
Vibe is hosted by Robyn Openshaw, also known online as the Green Smoothie Girl. In this podcast we explore what it means to live a high vibration life. Albert Einstein said, “Everything in life is vibration.” You’re literally, energetically attracting career opportunities, good health, relationships, respect of your peers and sometimes even money, when you live at your optimal vibration. Tesla said, “If you want the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” We explore how quantum physics meets psychology. We discuss how everything from the food you eat to your thoughts can raise or lower your vibration. When you discover the secrets to a high-vibration life you obtain health and happiness.<br /> <br /> To get to the show notes go to

Ep. 319: Why Has Health Insurance Gotten So Awful? + What To Do About It!

I have been fascinated by the amazing business model of Crowd Health, which puts you in a membership with 8,000 other health-minded people, and they crowd-fund all your healthcare needs....


Ep. 318: To Canceled Mothers, on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a wonderful day for many. For others, dealing with infertility or troubled kids, children who have passed, or for those of us canceled by a child, now...


Ep. 317: I Talk to My 3 Kids About Bitcoin, Gold & Silver

They quit teaching about gold in the schools after Nixon decoupled dollars from gold. (Coincidence?) I talk to my 20-something children, with the help of a colleague, about potentially safer...


Ep. 316: The Great Reset Plays Out Like This

With fiscal debt increasing by $1 Trillion every 100 days; the dollar’s purchasing power and hegemony declining fast; the “Everything Bubble” looking ready to burst; and the economy in decline,...


Ep. 315: A New Standard of Care for the C-Word

Filmmaker journalist Megan Smith lost her husband to cancer and then began traveling to alternative-health clinics around the world, to learn about other options. We discuss her new film and...


Ep. 314: Do Men In Your Life Believe Taking Nitric Oxide Is Good for Them?

They’re all doing it! For sexual performance, or athletic / workout performance. I explain the problem in five minutes. LINKS AND RESOURCES: Watch Video Version Here: Rumble Video Bitchute Video...


Ep. 313: Should I Tape My Mouth at Night?

In just a few minutes, Robyn reviews the reasons why some experts suggest you train yourself to breathe through your nose and not your mouth. LINKS AND RESOURCES: Watch Video...


Ep. 312:  If You Don’t Get Sick Often, Does That Mean You Have a Healthy Immune System?

Robyn takes on the myth that getting a cold or “bug” means your immune system isn’t healthy. Let’s talk about why we should reframe how we see “getting sick.” LINKS...


Ep. 311: Peptides are all the rage! I share how I think most of them are pharma, not anything natural.

Every functional medicine practitioner is pushing peptides. Why? What are they? Can you take peptides to regain your health? LINKS AND RESOURCES: Watch Video Version Here: Rumble Video Bitchute Video...


Ep. 310: Why I don’t get bone scans: the problem with osteoporosis and osteopenia

I don’t get the Dexa bone scan, and I share here with you very briefly why, and what the research says leads to strong bones, which isn’t what the marketers...


Ep. 309: Over 7K studies on health benefits of red light therapy

Robyn Openshaw interviews Eric James about the now over 7,000 studies on the powerful effects of red and near-infrared light therapy, for all sorts of health issues and prevention. LINKS...


Ep. 308: Pediatrician and Med School Professor Fired For Wrongspeak

I will match up to $5K if you donate to the law firm representing Dr Moon and colleagues in pediatrics who said no to the experimental product. (The Silent Majority...


Ep. 307: The Bank for the Un-Banked

We never had to think about how our bank worked, till now. But with most of America’s banks insolvent, with massive “unrealized losses” on their balance sheets, as interest rates...


Ep. 306: Why Everyone Should Own Gold Right Now

I read EB Tucker’s book, “Why Gold, Why Now?” in 2020, and I’m now re-reading it. We talk about why it’s not so much an investment so much as a...


Ep. 305: Dr. Jorgensen Explains Biological Dentistry

Why have over 1,000 dentists significantly changed the way they practice dentistry? What should you know, from my OWN biological dentist, about the procedures and products used in your mouth,...


Ep. 304: What Happened After the Emergency Broadcast Oct 4?

Within 24 hours of the emergency mass text by the federal government, 8 people have reported neurological issues to me, coinciding with that unprecedented energetic surge. I lay out why...


Ep. 303: MTHFR Gene: Should You Worry About It?

I’ve had hundreds of people tell me that the MTHFR gene is why they aren’t well, and they often get this idea from their doctor or lab test. They even...


Ep. 302:  Peptides: Are they Miracle Cures, or Just More Drugs?

Almost daily, I’m being asked about peptides, and many of you are telling me they’re being marketed to you by your “holistic” practitioners. Let’s review what they are, and whether...


Ep. 301:  Hormone Disruptors: What They Are, How to Avoid Them

Many synthetic chemicals in our foods mimic or block normal hormone function. We review what the worst ones are, and what the most common exposures are, because they are avoidable,...


Ep. 300: Obesogens in Food Making Healthy Weight Almost Impossible

Obesegons are being increasingly studied as hoarded by our fat stores, coming into the body from food and products. Let’s talk about what they are and how to decrease your...


Virginia Edwards

Hi Robyn...did you mean D3 with K2? because you said D2 with K3. I'm just wondering if you prefer D2.

03-11 Reply

Greg Miller

Interesting. I was all on board the biome tests, but now are thinking twice.

07-30 Reply

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