Voyenture Time

What do Star Trek: Voyager and Adventure Time have in common? We don't know either, but join Andrew, Sarah, Ben, and Nathan every Monday as they try to figure that out. Updates are currently sporadic! Thanks for your understanding! Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime Email us: VoyentureTime@gmail.com

Voyenture Time, Swan Song - One Powerful Resonant Clap

Hey everyone, faithful listeners and friends. You've probably suspected this based on our lack of uploads, but we've decided to end the show. We just don't have the time or energy to dedicate to it right now. We were I guess just going to let it fade away without saying anything, but then I remembered I had this very dumb project I was working on while editing. Now I'm just posting it without telling anyone. This is our Community-style clip show and I hope you enjoy it. 


Voyenture Time, Ep. 80 - Sea Lion Nog

Welcome to the only Star Trek: Voyager and Adventure Time podcast that also now features a segment discussing the viscosity of mammal milk. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E15 — Hunters Adventure Time S05E52 — Billy's Bucket List Adventure Time S06E01 — Wake Up Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 79 - Did You Arc While You Were Gone

I know I'm late with it, but Fortnite is such a fun thing to know exists out in the world. Like this entire game exists that has decided there's no franchise or real life person that is too serious or impossible to include in their game. I won't be playing it, we spend far too much time on other pastimes, like this fantastically ridiculous pet project of ours. But there exists a world where Ariana Grande kills Goku with a lightsaber, are you kidding me? how is this not the most hilarious thing in the world? It's like being approached by Multiversus but Multiversus doesn't let you be Naruto with a webshooter who can Kamehameha his foes into nothingness. It's hilarious to see clips of this dumb game and I hope they continue on this trend. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E13 — Message in a Bottle Adventure Time S05E49 — Bad Timing Adventure Time S05E50 — Lemonhope part 1 Adventure Time S05E51 — Lemonhope part 2 Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 78 - Neelix the Astrology Girlie

In the Before Times, back when everyone could chow down without concerns, worries, or troubles, life was pretty good. I mean it's good now, too, it's just different, you know? Yesterday I saw a bird the size of a child and the damn thing spoke to me. I'm just never going to get over that they can do that now. Evolution's a hell of a drug, huh? First they came for our bread crumbs, and then they came for our textbooks. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E13 — Waking Moments Adventure Time S05E47 — The Red Throne Adventure Time S05E48 — Betty Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 77 - Manic Pixie Dream Talaxian

You wake up. You go to [school][work][nowhere][somewhere]. Then you [go][stay] home. You watch a TV show. An alien dies. He comes back to life. All is well. You watch a cartoon. A boy finds a new sword. He finds himself. All is well. The stories are [fiction][true][both]. You think: I am [human][alien][alive]. I will [die][die and come back to life][live forever]. You think: I am a [child][girl][boy]. I will find myself. You find that you are [regular][famous][poor][rich][unknowable][loved][hated][having an existential crisis][inexorably mortal][more?] SELECT AS MANY AS APPLY We live in a world with nail polish and napalm. We water our concrete cubes and wait. In the end, we fall into the nothingness, just like everyone else. Block my eggs. I demanded to write the notes this week because I wanted to write about my super specific niche interest, but then I realized I am too basic to have any truly niche interests. Oh, so you like Taylor Swift. You have cats. You read books. Good for you. I would have picked one of the Bioware games I'm obsessed with, but I have nowhere near enough time or space for that. So I'm just going to talk about the last book I read and really loved, which is also an incredibly basic choice: Book Lovers by Emily Henry. As of this current moment in time, it is number eight on the New York Times Bestseller List and has been there for 13 weeks. Not to brag but I've actually been an Emily Henry fan ever since her first YA novel, which she sent me an arc of in 2015 before it even came out. Yeah, that's right. I KNOW Emily Henry. Kind of. We were Twitter mutuals when she was still using it, meeting when we both got mildly harassed by the same bizarre troll account after tweeting about the just released trailer for The Giver. We used to talk about Friday Night Lights and reality TV and while it was a very casual acquaintance, it DOES continue today on Instagram. Yes, I am namedropping, but I love her, she is amazing, and it's an honor to not have been unfollowed. Anyway, I just have to say that the three adult romance books she's written are truly fantastic. Her stories are so funny and sexy and romantic and her characters feel like people that actually exist, people I could be friends with. Her plots defy the formulas so many popular romance novels stick to. Book Lovers is the best one. The specific reasons why I think this are mostly too personal to go into. Let's just say the protagonist is the unpickable career girl who doesn't want kids, and she gets a happy ending with an Oscar Isaac lookalike (a casting choice Emily has confirmed as accurate, by the way) who doesn't try to change her. When I read the last chapter, I just put it down and cried, because I felt so understood. And that is the thing I am most hoping to find before the lights go out. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E12 - Mortal Coil Adventure Time S05E45 - A Blade of Grass Adventure Time S05E46 - Rattleballs Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 76 - A Single Ear

Even if you like Final Fantasy, I think we can all agree that last week's notes went off the deep end. Well, I'm nothing if not a trend follower, so this week I'm going to write way too much about my own thing. I was never much of a sports guy. I liked playing them just fine — tennis and soccer all through elementary and high school — but I never really enjoyed watching them. I'd much rather be out there doing them than sitting around. At the same time, I always liked cars as a combination of industrial design and mechanical engineering, two sides of the same coin that each have to bend to serve the other. But I was never a gearhead, either. So no one was more surprised than me to find out how much I cared about Formula 1. Imagine you're a driver of the fastest vehicle in the world, in a cockpit about ten inches from the ground. There is no windshield. The only thing separating you from the asphalt is a quarter inch of carbon fiber. Behind you sits an engine so finely tuned for speed that if you slow down too much, it bursts into flame from the lack of cooling air. In the pursuit of maximum speed, your car shapes the air rushing around it at 200 miles per hour so that your car is glued to the track with so much force that if you drove up the wall of a tunnel, you could stick to the ceiling. They're called "wings," and if you turned them upside down, you could fly. Sometimes cars do. The difference between scoring something and nothing is fractional seconds. If you're in fourth, you might as well have not raced at all, even though the guy who got third might just be three one-hundreths of a second ahead of you — literally faster than the blink of an eye. Enter a corner ten inches too far to the left or get on the throttle a little too slow and suddenly your perfect lap becomes a worthless one. You're surrounded by nineteen other cars just like yours, and all of you are the size of an Escalade. Everyone is watching for a tiny mistake to capitalize on. Blow an exit and watch as three drivers blow past you like you're not even there. The only way to get ahead is to be as aggressive as you can: hit the brake later than the other guy, force him wide so you can get the better line, trick him into passing where you're weak so you can return the favor where you're strong. Great, that was lap one. Now do it 70 more times. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E11 — Concerning Flight Adventure Time S05E43 — Root Beer Guy Adventure Time S05E44 — Apple Wedding Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 75 - I Have a Microphone Announcement

Welcome to another delightful episode of Star Trek Voyenture Time, with all of your favorite hosts, Andrew, he's the one who brings the energy, Sarah, she's thoughtful and knows more about Star Trek than the rest of us combined, Nathan, when his equipment is working, and Ben is also here. So lets jump right into it... Ok with the fake show notes done, this part is just for me, maybe for Liz. I'm going to start talking about the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy 14 and no one can stop me. I just did the Hildibrand questline, and holy shit I loved it so much. The fact that all of the Manderville's are just cartoon characters and everyone else in this universe is just constantly surprised at the beatings that they will take, or the insane feats that they will do is just so god damn good every time. Oh, Hildibrand fell into a drift of snow and can't move his arms to get himself out? Godbert better launch him into the sky. Hildibrand wants to knock his dad out of being mind controlled by an overactive drug? The solution is obviously to grab him, jump four stories up and try to suplex him, only for the effect to wear off early and for Godbert to reverse it and pile drive his son into the ground and do a mambo in celebration. It's so good and overtly dumb in all the best ways. I love it. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E10 — Scientific Method Adventure Time S05E41 — We Fixed a Truck Adventure Time S05E42 — Play Date Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 74 - Topher Grace is Not a Real Person

An impactful goal — but one which still follows our compliance requirements — by necessity will be revolutionary. A new-generation distribution channel can enhance human resource allocations. In order to manage these new contexts, we plan to take a close look at next quarter challenges to understand their opportunity impact. We anticipate easily taking over the lightweight market while utilizing an extensible leadership paradigm. This will interface with venture capital leverage strategies. In order to ensure that a 90% solution swiftly provides indicators of transition metrics, we must be certain that a get-it-done attitude — coupled with a solutions-oriented approach — is the focus of this new pivot. We should re-articulate our mission statement to indicate that our core competencies will progress us towards our long-term goals. Images discussed this episode: https://imgur.com/a/hxuZm0c Covered this episode:  Star Trek: Voyager S04E07 & 08 — Year of Hell Parts 1 & 2 Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 73 - 30 to 50 Feral Abracadaniels

Every time I have to write the episode notes I consider what Andrew does, how does he write these absurd notes? How does he come up with new and interesting little stories every time? Realistically I need to stop comparing myself to him. I just have a different style, and that is fine. My show notes are more of a small letter to you, dear listener. It's my own time to figure out how we're doing this every time, and today, we're going a little rushed because I've been busy. Maybe I'll come back to this another time and make the notes a little more interesting, but who knows. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E07 — Scientific Method Adventure Time S05E39 — We Fixed a Truck Adventure Time S05E40 — Play Date Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 72 - We Have Star Trek at Home

Here we are at the zenith, the absolute pinnacle of podcasting. Legally I changed my name to Serial Gimlet McElroy already. It has been two years of posting e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶s̶i̶n̶g̶l̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶ most of the weeks and here we are, celebrating seventy two perfect episodes. Not a turd in the bunch, not a flaw in the basket, not a baddo in the box. Thanks for listening to this weird thing all these years. We love you. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E06 — The Raven Adventure Time S05E37 — Box Prince Adventure Time S05E38 — Red Starved Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 71 - Hot Young Tight Plops

In a turn of events that not even we could have seen, we're behind on episodes again... buuuuut Nate came all the way to Virginia to hang out with me for the first time so that's something right?  Right? I sure hope its something. I don't really have another plan for the show notes so I was hoping to kind of just spit something at the keyboard and hope for the best. I don't think it worked but maybe you disagree. We'll see. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E05 — Revulsion Adventure Time S05E35 — Love Games Adventure Time S05E36 — Dungeon Train Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 70 - Many Minute Rice

Crazy ol' man's got himself trapped again. Last week it was in the bathroom, this week he's managed to lock himself inside the treehouse! It kind of seems like he wants to hang out with that decrepit old skeleton more than us, doesn't it? I don't know why he always gets himself into fixes like this. I swear to god, if it happens again, I'm just going to leave him with his sandwich and let him figure it out on his own. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E04 — Nemesis Adventure Time S05E33 — Time Sandwich Adventure Time S05E34 — The Vault Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 69 - Downstairs Bouquet

Has it ever occurred to you how fucking weird Star Trek — and space travel in sci-fi is? You're in a big metal box (or disk, I know, I know, spare me, pedant) full of air and people and food and water flying through literally nothing. Look, the Vacuum of Space isn't quite a vacuum. It's got dust and shit floating in it. Some planets too, I suppose. But mostly it's empty. We have to bring all the stuff we need with us! Each starship is a tiny little microcosm of our home, our environment, our alma planata. So how weird is it that there isn't a single blade of grass or blue sky or even simulated sunlight in this tin can zipping through space? You rely on it to keep you alive and get you where you need to go and we think about it like it's a gloried '98 Nissan Altima, not the little slice of ecosystem it actually is. Curved metal and 5000 K lights and miles and miles of hotel-grade carpet, but no chirping birds or warm breeze on your face. Do you think the aliens Starfleet run into think that we evolved in an industrial park? That earth is nothing but cold steel caves connected by tubes and ladders? The design of Voyager goes beyond "utilitarian" into something so far removed from where we live that it's almost incomprehensible to our little ape brains. If Starfleet is humanity's representation amongst the stars, how did they mess up our home so badly? Covered this episode:  Star Trek: Voyager S04E03 — Day of Honor  Adventure Time S05E31 — Too Old  Adventure Time S05E32 — Earth & Water Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 68 - No Waste from the Borg Paste

Dang, what can be said that hasn't already been said? Have a whack at this week's episode of this podcast. We talked about things! Then we laughed. Andrew messed up his microphone somehow. Oh, jokes. Good stuff. DAE Neelix bad? Cue groaning. Seven's good. Long conversation there. Adventure Time is funny, except when it's serious! Out of context quote. Laughter. Nate's got a Grayble. Cue music. Go quietly into that good night. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S04E02 — The Gift  Adventure Time S05E29 — Sky Witch  Adventure Time S05E30 — Frost and Fire Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 67 - Bear is Bear

Another week, another chance to remember to post the episode on time, and utterly fail. This episode is going to be one of the rare Voyager double features, I think we have more coming up at some point but I can't remember what our schedule on that front looks like. Seven of Nine Was Always Queer: https://www.startrek.com/news/seven-of-nine-was-always-queer Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S03E26 — Scorpion pt 1 Star Trek: Voyager S04E01 — Scorpion pt 2 Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 66 - Touch Deck Plating

Once upon a time, there was a simple man. His life was straightforward but not exciting. His favorite thing to do was, after a long day working in the fields, was to gather his family in a circle around the fire and listen to Voyenture Time. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S0325 — Worst Case Scenario Adventure Time S05E27 — Jake Suit Adventure Time S05E28 — Be More Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 65 - Klingon Weeb

I'm just a big tub of meat sitting at a keyboard wishing that the other tubs of meat notice me, senpai. I slap at it with my tub tentacles, leaving microscopic bits of myself on it. Later, tiny animals will eat them. But today, right now, I am Keyboard King. Behold me in my tubascularity; look upon my works, ye mighty, and smash that like and subscribe button. Give us the rice star rating, it really helps. We don't advertise, except to the other meat tubs. Also, nobody accepts the weird gooey currency I use. It says "LEOUGAL TYBUNDER FPOR SNALOL DPEUBTS, SNUBLIC ORESL PORPORIVETATE" but I guess after spending a few weeks in my pocket it's kind of hard to read now. Maybe I need new glasses? My old ones only have three lenses, which I don't have to tell you just isn't going to cut it in this fast-paced, modern world. You can imagine my embarrassment when I showed up at the debutant ball with no dress and triple lens specs like it was still prospector times. There's pudding in them there hills! All you gotta do is look for it. Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S0324 — Displaced Adventure Time S05E25 — Candy Streets Adventure Time S05E26 — Wizards Only, Fools Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 64 - No Emotions, Only Memes

poop poop fart haha   turning writer's block into  some comedy gold no raunchy disney  horny chakotay instead  wow, big daddy vibes refrigerator  another refrigerator  refrigerator Covered this episode:  Star Trek: Voyager S0323 — Distant Origin  Adventure Time S05E23 — One Last Job  Adventure Time S05E24 — Another Five More Short Graybles Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 63 - Bible Mario Fanfic

They say that the point of any creative endeavor is to make something that you'd like to listen to. Why bother creating something if you're not enjoying it? When we started this podcast, I referenced Seth Godin's idea of aiming for the "minimum viable audience;" the smallest audience possible to sustain your work. Creating something with the largest possible appeal dilutes what makes you interesting, pushes you towards average, not compelling. So today I am proud to present this episode of Voyenture Time, one that will truly test if we have succeeded in finding our minimum viable audience. Not only did we immediately deviate from the ostensible purpose and structure of our show, we went in strange new directions, bizarre tangents, and explored exceptionally dirty concepts. We made each other laugh, groan, roll our eyes. We definitely went too far. I sincerely hope you enjoy this strange, exquisite audio corpse. And now, our feature presentation... "Covered" in the loosest possible way this episode:  Star Trek: Voyager S0322 — Real Life  Adventure Time S05E21 — The Suitor  Adventure Time S05E22 — The Party's Over, Isla de Señorita Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


Voyenture Time, Ep. 62 - He's a Horse Animator

From that bio-temporal chamber, and from that sickbay, I fled aghast. The silence was still abroad in all its wrath as I found myself hiding within the treehouse walls. Suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and I turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued; for the vast house and its shadows were alone behind me. The radiance was that of the full, setting, and multi-colored beachball upon which now stood a once barely-discernible animal of which I have before spoken as extending from the top of the ball, in a wild, shaking dance. While I gazed, this horse frolicked — there came a fierce breath of the whirlwind — the entire orb of the ball burst at once upon my sight — my brain reeled as I saw the BMO rushing away — there was a plunging of body temperature — and the present time around me closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the HOUSE OF KES BAXTER THE HORSE Covered this episode: Star Trek: Voyager S0321 — Before and After Adventure Time S05E19 — James Baxter the Horse Adventure Time S05E20 — Shh Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/SaB49kdGAz Follow us if you dare:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoyentureTime/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoyentureTime


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