Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison Kay

Listen to the show LIVE Sunday at 1:00pm Pacific Time and 4:00pm Eastern on BBSRADIO.COM - Station 2! Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison Kay Dr. Alison J. Kay, aka “The Vibrational UPgrader”, is the founder of the Vibrational UPgrade System (VUPS). She is an experienced subtle energies practitioner and natural healer with a holistic approach towards helping others thrive in mind, body and spirit. She spent ten years in Asia studying subtle energies & ancient wisdom. This is combined with her twenty years experience working in & teaching Yoga, Meditation, Energy Medicine, Mind Body Fitness, Longevity and Holistic Health, where she has been serving both private clients and larger groups, doing private sessions, group clearings & activations, speaking, and teaching classes & trainings. You don’t need to believe in this in order for it to work… that’s the beauty of what Dr. Alison accesses – as soon as you experience her work, you feel the shift within you. Check out these numerous testimonials. Dr. Kay presents holistic tools to transform long term issues that take students and clients beyond wellness, into levels of thriving not typically expected nor considered possible within the American system! Dr. Kay uncovers the unifying tools with the understanding of how energy flows - or does not - in the body, and how that creates: ~ Health and wellness ~ Vitality and clarity ~ Centered calmness ~ Abundance ~ Healthy emotional expression ~ Balance and a whole lot more

Vibrational UPgrade, January 29, 2017

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J. Kay SuperFood, SuperHerb, SuperNutrtionist, Cacao and Coconut Oil Superhero David Wolfe: We Are What We Eat Our food creates our health & well-being in today’s industrial food climate - or not. David Wolfe knows facts about how food interacts within our bodies unique unto himself. Anytime he speaks, he helps to clarify what has happened to the food in our country & how to compensate for this lack by consuming superfoods & superherbs used throughout various ancient cultures. Bringing clarity to such issues as how we’ve been in a “carb coma," loving sugar & the leading food causes for the range of chronic issues our population most suffers from; arthritis to fibromyalgia, depression to cancer, David helps us to see how We Are indeed What We Eat. Offering solutions through introducing these “new” foods to the American diet, he helps us keep our "toxic load" at a manageable level so that illness does not set in. David gives us clarity on today's reality w/our food supply & how to take back our power for our own health & well-being so We Can Thrive! And some groovy yum-yums w/raw cacao too! David's home website: David's premium longevity member site for access to his wisdom: David's chocolate stuff:


Vibrational UPgrade, January 22, 2017

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J. Kay Healing and Loving with the beauty of subtle Flower Essences: Co-director of the American Flower Essence Society Patricia Kaminski joins us Flower essences are the least understood of vibrational medicine, w/crystals & essential oils being the two best known. Different from oils, flower essences were discovered by Edward Bach, who trained & worked as a doctor in London in 1912 thru 1930, giving up his successful practice to focus full time on the essences, after moving out of using vaccines & then homeopathics. Thru his work & research he recognized there were clear personality types that related to the various patterns of ill health, irrespective of the physical symptoms & thru using the essences he could help to harmonize the emotional imbalances that he came to see as the real causes of physical illness. Each flower was found to embody the positive & harmonizing force for a negative emotional state, be it fear, resentment or despair. He found that as the negative moods changed, the person returned towards health. Patricia Kaminski has carried on Dr. Bach's legacy with her work at the American Flower Essence Society.


Vibrational UPgrade, January 15, 2017

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J. Kay Special Encore Presentation of The Science Behind Consciousness and Energy with Dr. William Tiller, We Humans are Much More Than We Think We Are Another scientist sourced in my book’s late December release What if There is Nothing Wrong?, Dr. William Tiller, former professor of Materials Science & department chair at Stanford University from 1964 to 1998, says that for the last 400 years an unstated assumption of “old” science is that human intention can't affect what we call physical reality. This is no longer accurate, as his pioneering work within Psychoenergetic Science shows. One of the leading scientists of the New Sciences, leaving Orthodox science behind to have more freedom to explore consciousness with science, he says that future medicine will be based on learning to control the energy frequencies of the body. His cutting edge work builds a reliable bridge of understanding thru the various domains of how nature manifests, both in the external physical as our sciences have already studied & the more subtle domains of inner reality typically studied in the East & then how they strongly join w/the domain of spirit.


Vibrational UPgrade, January 8, 2017

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison Kay Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami Explains How Our Thoughts Create Our Reality Dr. Goswami was featured in the film "What the Bleep Do We Know?" its sequel "Down the Rabbit Hole," Dalai Lama Renaissance & the recently released award winning documentary, The Quantum Activist.†Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami joins us to help us understand the quantum physics discovery of the Observer effect so we can see how our thoughts create our lives & our world. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called science within consciousness an idea he explicated in his seminal book, The Self-Aware Universe where he also solved the quantum measurement problem elucidating the famous observer effect. Growing up in India, Dr.Goswami is a unique translator for us all between the worlds of quantum physics and the Hindu Yogic world of working with our consciousness, as you will see. Our consciousnesses are a collection of our thoughts, emotions, experiences and the greater field - learn how this all interacts so you will finally see how your thoughts create what you experience.


Vibrational UPgrade, January 1, 2017

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison Kay Achieving New Levels of Joy in this New Year! Tools and Healings to Help Now is the time! This new era contains the momentum in it to move our humanity forward into a time of joy, vitality, well-being & abundance! Do you feel light & childlike, or heavy & burdened, more serious & focused on “issues” & all that’s wrong in our world? We can retain our child-like innocence, trust & joy - it is only our mind’s interpretations that create that heaviness, making things serious. Part of this is the nature of the mind, as understood from the yogic and buddhist sciences of the mind. Part of this is the way our society has been over the past decade or so, as we’ve moved towards this new era, with the old, dysfunctional systems collapsing. We create the seriousness, and we can create the lightness and joy, too! Holistic tools, tips & new understandings from what our society has not known about the nature of the mind & Thetahealings to clear the subconscious conditionings our media & society has created to make us feel that it’s so bad for you so we can thrive!


Vibrational UPgrade, December 25, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer "Opening To Your Own Lightness" What if you're not meant to feel heavy, burdened, negative and the rest? What if there is actually an easier, lighter way to be? In this show you'll hear from 2 people who have recently begun their opening to more than just their every day status quo, and the pay offs they've received from doing so. Feel the exhilaration as we talk about what else is possible for each of us and humanity at this time - once we get beyond our conditioning of what is shown in the media and the average person's existence. There is a much bigger gig going on for humanity right now! And whether you realize it or not, you're being asked to Open to Your Own Lightness. It's your choice how you do that, via crisis or ease and joy and abundance.


Vibrational UPgrade, December 18, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Karma Clearing with Jagadish Jagadish’s body of work is grounded in clearing karmic energy that has accumulated in his clients’ psycho-physical field (body, mind & soul). He believes that “Karma Clearing” is the first step in creating harmony & untold attunement for oneself and for our future generations. Medical doctors and Holistic health-care professionals seek him out for his ability to heighten their patients’ energy and remove deep-seated blocks, allowing extraordinary healing to occur. Jagadish sees that helping relieve others of their Karmic burdens – purifying the body, mind, soul complex – puts them in readiness to hold the Realization of Self, leading to the blessed attainment of direct, intimate loving communion with Source. And by awakening others’ hearts to experience Divine Grace - the source of all transformation -healing and release from undesired patterns occurs. Listen in as Jagadish does a Karma Clearing for Alison and you, freeing us all up even more to thrive and create our best lives ever! Jagadish


Vibrational UPgrade, December 11, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Lynn Andrews, author of the Medicine Woman book series here! Lynn Andrews has had the great honor - through her 30 years of study with Agnes Whistling Elk, Ruby Plenty Chiefs and the other women of the Sisterhood of the Shields - native women healers on four different continents - to bring back the profound wisdom of the sacred feminine as it has been preserved and handed down for many thousands of years. Recognized worldwide as a leader in the fields of spiritual healing & personal empowerment, a shaman healer and mystic, Ms. Andrews is widely acknowledged as a major link between the ancient world of shamanism and modern societies' thirst for profound personal healing and a deeper understanding of the pathway to enlightenment. Here to help guide us through our experiences in the modern world - yours & mine- w/the teachings these women have gifted to us, Lynn Andrews is here to help us see how these teachings can be applied to help us move into harmony & a state of grace so we can thrive! What else is possible for creating our best lives ever? Connect with Lynn Andrews here: Lynn Andrews


Vibrational UPgrade, December 4, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer JOY! Holistic Tips and Tools and Healings and Clearings to Have More Of It! The #1 Preventitive Health tool is joy. So it is too for abundance & well-being. When we are feeling more joy & less “problems” our cells respond to this innate wiring of the universe with resounding health, wealth & well-being. It is the natural backdrop to all animate non-human life in the universe. To just be & enjoy being is a lighter sense of joy. That is possible. So is living life with a level of exhuberance & vitality. There are techniques available, easy to incorporate into our daily lives to help us have more joy, & less focus on “all that is wrong.” Thetahealings & Access Consciousness clearings will also be used to make this feeling, or energy, of joy more accessible for you. One of the chakras is also dedicated to the consciousness of joy & it happens to be by the digestive tract. Allow yourself to reach for more & to have new levels of this all important tonic - joy! It is not only possible, it just is!


Vibrational Upgrade, November 27, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Saying YES to MORE and no to less! How do we restore and/or build more of the JOY, BLISS, & magic inherent to life into our own everyday lives? How do we become turned ON to life? It is SO available right now on our planet - this LIGHT, HAPPY, HIGH energy & feeling. We CAN infuse our lives w/entirely new levels of FREEDOM to CREATE THE LIVES WE GENUINELY DESIRE! We're not locked into our lives being a certain way - although if we listen to our minds & its conclusions we hear FALSE LIMITATIONS imposed by FEARFUL thinking intended to keep us & our society orderly, to have things predictable and slow our rate of change. But we're in an entirely different time now, and we're meant to be choosing what's in alignment with our heartfelt desires - and to follow these passions, even when it causes us to ask, "How?" Gain the ability & tools to choose this freedom, BEYOND the mind's hidden conclusions that we typically operate from on a day to day basis, so we CAN say YES TO MORE and no to less - and create our best lives ever!


Vibrational UPgrade, November 20, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Krishna Das, “The George Harrison of Long Island” w/me to talk karma, mental chatter, Being Here Now and whatever wisdom our pioneer of westernizing kirtan comes up with! Krishna Das westernized Indian Kirtan music. Part of the 1st Eastern Wave in the 70’s, having gone to the same Hindu Guru in India as the Beatles, Krishna Das returned to the States as he was told to by his guru, Maharaji-ji. This New York native brought back what Kirtan in the West has now become, after decades of westernizing the singing of Hindu chants with groups all over. Now rocking the western yogic world with his soulful chants via his music, KD has offered an alternative for those who can’t seem to get themselves to meditate, or has added more to their practice for those who do. Part of the yogic path, Kirtan is a way to celebrate our heart-space within community, celebrating life in a way that is able to powerfully shift us. Having had the likes of Sting sing with him, & author Ram Dass (Be Here Now) present workshops with him, Krishna Das has a style all his own that helps cut through the mental chatter & bring it all back to you and the present & our breath - to sing.


Vibrational Upgrade, November 13, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J Kay Guest, Tina Brinkley Potts - Amplifying Your Genuis Amplifying Your Genius: Interview with Tina Brinkley Potts.    During this full moon that is a supermoon weekend, where our moon the next day is going to be the closest it has been to the earth in 60 years and the closest it's going to be to earth, says NASA, this entire century, we are under the influence of energetics supportive of releasing anything we've been knowing we need to, and desiring to, but just haven't been able to. So now is the time. This interview enhances the release of old, dysfunctional beliefs you may have about business practices and marketing and who you have to be in order to create the life and business and income you desire. Tina Brinkley Potts gives loads of real life examples that anyone who does any marketing or advertising for their business, or anyone wanting a different way to earn income, or anyone looking for living an inspired life, can benefit from. From working Facebook ads to living your genius, this is a show that will inform while leave you warm and fuzzy, and ready to get started with that new leg in your life you've been desiring to initiate.


Vibrational UPgrade, November 6, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J Kay Receive FREE support during this weekend's energy gateway w/clearings & coaching We are in an amazing time right now, especially in the next 3 days, an energy gateway. Emotions will likely run high as we lead up to the Presidential election in the States, along with the high energetic backdrop over this weekend from the astrological configuration. These planetary alignments bolster the transformative energies of this new era we're in now, of Spiritual Awakening and the divine feminine consciousness, that the Galactic Alignment 12/21/12 marked. NOW is the time to simply DROP the OLD and STEP RIGHT ON INTO the NEW, because the new is here! Holding on to the old at this point only increases suffering. Get the support you require in order to take advantage of these opportunistic times we are living in. As each one of us lessens our own personal struggle between ego-identity of the old & spirit-consciousness Self of the present - it frees up each and all of us just a bit more. Receive free clearings & coaching - What Else is Possible? Listen in & receive the Vibrational Upgrade™ using Clearings & Activations in a Thetahealing™ format for yourself, too so we all can thrive!


Vibrational UPgrade, October 30, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J Kay How to use our times' seeming chaos of change TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! The holistic view of the psychology of change, immersed within these times of great change, along with some clearings are in this show. We're living in times when it seems like our ego-minds - if we don't have a practice of working w/our minds - are gripping, seeking more control. There are certain symptoms of this & there are new ways needed; we are living in a brand NEW, NEW, NEW era, after the galactic alignment the Mayans predicted -& built their pyramids for - centuries ago, recognizing the vast changes our planet would be undergoing at this time. These high, new "frequencies" or "energies" or the overall tone and feeling to our times are really moving us away from the black and white, dualistic thinking, commanding us & steering us towards a whole - holistic - consciousness, above & beyond the familiar, cognitive mind. Find out how you can use these times to your advantage, pull out of the collective fear & move beyond so that you CAN - we can all - create your BEST LIFE EVER!


Vibrational UPgrade, October 23, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr Alison J Kay How Can I Learn to Listen to My Intuition More and Quit "Figuring Stuff Out"? Learning to listen to our own intuitive awareness that can feel like it's simply more thoughts can be confusing at first to distinguish which thoughts come from our intuitive awareness & which are initiated by our own mind. Moving beyond more than just our everyday thoughts, where we're lead by that mind of our Personality/Ego/Identity, smaller self - is FUN! Getting to live in the state of listening to your Higher Self/Awareness, receiving input, information & support from the Higher Consciousness all around us, alive, awake, alert & full of support, love & light - information - takes a bit of getting used to. There are certain tools, practices and understandings that can really support you in making this shift. The result; a brilliant, beautiful dance - like Chi Gong or Tai Chi - where we're allowing ourselves to receive guidance, then taking action based on that new awareness - in this time of so much new info & support available to help us really thrive! What else is possible?


Vibrational UPgrade, October 9, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Holistic Change & Practices to Support How do we create our best lives ever? What if it doesn't seem like it's showing up? What practices & tools best support my changing holistically - in mind, body & spirit - ensuring that this change roots in my system for good? What does that typically look like? These questions and more are explored as Alison outlines this Energy Gateway time of cleansing & purging in order to bring in the new Era that we entered into last December 21st. Our world has changed over the past year; we can see signs of spiritualizing the mundane increasingly. This new Era of Humanity's Spiritual Awakening & The Era of the Restoration of Feminine Consciousness predicted by many major ancient sources including Nostradamus and the Mayans is birthing a brand new world for us - and we are here now helping that happen, whether we recognize it consciously or not. How do we make the most of these cleansing, supportive energies for us to Create our Best Lives Ever? What else is possible? Tune in to gain a glimpse.


Vibrational UPgrade, October 2, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Having More of You and of Life - Free Holistic Life Coaching and Healings What changes in your thinking, especially those small shifts in perception about the way your funny little mind is framing something is when it isn't necessarily that way, would allow you to create more of the life you desire? What could you see differently that would allow you to release even just a bit more of the outer reality being more important? Seeing with clarity just how you're creating the external circumstances is living in your power. Where is your mind's perception concluding something is a certain way that you know isn't really the truth, but can't find it in yourself to stop thinking of it in that way? Where are you choosing no, instead of yes? Anything that doesn't allow you to see that you're actually creating what you're experiencing, and then your mind may be choosing to complain about the way it is, that it's a necessity, and/or that it can't change - do you want help getting that cleared out?


Vibrational UPgrade, September 25, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer How Can I Learn to Listen to My Intuition More and Quit "Figuring Stuff Out"? Learning to listen to our own intuitive awareness that can feel like it's simply more thoughts can be confusing at first to distinguish which thoughts come from our intuitive awareness & which are initiated by our own mind. Moving beyond more than just our everyday thoughts, where we're lead by that mind of our Personality/Ego/Identity, smaller self - is FUN! Getting to live in the state of listening to your Higher Self/Awareness, receiving input, information & support from the Higher Consciousness all around us, alive, awake, alert & full of support, love & light - information - takes a bit of getting used to. There are certain tools, practices and understandings that can really support you in making this shift. The result; a brilliant, beautiful dance - like Chi Gong or Tai Chi - where we're allowing ourselves to receive guidance, then taking action based on that new awareness - in this time of so much new info & support available to help us really thrive! What else is possible?


Vibrational UPgrade, September 18, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Special Encore Presentation: Energy and Consciousness: What are they really and what can they do for me? The word "energy" carries many connotations and "consciousness" is just beginning to be used, while in other cultures they are seen as the keys to health, vitality and well-being. They're considered the foundation to a life full of abundance, love, joy and well-being; a life well lived and lived with wellness. Once you understand what each are, learning how they work is next. After understanding the basic laws they operate within, next is being guided to see how your thoughts, beliefs, reactions, behaviors and choices effect your energy and circulate consciousness - or shut it down - throughout your body, and within your life. So you are then equipped to create your best life ever! Yet will you? What stands in your way of peak health, vitality, well-being, joy and abundance? That is what looking into your own consciousness can tell you. Beyond the everyday mundane choices your mind may seem to conclude are all that's available, what else is possible? What if there's nothing wrong?


Vibrational UPgrade, September 11, 2016

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer Practical Mindfulness: Awareness and Tools for our Thoughts that say No! so We Can Continue to say YES! August 16, 2013 How do we work with our thoughts? What do we do with doubts & fears, especially when they come up when we're starting something new for ourselves, to increase our YES! to life, to having more of what we desire for ourselves whether it be health, vitality, joy, peace, calm, money, love...anything! This show walks us through the moment to moment awareness to approach our thoughts with, so that we are empowered to be able to field our doubts and fears, let them inform us and step forward into more anyways. The mind naturally gets loud the more movement we're engaged on in the surface of life. If we're busy, and we're starting a new adventure to create more possibilities in our lives, we're not typically also monitoring our thoughts. Yet if we were to, we would be able to view the fears and doubts that pop up - it's an automatic mechanism when starting something new where we're asking ourselves to expand - in their proper place, where they feed us instead of stop us - so we can thrive!



thank you Dr. Kay! You are amazing! Everything you say helps me in everyway#

09-17 Reply

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