gee is a high value, high vibe, no BS space to tune in and learn all things Marketing & Mindset for your Business. Em Gee AKA Mrs Unstoppable is a Marketing & Mindset coach who likes to break the rules a little. Let's face it - rules are made to be bent and broken, and that's how we can progress faster than the average. In this podcast Em Gee pulls back the curtain to show you behind the scenes in her business AND next level guests, so you can be UNSTOPPABLE.

Ep.45 How Much Money I Make and WHY We Need To Talk About It

90% of female owned businesses are making less than 100k annually. I previously hated the ‘6 figure’ conversation BUT, now I realise, we need to have it. Because if you aren’t making 6 figures in your business, you’re likely to be struggling, and therefore you might not stay in business forever, and then the world misses out on what you have to offer. In this episode I share my own evolving thoughts on sharing 'money' as part of marketing PLUS I share real numbers. I share what I pay myself, how much revenue I'm making, and how that's allocated. I want to break the taboo and talk about money in a REAL way that breaks through the 'bro-marketing' noise and gives substance to what's possible (or not possible!) in business. This is the FINAL episode in this season, before a 4 week break. Connect with me on instagram here Check out The Biz Rebelution here


Ep.44 Toxic Patriarchy Re-branded as 'Women Empowerment' with Amanda Louisa

If you've noticed an icky feeling that you can't quite put into words around the 'women empowerment' trend in business, you need to listen to this episode. Amanda is a nervous system regulation coach for women, a phenomenal speaker and corporate lawyer who understands deeply how the patriarchy is so engrained in our actions, we might not even realise we are contributing to it. This episode is hard-hitting with a discussion many people are too afraid to have, but needs to be cracked open. Consider this can of worms OPENED. We are open for DM's on this topic! Connect with Amanda here on instagram Connect with Em Gee here on instagram Check out Amanda's website here


Ep.43 The Great 2024 Debate - AI VS Copywriting with Kara Stokes

Who better to tell us about how AI is impacting marketing than Kara Stokes - founder of both a copywriting and AI business?! In this episode we discuss: the role of AI in copywriting and content creation why you NEED to know your core brand messaging before using AI mistakes you're probably making with AI generated content what the future of marketing looks like with the influence of AI You don't want to miss this episode!! Connect with Kara here on instagram Check out her copywriting website here and the AI Street Website here Grab her incredible Little Green Book of AI Prompts for free here AND - find out more about The Biz Rebelution here!


Ep.42 The EXACT Steps I Would Take As A New Coach or Mentor

If you're starting a coaching or mentoring business, heck... any online service based business... You NEED to listen to this episode. I take you through the exact 9 steps I would take if I was starting again. No BS, no fluff, just straight to results. WHY? Because I see waaaay too many people get trapped in the shiny object syndrome cycle and focusing on the things that don't actually matter. Let me give you a list of the things that DO matter to get exceptional results, quickly. Doors to The Biz Rebelution open soon!! Sign up here now. Connect with me on instagram here.


Ep.41 The Raw Reality of A Membership Model in Online Business

This episode is your backstage pass to starting a thriving membership for your business. In true Em Gee style, I give you the raw FACTS and unfiltered experience so you can make the right decision when it comes to creating a membership as a part of your business offers. I share, from experience, the pitfalls to avoid and lessons to learn before throwing your hat in the membership model ring. I also cover practical strategies for those considering launching or are already running a membership-based service. Check out my membership The Biz Rebelution here. Doors open next month!


Ep.40 Sam Kurowski - Re-Defining The Business VS Parenting Juggle

If you're a parent running a business, this episode is a MUST listen. We ALL feel the pull between our business and our kids, and the more strategies we have to manage this constant pull, the more everything in our lives will flourish. In this episode, expect to get real about the mess, the triumphs, and the unfiltered truth of raising tiny humans while building an empire. This episode isn't just talk- it's a battle cry for every parent feeling the heat. Key takeaways? Forget perfection, embrace the chaos, and remember, your kids are your toughest, most rewarding project yet. Tune in, get schooled, and let's redefine the business VS parenting juggle, one honest conversation at a time. You'll find Sam's Website Here Her instagram here And you can connect with Em Gee here on instagram


Ep.39 The Rebel's Guide To Your Ride Or Die Team - With Meqa Smith

We're flipping the script on the hiring process. Because if you want a 'unicorn', you need a f*cking rainbow. Introducing Meqa Smith, founder of the Unforgettable Agency - blending HR and Marketing to help businesses create their ride-or-die team. If you're in business for the long haul, you'll need a team that don't just complete tasks, but are a die-hard advocate for your brand. Tune in and get inspired about how to attract those unicorns! Connect with Meqa here on LinkedIn Check out her website here Check out The Biz Rebelution here


Ep.38 Unfiltered Chaos - How My Start To The Year REALLY Went

I have a confession to make. I totally dropped the ball on my podcast this month. And it wasn't the only ball I dropped. In this episode, I share completely unfiltered and unedited, what happened for me in January. How it didn't go to plan, and what I learned along the way. I also share my big goals and dreams, and how I have shaped the year despite the chaos that it began with. Connect with me on instagram here: The Real Em Gee The Biz Rebelution Find out more about The Biz Rebelution here


Ep 37: Challenge Yo-Self in 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm recording this on the day it's going out, because I really wanted to share my fresh energy for 2024 with you. I was reflecting on the pressure to come up with a word for the year, which has been a thing for the past five years, but I was struggling with it. I don't even remember last years word, so I questioned if I really needed a word or if I could approach it in my own way. Then something happened on January 1st that changed everything. Tune in to find out the story, and what my word is for this year. Next up - I'm doing a series of 24-day challenges throughout the year to push myself out of my comfort zone and really f*cking LIVE. Listen up to find out more about what this means (and maybe join me!)✌️ Check out The Biz Rebelution here!! Connect with me on Instagram here


Ep.36 Calling Out The BS In The Coaching Industry with Laetitia Andrac

It's the reality check the coaching industry has been waiting for, in the form of a micdrop convo with Laetitia Andrac. She's an energetics & strategy business mentor, author of Light It, and also with me; on the bandwagon of calling out the BS in the coaching industry. What's Unpacked in This Episode: 🚀 The "Seven Figure Flipped" mission: Debunking the myth of mandatory million-dollar success. 💡 Laetitia's personal journey: Escaping the snare of manipulative marketing. 🔮 Intuition vs. Strategy: Finding your business's true north. 🌟 Inner wisdom whisper: Learning to tell apart intuition, fear, and ego. 🌱 Grow genuine: Embracing education, authenticity, and real success stories over wealth flaunts. You can connect with Laetitia here on instagram Her book can be found here Her website is here Doors to The Biz Rebelution open mid January - Get on the waitlist here!


Ep.35 Leading Your Own Decisions: Is it FEAR or Intuition?

Half of the reason a new client comes to me is because they feel they need guidance. Should I do this, or should I do that? I'm going to shoot myself in the foot by telling you - YOU actually have the answers. Not me. Your intuition is better than any coach. But here's the thing - because we are human, we live with fear. And oftentimes - fear overtakes our decision making ability. So what if you could tap into your inner knowing, and REALLY fkn trust yourself to make the right decision? In this episode I share: My own personal journey from rejecting my intuition, to uncovering it's power. Why toxic positivity can be detrimental as it suppresses negative emotions and perpetuates a negative cycle. Trauma can be stored in the body, and alternative healing modalities like cranial sacral osteopathy and kinesiology can help release it. How Human Design provides insights into one's unique design and decision-making process. Trusting one's intuition and listening to the body's wisdom is crucial in making aligned decisions in business. How to recognise the difference between fear-based decisions and decisions in alignment with one's true self. Let me know your biggest takeaway here, by sending me a DM on instagram. Don't forget to follow and rate the podcast!


Ep.34 Are Your Hormones Wreaking Havoc on Your Business? A Conversation with Kylie Pinwill

What do hormones have to do with business? Well, a LOT- especially if you're a woman over 30! If you want to know the secret to thriving in business through inevitable hormone changes, this episode is for you. Whether you are pre menopause, peri menopausal or beyond; your hormones affect how you show up in the world - including your business. It's a slightly taboo topic, but if you're a female - it's something you need to be talking about and taking actions on. Key Takeaways: 👉🏼The perimenopause party can kick off as early as your mid-30s, bringing a mixtape of hormonal ups and downs. 👉🏼Our uninvited guests? Fatigue, restless nights, and those extra kilos. 👉🏼Stress is the party crasher messing with your hormonal balance. Time to show it the door with some self-love and boundary-setting! 👉🏼Arm yourself with nutrition, movement, and a mindset that keeps the hormonal dragons at bay. 👉🏼Your body's speaking – listen up! Honor your natural cycles to keep your energy high. Connect with Kylie here over on her website Grab her free hormone healthy foods guide Reminder: Doors to The Biz Rebelution open in a months time, get on the waitlist here!


Ep.33 How AI Is Changing The Game In 2024

It's not sci-fi anymore, is it? The future is here. And in 2024, it's gonna get hecccccitcccc. 🎧 Listen to This Episode If: 🤖You've ever wondered if AI stands for 'Absolutely Incredible' or 'Artificial Intelligence' (Spoiler: it's both!). 🤖 You want to be a innovative, forward thinking female entrepreneur 🤖 You're ready to dive headfirst into 2024 and want to know what's in store for us beyond rewatching 'The Jetsons'. 🔥 In This Episode, You'll Discover: 🌟 How I went from an AI novice to nerd without getting a single circuit board fried. 🌟 The transformative magic of AI in industries you care about (and some you didn't even know you cared about!). 🌟 Why your next customer service call might be more 'I, Robot' than 'I'm frustrated'. Connect with me here on instagram Join The Biz Rebelution here


Ep.32 Angela Henderson gives us a Reality Check: Are You The Problem?

In this episode we are putting your strategy, relationships, wealth and health under the microscope and getting a serious REALITY CHECK. Angela Henderson isn't your average business consultant. Nope! She's a mental health clinician turned holistic business advocate who's main objective is to get you ALIGNED AF to your strategy. 👓 What's Under the Microscope? 🧠 Mind Over Matter: Angela shares her secret recipe for business success – and spoiler alert, it's not just spreadsheets and strategies. 💖 The Four Pillars of Prosperity: Strategy? Check. Health? Check. Relationships and Wealth? Double check! 🚀 Subconscious Beliefs and Self-Sabotage: Why fighting your inner demons is better than any business seminar. 🌈 Action Stations: Why Manifestation is BS without the ACTION. You can check out Angela's 2024 Retreat here Check out her website (and business scorecard) here. Connect with her on instagram here


BONUS Ep: Leonie Dawson Does Business On HER Terms and Makes Millions!

This is a bloody exciting episode, because Leonie Dawson works very few hours a week, doesn't do 1:1s, and I managed to squeeze her in for a 30min poddy ep.. you lucky ducks!! Leonie isn't just an entrepreneur with 20 years of selling her creations on the internet, she's a walking, talking fireworks display of business magic. In this episode, she flips everything you thought you knew about business on it's head. Leonie is un-niche-able, and makes millions. She ditched social media marketing, and still made millions. She won't pay Zuckerberg a cent for ads, but has a HUGE highly converting email list. She records podcasts with her phone down her bra while driving. Leonie just does business DIFFERENTLY, and I love her for it. After this episode, so will you. Her Brilliant Biz and Life Academy is open right now - it's insanely affordable and full of fun and brilliant biz advice. Join here NOW before the price doubles.


Ep.31 Simplify To Amplify - Complicated is NOT Sophisticated in Business

Ever felt tangled in the web of your own business ideas? In this episode I bare it all, sharing how I mastered the art of simplicity in business, even with my chaotic manifesting generator energy. Dive into real-world examples from giants like Apple and Netflix and learn why less means more in terms of your business model. Grasp the power of the Pareto principle and transform how you work. Join the Simplicity Challenge! Be ready to streamline, redefine, and climb. If you want to scale, evolve, and unlock the next level, this episode has the blueprint. Grab your FREE Vision 2024 Workbook here. Book your spot at the Vision 2024 Workshop here. Connect with Em Gee on instagram here.


Ep.30 Fight or Flight is SO Last Season - with Harmony Jade

Do you ever completely switch off from business mode? I'm 100% guilty of pushing and hustling more than I care to admit - so I got Harmony Jade on the show to talk about mindset, nervous system regulation, and how to actually NAIL the work/life balance on your terms. Key Takeaways... ✨Women have been fighting for their place in society for a long time, which puts the nervous system into constant "fight or flight" mode. ✨Outdated social constructs and roles, like the expectation that mothers are fully responsible for childcare, negatively impact women's nervous systems. ✨Knowing your own optimal routine that makes you feel energized and aligned, whether that's morning yoga or just a walk and coffee, is key. Don't force yourself into someone else's routine just because it works for them. ✨Consistency over intensity - ditch the adrenaline spikes for long-term zen. ✨Rest with intention - it's not laziness, it's listening to your bod. Connect with Harmony here on instagram Check out her Perth Bohoho Event here Get on The Biz Rebelution Waitlist Here


Ep.29 Reverse Engineering Your Big Goals For 2024

It's two months till 2024 - NOW is the time to plan your goals! First up, grab my free Vision 2024 Workbook here. Then, join me as I share with you my process for planning and setting goals for the upcoming year! We reflect, dream big, then take your big goals and make them a reality. Don't forget to book your space at the LIVE workshop here. And connect with me on instagram to let me know your biggest takeaway.


Ep.28 The Key to Scaling Your Biz Through People and Operations - with Chrissy Saffioti

Chrissy Safiotti is an expert in people and operations with over 13 years of experience. She launched her business, Grow Advantage, in January 2022, with a focus on supporting female small business owners with their people and operations. Chrissy's goal is to help women grow and scale their businesses by providing them with the necessary support and systems. Here are the juicy key takeaways that Chrissy generously shared with us: Delegate Like a Boss: It's crucial it is for small business owners to delegate tasks effectively. By outsourcing lower-value tasks, you free up your precious time to focus on what truly matters – those high-value, needle-moving activities that drive your business forward. Sell the Dream: When it comes to attracting the right talent, Chrissy suggests a shift in perspective. Rather than merely highlighting your company, focus on showcasing the benefits and flexibility that the position offers. This approach will not only draw in top-tier candidates but also create a harmonious work environment. Smooth Sailing with Systems: A well-defined hiring process and timeline are like the wind beneath your recruitment wings. Systematise for Success: Building effective systems and processes is like oiling the gears of your business engine. They not only make your life easier but also provide the best experience for your clients. The Perfect Match: Finally, Chrissy reminds us of the importance of aligning skills and strengths with roles. Don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole. Match the right person to the right role, and watch your business go boom! You can find Chrissy's company Grow Advantage instagram here. And grab her hiring playbook here (I highly recommend it!)


Ep. 27 The Marketing of Politics and War

This episode felt necessary this week. If you've followed me long enough you'll know I won't shy away from the big topics - and as an empath obsessed with understanding human behaviour, I could not just carry on 'business as usual' without covering this. In this episode I talk about the current political situation in both Australia and the Middle East. I share a little about my view, but this is not to convince you to take on my view - more to open up perspective. I then cover: ➡️ How politics and war are run by marketing machines ➡️ Our perception and politics ➡️ The propoganda game ➡️ Media manipulation ➡️ What YOU can do about it. If you found this valuable, please share with with friends. You can connect with me on instagram here.


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