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Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast
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Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast

Author: Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot

Subscribed: 866Played: 33,024


The Upaya Dharma Podcast features Wednesday evening Dharma Talks and recordings from Upaya's diverse array of programs. Our podcasts exemplify Upaya’s focus on socially engaged Buddhism, including prison work, end-of-life care, serving the homeless, training in socially engaged practices, peace & nonviolence, compassionate care training, and delivering healthcare in the Himalayas.
1129 Episodes
In this dharma talk, Sensei Kozan dives into Dogen’s “Mountains and Rivers Sutra”. In this esoteric fascicle, Dogen engages in the impossible task of naming the unnamable – the fundamental […]
This is John’s part of the dialogue led in two parts by Richard Davidson and John Dunne explores topics on meditation beyond commodification, the transformation in neuroscience, and the importance of flourishing for […]
This is Richard’s part of the dialogue led in two parts by Richard Davidson and John Dunne explores topics on meditation beyond commodification, the transformation in neuroscience, and the importance of flourishing for […]
In this lecture physicist Adam Frank delves into the blind spot in science, a concept that has led to a crisis in physics and issues in quantum mechanics. The discussion explores quantum […]
This is Kristin’s part of the two lectures given by Evan Thompson and Kristin Andrews delve into the concept of life as sensemaking and its implications for artificial intelligence (AI) and consciousness. The speakers […]
This is Evan’s part of the two lectures given by Evan Thompson and Kristin Andrews delve into the concept of life as sensemaking and its implications for artificial intelligence (AI) and consciousness. The speakers […]
This is the 2nd part of the lecture featuring Molly Crockett and Luc Steels, we dive deep into complex systems of science, interdependence, and knowing. The speakers discuss the shift from in-person […]
This is the 1st part of the lecture featuring Molly Crockett and Luc Steels, we dive deep into complex systems of science, interdependence, and knowing. The speakers discuss the shift from in-person […]
The opening of this Varela Symposium focuses on welcoming participants both onsite and online, highlighting access to a vast repository of wisdom through virtual means. The symposium, originally named Zen […]
Wendy Johnson, dedicated Zen Buddhist practitioner and gardener, weaves together threads of her life from her early Zen training years to her work establishing organic farms. For Wendy, there is […]
In this Gathering Dharma session, Rev. Joan Halifax sets the stage with a poignant reading from the Dhammapada on the theme of overcoming hatred through non-hatred, discusses the universal suffering […]
This talk given by Chenxing Han emphasized the interconnectedness of global and personal suffering and the transformative power of community, compassion, and active engagement. She discussed the challenges and polarizations facing society […]
Roshi Joan begins by reflecting on the inception of socially engaged Buddhist training during the pandemic, highlighting the growing need for community and service amidst global crises. Roshi then introduces […]
Roshi Joan Halifax emphasizes the profound suffering caused by wars and genocides around the world, advocating for deep dialogue, recognition of humanity, and the importance of addressing the structures that […]
Norman Fischer discusses the profound costs of war and the importance of recognizing humanity and sanity for the sake of all and future generations. He reflects on the both difficulty […]
In the opening talk for the Varela Symposium, Professor John Dunne explores the relationship between wisdom and intelligence, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). He differentiates between intelligence […]
For many religions and cultures, forgiveness is “the right thing to do.” But outside of moral judgements, why forgive? Frank Ostaseski, approaching forgiveness as a possibility, not an ethical imperative, […]
In this closing talk for the Spring practice period sesshin, the teachers reflect on the essence of continuous practice beyond the confines of the retreat environment, emphasizing the importance of […]
In this intimate and reflective Dharma talk, Sensei Alcio emphasizes the joyful and pure essence of Zen practice, countering any misconceptions that Zen involves a somber or stern attitude. Alcio […]
In this Dharma talk, Sensei Monshin reflects on the second day of a Spring Practice Period Sesshin, acknowledging the variety of experiences participants might have, from elation to frustration. Monshin […]
Comments (3)

Debbie D

Thank you. I listened to this episode after listening to podcast History On Fire about Ikkyu Sojun. Having run into sexism in some Buddhist communities in the US I was becoming confused about how to navigate it. I have a better understanding now.🙏

Jul 31st
Reply (1)

Debbie D

The addictions of multitasking and solving "problems" is something I can relate to. Been working on this for a while now and making headway, but this talk was very helpful. Being aware that this is a thing for others in a more deeper sense than just intellectually helps me give myself permission to let go. Gratefully 🙏

Jun 3rd