#WATCHME®: Life + Mindset + Business

#WATCHME® is a podcast helping Business Owners & Multipassionates build a soul-fulfilling & profitable business, make an impact, and have it all - or as I like to say, Fucking Flourish! Hosted by multipassionate business owner of three businesses, Danielle Uhl, MSOL, is a Certified Coach & Business Mentor, passionate about coaching business owners to build their own version of success and scale a profitable business so they can flourish in Business AND Life. She offers a blend of coaching, courses, and tools to create a business they love, an ease-full bespoke strategy, freedom-infused operations, and a #WATCHME® mindset that makes up her signature framework. #WATCHME isn't a highlight reel of success stories or quick-fixes. You always get the raw & unfiltered truth of what it really looks like to start & grow your own business to help you pave your own path and create your own version of success.

70: Interview with Isabel Campanelli: Masculine & feminine energetics

Episode 70 introduces another guest interview of the podcast, Isabel Campanelli. Isabel is a Certified Life Coach specializing in self-love and relationships helping people to have healthier relationships with themselves and others. She has over 5 years of experience coaching, holding women's circles, and creating retreats, and currently lives in Santa Barbara working globally with clients in a 1:1 private coaching container.Get unstuck and re-connected in a 1 hour session with Isabel, where she taps into her coaching skills such as powerful self inquiry, positive psychology, somatic experiencing, and intuitive methodologies to get underneath the surface and into your root cause or real Truth of the matter. From there, she’ll guide you to take aligned action.Learn more about Isabel Campanelli: Website: https://www.throughline-coaching.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coach.isabelcampanelli/Book an Introductory Coaching Session: https://calendly.com/throughline-coaching/introductory-coaching-isabelSign up for her Newsletter to gain spiritual wisdom and practical tools for having healthy relationships: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/415921/86667521832257281/shareLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


69: I'm Back with Updates: Permission to Shift [Full Transparency Series]

I’m back! Episode 69 gives you a full transparency update on my hiatus, including something brand new to announce! In this episode, I share how the dots have connected to bring me to this new idea. I also walk you through how to get out of resistance and back into joy to get better results.You’re invited to unleash your full potential & Expand! Imagine…Finally unleashing your full potential & becoming the powerful woman you know you’re meant to beWaking up every day feeling excited & fulfilled knowing that you're living your purposeFeeling crystal clear & confident expanding your business to the next level with ease + flowSigning soul-aligned clients into your program and creating your version of successWill you join me on this transformational journey? I have 1 spot option for Private Mentorship. Book your call with me here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/discoverycall Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


68: What Slowing Down, Healing & Money Have in Common [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 68 dives deep into what slowing down, healing, and money have in common, and how they directly affect your business results. I share behind the scenes of my own healing journey and releasing being the high achiever. I also announce how I’m shaking things up with a powerful masterclass series that helps you heal and transform your business!This episode is part of the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose.Profitable Healing™ Masterclass Series:Heal People-Pleasing to Make More Money in ONE MasterclassRegister for the Masterclass here: https://www.danielleuhl.com/profitablehealingLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


67: The Secret to Unlocking Your Infinite Power

Episode 67 is all about the key secret to unlocking YOUR infinite power! In this episode, I dive into how you are possible of creating everything you desire, and how to identify and breakthrough your limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome in the process. I walk you through specific journaling prompts and practices I use to help you go from feeling stuck on HOW to make your goals happen to moving forward!Want personalized support to help you breakthrough your biggest limiting beliefs, both at the conscious and unconscious level so you can transform your life, mindset, and business?Book a free discovery call with me to talk about how coaching and the various modalities I use can help you break through your fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, and imposter syndrome so you can unlock your infinite power with you to create everything you desire!Book your discovery call here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/discoverycallLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


66: Sales Tip #1: Why You're Not Making Sales [Sales Series]

Episode 66 dives into the biggest challenge I see with clients - why you’re not making sales and signing clients. In this episode, I walk through the 3 key things you need to do to fix this. I also share how you can shift all of these things in just 2-hours.This is part of the new mini sales series, giving you actionable tips through short episodes so you can make more sales in your business.Want to create a feel-good sales process in just 2-hours?Book your Intensive, where together we’ll deep dive into what’s truly holding you back around sales, get crystal clear and grounded in your offer, design your personalized action plan, and give you a full week of private support with me so you can take action, gain momentum, and start making more sales!Book your Intensive here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/intensiveLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


65: Interview with Stu Miller: Don’t Settle - Do the Thing You’re Made to Do

Episode 65 introduces another guest interview of the podcast, Stu Miller. Stu is an award-winning guitar player & producer, and nationally renowned full-time professional musician, having performed on thousands of stages worldwide, shared the stage with many A-List artists, and received various film/television placements.Owner of Stargazer Studios & founder of the Stargazer Method™, Stu offers extensive expertise in all areas of the music industry including, writing, producing, audio engineering, editing, performance, composition, live tour management, business operations, and artist growth and development.Stu has consulted with hundreds of artists around the world to advise on what it takes to build a successful music career and is driven to help artists THRIVE!Learn more about Stu Miller:Music Career Coaching/Consulting: https://www.stumillermusic.com/start-hereSpotify Release Masterclass: www.stumillermusic.com/classes/p/spotify-release-masterclassWebsite: https://www.stumillermusic.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stumillermusic/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stumillermusicLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


64: How to Gain Powerful Clarity Fast [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 64 is all about how to gain the clarity you desire fast by using one simple question. These past two weeks have brought up emotions and challenges that have purposefully lead me to gain powerful clarity for how to move forward. Plus, I share the one question to ask yourself to gain clarity and speed up your manifestations.This episode is part of the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose.You’re invited to unleash your full potential & Expand! Together, we’ll help you create soul-aligned business success & fulfillment with more ease + flow.Book a Discovery Call with me here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/discoverycallLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.com Learn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


63: How to Leave Your Day Job: Plus How I Left Mine

Episode 63 shares my story on how I left my 9to5 day job. In this episode, I talk about how exactly I made this happen, plus how I worked through my greatest fear of having to go back to a day job. I walk you through actionable steps you can take to achieve your big goal, even when you don’t know exactly how it will happen.Wanna get a FREE Coaching Session with me?I’m inviting you personally into my Referral Program! All you have to do is share my information with someone you know to refer me, if it’s a good fit, once they’ve made their first payment, you earn a FREE Private Coaching Session with me. Plus, this is unlimited! You will earn a FREE Private Coaching Session with me for each newly referred client! That’s it! Get all the details here: https://www.danielleuhl.com/referral-programLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


62: Interview with Katy Wherry: How to Market from your Superpowers

Episode 62 introduces another guest interview of the podcast, Katy Wherry. Katy is a professional flutist, recording artist, and performer who has performed and taught all over the world, and with renowned artists, such as Sir James Galway, LeVar Burton, Marina Piccinini, Christina Jennings, Brook Ferguson, the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, as well as various chamber groups. Katy is also the founder of Etude of the Week - a popular online flute community with now almost 8,000 members from over 150 countries. Through her purpose in empowering people with a passion for music to discover and pursue their individual musical paths, she’s created For the Love of Flute - a coaching program supporting flutists so that they can feel encouraged to share their passion with the world.Learn more about Katy:For the Love of Flute Program: https://fortheloveofflute.com/programEtude of the Week Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1445461762450538Website: www.fortheloveofflute.comInstagram: @katywherryfluteFacebook: @katywherryfluteLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


61: Everything You Need to Know about Going Through Challenges [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 61 is for those of you going through challenges – if going for your big goal feels hard right now. This week I dive into my process and share everything you need to know about going through challenges. I share simple tips for helping you decide what you should do next. This is the sixth episode in the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose.How would it feel to stop spinning your wheels, get clear on your action plan to start your business, and know what to focus on that will make you profitable & successful?Book your Intensive, where together we’ll deep dive into what’s truly holding you back, get crystal clear on your action plan, ensure you what you’re doing right to build trust in yourself, and give you a full week of personalized private support with me so you can take action, gain momentum, and start seeing results!Book your Intensive here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/intensiveLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


60: How to Create More Freedom in Life & Business [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 60 is the fifth episode in the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose! This week I dive into my process of creating more freedom in life and business by focusing on one key question. I share exactly how I’ve intentionally tightened up my weekly schedule to make each day feel great!Are you ready to manage ALL you do with ease and finally stop People-Pleasing? Get my Money-Maker Weekly Planner so you can set boundaries, take back your time + energy, and make more money here: https://danielle-uhl.newzenler.com/courses/money-maker-weekly-planner Also, 2 spots open for February Intensives! Together we will deep dive into what’s truly holding you back, get crystal clear on your action plan, ensure you what you’re doing right to build trust in yourself, and give you a full week of personalized private support with me so you can take action, gain momentum, and start seeing results!Book your Intensive here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/intensiveLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


59: How I Came Back From the Bahamas a Completely New Version of Me [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 59 is the forth episode in the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose! I talk about our 2.5 week trip to the Bahamas and the massive growth that catapulted me into my next level. I also share the KEY question I ask myself to achieve success faster!I’m opening 2 spots only for February for 2-hour Intensives.Book your Intensive here: https://danielleuhl.as.me/intensiveLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


58: One Powerful Question to Quantum Leap [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 58 is the third episode in the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose! I talk about preparing for a two-week beach vacation we are heading to, the inspiration behind my newest paining series, and little hacks in between. I also share one powerful question I asked myself this week to help you quantum leap in your 2023 goals -- stop focusing on the HOW and ask yourself this instead. Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


57: Multipassionate Business Structure & Creating a Domino Effect [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 57 is the second episode in the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose -- and I drop something BIG in this episode! I talk about being Multipassionate and being able to do it all under one brand, and what it actually looks like from a mindset and logistical business structure. I also walk you through actionable steps how to get out of overwhelm and get clear on your number one priority to focus on to create a domino effect for all of your 2023 goals!I also reference the Start the Right Business for You Free Download I have on my website. If you want to know exactly how to start your business and what you need to focus on (and what you don't), this free series is or you! Start the Right Business for You Free Download: https://danielle-uhl.newzenler.com/courses/aligned-profitable Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


56: Branding, My Why & Releasing 2022 [Full Transparency Series]

Episode 56 is the first episode in the Full Transparency Series where I'm sharing the raw, behind-the-scenes into my process for creating the next evolution of my business, brand, and purpose! In this episode, I talk about my process through creating a branding board, unfiltered thoughts on my messaging and my bigger why, and a look into the rest of my week as a Multipassionate. I also walk you through actionable steps to clear and release 2022! Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


55: Exciting Update!

Episode 55 shares an exciting update! In this episode, I share the behind the scenes of the messy process about taking a step back from my business and podcast to how I'm shifting moving forward. My hope is that this inspires you to make shifts and changes in your life and business so you can feel more successful and whole. Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


54: 3 Things You Need to Start a Side-Hustle: Start building financial freedom from your skills and hobbies

Episode 54 is all about how to start a side-hustle! In this episode, I share my story with all the different ideas I've tested as side-hustles, some I haven't shared before. Then, we debunk some common myths and I walk you through the only 3 things you need to start a side hustle today and start making money right away. You're not going to want to miss this one!Plus, grab your Side-Hustle In-a-Day VIP Day here: www.danielleuhl.com/vipLearn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


53: The Magical Fix of Unplugging: How to actually have unplugged time in your life and business

Episode 53 is all about the magic of unplugging! In this episode, I share my story about how and why I took intentional unplugged time off, as well as key benefits to why you should too. Plus, I walk you through actionable steps on how to actually unplug in your life and business so you can recharge and be at your best -- feeling re-energized and even more creative! Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


52: Time-Saving Business (and Life) Tool

Episode 52 shares one tool you need that will save you time in both business and life -- scheduler. In this episode, I share how to set up a scheduling calendar for different types of meetings or calls so you don't have to waste time emailing back-and-forth to decide on a date and time. I walk you through how to set up a scheduler and the tool I use and recommend. Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


51: Stop Self-Sabotaging & Reach Your Big Goals

Episode 51 is all about self sabotage. In this episode, I share my opinion why the SMART Goal approach leaves you feeling unfulfilled -- If you've ever thought your goals should be more "realistic or attainable," this episode is for you. Instead, I walk you through a 5-step exercise to help you understand how you self-sabotage and one simple practice that will expand your creativity and energy to achieve bigger goals you never even thought possible!Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.comLearn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast


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