Virgil's Sound Den Podcast

The VSD Podcast is focused on helping your band reach your goals of making your music a full-time career so you can quit your crap day job. I have decided to end the podcast and start heavily focusing my time on YouTube. All 66 episodes will stay up and I highly encourage you to check them out! Heck, even leave a review! Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube for weekly Band Growth videos!

Ep. 67 | The Final Podcast Episode

NEW PODCAST DAY Ep. 67 | The Final Podcast EpisodeThe Virgil’s Sound Den--How’s it going guys? Today’s episode is a little bittersweet. I’m sure you’ve guessed, but after today I am done doing the podcast. I know this is probably quite a shock, but you don’t need to worry because I’m not going anywhere! I have a ton of projects I’m still working on but the (second) biggest one is that I’m switching to YouTube to get all of you more content. Check out the final podcast episode to hear what my other surprises are- I promise it’s been worth the wait!-Also, thank you guys so much for the continued support of the Virgil’s Sound Den Podcast, I couldn’t have done any of this without you guys, because all of it was for you. Thank you a million times. Keep your eyes peeled for future videos and content from me!


Ep. 66 | Use Your Hidden Talents

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 66 | Use Your Hidden TalentsThe Virgil’s Sound Den--How’s it going, guys? How’s everyone holding up through this quarantine??-I wanted to take this week to get a little real with you guys about how to try to spend your time through the mess of this all. Right now is a perfect time to sit down with your band and find new ways to be creative and new ways to make content. Be innovative, don’t be afraid to stand out- this is going to help you, as a band, pull through. 


Ep. 65 | Don't Be Toxic

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 65 | Don’t Be ToxicThe Virgil’s Sound Den Podcast--How’s it going, guys? Today’s episode is an important one, because it’s all about being kind and how that alone is good instrument in helping your band, as well as the scene you’re in, grow. -No one wants to work with someone that makes rude comments about other bands or people, no one will want to go to your shows, no one’s going to rep your merch, if you’re not a positive person to be around, right? We all want to feel supported and loved in this scene, and you’re not going to make people feel that way if you’re burning bridges. You’re going to grow just by being helpful, kind, and trustworthy.


Ep. 64 | Be Smart With Your Youth, And Your Money

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 64 | Be Smart With Your Youth, And Your MoneyThe Virgil’s Sound Den Podcast--How’s it going, guys? This week’s episode is all about investing in your future. Whether it’s your band’s future or your own personal future, it’s important to keep your end goals in mind and put money aside when you can to make sure you meet those goals. -Sometimes, people end up really lucky and make it big with their first band. But that doesn’t always happen- so it’s important to have a backup plan for when things go south. 


Ep. 63 | What We Can Learn From Shark Tank

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 63 | What We Can Learn From SharktankThe Virgil’s Sound Den Podcast--How’s it going guys? This week’s podcast is a pretty important one, because I explain the importance of numbers- whether it’s views, listens, likes, or sales. It’s all about finding ways to take your new merch, or your album, and get those things into as many people’s hands as possible in order to get those numbers, and thinking about how to market them before they release.


Ep. 62 | Staying Focused Through The Coronavirus

NEW PODCAST DAYEP. 62 | Staying Focused Through The CoronavirusThe Virgil's Sound Den Podcast--How's it going guys? I've had a few people message me and ask me to do a video about the coronavirus going around, and to mention all the tours and shows being canceled- so I did. This week's episode is all about working through brick walls, like a pandemic, but it applies to all brick walls you're going to run into as artists. 


Ep. 61 | Death By Sponsored Ads

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 61 | Death By Sponsored AdsThe Virgil's Sound Den Podcast--Happy Wednesday, guys! On today's podcast, I have a lot of really useful information that I think everyone needs to hear! It's all about the importance of knowing how and when to use sponsored ads to promote your band. -Don't get me wrong, I love using sponsored ads to reach a bigger audience with my content, but there's a few rules you need to follow when posting ads to make sure you're not just throwing your money away. Check out the episode and I'll explain what I mean!


Ep. 60 | Having Grace On Yourself As A Musician

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 60 | Having Grace On Yourself As A MusicianThe Virgil's Sound Den Podcast--How's it going everyone? Today's episode is an important one, because I really took it to heart how much you guys started reaching out to me after my episode on what to do when you're burnt out (episode 57). I wanted to take some time to let you guys know that it's okay to be burnt out sometimes, and it's okay to feel lost as an artist, because it happens to all of us. But, it doesn't last forever! You'll get through this and it'll be okay. Check this episode out to hear what I have to say for yourselves!


Ep 59 | Know Your Audience

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 59 | Know Your AudienceThe Virgil's Sound Den Podcast--Hows it going guys? I have a new podcast out for you to watch, all about the importance of knowing your audience. -This episode is a really important one, because if you don't know the audience you're playing to, you're not going to grow within your scene. It's important to talk to people at your shows, reply to them on your social media, and get to know the fans that like your music so you can give them the same energy they're giving you!


Ep. 58 | Do I Have To Support Your Local Band?

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 58 | Do I Have To Support Your Local Band?The Virgil's Sound Den Podcast--How's it going everyone?! This week's podcast episode may seem like it's going to be a little harsh, but there's a ton of good stuff that you need to hear! You know I love supporting my local scene, but like anything, that comes with limitations. Check it out to see what I mean!


Ep 57 | What To Do When You're Burnt Out

NEW PODCAST DAYEp. 57 What To Do When You're Burnt OutThe Virgil's Sound Den Podcast--How's it going guys? I have a new episode for you to check out! I know how exhausting constantly creating things can be, and sometimes you need a little break to get out of that! I'm gonna give you some tips to help you when you're feeling a little burnt out artistically. Give it a listen!


Ep 56 | Write Like A Drummer

NEW PODCAST DAY⁠Ep 56 | Write Like A DrummerThe Virgil's Sound Den Podcast⁠-⁠-⁠How's it going, guys? I have a new podcast out for you to check out and it's all about writing like a drummer. If you want your band to get big and make a career out of music, you have to make sure you're following a certain algorithm, no matter what genre of music you're writing. It's extremely important to base your music around the beat, and yes- that goes for hardcore as well!


Ep 55 | CDs are no more... GET OVER IT!

NEW PODCAST DAY⁠Ep 55 | CDs are no more... GET OVER IT!The Virgil's Sound Den Podcast⁠-⁠-⁠How's it going everyone? Today's podcast is a really important one because I wanted to give you guys some tips on how to grow your band in a way that you're being profitable with it. -If you want to quit your day job and turn your band into a CAREER, you need to be smart about it and really put thought into how you're making money. And that's why this episode is for you!


Ep 54 | Why EVERY BAND Should Pick A Release Date

NEW PODCAST DAY⁠Ep 54 | Why EVERY BAND Should Pick A Release Date.⁠The Virgil's Sound Den Podcast⁠-⁠-⁠So now that I'm FINALLY back in the groove of making content to help you grow your band, I have my first actual video podcast for y'all to check out. The link is in the bio!⁠In this video, I really spend a lot of time talking about, you guessed it.. PICKING A RELEASE DATE!⁠-⁠The reason this is SO important for you guys to remember is that you don't want your fans to miss the music, merch, whatever it is that you're getting ready to put out. We want to make sure that your band is being seen!⁠


Changing Things Up Over At Virgil's Sound Den

Stoked to tell you about a lot that is going on in the podcast!Stay tuned for next week and make sure to go subscribe to the YouTube channel!Search Virgil's Sound Den in Youtube!


Ep 53 | Brandon Kellum's Guide To Properly Releasing Music!

Welllll I'm still sick...hahaBeen a hell of 2020 so fare hahaI am getting better it's just taking a little longer than I expected!BUTWhat I said last week still stands!I have an insane amount of information in my past podcast.Since we are in a new year I thought a good replay episode would be the time I had my good buddy Brandon Kellum vocalist of the band American Standards talk about his guide on how to release music!New year = New Music and if you don't release it properly it will get caught in the sea of new music and forgotten about...Don't miss out on this replay and make sure to release your music properly!


Ep. 52 | Chris Davis Of The Ghost Inside

Welllllllll I am SICK everyone...It literally hurts to talk.Let me ask you a question tho. What's better than a new podcast?I'll tell ya...A killer replay of an older podcast!This episode was actually one of the first episodes I ever record.Specifically, it was episode 5 back when I used to call the podcast Learn From The Pros!It was such a blast hanging with my buddy Chris Davis of The Ghost Inside talking about ways to look at your band and how to improve it!


Ep 51 | How Is Your Band Looking at 2020?

As a band, you probably had a bunch of ups and downs...You probably failed a lot on Instagram and you probably had some awesome realization on how Instagram and other platforms work better as well. I know I sure did.That is completely normal and it's how things work. You will always learn as you go and things will get better and better.BUT.Now you're a pro at social media.- You know when to post- You know what hashtags work and don't workYou're actually getting the hang of it!No, you can focus on properly branding yourselves and push your band forward like crazy!Pumped to pick your brain on what you should be doing in 2020.


Ep 50 | Merry Freaking Christmas

Merry Freaking Christmas everyone!This episode is a very short episode just wishing you a Merry Christmas and also challenging you all to focus on the new year coming.Enjoy and I can't wait for the new year!


Ep 49 | Self Branding .2

So I did it, EVERYONE...I made an Ep 2 of last week's branding Episode! I literally had a bunch of people wanting more detail.So I decided to go way more in-depth and give you a couple more bullet points.If you at all are interested in Self-branding and taking this to the next level definitely go back and listen to episode 48 and then hit this episode 49 hard!Pumped for this and pumped all you out there wanting to self-brand!


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