Join Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield, for 30 minutes of conversation about prayer, its many forms and the important role it plays in her life.
Please join Oglala Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield for a discussion about culture and cultural appropriation. This is part 1 in a series of discussion about this deep and sometimes controversial subject.
Please join Lakota Elder, Dellmarie Dullknife for a discussion about pow wow regalia ... what it is and what it is not.
Please join Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield for a 30 minute discussion about sacred ceremonies, their protocols and modern as well as ancient symbols.
Join Lakota Sioux elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield for a lively and insightful conversation about family gatherings and sacred ceremonies.
Join Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield, for 30 minutes of teachings from her experiences of the Prayer Day with the White Buffalo Calf Pipe in South Dakota.
Join Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield for a morning of inspiration and insight into her recent trip to Fort Laramie to gather with indigenous elders commemorating the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Fort Laramie Treaty.
Join Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield for morning of Oglala Lakota Creation stories as they were taught to her by her family elders on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
Im important discussion with Denise Iwaniw Francisco and Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield from her perspective as a Lakota elder, about the misuse and misunderstanding of sacred Lakota ceremonies and those who are trained to perform them in a good a sacred manner.
This is a very important topic for those who possess, create, or utilize sacred objects: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 "Sacred Objects" on Walk a Good Life with Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield 9:30 AM EST Please join Oglala Lakota elder, Dellmarie Dullknife Bradfield for a 30-minute discussion about the care and keeping of sacred objects.