From Amazing Generosity to Shocking Judgment! Witness the dramatic contrast in the early church as Barnabas's selfless giving is juxtaposed with Ananias and Sapphira's deceit (Acts 4 & 5) For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Is life throwing you curveballs? Feeling lost and confused by your trials? Join us as we unpack Acts 4:23-37 and uncover the surprising reasons why God allows us to face challenges! For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Why be bold for Jesus in a world of opposition?" This sermon explores Acts 4:1-22, highlighting how boldness for Jesus is rewarded despite opposition, empowered in times of persecution, and unimpeded by threats. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Witness the incredible! In Acts 3, Peter and John heal a man lame from birth in the name of Jesus Christ! See how the power of Jesus triumphs over human affliction. This miracle isn't just a random act, but a sign pointing to a deeper truth. Discover how this event leads to Peter's powerful sermon, calling people to repentance and offering hope through Jesus. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Are you looking for a church that's more than just potlucks and softball? In Acts 2:42-47 we see what the early church prioritized, and what the outcome is when we prioritize what REALLY matters. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Dive into the first sermon ever preached in the church! In Acts 2:14-41, Peter steps up to explain the incredible events of Pentecost. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
In the lesson, we dive into Acts 2:1-13, a pivotal historical moment known as Pentecost! Witness the supernatural outpouring of the Holy Spirit with wind, fire, and a whole lot of pandemonium! This isn't your typical church service – it's a divine explosion that birthed the church and changed the world forever. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
What do you do when you're waiting on God? In this Lesson, Pastor Tony unpacks Acts 1:12-26 to show you how the early disciples handled the time between Jesus' ascension and Pentecost. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
In Acts 1:1-11, Jesus clarifies the mission for his disciples, and it's still our mission today! This Lesson dives into Acts 1:1-11, revealing God's promise of Holy Spirit power, God's mission of worldwide witness, and God's assurance of Jesus's return.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Why study the Book of Acts? This lesson explores seven compelling reasons, from glorifying God and transforming our lives to grounding our faith historically and theologically. We'll also look at the work of the Holy Spirit and how it relates to our lives as the church today.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
We often talk about the blessings, but what about the sacrifice? This sermon discusses the "marks of Jesus", and how Paul was willing to suffer for the gospel. We'll explore what it truly means to take up our cross daily and what happens when we say no to the ways of the world. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
This message explores the concept of sowing and reaping, drawing parallels from the historical "Miracle of Dunkirk". We'll learn how to honor spiritual teachers, recognize the difference between good and bad seeds, and never give up in our pursuit of faith. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
What does a healthy church look like? In this Lesson, we explore Galatians 6:1-5 and unpack some essential elements for a thriving church community while learning how to foster a "one-another culture" where believers support, care for, and challenge each other. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Law vs. Grace: Which one defines your Christian walk? Many of us fall into the trap of trying to please God through our own self-effort, unknowingly living under the law. In this lesson, we will dive into what it means to walk by the Spirit. For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Here in Galatians 5:1-12, Paul will explain how Christ has set us free from the law and what it means to live by faith working through love.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Are you searching for true freedom? This sermon explores the deep longing for freedom in the human heart and reveals the surprising truth: true freedom is found not in self-indulgence but in submitting to God. Journey through the book of Galatians and uncover the powerful message of grace, faith, and the freedom we have in ChristFor the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
In this lesson, the Apostle Paul makes a powerful and emotional plea to the Galatian Christians, out of the anguish of his father's heart, to turn away from legalism and embrace the freedom found in Christ.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Being a Christian is more than simply being saved from hell. In Galatians 4:1-7 Paul explores the rich and multifaceted reality of sonship, revealing how we are adopted into God's family, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and called to reflect His character in the world.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
The Apostle Paul explains in Galatians 3:15-29 that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to receive God's blessings and that the purpose of the law was to point people towards Jesus, highlighting the need for salvation through faith.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
In this lesson, Paul explains how faith in Jesus Christ can set you free from the curse of the law, redeem you through His sacrifice, and grant you access to the promised blessings of Abraham! Join us as we explore the profound truths of Galatians 3:10-18 and uncover the transformative power of the gospel message.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG