Urban Guru Cafe

Discovering what you truly are

100. I AM – the Alpha and Omega – Urban Guru Cafe

100 FREE PODCASTS The Urban Guru Cafe was created 2007-08.   The origins of the concept for a podcast sprang up out of conversations between Areti Alexova and Gilbert Schultz.  A dutch visitor, Eric, who was attending Bob Adamson’s meetings offered to do the technical side of constructing a podcast site.  Eric also translated one of […]


98. Prior to Consciousness – Nisargadatta – 6th Jan 1980

” Is there a world outside (of) your knowledge?  Can you go beyond what you know?   You may postulate a world beyond the mind, but it will remain a concept, unproved and unprovable.  Your experience is your proof …and it is valid for you only.  Who else can have your experience, when the other person […]


97. The Seed of everything is this Consciousness.

“What contradicts itself has no being. Or it has only momentary being, which comes to the same. For what has a beginning and an end has no middle. It is hollow. It has only name and shape given to it by the mind, but it has neither substance nor essence.” – Nisargadatta. “Once you realize […]


96. Cosmic Consciousness -There is NO Big Lie

The subject is the new e-book “Resonance in the Heart”. The myth about enlightenment is uncovered as another story. The basic premise of being a separate individual is sent to the junk yard.  It is a challenging program, for some. Common consensus reality is a fiction. There is a free short version of the e-book on the […]


94. Joan Tollifson – The world goes on the same.

Who wakes up? Does the mirage wake up from the mirage? Is clarity or confusion personal, does it have an owner, or is there simply weather appearing and disappearing, sometimes clear and sometimes cloudy? Is awakening a future event, or does that word point to the utter simplicity of Here and Now? Joan talks about […]


93. Jackie O’Keeffe – Enjoy it anyway.

Non Duality presented with an Irish accent and a clear view expressed through Jackie O’Keeffe. Areti talks with Jackie soon after Jackie ran a recent Silent Retreat. Jackie speaks with a natural confidence and has a good sense of humor. Relax and just let the hearing happen. Jackie’s Website. Music Includes: Planxty, Lunasa, Dick Gaughan, […]


92. Darryl Bailey – Dismantling the fantasy

“Darryl Bailey was drawn to meditation at age fourteen, he spent the next seventeen years exploring awareness and concentration practices from Christian, Hindu, Sufi, Taoist, Buddhist, and Western psychology sources.” Many will not have heard of Darryl and no wonder. He has been quietly staying out of the limelight and enjoying it that way. Everything […]


91. Rupert Spira – It is Awareness

Rupert Spira is sharp and clear.  No need to believe anything.  See for yourself.  Other interviews with Rupert appear in earlier programs on the UGC. Rupert’s website is HERE. Music includes: REM, Richard Thomson, Angus and Julia Stone, Jan Garbarek, Kese Kese, Nick Cave, the Muse and the Kinks. The Urban Guru Cafe is a […]


90. Jerry Katz – Nonduality dot com

Jerry Katz started a website many years ago. It is one of the biggest sites. We talk to Jerry about how he sees things, some history and have a laugh too. For the Nonduality site click HERE. Music includes: Paul McCartney and Wings, Mason Williams, Radiohead, Cafe Del Mar, Cactus Child and Kings of Convenience. […]


89. Robert Wolfe – Living Nonduality

Robert Wolfe chats basically about living without the constrictions of an identified state of mind. His books can be seen at his website by clicking HERE. Music includes: Angus and Julia Stone (Australian), The Swell Season, Olivia Newton-John (Australian), Cat Stevens, Pink Floyd, Jorge Drexler, Al Otro Del Rio from The Motorcycle Diaries and Coldplay. […]


88. Paul Hedderman – No Story to tell.

Paul worked with many ‘in recovery’. Here we explore Paul’s gift of talking about Non Duality, if we can call it that. Paul’s enthusiastic sharing is both light and cutting to the core of the ‘issues’ faced by the seeker. Paul’s website Here. Music includes: Nubreed, Mose Allison, Rolf Harris, The Stranglers, The Who, Bob […]


87. Jiddu Krishnamurti – Choiceless awareness

This is our second program on Jiddu Krishnamurti. He was discovered and announced as a ‘World Teacher’ by Dr. Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society, he later renounced the position saying that “Truth is a Pathless Land”. This program actually contains certain salient points that are a key to understanding the ‘situation’ we find ourselves […]


86. Being Ordinary – Mike and Tom

These chaps have a podcast on Being Ordinary. Click HERE to see and hear it. They have started doing interviews since this recording was made. Music includes: The Kinks, Cluster and Eno, John Lennon and Sheila Chandra. FREE podcast.  Donations welcome. We are not a corporation or a business venture.   Enjoy these 100 free podcasts…… […]


85. Isaac Shapiro – Beloved Life

Many will already be familiar with him and others may not have even heard of Isaac. He lives in Australia for some of the year, near Byron Bay. He travels all over the Globe holding meetings. Website HERE. Papaji was Isaac’s pointer. Oneness is all inclusive. Every expression, in any place or time, is the […]


84. Jiddu Krishnamurti – The Essence of Freedom, is naked Seeing.

THE URBAN GURU CAFE IS A FREE PODCAST Some of the essential points which J. Krishnamurti shared are in this program. In 1929 Krishnamurti dissolved ‘The Order’, which, he was made the head of – because he recognized that he was being turned into an idol of worship.  He says: “I maintain that Truth is […]


82. Christine Wushke – self-shining Yoga teacher.

We found Christine on a video interview with Rafael Stoneman on facebook – then we contacted her and here is the ‘result’. Christine is NOT an Advaita Teacher. She is simple – in the nicest possible way – her responses do not come from some tradition.  She lives in Canada. Music is composed by a […]


81. There IS no one talking – UG

THE URBAN GURU CAFE IS A FREE PODCAST WHICH DOES NOT ASK THE LISTENER TO BELIEVE IN ANYTHING. The train stops here, right here, right NOW.  You can carry on searching but the search will only be in your own imagination. UG Krishnamurti is expressing directness through these recordings. These last three programs may signify […]


80. Still, No One Talking – UG

UG Krishnamurti from a recording in Amsterdam in 1982. No description supplied. Web-Link on previous program. Music includes Vassilis Tsabropoulos, Anja Lechner and U.T. Gandhi, CD “Melos” – plus a beautiful piece from Annour Brahem from a CD titled “Barkakh”. The UGC is a FREE podcast on the subject of Non Duality.  These programs are […]


79. No one Talking – UG

“What I say is not born out of my thinking” Listen with an open mind and allow the ‘pointers’ and the beautiful music to expand this conscious presence. For anyone who knew UG this program may be very moving. Not only for them. One of many w/sites on UG click HERE Exquisite Music by Vassilis […]


77. Greg Goode – Standing as Awareness

Greg Goode is our guest this week. Gilbert explores this subject of Non Duality with Greg and some very interesting points are discussed. Visit Greg’s website and attend his Non Dual Dinners if you are ever in Manhattan. Greg’s site is HERE. Greg’s book “Standing as Awareness” is available from Non Duality Press. Music by […]


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