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Way of the Muse™
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Way of the Muse™

Author: Makena Sage, Gigi Sage

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The Way of the Muse™ podcast is for women who are ready for “something more.” Hosted by mother / daughter coaching duo Gigi & Makena Sage, this show is about becoming the woman you’re meant to be, so you can confidently create your biggest dreams. 

Even among the most successful women, self-doubt has become an epidemic. We think, “Who am I to do this?” or “What if I don’t have what it takes?” So we convince ourselves we’ll start that business… pivot into work we love… travel the world… write that book… find a great relationship… or do something that makes a difference in the world “someday.” 

Or – we simply get busy juggling our day-to-day responsibilities. We get stuck in “go mode” and forget that life and business are supposed to be fun! 

This podcast will inspire you to stop putting your bigger dreams on hold, and get started TODAY. Plus, we’ll show you how to do it with more EASE, FUN + FLOW. 

Gigi, Makena, and their guests share powerful tools and proven strategies for designing a life that’s rich in ALL areas: career, relationship, family, purpose, lifestyle, leadership, personal growth and fulfillment. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, career woman, mother, philanthropist, or all of the above, you’ll love the inspiration and actionable steps you take away from every episode. 

When you embody the Muse in your life, you’re in flow. You know who you are and what you want, and you boldly go after it. You feel creative, lit up, and inspired. People around you are magnetized to your energy. Instead of pushing to reach your goals, you dance with life – moving with a combination of purpose, allowing, and ease. This is our wish for you, and it’s what this podcast is all about!

Want a chance to be coached ‘on air’ in a future episode? Visit 

Want to dive deeper with Gigi and Makena? Visit

26 Episodes
What if you had the power to see 10 steps ahead… like a Chess Master reading the board? Of course, we can’t see the future. But what about seeing between the lines? Imagine walking into any situation—whether a business meeting or a personal conversation—and instantly understanding the hidden dynamics at play. In this episode, Makena and Gigi explore “The Art of Seeing Between the Lines,” a skill that can help you read the intentions of people, make better decisions, and create deeper connecti...
What if you could *fast-track* your path to success & happiness? We’ve all heard stories of great mentor-student relationships where an athlete or business person achieves something far beyond what they ever thought they were capable of – often in a fraction of the time. But how can you cultivate these kinds of relationships in your own life? And what is the difference between a mentor versus a teacher or coach? In this episode, Gigi and Makena reflect on the transformative power of mento...
Comparison is the thief of joy. And yet, we all do it! Whether it’s scrolling on social media or being hard on yourself and thinking everyone else has it “all together,” it seems to be human nature to compare. In this episode, Gigi shares stories, tools, and perspectives to help you break free of comparison and honor the season you’re in – even if it’s a challenging one. Get the full transcript, show notes + links here:
Do you want to make more money… feel more relaxed around money… and keep more of the money you make? Then you will love this episode. In it, Makena dives deep into the topic of money mindset – how your beliefs and energy around money can either block you – or open the floodgates to prosperity. (Hint: It’s not just about working harder!) She shares her personal journey of going from totally broke and stuck in survival mode to healing her relationship with money… ultimately coming to a place of...
In a world that’s moving a million miles an hour, how can you shift your experience of time? That’s what this episode is all about! In it, Gigi & Makena explore two different ways of moving through time… a more structured approach vs. go-with-the-flow. (Both of which have pros & cons!) Whichever end of the spectrum you naturally gravitate to, you will learn new strategies to help you get more done in less time, feel more relaxed, and enjoy the time freedom you’ve been longing for. Get...
Your greatest gifts can feel like no big deal to you – yet they hold the key to both your personal fulfillment and your contribution to the world. In this episode, we’ll explore your gifts and superpowers, many of which you may have overlooked. Through stories and examples, you’ll discover how identifying and embracing your gifts can lead to amazing outcomes – including career success, deeper connections, and a more fulfilling life. Get the full transcript, show notes + links here: https://wa...
Intent is like a “secret superpower” that many of the world’s most successful people know. It’s not about working hard or adding stress & pressure to make your goals happen. It’s about the way you use your energy and take aligned action to make sh*t happen. In this episode, we share story after story about intent to illustrate how you can apply it to create ANYTHING you desire – money, travel, opportunities to live and work abroad, selling or renting your home, and more. Get ready to unlo...
In this special birthday episode, Makena shares her personal journey of overcoming burnout and the constant pressure of 'go mode.' From a high-stress marketing career to stepping into work she loved (yet STILL burning the candle at both ends), to ultimately finding true balance and flow in her life. Makena pulls back the curtain to share her highs, lows, and biggest lessons learned along the way. Plus, she shares stories of other women who have gone from burnout to balance – while still kicki...
If you feel like you’re stuck in “go mode,” this episode is for you. In it, we discuss what some people call masculine & feminine energy – which we’ve re-named Go Mode and Flow Mode. Hosts Gigi and Makena share a brief history of women entering the workforce, and how we had to take on more “masculine” energy in order to succeed. Makena shares her personal journey of being caught in the Go Mode cycle for most of her life, which helped her achieve a lot of success in her career… but it also...
If you’re ready to go from analysis paralysis to clarity on your next steps, this episode is for you. Deciding on a direction for your life, career, or next steps can feel overwhelming. You might have tons of ideas – but no clue how to choose. Or maybe you’re not clear whether you should put your focus more on your career or personal life, because it feels like you don’t have the time or energy to make big changes in both. In this episode, we walk you through a step-by-step process to get cla...
Dreaming up a new career path can be intimidating. Where do you even begin?! Not to mention juggling the demands of a busy life while trying to figure out what’s next. It can be tough to find the time to even think about it! In this “on air” coaching episode, we talk with a new mom who is ready to start looking at what’s next. But with a toddler at home, she is BUSY. We support her to get clarity on a direction she wants to explore and then create a simple and doable plan to start moving her ...
Do you ever go around and around in your head trying to solve a problem, but it feels like you’re just going in circles? It’s easy to get stuck in this frustrating mental loop for hours, days – or sometimes even months or years! In this episode, we talk about why “problem solving” doesn’t work, and what to do instead to get the clarity you want. We share powerful questions that can help you break out of the box of your own thinking and open up to new possibilities. And, as always – we share s...
In this live “on air” coaching session, Gigi & Makena coach a woman who left her corporate job to support her family through a health crisis – while also studying to become a health coach. Though she feels ready to launch her coaching business, she is struggling to regain her confidence and motivation after a period of personal sacrifice. Plus, she isn’t sure the best way to go about growing her new business. Should she try online marketing? Networking? Or something else altogether? Maken...
Who is the woman you’re stepping into? There are countless reasons to reinvent yourself. You may be feeling the call to “something more” in your career… business… brand… relationships… or lifestyle. Maybe you’re going through a major life transition: moving across the country… becoming a mother… an empty nester… or beginning your “third act.” Or perhaps a change is being thrust upon you: a job loss… divorce… or any other shift that feels like it’s out of your control. Whatever the reason, any...
Do you ever wonder how to quiet your “monkey mind?” What about the emotional rollercoaster that life – and especially business – can feel like sometimes? That’s what we’re diving into in today’s podcast episode. The truth is, we ALL experience this. But instead of letting your thoughts & emotions get you down, what if you could see them for what they really are, and move through them quickly? Imagine how much time & energy you would save – and how much more you would get done in a wee...
There are countless stresses & pressures in our day-to-day lives. All the tasks you don’t want to do in your career or business that waste precious time & energy. The recurring argument you keep having with your partner. The piles of paperwork you never seem to get to. Each of these creates an energy leak – a drain on your vitality. They also distract you from what matters most: moving your business or dreams forward, taking care of you, or spending quality time with loved ones. In th...
Do you struggle with self-doubt? Has fear of failure ever stopped you – or slowed you down? Even highly successful women admit to feeling self-doubt when it comes to their bigger dreams. They wonder, “Who am I to do this?,” “What if I don’t have what it takes?”, and “What will people think?” Contrary to popular belief, many people are very confident in some areas – yet still experience fear & self-doubt in others. In this episode, your hosts Gigi & Makena Sage explore gender differenc...
In this “on air” coaching session, hosts Gigi & Makena support a woman in her late 30s who is grappling with some big life decisions. The biggest choices ahead of her are whether or not she wants a family, and where she and her fiancé will settle down to raise their kids. Despite achieving business success, she expresses fears around creating the kind of stability she wants for her family. Through the coaching, she is able to talk through all of her fears and doubts, and come to full...
Do you ever feel like, “If I don’t hold it all together, everything will fall apart”? Women juggle so many roles & responsibilities, the mental load alone can be challenging – not to mention everything else you’re doing! In this episode, Gigi and Makena talk about how Makena went from feeling like “if I don’t get my to-do list done, I will die,” to a place of more ease, flow, and balance than she ever thought possible. We discuss getting stuck in “go mode,” as well as the patterns of over...
In school we were taught math, reading, writing, and science – but we weren’t taught how to create an extraordinary life. And the truth is, there is no book you can study that will teach you this, because you are 100% unique. Your dreams, desires, hopes, fears, and circumstances are different from anyone else on the planet. Fortunately, there are tools that can help you tune into yourself and your desires on a deeper level – as well as what life / God / the Universe is telling you. Two of the...