Video Game Stop

Want more for your IPod battery? Bored of the really crap game reviews? Tired of the same old "wham-bam-thankyou-mam" gaming pocasts? Then welcome my friends you have struck audio gold! VG-Stop wont bore you with the details, as we offer what matters the most to you gamers. Reviews and gaming banter which is the latest fresh off the press and all relevant to you! Mp3 and Ogg are available for download! Stay tuned my white headphoned friend, you are in for something very special... *drums fingers* or e-mail:

VGS Episode 2 - Rapping Hamster will get you!!

Welcome stopper-heads to the second episode with Sid the co-host!Vist Video Game Stop E-mail us with your comments at:vgstop@googlemail.comThis Episode we are PACKED up with news:Smash Brothers Revolution is hiring!...December the 2nd: The verdict...Mario Kart Advertisement...Xbox 360: The UK launch...Xbox 360: First Impressions...Animal Crossing: Wild World and more!! Also later on in the show we tackle your gaming worries and more!


VGS Episode 1 - Mario Kart Goodnesss!! *twitches*

Always giving you more "wham-bam-thankyou-mam"min^-1In today's episode we got a funky intro XD... Nintendo's (semi-new) online approach!.... wi-fi hotspots......Nintendo's USB pen.... Mario Kart DS lag?....Nintendo's advertising.....PS3 Controller shock!....PS3 not as powerful as they say? :O:O.... Linky Linky Linky! Twilight Princess... Zelda flashback..... Nintendo Revolution's Parental Control: Good Idea or Bad :( ... Xbox 360 coming nearer: Worth the hype?.. Really Bad economics.....Xbox 360: Running past games! (confusion).... We check out our e-mails! *......*...... Learn how to gesture "up yours" in england.....See you Stopper-Heads later!Check us out at: and E-MAIL US WITH COMMENTS or forever shall this rapping hamster stalk you!:


VGS Episode 0.51 - Test Test and more.. Test!

Wow we are on Itunes finally!Dont worry I havent forgot about you listeners using other RSS readers, e-mail orrr firefox.I apologise for the delay but episode 1 is coming soon (as soon as sid gets his internet up and running *stupid BT*)So please bare with us, and for waiting I will improve the podcast audio-wise beyond what you here in this test of 0.51 XD (since we rebranded from Uber Delicious FM to Video Game Stop). Feel free to leave some comments at with suggestions of possible content that you listeners want.Atm we want to focus on console gaming with some minor tech news.I'll Be back! Arnold style! with a bigg and better podcast!


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