Voices of Freedom

Voices of Freedom
Author: Rick Graber
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©2025. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. All rights reserved
Every three weeks, join us on Voices of Freedom for thought-provoking conversations on issues impacting our freedom and America’s founding principles, with particular emphasis on free speech, educational freedom, and free enterprise.
Voices of Freedom features Rick Graber, President of The Bradley Foundation, talking to remarkable individuals within the Bradley community, including grantees, Bradley Prize winners, and more. Our focus on these areas reflects the intent of the foundation’s namesakes, Lynde and Harry Bradley, who wanted to preserve the freedoms that were essential to their success for future generations.
Voices of Freedom features Rick Graber, President of The Bradley Foundation, talking to remarkable individuals within the Bradley community, including grantees, Bradley Prize winners, and more. Our focus on these areas reflects the intent of the foundation’s namesakes, Lynde and Harry Bradley, who wanted to preserve the freedoms that were essential to their success for future generations.
27 Episodes
An Interview with Laura Sumner-Coon, Executive Director of Racine Literacy Council (RLC) It might seem counterintuitive for leaders of nonprofit organizations to try to work themselves out of their jobs. Yet our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom believes that should in fact be their goal. Laura Sumner-Coon, Executive Director of Racine Literacy Council (RLC), has spent her career starting and leading organizations that are driven to help individuals build better lives. As she shares on this episode, non-profits should not be afraid to work themselves out of existence. It’s an approach Sumner-Coon carries with her at RLC, an organization that supports the literacy needs of residents who seek to reach their full potential and become engaged citizens. Topics Discussed on this Episode: Laura’s experience working with non-profits and in education reform Why she started, and decided to shut down Racine SOAR, an organization that helped parents and schools navigate the area’s first parental choice program RLC’s importance to an industrial community like Racine The circumstances of those who use RLC’s services, how it helps them achieve their goals, and how they become more engaged citizens The extent of RLC’s reach beyond its brick-and-mortar building RLC’s 60th anniversary and its future plans Laura Sumner-Coon started out her career as a reporter and editor for various newspapers, including the former Milwaukee Journal and the Journal Times. She then held communication and development roles with the Racine Dominican Sisters and from there, began a career in education reform, including founding and leading a grassroots effort to establish the first parental choice program in Racine, Wisconsin. She has also served as an adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in the teacher preparation program.
An Interview with Anthony McHenry, Chief Executive Officer, Milwaukee Academy of Science When it comes to urban education, the news is almost always negative. Poor academic performance, abysmal graduation rates and unruly classrooms have become the norm. Students have suffered because of these failures, often falling through the cracks. Yet there are schools in Milwaukee that defy the odds, showing that success is not only possible, but should be the expectation - even for schools that cater to students facing significant obstacles outside the classroom. One of those schools is Milwaukee Academy of Science (MAS). Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Anthony McHenry, CEO of MAS, a STEM-focused, K4-12 charter school whose mission is to graduate urban students prepared to compete at the post-secondary level. McHenry discusses what’s behind MAS’s success and how to offer more opportunities for students to get ahead. Topics Discussed on this Episode: McHenry’s story and how it drives him to be a leader Why society has failed kids, and the opportunities squandered because of it The circumstances causing students to be in volatile situations How MAS addresses the challenges its students face, particularly when it comes to transportation How MAS encourages students to imagine the possibilities for their lives How to get kids excited about and engaged in science MAS’s efforts to keep high quality teachers and administrators What MAS’s new addition will allow it to do and what will it mean for the families it serves What needs to be done so that there are more opportunities for kids to succeed Anthony McHenry has been CEO of MAS since 2016. Under his leadership, MAS has increased enrollment, entered into new partnerships and improved academic outcomes. MAS has also developed one of the area’s top school athletic programs. Prior to joining MAS, McHenry served for nearly 20 years as executive director of the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center in Milwaukee’s Westlawn neighborhood.
An Interview with Paul Clement, Appellate Lawyer and Distinguished Lecturer in Law The US Constitution has long been revered by its citizens, yet also robustly challenged. Knowing that it would be tested, the founders created the judiciary to serve as an independent bulwark that would protect Americans’ rights. Yet the judiciary’s independence has often been called into question lately, in part due to the country’s ideological divide. Further, until recently, some of its authority had been ceded to the executive branch, creating an explosion of government regulation and intrusion into citizens’ daily lives. Few understand the state of the judiciary and the US Constitution better than Paul Clement, our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. Clement has argued more cases before the Supreme Court than anyone in recent history, giving him distinct insights into future of the Court and the most impactful rulings of our time. Topics Discussed on this Episode: · How Clement’s midwestern roots have influenced his approach with the Court · The significance of the rule of law in America and how it’s distinctive from other countries · The danger in straying from the US Constitution’s intent · State of the US Supreme Court · Court packing - its impact on the rule of law and the Court’s make up · How the reversal of Chevron will impact government regulation · What universities should do to protect free speech and counter anti-Semitism · The legal profession distancing itself from controversial cases · How Americans can understand and uphold the rule of law Paul Clement served as the 43rd Solicitor General of the United States between 2005 and 2008. Prior to that, he served as Acting Solicitor General and as Principal Deputy Solicitor General. He is a partner at Clement & Murphy and a Bradley Foundation director. Clement is a 2013 Bradley Prize recipient.
An Interview with Victor Davis Hanson The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation The principles enshrined in the US Constitution have historically united us as Americans. We may have different customs, backgrounds or religious beliefs from our fellow citizens, but we share the values of freedom and the rule of law that are afforded to us as citizens. Increasingly however, people are gravitating towards tribalism and identity politics, undermining the foundational beliefs that have traditionally brought us together. That division is sowing seeds of discord and preventing us from solving the country’s greatest challenges. Can America course correct? Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is scholar and author Victor Davis Hanson. He addresses that question and shares his thoughts on the events that will influence the US for decades to come. Topics Discussed on this Episode: · How Victor’s experience growing up on a California fruit farm shaped his life · Victor’s path from farmer to academic and why he chooses to remain on the farm · The danger of identity politics and the move away from a multiracial single culture · The end game for the clash of cultures · How the revolutionary events of the past few years will impact the US · Whether American society is in the midst of decline · What gives Victor hope for the future of US and Western civilization Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is the author of several books and hundreds of articles, book reviews, and newspaper editorials about classical military history and its many lessons. Victor was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 and a Bradley Prize in 2008. He is also a member of the Bradley Foundation board of directors.
An Interview with Robert P. George It’s no secret that viewpoint diversity has long been scarce among faculty and staff at most universities. Yet events on college campuses since October 7, 2023 have exposed for many just how entrenched progressive ideologies have become within higher education, causing an awakening among alumni, families and students. The result could be an opportunity for real reform, allowing universities to return to or reaffirm their role of truth seeking. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is esteemed scholar Robert P. George. He shares his thoughts on how to elevate free speech on campus and provides insights on the future of higher education. Topics Discussed on this Episode: Robby’s journey from West Virginia bluegrass bands to Princeton Whether universities have strayed too far from truth seeking The role of donors and alumni in changing campus culture The reining in of university DEI departments Is college still a wise investment? Overcoming the fear of speaking up Opportunities for reform in higher education Robert P. George is the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University and Director of Princeton’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, which he founded in 2000. He holds numerous distinctions and awards, including the U.S. Presidential Citizens Medal and a 2005 Bradley Prize. He also serves on The Bradley Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Interview with Roger Kimball Words matter. The right words can advance new ideas, enrich our lives and alter the course of history. Yet in today’s technologically driven world, language is often diluted as people think less about word choice and more about quick responses. This has also contributed to a decline in culture. Shorter attention spans and the lure of the screen have made people less inclined to appreciate or understand the works of the great artists, writers and thinkers. It has also contributed to an erosion of the values of the Western tradition and the principles of America’s founding. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom has dedicated his life’s work to preserving culture and contributing to the world of ideas. Roger Kimball, publisher of Encounter Books, shares his thoughts on the power of words and provides an update on a new initiative dedicated to honoring and preserving the traditions of the West and of America. Topics Discussed on this Episode: · Kimball’s path toward the publishing industry and Encounter Books · The intriguing history of Encounter Books · The power of words · The impact of technology on culture · The New Criterion’s role in upholding the Western tradition · Encounter’s Golden Thread Initiative · The future of high culture
An Interview with Peter Berkowitz The US Constitution is one of the greatest governing documents in history. No other charter has so deliberately advanced the belief that the government’s main purpose is to protect the individual rights of its citizens. The founders, recognizing the natural rights of mankind, created a seminal document that protects an individual’s unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Despite the exceptionalism of the Constitution and its battle-tested endurance, there are grave threats that could severely undermine and weaken it. As we continue our 20th anniversary celebration of Bradley Prize winners, our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Peter Berkowitz, one of the country’s leading political thinkers and Constitutional scholars. Berkowitz warns that a decades long movement to distort the meaning of rights, the weaponization of the legal system, and a general lack of understanding of our rights, pose serious challenges to the preservation of the Constitution. Topics Discussed on this Episode: · What drew Berkowitz to the study of the Constitution and America’s founding principles · Current threats to the Constitution · Politicization of the Supreme Court · Expansion of the administrative state · Differences on the right about the role of government and foreign policy · America’s role in the world · Pro-Palestinian protests and anti-American sentiment · Opportunity for higher education reform · Will the Constitution endure? Peter Berkowitz is the Tad and Dianne Taube Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He previously served as the Director of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff, executive secretary of the department's Commission on Unalienable Rights, and senior adviser to the Secretary of State. Berkowitz is a columnist for RealClear Politics and is a 2017 Bradley Prize winner.
An Interview with William Barclay Allen America’s founders are revered for creating a structure of governance that values individual rights and promotes human flourishing. Nearly 250 years after they took the first steps toward creating a more perfect union by drafting and adopting the US Constitution, the nation continues to be a beacon of hope and opportunity around the world. That the Framers could so eloquently articulate the principles of ordered liberty that guide us today results in part from their own careful examination of the great thinkers of the 17th and 18th century. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Dr. William Barclay Allen. A 2024 Bradley Prize winner, he has dedicated his life’s work to studying the Founders and the philosophers who influenced the Western tradition. He is also committed to instilling an understanding and appreciation of that tradition among the next generation. Allen is the Emeritus Dean of James Madison College and Professor of Political Science at Michigan State University. He is a former member and chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights and has been a Kellogg National Fellow, Fulbright Fellow, and a member of the National Council on the Humanities. Topics discussed on this episode: How Allen’s experience growing up in the segregated south influenced his life’s path The story of his intellectual journey Why Allen translated Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws His decision to focus on America’s founders and the US Constitution Why Allen believes Washington is the most important founder and America’s first progressive Teaching history in a way that reflects the words and experiences of those who lived it Advice to young scholars who are just starting out What it means to Allen to win a Bradley Prize
An Interview with Jay Bhattacharya Four years ago this past March, America followed the direction of public health officials and went into lockdown mode due to the emergence of Covid-19. Yet by the fall of 2020, it became clear to some in the medical community that the soundest approach to the pandemic was to let healthy individuals resume daily life, while protecting the most vulnerable. Medical experts from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford led the way in promoting this approach by issuing The Great Barrington Declaration. What happened next is a case study in government overreach and censorship. The Declaration’s authors were cast aside by their peers, shut down by the US government and threatened by the public. Courageously, they continue to speak up. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is one of those experts and is our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. A 2024 Bradley Prize winner, he joins us to share his experience and what’s at stake for a free society, and science and research, when free speech is denied. Bhattacharya is Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University, Director of the University’s Center for Economics and Demography of Health and Aging, and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research. Topics Discussed on this Episode What drew Bhattacharya to economics, medicine and health policy and why these fields are complementary The point at which he realized that continued lockdowns were devastating Why scientists felt compelled to self-censor during the pandemic The reaction to the Great Barrington Declaration Key takeaways from oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri, a landmark free speech case Where Americans can go to learn perspectives that the media doesn’t cover The state of scientific integrity and debate What it means to Bhattacharya to win a Bradley Prize
Interview with Samuel Gregg America’s entrepreneurial spirit is part of what defines its national character. Americans celebrate the notion that one can build a business from the ground up by virtue of sheer determination and perseverance, whether it’s a neighborhood ice cream shop or a global auto company. This zeal for free enterprise quickly catapulted the country into an economic powerhouse and continues to captivate dreamers and innovators throughout the world. Yet America faces real obstacles to sustaining an environment that’s ripe for entrepreneurship. Burdensome red tape, a dire debt crisis and the vast expansion of the administrative state are barriers to entry and growth for businesses. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Samuel Gregg, one the country’s preeminent free enterprise scholars and a 2024 Bradley Prize winner. He shares his thoughts on how to keep America’s entrepreneurial vitality strong, as well as insights into current economic debates. Samuel Gregg is the Friedrich Hayek Chair in Economics and Economic History at the American Institute for Economic Research. He has written and spoken extensively on questions of political economy, economic history, monetary theory and policy, and natural law theory. He's the author of 16 books, including his most recent book, The Next American Economy: Nation, State and Markets in an Uncertain World. Topics Discussed on this Episode: America’s support of free enterprise compared to other countries How entrepreneurial success stories have shaped Gregg’s perspective Improving the climate and outlook for American industry Big Tech, woke capitalism and the weakening of the family How proponents of limited government can address the breakdown of civil society China’s economic outlooks and lessons for the US The intersection of markets and morality The conditions that will allow the next generation of entrepreneurs to succeed What it means to win a Bradley Prize
Interview with Allen Guelzo What would Lincoln do? Leaders and historians often ask this question when America is in a time of crisis. It’s understandable, considering Lincoln’s extraordinary leadership during the darkest and most fragile period in the country’s history. Today, our nation confronts a vast array of serious challenges that threaten to undermine its strength and the trust of its citizens. Underscoring this point is a recent poll showing that only 28 percent of Americans are satisfied with the way democracy is working in the U.S. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Dr. Allen Guelzo, a preeminent authority on President Lincoln. As America navigates another time of strife, we turned to him for answers to the perennial question – what would Lincoln do? Allen Guelzo is a New York Times bestselling author, American historian, and commentator on public issues. He is Director of the James Madison Program Initiative on Politics and Statesmanship and Senior Research Scholar in the Council of the Humanities at Princeton University. Topics discussed on this episode: Why Dr. Guelzo focused his scholarship on Lincoln The many unexplored angles and aspects of Lincoln Lincoln’s character and complexity Lessons to be learned from Lincoln’s leadership Whether democracy is currently in peril Election integrity in Lincoln’s time compared to today How citizens can restore trust in each other What could have been different if Lincoln wasn’t assassinated How Dr. Guelzo himself became a distinguished orator Previously, he was the Director of Civil War Era Studies and the Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era at Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He is a 2018 Bradley Prize winner.
Interview with Lord Andrew Roberts The state of democracy, upcoming elections, the economy and political discord are just a few of the many issues that are top of mind among Americans today. Yet, as history reminds us, these same challenges have confronted the country since its founding. Looking to history can help inform leaders, communities and citizens on how to navigate times of upheaval with greater confidence and even optimism. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Andrew Roberts, a distinguished scholar who has brought some of history’s most prominent figures to life through his many books, publications, and his podcast. Roberts shares some of the lessons learned from the past and how to apply them to today’s environment. Andrew Roberts is the Roger and Martha Mertz Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, a visiting professor at the War Studies Department at King’s College in London and the Lehrman Institute Lecturer at the New York Historical Society. He has written or edited 20 books and is an accomplished public speaker. Topics discussed on this episode: How Andrew chooses his topics and his approach to writing about them His latest book, co-authored with General David Petraeus, Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine Vladmir Putin and how history may view him Andrew’s take on the level of engagement America should have in current conflicts Key differences in how war is waged today versus during World War II Universal characteristics of good leaders Andrew’s service in the House of Lords How the study of history has changed his life In 2022, Andrew was elevated to the United Kingdom’s House of Lords as Baron Roberts of Belgravia. He is also a 2016 Bradley Prize winner.
An Interview with Judge Janice Rogers Brown The U.S. Constitution has held our Republic together through wars, the Great Depression and civil unrest. Yet for all that it has helped us endure, the Constitution faces great challenges. Will Americans cherish and defend it, or bend to efforts to weaken and undermine it? Our guest on this episode of Voice of Freedom is Judge Janice Rogers Brown. She shares her thoughts on whether citizens have the “discipline and toughness” required to safeguard the Constitution and addresses other significant Constitutional matters. Brown was confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 2005, where she served until 2017. Before that, she was an associate judge of the California Supreme Court. Topics Discussed: What drew Judge Brown to a career in law and the principles of the Constitution Why she believes the Constitution’s teachings are tough The significance of originalism and how to defend it The impact of partisanship on the justice system Her thoughts on whether racial set asides are constitutional How independent thinking and an inquisitive nature shaped her judicial philosophy She has received numerous awards and honors throughout her distinguished career, including a 2018 Bradley Prize.
An Interview with Dr. Ed Fuelner, a Conservative Institution Builder What does it mean to be a conservative? That question has long been debated, but the foundational principles of conservativism have been more sharply challenged in recent years. Focal points of discussion have centered on the role of government and America’s approach to global conflict. Few have as much insight into the development and growth of conservatism and its current state than our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. Dr. Ed Feulner, a renowned leader and institution-builder, shares his own path towards the ideals of freedom, describes what it took to build a movement, and offers his thoughts on the principles upon which conservatives can coalesce. Dr. Ed Feulner co-founded and built Heritage in the late 1970s from a small policy shop into an American powerhouse of conservative ideas. Feulner has authored nine books, played a prominent role in dozens of organizations, and speaks frequently both in the United States and abroad. Topics discussed on this episode: The books that influenced his ideological perspective and shaped his life Feulner’s role in building institutions of the modern conservative movement How he transformed ideas into policy that have impacted America What it means to be a conservative Whether conservatives can coalesce around the restoration of civil society America’s role in the world and the state of our country Are we in a new Cold War? The role of free markets and free enterprise in today’s conservatism How he continues to remain a happy warrior Over the years, he has consistently been listed as one of the 100 most influential conservatives in America and his service has been recognized with numerous accolades and honors, including the 2012 Bradley Prize.
An Interview with General Jack Keane, a Retired Four-Star General and Commentator The expanding turmoil in the Middle East and the ongoing war in Ukraine indicate that 2024 will be one of global unrest and uncertainty. The unease comes at a time when the U.S. is wrestling with its role in the world. The ideological divide over America’s posture when it comes to global conflict has transcended party lines, creating greater nuance to our foreign policy. How that impacts our engagement on the world stage, particularly in a presidential election year, remains to be seen. General Jack Keane, a leading figure on national security and foreign affairs, is our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. He shares his thoughts on the geopolitical environment, how the U.S, should approach international hotspots, civil society’s role during conflict, and the issues confronting the military. General Jack Keane is a retired four-star general and commentator, whose 37 years of public service culminated in his appointment as acting Chief of Staff and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army. He is the Chairman of the Institute for the Study of War, a Senior Strategic Analyst for Fox News, and a member of the Secretary of Defense Policy Board. Topics discussed on this episode: Whether we’re on the precipice of World War III The latest developments in the Middle East How the U.S. should approach the ongoing war in Ukraine The surge in support for Palestine among Americans How civil society impacts countries with sustained conflict America’s role in the world The challenges facing the U.S. military Gen. Keane has received numerous awards and accolades, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He was also a 2015 Bradley Prize winner.
An Interview with John Cochrane, the Rose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University While the staggering levels of post-pandemic inflation have gone down, Americans continue to say they feel pinched by high prices. All eyes are on the Fed for hints at what they may do to reduce inflation and ease the cost of housing and consumer goods. Adding to the economic uncertainty is the backdrop of an election and a looming debt crisis. Stanford economist John Cochrane is our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. An expert on the drivers of inflation, his recently published book provides vast insight into the economic consequences of the government spending money it doesn’t have. He shares his thoughts on what 2024 has in store for the economy. Topics Discussed on this Episode: · What economic data indicates vs. how Americans feel about the economy · The impact of the 2024 election on the economy · Why home ownership isn’t the best investment · America’s debt crisis and how to rein it in · Why the income tax should be eliminated and the tax code simplified John Cochrane is the Rose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He also pens the popular blog, “The Grumpy Economist,” on Substack and is the author of numerous publications and articles on monetary policy, finance, the economy and other topics. His latest book, The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level was named one of the Economist’s Best Books of 2023. John is also a 2023 Bradley Prize winner.
Religious freedom protects far more than the right to practice one’s faith. It also shields people from being compelled by the government to participate in activities that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs. Given the fierce battles over culture and politics today, it’s not surprising that religious freedom has been significantly challenged. Perhaps what is surprising is the state of religious freedom, given the current environment. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Mark Rienzi, one of the country’s leading defenders of religious freedom. He shares his thoughts on why religious liberty is one of our most important rights, how it’s faring amidst significant legal challenges, and more. Topics discussed by Mark Rienzi and Rick Graber, President and CEO, The Bradley Foundation, include: · How Becket decides which cases to take · Whether Americans’ value of religious freedom has diminished over time · The state of religious freedom in America · The administrative state’s impact on religious liberty · How geopolitical events affect religious freedom at home · How religious freedom fared during the U.S. Supreme Court’s last term and how they may rule on religious liberty cases in the current term Mark Rienzi is the President and CEO of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a non-profit public interest law firm with a mission to protect the free expression of all faiths. He is also a Professor of Law at the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, where he is co-director of the Center for Religious Liberty and has served as a Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.
The ubiquitous smartphones that are a staple of modern life provide access to nearly every good or service that one could possibly imagine. We can have food delivered within minutes, book our next vacation, pay a bill, and order our children’s hot lunch all with a swipe of our fingers. We often don’t consider that our numerous digital transactions, saving time and energy, are possible because of free enterprise. The same is true of the countless innovations that make our lives easier. Instead, many today are apt to criticize economic freedom, believing it causes inequity. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Anne Bradley. Through research, education and teaching, Anne brings the marvels of free markets to life, with the goal of ensuring that the next generation is prepared to preserve an economic system that creates opportunity and vastly improves lives. Topics discussed by Anne Bradley and Rick Graber, President and CEO, The Bradley Foundation, include: Finding the economic angle in everything from income inequality to the political economy of terrorism. Teaching economic concepts in a way that’s relatable and accessible. The link between markets and morality; why the free-market system is the most humane economic system. Markets and the acceleration of materialism. The myth that economic freedom creates and exacerbates income inequality. Industrial policy’s consequences. Where to turn for thoughtful, accurate economic analysis and commentary. Anne Bradley is the George and Sally Mayer Fellow for Economic Education and vice president of academic affairs at The Fund for American Studies, where she enhances the impact and reach of economic education programs, oversees the development of economics curriculum and teaches economics courses. She is the author of several books on the intersection of theology and economics and is working on a book about the political economy of terrorism.
The movement to expand parental freedom in education continues to experience momentum, an encouraging sign that families are demanding more choices for their children. Dozens of states have passed laws to open K12 opportunities over the last few years, and even more are considering doing the same. Yet many families still don’t send their children to a school that best fits their needs even after these laws are passed because they are unaware of their new education options. Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom is Brandon Detweiler. Brandon’s work focuses on ensuring that information about a family’s K12 opportunities is literally at their fingertips. Topics discussed by Brandon Detweiler and Rick Graber, President and CEO, The Bradley Foundation, include: · Obstacles that prevented education freedom from taking off earlier · The development of Schoolahoop, an app that informs families about their K12 options · Lessons learned from the initial launch of Schoolahoop, including feedback from parents and the education community · Outreach efforts to inform families of educational opportunities, including scholarships · The implementation measures that parental choice advocates should consider as they try to advance education opportunity in their states Brandon Detweiler is the head of product at the Foundation for American Innovation. He has a background in edtech, online learning, and e-commerce at Veritas Press, where he helped lead and grow the largest and oldest online classical Christian school in the country and launched the Phonics Museum Reading App.
The free exchange of goods and services has profoundly improved living conditions throughout the world. In the past two decades alone, free markets have helped reduce the child mortality rate by almost half and have lifted 130,000 people out of extreme poverty. Yet according to a recent poll, twice as many people believe that socialism, rather than the free market system, can best meet everyone’s basic needs. Breaking it down further, men are far more likely to have a favorable view of free markets than women (68% vs. 48%). Carrie Lukas is our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom. She is working to change the way women think about free markets, and to promote a better understanding of how liberty-oriented policies open opportunity for individuals and families. Topics discussed by Carrie Lukas and Rick Graber, President and CEO, The Bradley Foundation, include: Debunking the myth that free markets are incompatible with compassion What conservatives can do to show women how their policies advance opportunity The impact that federal paid family leave would have on parents Solutions to the issue of childcare affordability and accessibility The reasons for the pay gap between men and women Whether DEI policies have their intended effect How efforts to redefine gender are harming society Carrie Lukas is the president of Independent Women’s Forum, vice president of Independent Women’s Voice, and a member of Independent Women’s Network. She is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism, Checking Progressive Privilege, and Liberty Is No War on Women. Her work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, USA Today, and numerous other outlets. · · · ·
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