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Author: Coach Jen Johnson

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230 Episodes
You can find the written story I share here :
UPDATE AS OF 12/6/21: When you sign up for The Aligned Badass Method in December 2021 you ALSO receive the following : A spot in the January 2022 Becoming Badass cohort (save $333) Living in Sync - (save $97) $100/mo discount on 1:1 coaching (up to $900 savings) Book a Discovery Call to get the ball rolling!
When you sign up for The Aligned Badass Method in December 2021 you ALSO receive the following : A spot in the January 2022 Becoming Badass cohort (save $333) Living in Sync - (save $97) $100/mo discount on 1:1 coaching (up to $900 savings) Book a Discovery Call to get the ball rolling!
Our LAST stepping stone is here - we're talking about how to think ahead and get you OUT of reaction mode. Learn more :
Let's talk about how to protect and actually DO these habits you need to do to lose weight. We're talking boundaries and communication, baby!
How can you get consistently moving and exercising in the pursuit of your weight loss goal? Let me break it down for you here!
We're tackling nutrition and food mindset in this episode - as a part of the 5 episode Weight Loss Stepping Stone series!
This week's episode is on the critical first pillar of weight loss success- SLEEP! Dive in as I help you navigate getting more/better/badass sleep. Join Wellness Before Weight Loss - check it out :
...tricky diet culture can sneak in through "get healthy" and "wellness". Here's how to combat that along your weight loss journey!
Do you quit on your goals? Here's a BIG permission slip and a mindset shift!
Learn more at
Here's what I mean by "Reject the Default Mom Life Narrative" First - what IS the default Mom Life narrative? It's the belief that moms life is: *Facebook groups packed with “no, MY husband is the worst!” posts *Memes joking how our kids suck the life out of us… *…but don’t you dare talk badly about your kids or complain - be grateful for gosh sake! *Feeling like a major inconvenience if we dare put ourselves first, feeling guilt the whole time *Revenge scrolling because there’s no time in our lives for us *Nagging because no one listens the first time as resentment builds *If you don’t put your kids first, you’re selfish *Sacrifice is the name of the game - if you don’t give it all to motherhood, you’re an asshole ...and more. We're SOAKED in this messaging - and eventually, if you soak in it long enough... you start to believe it. That's how it works. The default belief is moms are expected to be (and accept being): -Overworked -Overwhelmed -Overstimulated -Endlessly self-sacrificing -Resentful -Exhausted -Burnt out So - I want to you REJECT that default. DO NOT accept that just because you're a mom you're meant to be those things. YOU ARE NOT meant to constantly live life this way. Your natural state is joy, peace, calm, happy, fulfilled, present... and more. Now - don't mistake this for you can't or shouldn't feel some of those things. YES- you WILL feel overwhelmed, resentful, exhausted... but DO NOT accept that as a part of being mom. It just doesn't have to be our default. When you DO feel that way- it's your internal GPS saying something is off. Because it's not your natural state. Instead of buying in to the shoulder shrug of "Well, that's just how moms feel!" - reject it. Feel the feeling, know it's NOT the default or just how it is... and know your GPS is speaking to you. Need help getting back on course to your TRUE self? I've got you - Mom Strong Coaching was built for you. I have coaching spots open now... let's chat!
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Follow me over on my new IG - If you’re doing Sober October I’m cheering and have FOUR tips for you! Today is day for me and it’s one of the hardest but best things I’ve ever done for myself. Here are my Top 4 Sober Mama Tips: Set your intention... Maybe you don't want/need to go fully sober. Maybe you want to see how it feels to not drink on weekends, or at the next social gathering, or at brunch. Look ahead at your October and anticipate any tricky situations, think through how you want to handle them. Ask why you want to try this - what are you looking to learn or get from it? Don't be afraid to go sober-ish or sober-curious... sometimes the pressure of FULL sober can totally overshadow the benefits you get from going sober-ish. Your habit may jump...You give up alcohol and become a sugar demon or Amazon shopping may spike. My thought is to tame one habit at a time. Let the others be what they are. If a little extra sugar keeps you sober, that’s okay for now. Decide how you want to share it... Loudly with a big post and group text to friends? Quietly and as a solely personal announcement? What feels right?I found the more I told the people around me the easier it was. They often pressured me less and I didn’t have to make up twisted stories to hide that I wasn’t drinking. I think for me the hiding part was rooted in worrying I would fail… when I told others it deepened my commitment to myself. Replace the ritual... Notice WHEN and WHY you drink - plan for a replacement. If it's right when you get home, have a fancy mocktail ready. If it's when you're out with friends, have a "first drink order" plan. Going cold turkey can be hard - replace the ritual and have fun exploring other options. You can also sub in a walk, some meditation, journaling, a workout class, a call to your bestie! No matter HOW it goes - know you're so badass for exploring your relationship with alcohol. I can GUARANTEE, if you stay curious, you'll learn SO MUCH about yourself. Don't be too hard if you slip, just recommit (over and over and over) until you find your Sober Curious happy spot!
Let's chat about your Messy Middle goal and how you can know when it's quitting time.
In this episode we focus on The Messy Middle : Motherhood and I share a tip to help get kiddos to do their chores without the battle AND how to drop the emotional charge between you and your kiddos! Let's connect - find me at , or !
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Today I'm giving you my best small habit shift to get you more time, energy and space in your days - Costco Style Prep! Learn what habits you can make a little easier by doing them each week in bulk. This not only makes you TOTALLY feel on top of your shit, it also frees up precious time, space and energy every day. Let's connect - find me at , or !
Is needing external motivation or validation bad? And... how to keep your heart open when you want to shut it down.
Where do you give or take energy from?