DiscoverVedanta: Ancient Wisdom for Life
Vedanta: Ancient Wisdom for Life
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Vedanta: Ancient Wisdom for Life

Author: A. Parthasarathy

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With all the technological and economic progress, the world is still infested with stress and strain. The ancient Indian philosophy of Vedanta presents a practical, time-tested solution. Enables you to achieve success without stress, harmony in relationships and purpose in life.
In this podcast, renowned philosopher and best-selling author Swami A. Parthasarathy, acclaimed as the greatest living exponent of Vedanta, answers questions on life and living.

”Living is an art, a skill, a technique. You need to learn and practise it as you would to play a musical instrument or fly an aircraft.”
19 Episodes
In this episode Swamiji reveals the Gita's secret to gaining mastery over sense objects. The Gita explains that by merely abstaining one cannot overcome one's desires for sense contact. Instead one must learn the art of dealing with sense objects culminating in complete suzerainty over them.
In this third episode of the series on 'The Perfect Human Being' from the Bhagavad Gita, Swamiji explains Lord Krishna's answers on how an Enlightened person conducts himself in the world and the impact of the world on him. Such a person bristles with dynamism and cheer but never gets attached to anything. He experiences the fluctuations of the world but never loses his mental equanimity.
In episode 2 of ‘The Perfect Human Being’ series from the Bhagavad Gita, the great warrior Arjuna asks Lord Kṛṣṇa to define the nature of an Enlightened person. How does such a person express himself in the world, what happens within him and how does he react to external environments and events. In response Lord Kṛṣṇa begins his famed definition of a perfect person. Swamiji's deft explanation of the verses helps one grasp the depth of the philosophy being imparted.
This series is based on a portion of Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita wherein Lord Kṛṣṇa describes the nature and characteristics of an Enlightened soul, known as Sthitaprajña in Sanskrit. It is considered a masterpiece in scriptural literature. In this episode Swamiji explains the meaning of spiritual Enlightenment, the state of Self-Realisation.
The Bhagavad Gita expounds the three fundamental yogas spiritual disciplines of karma action, bhakti devotion and gnana knowledge. These disciplines enable one to lead a productive and harmonious life whilst evolving spiritually. Yet tragically the Gita is considered a post retirement pastime. 
The two fundamental motivations that drive human action are acquisition and enjoyment. In this episode, Swamiji explains that while there is no taboo to acquisition, one’s present happiness should not be dependent on future acquisition. Also, to keep enjoyment alive in life one needs to moderate their contact.  
One of the fundamental teachings of the Gita is objectivity in action. Episode 2 of the four-part series on the ‘Message of the Gita’ defines objectivity. Objectivity enables one to face any challenge in life. Moreover, it is the essence of spiritual development.    
The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian philosophical text that is considered a manual for living.  In this four-part podcast series, Swami A. Parthasarathy provides a few insights into the Gita’s fundamental teachings and their practical application in life. The first episode reveals the technique of combining dynamic action with mental peace. 
The entire world is caught up in a mania for acquisition. Is there an end to the pursuit? How does one find lasting satisfaction and contentment in life? Swami A. Parthasarathy provides the answer.
Who is a leader? In his inimitable style Swami A. Parthasarathy reveals the characteristics and abilities of a leader. Get inspired to step up and lead the way.
Success without Stress

Success without Stress


Stress is not an external phenomenon. By investigating and eliminating the root cause of stress within oneself one can achieve lasting success and peace in life.
A. Parthasarathy derives the formula for an ideal action. Such an action not only generates energy but also avoids dissipation of energy in unproductive channels. One is then able to sustain productivity in any field of activity.
Intense Work is Rest

Intense Work is Rest


The common belief is that one finds peace, relaxation by getting away from action. By analysing and improving one’s temperament, one learns the elusive art of finding peace in action.
3C's to Success

3C's to Success


A. Parthasarathy expounds the three fundamental principles to achieve success: Concentration, Consistency and Cooperation.
To have emotions is a virtue. But indiscriminate and uncontrolled emotions can prove to be detrimental and destructive to oneself and others. The podcast explains the vital role of the intellect in governing one’s emotions and expanding one’s circle of identification. Such intellectual guidance transforms frail, depressing emotion into a pillar of strength and joy.
The Art of Parenting

The Art of Parenting


Hardly anyone in the world today can claim to have learnt the art and skill of right parenting. In this podcast A. Parthasarathy guides parents to understand and apply fundamental principles of parenting so as to inspire their children towards a brighter and better future.
Managing Relationships

Managing Relationships


This podcast describes three main principles to manage and improve your relationships, be it personal or professional: Assessing each person, distinguishing between duty versus right and learning to give. Applying these principles one can make their relationships harmonious and fulfilling in life. 
Love vs Attachment

Love vs Attachment


A. Parthasarathy dispels the widely held myth that selecting the right partner would guarantee a happy marriage or perfect relationship. If that is not the case then what determines success in relationships? To build and maintain harmony in relationships one needs to understand the fundamental difference between love and attachment. Love binds, attachment repels. Love leads to lasting fondness and affection, attachment descends into bitterness, ending in separation.
What defines richness or poverty? Is it merely quantum of wealth or is there something more to it? Renowned philosopher Swami A. Parthasarathy investigates and analyses the true meaning of richness and poverty.