Vitality Made Simple

<p>Take the stress out of being healthy! Chronic inflammation, toxins, and emotional anxiety will slowly rob your energy and wellbeing. Vitality Made Simple gives you sustainable strategies to maximize your vitality span with clarity. Too often, “healthy” is confusing, expensive, and no fun, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Debbie Ozment’s refreshing Integrative Medicine approach unites physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. From a biblical perspective her insight and experience will empower you to simplify your path toward a happier and healthier life - brimming with sustainable vitality! </p>

Thermogram Advantages & Disadvantages

Cindy Shroba, Certified Clinical Thermographer, shares the advantages and disadvantages of thermal imaging for early detection of inflammation and potentially cancer. Thermography utilizes an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues. As cancer cells multiply, they require more oxygen-rich blood for growth. As the blood flow to the tumor increases, the surrounding temperature rises. You can reach Cindy via her website, by phone a...


Bust Biofilms: Mold & Yeast

Dr. Jocelyn Strand, Naturopathic Physician and Director of Clinical Education and Research for Biocidin Botanicals, shares her expertise on tackling treatment-resistant biofilms such as Mold and Yeast. We even touched a bit on Lyme Disease, which is a growing issue. As a Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Strand focuses on supporting the body to heal naturally and gives us many strategies to deal with these issues. Visit my website for valuable free downloads. Add...


Overcome Emotional Eating: Annette Reeder

Emotional Eating is when people use food to deal with feelings rather than eating to satisfy physical hunger. We’ve all been there! Annette Reeder, The Biblical Nutritionist, shares her struggles with emotional eating - and the ensuing physical consequences - as well as her strategies to overcome it in this inspiring interview. The answer is NOT a diet! You can find Annette at .Visit my website for valuable free ...


Oil Pulling: Test Your Oral Microbiome!

An ancient form of mouth cleansing, Oil Pulling is worth checking out! You have nothing to lose by trying it for yourself! It is simple, inexpensive, and has no known side effects - what a deal! I’m doing my own personal experiment over the next month and will be Oil Pulling using Virgin Coconut Oil with a few drops of Nigella sativa (Black Seed Oil). I will be evaluating the benefits via a before and after saliva test from Bristle Health. To order a Bristle Test...


Lymph Basics for Vitality: Jodi Cohen

Jodi Cohen, best-selling author of Essential Oils to Boost the Brain & Heal the Body tells us how to stimulate the vagus nerve to reduce stress and anxiety. In this fascinating interview, she explains the brain benefits of “rest and digest” with specific instructions on how you can drain your lymph system for improved vitality. She is the founder of Vibrant Blue Oils where she has combined her training in aromatherapy to create unique proprietary blends of organic and wild-cra...


Beating Cancer Today: Kevin Hennings

WOW! This was an emotionally-charged interview! Kevin Hennings, world-wide celebrity sportsman and former Marine, poignantly shares his battle and subsequent victory over Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer. His transparency will inspire you and you will want to share this incredible conversation with friends and family battling this devastating epidemic. You can find out more about Kevin and his protocol via his website my website f...


Slow Aging: Test Yourself

To order your saliva test today, simply go to and put in the promo code VITALITY10 to save 10 percent. Not only does your oral microbiome directly impact your gastrointestinal health, it also impacts the risk to all of the common inflammatory diseases that shorten your Healthspan. This was a fascinating conversation with Bristle Health CEO, Danny Grannick, on how important microbial balance is to your RATE OF AGING. It is really not only about your teeth - al...


Acid Reflux Unraveled: Dr. Carolyn Dean

What is the real cause of Acid Reflux? Internationally recognized Medical Doctor and Naturopath, Dr. Carolyn Dean generously shares her unique perspective on Acid Reflux and other common maladies brought on by Magnesium deficiency. Author of over 50 books including best seller The Magnesium Miracle, she has recently launched her latest masterpiece entitled Magnesium: The Missing Link to Total Health. This book is an excellent reference guide to specific health conditions and how t...


Nitric Oxide: Molecule of Vitality with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

To access our affiliate link go to; For 10% off your first order, please use the promo code: VITALITY10It regulates blood flow, signals the immune system, is active in the brain, and positively impacts metabolism. Often called “The Miracle Molecule,” Nitric Oxide is essential for Vitality! Nitric Oxide expert, Nicole Beurkens, PhD, simplifies this essential molecule in today’s podcast and ...


Life Enhancing Benefits of Methylene Blue

Maintaining mitochondrial health is crucial for Vitality! Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in all of the disorders that we don’t want including memory loss, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and accelerated aging. In today’s episode, Dr. Steven Warren and Dan Schmidt simplify the mechanism of action and life-enhancing benefits of pharmaceutical-grade Methylene Blue. Their novel delivery system will simplify the daily dosing of this otherwise messy liquid. You can sou...


Words Impact Rate of Aging?

What if feeling great was more than the right food, exercise, sleep and detoxification strategies? In today’s episode, we explore the power of words. If you had asked me about this five years ago, my opinion could have been very different but now I’m convinced that the power of life and death is in the tongue. Our words matter. Science is proving what God said first! The book that I mentioned early in the podcast is The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto.&n...


Finding Meaning Amid Chaos

Viktor Frankl, MD, is one of my very favorite dead guys because he has so much to teach us about dealing with suffering. Nazi death camp survivor and psychiatrist, Dr. Frankl wrote the worldwide bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning” soon after his release to chronicle his experience and to outline his conviction that the primary human drive is not pleasure but the pursuit of what we find truly meaningful. Although we cannot avoid suffering, we can choose how to cope with it, find meanin...


Shocking Vitamin C Update: Thomas Levy, MD, JD

Board-certified Cardiologist and bar-certified Attorney, Thomas Levy, MD, fearlessly seeks the truth. He is curious and relentless at sharing his findings to give people more options for greater health. Today we discussed one of his excellent, research-laden books, Curing The Incurable, which I highly recommend for everyone. Dr. Levy explains why Vitamin C is crucial to our healing, immunity and Vitality as well as what to look for in supplementation. He clearly explai...


Colostrum For Leaky Gut?

This podcast clears up much of the confusion surrounding Bovine Colostrum. Colostrum expert, Roger Braun, with Sovereign Labs, explains what it is, who needs it, when to take it, and what to look for in terms of purity and efficacy. While this nutraceutical is exploding in popularity, there are nuances that you really need to understand! Based on what I have seen clinically, I am an affiliate with this quality company. If you choose to order and help support the podcast, her...


The Ozone Miracle: Frank Shallenberger, MD

Considered the “Father of Ozone Therapy” in the United States, Dr. Frank Shallenberger shares his medical experience using Ozone Therapy for a myriad of physical ailments including pain, antibiotic resistance, cancer and more. Dr. Shallenberger has been practicing medicine since 1973 and has been a pioneer in Integrative/Alternative Medicine since 1978. He has authored many books including The Ozone Miracle and Bursting With Energy, specifically targeted at empowering individuals to enj...


Microbiome Biohacking: Ron McGlennen, MD

Personalized medicine starts with the right test. If you want a life brimming with energy, take control of your microbiome! Here’s the good news: your microbiome starts in your mouth and this area is easily tested and accessible! Enjoy this conversation with Ron McGlennen, MD, the microbiologist who founded Access Genetics and Oral DNA Labs in 2010. I have been using this test to enhance the healthspan (Vitality Span!) of my patients since 2010 and am continually impre...


Sleep Simplified: Funke Afolobi-Brown, MD

If you want to sleep better tonight, this podcast episode is for you! A triple-board certified sleep medicine physician, Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown is passionate about helping people get more restful and restorative sleep. Dr. Brown is a clinician, speaker, and consultant who has personally struggled with sleep issues and comprehensively understands sleep optimization. We discussed how insufficient sleep can impact not only health and aging, but also emotional and relational wel...


Lifting Depression: Kelly Lambert, PhD

Every person, of every age, in every location, needs this hope-filled information. Global depression rates have reached new highs. Kelly Lambert, PhD, a behavioral neuroscientist, has found a novel approach to helping people regain control over their environments and to feel more connected to the world. Author of numerous textbooks, three mainstream books, and countless research papers, Dr. Lambert generously shares her expertise in this critical area of dealing with Depress...


Chronic O2 Deprivation: Felix Liao, DDS

We hear about the rule of threes regarding survival: in general, a human can live for three minutes without oxygen, three hours without shelter in an extreme environment, and three days without drinkable water. However, we often forget that chronic hypoxia or chronic oxygen deprivation is much more common and affects people of all ages and stages of life. Today we have an absolute world expert in this often overlooked area. Dr. Felix Liao holds an engineering degree from Bro...


Autoimmune Reversal: Terry Wahls, MD

Curious, courageous, and generous, Dr. Terry Wahls is revered as a trailblazer in the world of Integrative Medicine therapies to treat Multiple Sclerosis. Author of the bestselling book, The Wahls Protocol, she shares radical new ways to treat all chronic Autoimmune conditions. She was stricken with MS at an early age and soon confined to a reclining wheelchair. Told by her medical colleagues that she was faced with a future of “20 percent decline a year,” Dr. Wahls develope...


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