Voices of Haiti

What was it like to survive the most devastating earthquake in modern history? In this series, Partners In Health doctors, nurses, and staff—all Haitians—share stories about their most salient memories from the January 2010 earthquake. Some discuss the first moments and days after the disaster, while others reflect on the months and years that followed. This is the first time some of our colleagues have ever shared their stories. As a collection, Voices of Haiti provides listeners with a unique and intimate perspective of what it was like to survive and respond to one of the world’s most deadly natural disasters. Learn more about PIH's work in Haiti: pih.org/haiti


What was it like to survive the most devastating earthquake in modern history? In this series, Partners In Health doctors, nurses, and staff—all Haitians—share stories about their most salient memories from the January 2010 earthquake. Some discuss the first moments and days after the disaster, while others reflect on the months and years that followed. This is the first time some of our colleagues have ever shared their stories. As a collection, Voices of Haiti provides listeners with a unique and intimate perspective of what it was like to survive and respond to one of the world’s most deadly natural disasters.Learn more about PIH's work in Haiti: pih.org/haiti


Dr. Philippe Dimitri Henrys’ story: “I Knew I Had to Move Forward”

On the afternoon of January 12, 2010, Phillipe Dimitri Henrys was in his father’s class in medical school when the 7.0 earthquake struck Port-au-Prince. Like many others around him, it took several seconds before he understood what was happening. He rushed out of the building, and into an emergency unlike any other in his life. The experience helped determine the direction he took next—personally and professionally.


Dr. Maxo Luma: "It Is a Very Strong Nation"

Many Haitians returned to their home country to help respond to the devastating earthquake on Jan. 12, 2010. Maxo was among them, and stayed for eight months working in camps for the displaced. He shares his perspective on why the earthquake was so destructive, and how it has affected him personally.TranscriptHost, Leslie Friday: Byenvini or welcome. I’m your host, Leslie Friday. Thank you for listening to Voices of Haiti, a Partners In Health podcast that shares the stories of our Haitian colleagues as they reflect on the January 12th 2010 earthquake. Today, we hear from an infectious disease doctor who began working with Zanmi Lasante, as PIH is known in Haiti, in 2005. He has helped patients battle deadly diseases like tuberculosis and HIV and seen them recover—against all odds. Some odds, though, are hard to predict. Like when a massive earthquake will bring a nation to its knees.Maxo Luma: It’s not magic. You cannot stop a natural disaster. It's very unpredictable, right? But what we can do, we can minimize, we can reduce the magnitude of every single natural disaster, if you have a strong healthcare system ...Host, Leslie Friday: That’s Dr. Maxo Luma, who’s currently the executive director of Partners In Health in Liberia. But at the time of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, he was teaching courses within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. You might think Maxo’s perspective on the earthquake is unique, or possibly even wrong. But stick with what he has to say.Maxo Luma: The earthquake did not kill people. What I'm trying to say is that all those people who died, it's like a quarter of a million people who died, more than another quarter of million you know, are left injured, you know handicapped after the earthquake, we cannot attribute all this to the earthquake. It was the system, the weakness of the system you know, that kill those people.Host, Leslie Friday: As a direct result of the earthquake, more than 50 hospitals and health centers collapsed. Dozens of nurses and doctors died. This occurred within a public health system that was already struggling. So…who cares for the gravely injured when there are no first responders? How do you transport victims, when there are few ambulances? Where do you take patients when the nearest hospitals stand in ruins?As Maxo says, a weak health system AND overall infrastructural systems were the causes of death for thousands of Haitians. That point became clearer—just one month later--when a larger, 8.8 earthquake struck Chile, spurring a devastating tsunami. All told, 500 people lost their lives.This comparison is not meant to belittle what happened in Chile--all loss of life is tragic. But it is necessary when asking the question: why were there such different outcomes between the earthquake in Haiti, and the dual natural disasters in Chile? As Maxo says, the answer to this question doesn’t require magical knowledge. The answer…is that Chile, among other advantages, had a stronger PUBLIC health system compared to Haiti. Maxo Luma: After the earthquake, Haiti attracted a lot of attention from the international community, where they made a lot of promises, most of them were not kept, right? And for those who managed to commit or keep their promises, they did it the wrong way. Because whether or not we believe it, it is of the responsibility of the government of the country to ensure safety of citizens, to ensure basic human rights, education, water, sanitation, healthcare. This is the responsibility of the government of the country.Host, Leslie Friday: But here’s the catch: the Haitian government received less than 1% of...


Loune Viaud: “Now, We Have a Family”

Earthquakes were not something Loune Viaud was used to, despite having lived in Haiti all her life. The executive director of Zanmi Lasante, as Partners In Health is known in Haiti, was in Port-au-Prince when the massive earthquake struck on January 12, 2010, and her first thought was to travel to the General Hospital to see how she could help. What she found changed the course of her life, and that of many others she found there that day.


Dr. Philippe Dimitri Henrys: “Hey Doc Dimitri”

In this bonus episode, Dr. Philippe Dimitri Henrys shares what it’s like working as one of the few emergency doctors in his community, and how his career path with PIH has been “a great adventure.”Share your thoughts on Voices of Haiti by sending us a DM at instagram.com/partnersinhealth or twitter.com/pih


Dr. Patrick Ulysse (Part 1): “Life changed. Everything changed.”

Dr. Patrick Ulysse felt the tremors nearly a two-hour drive away from the earthquake’s epicenter in Haiti on January 12, 2010. Within hours, he and a driver were headed to Port-au-Prince on a mission to provide first aid. Those first hours and days of response remain with him today.


Dr. Patrick Ulysse (Part 2): “What is the Meaning of Life?”

For nine months after the earthquake, Dr. Patrick Ulysse managed four camps for the displaced in Port-au-Prince, helping resident access health care and meet their basic needs. While he’s still processing that experience, he can see the beauty in what emerged from that chaotic time in Haiti.


Bonus Episode: "What Do You Really Know About Haiti?"

Haiti is plagued by stereotypes and often only one narrative about the country prevails. This episode challenges those stereotypes, while presenting a series of events that defined the country’s past and now weigh heavily on its present.


Dr. Anany Gretchko: “They Have Your Back”

To Dr. Anany Gretchko, organizing camps for the displaced in Port-au-Prince was much like managing small cities in the months following Haiti’s devastating January 2010 earthquake. He and his team realized that part of their responsibility had to be the delivery of quality mental health care to residents, and that they—the caregivers—also needed space and time to heal.


Miss Eunite Sincelair: "Nou pa enferyè"

As many as 1,500 people suffered injuries that required amputations following the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Miss Eunite Sincelair was among them. She is now a nurse leader with Zanmi Lasante, and speaks about the stigma and mental, emotional, and physical challenges she and hundreds of other amputees face in Haiti every day.


Dr. Maxi Raymonville: “You Need Some Relief”

As a first-year physician, Dr. Maxi Raymonville witnessed how difficult it was for patients in rural Haiti to access quality care. That disparity became ever more apparent with the 2010 earthquake. And so, when University Hospital in Mirebalais opened in 2013, he proudly lead a team that made the facility a hub of specialized care for the poor and for advanced training of Haiti’s next generation of clinicians.


Dr. Christophe Millien: “I Don’t Know if They’re Alive"

A full 24 hours passed before Dr. Christophe Millien knew whether or not his wife, pregnant with their first child, had died in the massive 2010 earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince. Those early days were filled with loss and sorry, but they also strengthened Millien’s conviction in the importance of his role as an OB/GYN in rural Haiti.


Bonus Episode: “Triplet with Conjoined Twins”

An extraordinary case arrived at University Hospital in Mirebalais, just one year after it opened, presenting a challenge for the hospital that was built as a response to the 2010 earthquake. An expectant mother learns she’s pregnant with triplets, and two of them are conjoined. Two PIH doctors tell how their team and international clinicians collaborated to deliver the best care possible to a family in need.


Ancito Etienne: "A Tragedy Had Taken Place"

Ancito Etienne had already fought for his life before reaching high school, having battled childhood cancer thanks to support from Partners In Health. Soon after his cure, he faced another challenge: how he could help his country in the wake of the devastating January 2010 earthquake.


Miss Thamar Julmiste: “For a New Haiti”

In the final episode of Voices of Haiti, Nurse Thamar Julmiste shares a song she wrote in the days and weeks following the devastating January 2010 earthquake. Then and now, she remains hopeful that a new Haiti will emerge, built by and for Haitians.


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