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Colors of Awakening

Colors of Awakening

Author: A Soul-exploring podcast

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Genevieve & Glen 🎙️
Podcasters, filmmakers, heart & soul explorers.
On a Healing Journey, we are crossing the Americas, unearthing tales of Awakening 🌎
16 Episodes
15. The Belizean Scout

15. The Belizean Scout


Embark on an exploration of wisdom, leadership, cultural diversity, environmentalism, and the indomitable spirit of youth. In our latest podcast episode, we explore scouting in Belize through the eyes of Reese Medina, a committed and dynamic Scout Ambassador. Reese's multifaceted journey takes us from the comfort of her family home to adventures at the doorstep of her nation. She recalls her inspirational ventures in scouting, her observations on mental health, and her fervor for cultural heritage and environmental preservation. Reese shares her transformation from helping her little brother in Scouts to becoming an ambassador herself, highlighting the power of community service, camaraderie, and the lure of scouting life."We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph CampbellThanks for reading Colors of Awakening! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
I had long hoped to record some of the profound conversations I engage in with my daughter, Salomée. Her wisdom, far beyond her years, has always inspired me, and I waited eagerly for the moment she would be ready to share them in a podcast episode.Finally, the day came when, separated by an ocean but connected by our shared quest for understanding, Salomée said yes to a recording session. Her willingness to touch on personal challenges and explore her growth was not just courageous but an invaluable display of resilience.As a medical student, Salomee has delved into the intricacies of the human body. Yet, what sets her apart is her ability to integrate her scientific knowledge with spiritual practices, a harmonious blend of intellect and empathy.Salomée has been meditating since the age of 16, using this ancient practice as a tool to navigate through difficult mental and emotional times. Her perspective, born from struggle, transcends age and background, echoing a universal connection.Her spiritual exploration complements her scientific inquiries, giving life to a philosophy that embraces the complexities of the human body and the subtleties of the human spirit. Salomée's journey reflects the human quest for harmony, inner peace, and self-realization. Her vulnerability inspires courage, encourages reflection, and speaks to a universal longing.Sharing this conversation with my daughter has been a remarkable journey. Witnessing her growth, absorbing her wisdom, and being part of her willingness to expose her vulnerabilities is an experience that transcends the usual bonds of parenthood. Her voice offers wisdom that, I believe, will touch hearts and minds across generations.Her words stand as a testament to the human spirit's ability to grow, connect, and inspire, even from the darkest corners of our minds. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Dans cet épisode exceptionnel de Wake in Wave, nous embarquons pour une immersion envoûtante au cœur des Jardins d'Ixchel, un havre de paix niché dans la jungle du Yucatán, au Mexique. Rencontrez Cathy Eygonnet, une âme passionnée et engagée, sophrologue thérapeute et créatrice de cet écolodge magique.Cathy nous ouvre les portes de son univers fascinant, partageant l'histoire des Jardins d'Ixchel.Découvrez les défis qu'elle a surmonté avec détermination et la vision qui l'a guidée tout au long de cette aventure extraordinaire. De voyages humanitaires auprès des communautés mayas aux rencontres profondes avec un chaman, Cathy a suivi son intuition pour créer un sanctuaire dédié à la guérison, à la préservation de la nature et à l'épanouissement de l'être.Au-delà des simples mots, plongez dans l'essence même des Jardins d'Ixchel. Ressentez la sagesse millénaire des arbres qui les habitent, les danses mystérieuses des animaux nocturnes, et laissez-vous bercer par l'énergie apaisante qui émane de cet éden préservé.Cathy nous dévoile également les multiples facettes de son accompagnement holistique. Des massages relaxants aux soins énergétiques en passant par le coaching personnalisé, elle guide les visiteurs sur le chemin de la reconnexion avec eux-mêmes. Que ce soit pour trouver un nouvel équilibre, libérer des blocages émotionnels ou explorer la dimension spirituelle, chaque personne trouve ici l'espace nécessaire pour se réaligner et évoluer vers son plein potentiel.Cette conversation inspirante avec Cathy nous rappelle la puissance de la détermination, de la passion et de l'amour pour la nature. Plus qu'un simple écolodge, les Jardins d'Ixchel sont le reflet de la coexistence harmonieuse avec notre environnement.Plongez avec nous dans cet épisode de Wake in Wave et laissez-vous envoûter par l'histoire, la vision et les enseignements partagés par Cathy. Que cette rencontre vous inspire à vous reconnecter à la nature et à suivre votre propre chemin vers l'épanouissement.----------------------------Wake in Wave est un podcast et une série de films sur les multiples facettes de l'éveil, réalisé alors que je traverse les Amériques avec mon partenaire de voyage et notre chien, Zill. Nous souhaitons partager avec vous les paysages qui nous ont laissés émerveillés, ainsi que les rencontres incroyables qui enrichissent nos épisodes de podcast. Suivez-nous dans un périple à travers les Amériques, où nous apprenons des personnes que nous rencontrons et nous plongeons dans la culture locale, les lieux insolites et les conversations profondes. Avant tout, Wake in Wave parle de l'éveil de l'esprit et des histoires personnelles qu'on échange et enregistre, ainsi que des outils que l'on découvre à travers ces interactions pour naviguer dans nos vies de manière plus consciente... Bienvenue sur Wake in Wave !Vous pouvez écouter nos épisodes de podcast, regarder notre série de films ou lire nos articles de blog sur notre site web ou autres média sociaux. Un clic vers tous les liens pour nous suivre et nous soutenir : Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
In the early days of our journey through the Americas, Glen and I stopped in Oregon to meet the Duncans.Little did we know our time with them and their neighbors would be so rich in stories, and so meaningful!Mike shared his journey, leaving the safety of the corporate world to build and run his dream business from his garage.With Kellie, we discussed spirituality and awakening from trauma.Megan walked us through the creation of her booming business born of a sudden Tiktok popularity!With Morris, I fulfilled one of my dreams, donning the bee suit and, to the hive!From her Gotland sheep farm to her life after the loss of a child, the conversation with Stephanie was one of the most profounds of our journey...To these amazing encounters, I added a reflection about my feelings as I progressed in this healing journey through the Americas.~GenevieveYou can watch the film version of this episode on our Youtube channel: in Wave is a podcast and a film series on the many facets of awakening, run while on the road. We want to share with you the incredible sceneries that have left us in awe between the no less incredible encounters which make our podcast episodes. You will follow us on a journey through the Americas, as we learn from the people we meet, and immerse ourselves in local culture, obscure locations and deep conversations. Above all, Wake in Wave is about awakening and the stories we hear about others' journeys and the tools we discover through these interactions to navigate our lives with more awareness … Welcome to Wake in Wave! -----You can listen to our podcast episodes, watch our film series or read our blog posts on our website.All our links to Follow & Support us: --- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
In this deeply touching and intimate interview, Stephanie bravely shares her journey of grief, healing, and resilience after the tragic loss of her 4-year-old daughter, Elari, in a car accident, 13 years ago.As we explored Stephanie and Paul's beautiful farm in Eugene, Oregon, Stephanie revealed how the land, her sheep, her family and her community have helped her navigate the most challenging moments of her life. This conversation is not only a testament to the incredible strength of a mother's love, but also a powerful reminder of the healing power of nature and the importance of connection in our lives. Watch as Stephanie opens up about her experience and offers insights on processing grief, supporting loved ones, and finding solace in the small moments of everyday life.Follow Stephanie:Instagram: Us:All links to our platforms and creations : --- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Dive into the profound impact that a single encounter can have on our lives, as we reveal our heartfelt interview with Greg. When asked for stories from the road, Greg told us how he saved a man's life who had been stranded in the desert for 4 days. But he also told us how he'd almost passed the man, only realizing the gravity of the situation while pedaling away.... Prepare to be inspired by his insights and simplicity as we explore the importance of human connections, the power of shared experiences, and the beauty of embracing the unexpected on our paths through life. We hope you enjoy and we look forward to your comments :)Welcome to Wake in Wave!~Genevieve and Glen ----- You can watch the film version of this episode on our Youtube channel: Greg & Victoria:Youtube: us: --- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Join us on an epic journey as we explore the breathtaking Mayan ruins of Tikal and Yaxha in Guatemala, and first approach Belize. Immerse yourself in the mystique of the jungle and witness the beauty of ancient history.Travel with us as we encounter the challenges of the road in Latin America, including storms and corruption at border crossings, all the while sharing intimate moments and unforgettable experiences. Dive into our story as we adapt to the unexpected and embrace the lessons we learn along the way. Don't miss this incredible adventure!We look forward to your comments :)~Genevieve and Glen -------You can watch the film version of this podcast episode on our Youtube channel: Follow us:Website: Youtube: Instagram: Tiktok: us:GoFundMe: Patreon: Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Acompáñenos en un viaje por las montañas de Guatemala mientras nos embarcamos en una expedición con nuestro nuevo amigo Roberto, para encontrar un escurridizo hongo azul.   Roberto ha dedicado gran parte de su vida a encontrar y estudiar setas, enseñando micología en la Universidad de San Carlos de Ciudad de Guatemala.  Nuestra expedición de 5 días ha sido un viaje educativo, cultural y espiritual en el corazón de la Sierra de Las Minas, el bosque nuboso más grande de Mesoamérica.    Allí, Roberto nos abrió su mundo, cambiando para siempre nuestra forma de caminar por el bosque.    Gracias a las maravillosas personas que compartieron con nosotros esta significativa experiencia:  Roberto Flores Arzu, micólogo de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. José María González, guía y fotógrafo. Marí, Cristian, Walter y familia, que hicieron nuestra estancia en las montañas tan agradable y cálida. Mis increíbles cuñados, Benjamin Bude y Ben Duncan, por su locución en francés, inglés y español. Mi estimada amiga Alyona Biketova, sin quien nada de esto hubiera sucedido...    -----------------------------  En esta serie de películas, compartimos el espíritu de nuestro viaje de California a Argentina a través de imágenes seleccionadas durante el camino...   Wake in Wave es un podcast y una serie de películas sobre las múltiples facetas del despertar, realizadas mientras estamos viajando.   Queremos compartir con ustedes los increíbles paisajes que nos han dejado admirados entre los no menos increíbles hallazgos que forman los episodios de nuestro podcast.    Puede escuchar nuestros episodios de podcast, ver nuestra serie de películas o leer nuestras entradas de blog en:  website:    Síguenos: Facebook:  Instagram:    Apóyenos: GoFundMe:   Patreon: Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Rejoignez notre voyage à travers les montagnes du Guatemala alors que nous embarquons pour une expédition avec notre nouvel ami Roberto, à la découverte d'un mystérieux champignon bleu.  Roberto a consacré une grande partie de sa vie à la recherche et l'étude des champignons. Il enseigne la mycologie à l'université de San Carlos au Guatemala.  Notre expédition de 5 jours a été un voyage éducatif, culturel et spirituel au cœur de la Sierra de Las Minas, la plus large forêt nuageuse de Méso-Amérique.   Là-bas, Roberto nous a ouvert son monde, changeant à tout jamais nos marches en forêt.                                                                    ~~~~~~~~~  Un grand merci aux personnes extraordinaires qui ont partagé avec nous cette expérience unique :  Roberto Flores Arzú, mycologue à l'Université de San Carlos du Guatemala. Jose María Gonzalez, guide et photographe. Marí, Cristian, Walter et leur famille, qui ont rendu notre séjour dans les montagnes si agréable et chaleureux. Mes incroyables beaux-frères, Benjamin Bude et Ben Duncan, pour leur voix off en français, anglais et espagnol. Ma chère amie Alyona Biketova, sans qui rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé...   ---------------------------------------  Dans cette série, nous partageons avec vous l'esprit de notre voyage de la Californie à l'Argentine à travers des séquences sélectionnées le long de la route...   Wake in Wave est un podcast et une série de films sur les nombreuses facettes de l'éveil, réalisés sur la route.   Nous voulons vous faire vivre l'esprit de notre voyage et partager avec vous les paysages incroyables qui nous ont laissé pantois entre les rencontres non moins incroyables qui font nos épisodes de podcast.    Vous pouvez écouter nos épisodes de podcast, regarder nos séries de films ou lire nos articles de blog sur notre site web :    Suivez-nous : Facebook : Instagram : : GoFundMe : : Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Join us on a journey through the mountains of Guatemala as we embark on an expedition with our new friend Roberto, to find an elusive blue mushroom.  Roberto has devoted much of his life to finding and studying mushrooms, teaching mycology at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala.  Our 5 day expedition has been an educational, cultural and spiritual journey in the heart of the Sierra de Las Minas, Mesoamerica’s largest cloud forest.   There, Roberto opened his world to us, forever changing the way we would walk through the woods.                                                                    ~~~~~~~~~  Thank you to the wonderful people who shared with us during this meaningful experience:  Roberto Flores Arzu, mycologist at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Jose Maria Gonzalez, guide and photographer. Marí, Cristian, Walter and family, who made our stay in the mountains so nice and warm. My amazing brothers in law, Benjamin Bude and Ben Duncan, for their voice over in French, English and Spanish. My dear friend Alyona Biketova, without whom none of this would have happened…   ---------------------------------------  In this series of films, we share with you the spirit of our journey from California to Argentina through selected footage along the road...   Wake in Wave is a podcast and a film series on the many facets of awakening, run while on the road.   We want to fill you in with the spirit of our journey and share with you the incredible sceneries that have left us in awe between the no less incredible encounters which make our podcast episodes.    You can listen to our podcast episodes, watch our film series or read our blog posts on our website:    Follow us: Facebook:  Instagram:    Support us: GoFundMe:   Patreon:   --- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Este episodio es la versión en audio de nuestra película sobre los dos meses que pasamos en la selva de la Huasteca, en México.En Xilitla, México, celebramos un año de camino juntos. Cuando llegamos al pueblo, no teníamos idea de la serie de eventos que seguirían y nos mantendrían durante dos meses en la selva de la Huasteca.Puedes ver la película completa en nuestro canal de Youtube Wake in Wave o encontrar cada episodio en Facebook, Instagram o Tiktok.Para su comodidad, hemos narrado la película completa en inglés, español y francés, disponible en nuestro canal de Youtube en su idioma preferido.----------------------------------En 2016, mientras trabajaba con Juha's Guesthouse, una empresa social en el pueblo árabe de Jisr a Zarqa, en la costa israelí, conocí a Glen en torno a un proyecto de arte que involucraba a los jóvenes del pueblo.El proyecto duró una semana y solo a finales de 2020, cinco años después de conocernos, Glen y yo nos volvimos a conectar.Decidimos emprender un viaje extraordinario: desde California hasta Argentina, cruzaríamos las Américas juntos, acompañado de su peludo compañero, Zill.El 18 de junio de 2021 nos reunimos en San José, California. Desde entonces, filmamos y grabamos nuestras aventuras en el camino.----------------------------------Considere revisar nuestras películas y apoyarnos a través de nuestra campaña Gofundme, nuestro Patreon o nuestro tarro de Paypal.Encuentre nuestros enlaces directos aquí: Genoveva y Glen--- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Cet épisode est la version audio de notre film sur les deux mois que nous avons passé dans la jungle de la Huasteca, au Mexique.À Xilitla, au Mexique, Glen et moi avons célébré une année ensemble sur la route. Arrivés dans la ville, nous étions loin de nous douter de la tournure des événements qui allaient suivre et qui nous retiendraient pendant deux mois dans la jungle de la Huasteca.Vous pouvez visionner le film complet sur notre chaîne Youtube Wake in Wave ou retrouver chaque épisode sur Facebook, Instagram ou Tiktok.Pour votre confort, nous avons traduit l'intégralité du film en anglais, espagnol et français, disponibles sur notre chaîne Youtube dans la langue de votre choix dès lundi 8 Août 2022.-------------------------------En 2016, alors que je travaillais avec la Juha's Guesthouse, une entreprise sociale du village arabe de Jisr a Zarqa, sur la côte israélienne, j'ai rencontré Glen autour d'un projet artistique impliquant les jeunes du village.Le projet a duré une semaine et ce n'est que fin 2020, cinq ans après notre première rencontre, que Glen et moi nous sommes de nouveau retrouvés.Nous avons décidé de nous lancer dans un voyage extraordinaire : de la Californie à l'Argentine, nous allions traverser les Amériques ensemble, accompagnés de son compagnon à quatre patte, Zill.Le 18 juin 2021, nous nous sommes retrouvés à San Jose, en Californie. Depuis, nous avons filmé et enregistré nos aventures sur la route.----------------------------------Retrouvez tous nos liens ici : à consulter nos films et merci de considérer une donation pour soutenir notre production via notre campagne Gofundme, notre Patreon ou notre bocal Paypal.~ Geneviève et Glen--- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This episode is the audio version of our film about the two months we spent in the jungle of the Huasteca, in Mexico.In Xilitla, Mexico, Glen and I celebrated one year of journeying together towards Argentina. When we arrived in the town, we had no idea about the series of events that would follow and would keep us for two months in the jungle of the Huasteca.You can view the film version on our Wake in Wave Youtube channel or find each episode on Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok. For your convenience, we have narrated the entire film in English, Spanish and French, available on our Youtube channel in your preferred language.--------------------Back in 2016, as I was working with the Juha's Guesthouse, a social business in the Arab village of Jisr a Zarqa, on the Israeli coastline, I met Glen around an art project involving the youths of the village.The project lasted a week and it is only at the end of 2020, five years after we first met, that Glen and I reconnected.We decided to embark on an extraordinary journey: from California to Argentina, we would cross the Americas together, accompanied by his furry companion, Zill.On June 18, 2021, we met up in San Jose, California. Since then, we have filmed and recorded our adventures on the road.--------------------------Please consider checking our films and supporting us through our Gofundme and our Patreon campaigns, or our Paypal jar.Find all our links here: Genevieve & Glen--- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Glen and I have been journeying from California to Argentina since June of 2021. In February 2022, we arrived in Bonnie's bird sanctuary, Rancho Primavera. It was exactly what we needed after days of driving from Mexicali: nature and safety. We met the sanctuary's owner, Bonnie. We wanted to know more about this woman who seemed to live in perfect synergy with the animals around her.We asked if she would sit with us for an interview. Bonnie agreed to talk to us about her sanctuary... Enjoy listening! ~Genevieve. To follow and support us, find all our media links here: --- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Welcome to Wake in Wave 1st season!We are beginning with a podcast episode on the topic of intimacy with our guest Shahak Shefer, therapist and truth seeker and co-host Luanna Lee.This episode was recorded from my living room in Israel, through a Zoom session in January of 2021. We are working on more episodes accompanied by a film series. Stay tuned and thank you for listening!~ GenevieveCheck Shahak's website: Our website: www.wakeinwave.comFacebook page: us: wakeinwave@gmail.comIf you would like to contribute to our travels, adventures, and the continuation of great podcast material, please visit our GoFundMe and Patreon Campaigns:Our GoFundMe: Patreon: Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
My name is Genevieve, welcome to the Wake in Wave Podcast!Since June 2021, Glen, Zill, and I have traveled thousands of miles through the West of the United States. We will be crossing the Americas, from California to Argentina, over the next 2 years - documenting our travels and encounters through our podcast and film series, collecting stories from the people we meet. As of this September (2021), we have 10 episodes recorded and in production.  You can follow our extraordinary journey through our website, Youtube channel, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok accounts.Thank you, and have a beautiful awakening!Find all our links here: us: wakeinwave@gmail.comIf you would like to contribute to the production of our podcast and films, please visit our GoFundMe and Patreon campaigns or our Paypal jar. Thank you for your support! ~Genevieve & Glen--- Send in a voice message: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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