Voice of California Agriculture

The California Farm Bureau is excited to bring you the Voice of California Agriculture Podcast! Hosted by Gary Sack, the podcast will bring general farm and food news, plus legislative updates affecting California family farmers and ranchers. To learn more about the work that California Farm Bureau is doing, visit: https://www.cfbf.com/

5/30 Food & Farm News

Our featured interview –With ATV and Utility vehicle accidents on the rise, a major farm insurance company begins a safety campaign to curb accidents and deaths.  California blueberry farmers are planting more, as are cotton farmers, yet farm prices are low, the Oriental Fruit Fly is declared eradicated from Santa Clara County, and a legislative update.


5/23 Food & Farm News

This week’s legislative update, an interview regarding significant labor bills in legislature. California’s Zero-Emission Vehicle mandates are causing headaches for truckers, we’ll check in on California’s rice plantings, farm stresses cause mental health concerns, and more.


5/16 Food & Farm News

The Governor’s budget proposals concern the state’s major farm group. A legislative and issues update, and an interview with a farm labor expert on an 8 year old law that was to increase farm employee pay, but instead has reduced it, and updates on avian flu impact on California dairies.


5/9 Food & Farm News

Legislative week in review, concern over President Biden’s lack of trade progress, mental health on the farm, and California’s Prop 12 has led to higher pork prices for consumers. 


5/2 Food & Farm News

Legislative week in review, concern over President Biden’s lack of trade progress, mental health on the farm, and California’s Prop 12 has led to higher pork prices for consumers.


4/26 Food & Farm News

Brought to you by the California Farm Bureau. Dedicated to producing a safe, affordable, and abundant local food supply, while advocating for the future and quality of life for California family farmers and ranchers. Here we will dive into a variety of headlines and keep you up-to-date on all things Food and Farm related in California.


4/18 Food & Farm News

Brought to you by the California Farm Bureau. Dedicated to producing a safe, affordable, and abundant local food supply, while advocating for the future and quality of life for California family farmers and ranchers. Here we will dive into a variety of headlines and keep you up-to-date on all things Food and Farm related in California.


4/11 Food & Farm News

Legislative and issues update from the past week plus an initiative to give taxpayers a bigger voice Some labor bills of concern to agricultural employers, an update on avian influenza that has jumped from birds to bovine and has spread to six states, a look at the Taxpayer Protection Act—a chance to give taxpayers a bigger voice. Other issues include energy, insurance, and transportation related bills affecting agriculture. Plus, some good news for almond exporters.


4/4 Food & Farm News

Farming issues of the previous week include; fish, river flows, farmers advocating, and animal health. Money is still available to incentivize clean air off-road equipment, an increase in juvenile steelhead production in the Sacramento Basin, the court upholds flows plan for the San Joaquin River tributaries, farmers advocate for key issues at the state capitol, protecting the greater sage grouse, and a look at the BLM’s wild horse and burro count, and why a Senate resolution to block Paraguayan beef ships into the U.S. is a good thing. 


3/29 Food & Farm News

Pollution grants, animal depredation, an illness in Texas dairies, and a proposed 26% pesticide tax increase.   Today, some air pollution grants that would go to agriculture to help them comply with strict new standards, yet there are still many concerns.  The Wolf Compensation Program that was less than adequate last year, and why the Farm Bureau is advocating for the same amount be put into the program this year. There is an illness in multiple dairies in parts of Texas that has caused significant drops in milk production. Farm Bureau opposes a 26% increase in a tax by the state’s pesticide regulator.  A “Feeding the Economy” report shows agriculture has a huge economic impact on jobs, and economic activity.  


3/19 Food & Farm News Part 2

A Legislative and issues update of concern to agriculture from the previous week. A labor law passed in 2022 to make it easier for unions to unionize farm employees has several flaws, one of which, does not allow employees to withdraw signed authorization cards. A hearing on electric rate affordability, DWR releases its report on well-permitting requirements with policy recommendations, a forestry grant solicitation update, a bill that would help agrotourism operators in the state, and SGMA oversight hearings.  


3/19 Food & Farm News Part 1

Brought to you by the California Farm Bureau. Dedicated to producing a safe, affordable, and abundant local food supply, while advocating for the future and quality of life for California family farmers and ranchers.  Here we will dive into a variety of headlines and keep you up-to-date on all things Food and Farm related in California.


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