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Victory Over Communism with Bill Gertz
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Victory Over Communism with Bill Gertz

Author: Bill Gertz

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Veteran national security journalist and best-selling author Bill Gertz makes the case against Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics and American Marxism and offers a faith-based counterproposal to destructive ideologies. With news, commentary and interviews. Hour-long podcasts will post every two weeks.
43 Episodes
Americans recently got a chance to hear firsthand China’s supreme leader Xi Jinping in California who is driving China and its 1.4 people into further despair and tyranny through policies emphasizing a renewal and reimposition of hardline communism. Let's be clear China's economic problems are not derived from Xi the person, or Xi the dictator. The problems in China today are the direct result of Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.The counterproposal examines cl...
This episode discusses how Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping revealed during his speech to the 20th Party Congress that he is rejuvenating -- not the Chinese nation -- but the false ideology of Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics that is now expanding beyond China to seek domination of the entire world.
This episode looks at how American Marxists are using woke ideology to divide Americans and bring about a socialist and ultimate a communist revolution.
This episode examines Chinese high-technology repression through mass surveillance and social credit scoring. The podcast is in four parts about 15 minutes each. The first section drills down on how China is developing a totalitarian control system for use within China that eventually will be exported as part of the Chinese Communist Party's plan to achieve global supremacy and replace the free and open U.S.-led international system. Part 2 is the counterproposal section that looks at the Uni...
In this episode of Victory Over Communism, award-winning national security journalist Bill Gertz examines the history of Chinese communism and its rise; the quasi-religious nature of communism, and how the solution to countering the ideology of communism lies in understanding the nature of God. The podcast also discusses the brutality of Chinese communism on display in the anti-virus lockdown in Shanghai and other Chinese cities. The episode concludes with an interview with Miles ...
U.S. intelligence obtained new details of subversion and political warfare operations in the United States by China's Ministry of Public Security, the political police and intelligence service of the Chinese Communist Party. An MPS defector for the first time provided direct evidence of MPS operations aimed at sowing social divisions in America through anonymized Facebook posts. Targets included the 2022 elections, the origin of the Covid virus, attempts to whip up racial divisions by e...
This episode examines what I will call the non-kinetic threat posed by Chinese communism. That is, the diabolical nature of the anti-human theory and practice of Chinese Marxism-Leninism and how the current leadership in communist China is seeking to reimpose high-technology Maoist tyranny worldwide. The counterproposal section continues with a general overview of the VOC worldview that seeks to explain through Judeo-Christian principles where communist ideology is false -- such as the nature...
The third season of Victory Over Communism is underway and this episode examines Critical Race Theory as the new face of Marxism in the United States. This destructive ideology was modified from its past variants by adding distinctly American features. First, CRT embraces the Marxist philosophy of resentment and hatred of religion but now filtering it through the lens of racism. Second, American Marxists embrace CRT as an adaptation of failed Soviet communist ideology through what...
The Chinese Communist Party is now publishing its Marxist-Leninist ideological journal online. The latest issue is the focus of this first episode of Season 3 of the Victory Over Communism podcast. The Central Party School journal known as Qiushi -- deceptively translated as "Seeking Truth" in Chinese -- published an article on Chinese diplomacy that reveals Xi Jinping's ambition for a world dominated by Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics. Despite its packaging as somehow Chi...
The Chinese Communist Party is working within the United States to weaken and ultimately destroy the only nation that stands in the way of Beijing's strategic goal of achieving global hegemony. Chinese influence and infiltration operations in America highlight a threat that is no longer limited to a potential regional conflict in the Indo-Pacific. The CCP is inside the wire and actively subverting the American system of freedom and free markets. The counterproposal section addresses the...
One of the most important VOC podcasts, this episode examines in detail the ideological and strategic characteristics of Chinese communism and how Beijing is seeking nothing less than world domination under Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics. The counterproposal debunks the Marxist myth of humanity as mere animals and highlights the truth of the spiritual nature of men and women. The news section provides an excellent analysis of how China's ruler Xi Jinping is seeking to infuse Co...
Neo-Marxists are promoting radical racial and gender policies that are being forced on the U.S. military by the Pentagon. The effort is undermining morale and hurting recruitment and retention of the best military in the world. This episode looks at the active program within the Biden administration to remake the military into a left-wing ideologically motivated force. The counterproposal compares the atheism of communism with a true solution to societal problems, a God-centered worldvi...
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 saw the demise of Soviet communism. Now in 2024, Marxism-Leninism is again on the march as the Chinese Communist Party declares that will impose its brand of communism on the world. This episode looks at the "Sinicization" of communism under Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping. The counterproposal section debunks historical materialism and offers a God-centered alternative regarding the true march of history. The news section examines the moral destructi...
Neo-Marxism is the subject of this episode that reveals how Marxists are seeking to take control of all elements of American society -- schools, media, Big Tech and business, and even science with the goal of imposing Marxist ideology on the United States. The counterproposal section addresses the false Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and shows that cooperation -- not conflict -- is the basis for progress and development. The news portion discusses Xi Jinping's Christmas speech mar...
The outpouring of support for Palestinians, and indirectly Hamas in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 massacre of Jews in Israel is a shocking indication of what has been called the Red-Green alliances -- the European-origin joining of American Marxists and leftists with radical Islamists. Both are seeking revolutions that require overthrowing the existing U.S. order. The counterproposal section addresses the false Marxist view of people as little more than animals and why it is fundamentally wrong...
This episode includes new information from the Pentagon's latest annual report on China's military power on Chinese communist ideology and strategy. Based on Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics, the current Chinese Communist Party strategy calls for a deliberate and determined effort to amass, improve, and harness the internal and external elements of national power with the goal of placing Communist China in the “leading position” what Beijing regards as the death struggle between ...
American Marxists abandoned confrontation and violent revolution in the 1970s and shifted their strategy for subversion and revolution to long-term infiltration -- the Long March through the institutions. This episode reveals how today, Marxists are closer to seizing power through deception and cultural control than at any time in U.S. history, a danger that needs to be recognized and countered. The counterproposal section explores how a Judeo-Christian ideology is the key to countering Marxi...
Marxism-Leninism in China is based on Stalin's brand of communism that was embraced by Mao, who combined it with the classical Chinese dynasty system. Under Mao, enemies within the Chinese Communist Party and outside it were dealt with ruthlessly under the dictim "I live, you die." This version of Chinese communism is now being revived by Xi Jinping, a true believer in Stalinism and Maoism. The counterproposal section addresses the need for a new God-centered worldview as a solution to ...
The latest episode of the VOC podcast reveals that the CPUSA, once a Moscow appendage, is now aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, increasing the danger that Beijing will succeed in its goal of replacing the democratic and free market system with a communist dictatorship of the proletariat. The counterproposal examines the Chinese communist worldview and what's needed to counter it. The news portion looks at the CCP development of artificial intelligence rooted in Marxism-Leninism. Encou...
Many people argue that China is not really communist. That its system covertly capitalist. That is not the case. The latest episode of VOC explores the Chinese Communist Party constitution, the governing document for the party-state in China. It spells out in great detail the role of Marxism-Leninism for the ruling CCP. The opening paragraph is clear: The Party’s “highest ideal and ultimate goal is the realization of communism.” The counterproposal section highlights the naivete about c...
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