Walking On Air

Glimpses of wildlife and wilderness, captured on video by a wide-eyed city slicker.

Rattlesnake Wrestling

Yesterday was quite the day for reptiles. On my hike at Windy Hill I saw ten lizards and five snakes! There were two rattlesnakes, one normal looking garter snake, one garter snake with a red stripe on its belly (which I think is rare and endangered) plus another big snake which I mistook for a rattler at first but wound up not having rattles. The most exciting, though was the show by these two rattlesnakes. Luckily I happened to notice them when I was 20 feet away and not as I was passing next to them. At first all I saw were two heads sticking out of the grass, swaying like they were in a snake charming act. Then they started wrestling and tumbled down on to the trail where I could see them better. They were twined around each other and it looked like arm wrestling except the arms weren't attached to anything. Apparently its pretty rare to catch this behavior on video. I stuck around for 20 or 30 minutes watching them partly because it was so interesting and partly because they were blocking my way. They never moved more than a few feet from the trail though so I finally turned around and took a different route. Video: Rattlesnakes, 2 minutes Download: Rattlesnakes.mp4, 32 MB


Down The Merced River

Nevada Fall A trip down the Merced river starting at the rim of Yosemite Valley, down the cascade at Illilouette Creek, then over to the top of Nevada Fall, down to Vernal Fall with a jump off Swinging Bridge into the river in Yosemite National Park.My new camera can shoot movie clips too and this movie was shot with this camera. As video cameras go, its pretty awful but it has a big advantage over my real video cam. Its small enough to fit in my pocket and as my main still camera, I'll carry it around with me a lot. A crapcam in the pocket is worth a TV studio at home. Maybe now I'll post to this blog more often.Download: Down The Merced River, 22MB, 3.5 minutes


Mule Deer at Yosemite

Deer at Leidig Meadow These mule deer were grazing just a few feet from the sidewalk, not caring much about the tourists walking by. One doe did get a bit spooked though when someone tried to feed her a handful of grass. Later I found out that the animal that's caused the most human injury in Yosemite National Park isn't the bear, or even the coyote. Its the mule deer. Taken in the Leidig Meadow, near Swinging Bridge in Yosemite Valley.Download: Mule Deer at Yosemite, 21.4MB, 4 minutes


Bull Roar

Point Piedras Blancas A short clip showing the unique roar of an adult bull Northern Elephant Seal. You can hear these guys from a mile away. Video shot near San Simeon, California in February 2003.Download: Bull Roar, 2.5MB, 18 seconds


Go Away, Kid

Elephant Seal Pup Now on his own, an elephant seal pup is rebuffed as he tries to make friends. Taped at the elephant seal rookery at Point Piedras Blancas, near San Simeon California in February 2003.I think this pup had been recently weaned. I'm not sure if he wanted a replacement mom and a good meal or was just looking for a piece of real estate to call home.This is my first time using internet archive and mp4. Let me know how well this works. I believe the mp4 should work in any modern media player. It works for me on Mac in quicktime and Realplayer 10. I think it should work on windows in either of those apps plus Windows Media Player.Download: Go Away, Kid, 27.1MB, 10 minutes


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