Walking Home From The ICU

Walking Home From The ICU
Author: Kali
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© Kali
Kali Dayton, DNP, ACNP-BC, is an ICU nurse practitioner and consultant on a mission to create Awake and Walking ICUs. She hands the microphone to ICU survivors and bedside caregivers to reveal the realities of ICU experience and patients' journeys after discharge. The big picture of sedation and immobility is discussed and we explore how to improve short and long-term patient outcomes. We shift the vision from transferring out of the ICU to walking straight home after the ICU.
190 Episodes
After 51 days of sedation and immobility in the ICU and on ECMO, Angela Leggett spent almost 2 decades battling post-ICU PTSD. She shares with us her journey and the impact of UCF Restores to give her a new chance at quality of life! UCF
What is the ethical and moral responsibility of a medical director to personally practice, lead, and support their ICU to keep patients as awake and mobile as possible? Dr. Parimal Bharucha shares with us the incredible revolution that has happened in his ICU.
When the harm of “normal practices” shifts the perspective of an ICU revolutionist and medical director, what is the next course of action? Dr. Jodi Coates shares how her personal convictions inspired her to lead her trauma ICU to radically transform their sedation and mobility practices. Want to help your ICU become an Awake and Walking ICU? Schedule a consultation at!
What is the role of the critical care director in leading ICU teams to become Awake and Walking ICUs? How can directors use the evidence to win executive leadership support for their teams to have what they need to succeed? Ginger Manss, DNP shares with us her key role as senior director of critical care in the revolution at MSJMC. Check out their ICU Liberation video at:
What role do respiratory therapists play in creating Awake and Walking ICUs? How did Candace Wistrich, RRT, BSRT and Nelya Kapitula, RRT, BSRT lead their respiratory therapy department to move the revolution forward? They join us now to share their team’s journey! Vote for “Awake and Walking ICUs” as “best nurse innovation” and Kali Dayton as “best nurse leader” before 12/31 here!
How does the Awake and Walking ICU approach apply to the trauma ICU? How did education, training, leadership support, and deep compassion empower these experience trauma nurses to transform their ICU culture and practices? What successes have they had and how has keeping patients awake and mobile impacted their career fulfillment and team dynamics? Jessica Williams, BSN, RN, Adrienne Craig, BSN, RN, and Amber Brandt, BSN, RN share their team’s journey in this episode! Want to revolutionize your ICU? Check out
Safe patient handling(SPH) is a fairly new and rapidly growing field. Mercy San Juan Medical Center is fortunate to have a strong SPH department and leadership. Luke Strategates, DPT shares with us the key role he plays in the ICU Revolution as the safe patient handling leader. Want to bring the revolution to your ICU? Schedule a consultation at
What happens when a medical director really sees the reality of “normal practices” and becomes a revolutionist? Dr. Bistrong shares his personal conversion and the key role he has playing in his team’s transformation.
Standardized sedation and immobility are rooted in a gap in education. What is the power of a nurse educator in transforming knowledge, culture, and practice in the ICU? Jeana Flakes, MSN, RN shares how she helped lead the ICU Revolution as a nurse educator at Mercy San Juan Medical Center.
What do physicians understand of the ABCDEF bundle? What are their perceptions of early mobility? How are their teams practicing the ABCDEF bundle in their own units? What do physicians need to be able to lead an Awake and Walking ICU approach in their units?
I interviewed physicians while attending the CHEST conference to find answers to these questions.
What happens when a visionary physician in a low-resource hospital in Bangledash leads his team to practice the ABCDEF bundle? How did this passionate team of ICU clinicians transform their care from automatic sedation and immobility to standardized mobility three times a day? How did they come to treat mobility as important and optional as an antibiotic? Dr. Mohammad Jhahidul Alam shares their story in this episode!
Fear of “liabilities” is often a barrier to keeping patients awake and mobile in the ICU. Yet, we know that the ABCDEF is evidence-based best practices. So what are the legal liabilities to a hospital, leadership, and bedside clinicians of current cultural practices? Maggie Ortiz, MSN, RN joins us now to share her expert perspective. Find Maggie at:
Although the ABCDEF bundle does not solely rest on the shoulders of nurses, their leadership is KEY. Andrea Silva, BSN, RN shares with his her journey to revolutionizing care in her ICU as an assistant nurse manager.
The ICU is an overwhelming and daunting environment to start a new career. While learning so many new skills from experienced mentors, how did Michael Glade, RN, BSN also see past “what is done” to “what should be done” in his ICU? Michael shares with us what led him to help lead the revolution in his ICU.
Ilija Klipa MS, ACSM-CEP,ACSM-EP,ACSM EIM III, AACVPR-CCRP is a cardiac/pulmonary physiologist a high-acuity cardiac ICU. He shares his journey in pioneering physiology in the ICU as well as leading the revolution to create an Awake and Walking ICU.
Check out Ilija's upcoming 30-credit ECMO mobility courses here:
When patients have a primary language other than English (LOE), how does this impact their access to the ABCDEF bundle? Is it standardized to provide nonverbal communication in other languages in the hospital? Emily Ahrens, MS, RN, CCRN joins us now to dive deep into her post-doctoral studies dedicated to this gap in critical care medicine. Episode citations and transcripts at:
We know that for each additional 10 minutes of early mobility in the ICU, hospital length of stay decreases by 1.2 days. What else do we know about the relationship between dose of mobility and time on the ventilator? Sarina Fazio, PhD, RN, shares with us her exciting discoveries in her latest research. Episode transcripts and citations at:
While walking the halls full of critical nurses at AACN’s NTI conference, I had get their insights and perspectives. This episode is full of interviews with anonymous ICU nurses from all over the USA.
Check out this episode with @Christinecasiano as she shares the contrast between being sedated vs. being awake while on ECMO. Register for the monthly ICU Revolutionists zoom meetings here:
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