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Valentine’s Voice

Author: Valentine Valcourt

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Valentine's Voice is an history podcast dedicated to telling the stories of transgender figures and groups.
9 Episodes
Welcome to the Reboot! I hope you're ready for a deep dive into Sumerian transgender culture!Sources and script at vvalcourt.comPatreon at
In this episode I chat with my friend Dia and get their perspective on what it was like to transition as a non-binary person along with other non-binary topics and issues. Sources, Social Media Links, And Other Formats for the Show Can Be Found At:
In this episode we talk about Hormones, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), who takes them, and some huge surprises I had on HRT.Sources, Social Media Links, And Other Formats for the Show Can Be Found At:
In this episode we explore what gender dysphoria feels like using the movie Elf as an example. We also look at the differences between social transitioning and medical transitioning. This episode is dedicated to Ms. Julie, who passed to the other side this week and left the world a little darker for her loss.
In this episode we walk through the different parts of us that make up our gender, sex, and sexuality with the help of the Gender Bread Person!Sources, Social Media Links, And Other Formats for the Show Can Be Found At:https://vvalcourt.comThe Gender Bread Person Worksheet:
In this episode we return to Rome and examine the life of the controversial hard-partying transgender Empress Elagabalus. She is widely seen as one of the worst rulers that Rome ever had, but my question is who decided it was a good idea to put a teenager in charge of an empire?Sources, Social Media Links, and Other Formats for the Show:
In this episode we move from Sumeria to Anatolia, Greece, and eventually Rome. Cybele, also known as the Magna Mater, was an extremely popular goddess that spread across the Roman empire along with her transgender priestesses.Sources, Social Media Links, and Other Formats of the Show Can Be Found At:
In this episode we find out how far back we have evidence of transgender and non-binary people in the historical record. Featuring Enheduanna and the cult of Inanna.For more information and formats,
Episode 1!Ahhhh!In this episode we set things up for our journey through through transgender history by looking at Magnus Hirschfeld and Left-Handed people.