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Wayside Bible Chapel

Author: Paul Wallace

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Welcome to Wayside Bible Chapel. We preach Christ throughout the Word of God, and we let him do the talking. If you are tired of topical sermons and bite-sized platitudes, you have come to the right place. Join us as we dig deeper into the living Word!
382 Episodes
Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and built a city. Cities have become focal points for anti-Christian movements. Babylon represents all of them, as it was the nation that destroyed the temple and took the Jews out of their land. In Revelation, Jesus depicts this spirit as a great prostitute offering satisfaction in the things of the world. She is Satan's counterpart to New Jerusalem. We all choose which city we will be citizens of, determining our future.
After the seals, trumpets, and warnings from angels, the saints are gathered to the Lord before the throne. The seven angels chosen for the task are given seven bowls of wrath and sent to pour them upon the earth. This is the wine press of God's wrath. The souls of the dwellers on the earth are so hardened that nothing will turn them. Their response to the judgments is to curse God. Revelation tells us of the insanity of living for the things of the world and rejecting the grace of God.
This chapter is the introduction to the next three chapters. It begins with the beautiful song of Moses, which will sing before the throne of God as God sends the seven angels to pour out His just wrath to cleanse the earth.
Revelation 14:14-20 presents two harvests. The Antichrist has been revealed and made war on the saints. The trumpets have plagued a third of the earth. Three angels have given final warnings. The harvest of the righteous by Jesus coming in the clouds takes place, followed by the harvest of the wicked, who are compared to grapes thrown into the wine press to be trampled in God's wrath. The latter is the subject of the next four chapters.
Before God sends out the seven angels with the seven bowls of wrath that will affect the whole world, He sends three angels with an invitation and warnings. The first makes certain all have heard the gospel. The second announces the fall of Babylon, and the third warns of eternal punishment for those who take the mark of the beast.
For we say that faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness. How, then, was it counted to him? Was it before or after he had been circumcised? It was not after but before he was circumcised. He received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe without being circumcised, so that righteousness would be counted to them as well and to make him the father of the circumcised who are not merely circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.
The sermon addresses who the 144,000 are on Mount Zion, where Mount Zion is, and the prophecies concerning Zion, plus why the descriptions of virgins and firstborn apply to the faithful.
The second beast arises with two horns like a lamb. Here is another Jesus counterfeit. He is a false prophet who makes the world worship the first beast. Read this sermon to find out how he accomplishes this. Also included are thoughts on the number 666.
In Revelation, we are introduced to the first beast, one that is drawn from Daniel 7. Satan gives him his power and authority so that he causes all who are not in the Lamb's book of life to worship him. The sermon brings out various interpretations of the time period and the of the deadly wound.
The dragon has only a short time, so he pursues the people of God with false teachings and persecution. But we have the Word and the Spirit to crush him under our feet. In the end, the Lamb wins! We just need to rely on the everlasting arms of our mighty Savior and get our directions from His Word.
Satan has served as an adversary to God, even arguing against God's merciful nature. But now that Jesus' blood has paid our sin debt, he has no basis for his accusations. He is now trying to keep people from service to God with temptations, false doctrine, and persecution. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
False teachers have been prevalent throughout Christianity. In today's message, we will address some of the NAR's false teachings and their ties to the New Age. God's word guards us against false teachers because of its sufficiency, inerrancy, clarity, and necessity.
There is a war taking place between the forces of good and evil. The beginning of Revelation 12 describes this ongoing battle between good and evil. The only way for the darkness to fight the light is to keep people from it and try to draw those in light back into darkness. It has been a repeated effort to keep the Messiah from being born, but now that the effort failed, the attack is focused on those who follow the Messiah.
Right in the middle of the book of Revelation, the author writes that it is over. God wins, and Satan loses, and the wicked are judged. How does this come about? Why does this fall in the middle of the book? I offer some interpretive thoughts.
The two witnesses, whether they are Moses and Elijah, or represent the church, are not conquered until they have finished their testimony. We are protected until we have done what God has called us to do. The sermon discusses the different interpretations of the 42 month testimony and the Antichrist reign of the same length.
Chapter eleven of Revelation begins by describing the two witnesses whose ministry is to last 42 months. The sermon covers who these witnesses are, what they may represent, and other references to 42 months and how they may apply in this chapter. It concludes with an application for our lives.
An angel who sounds a lot like Jesus gives John a little scroll. In this sermon, we will see the parallel to Ezekiel and Exodus events. I tell us the importance of taking in God's Word and sharing it with others.
The monsters of Revelation 9 have a number of interpretations. Might they be fulfilled in multiple ways? Are those powers already at work? Most importantly, what are we to do about it today?
When the final seal is opened there is a pause before the tribulation trumpets begin. God's judgments are similar to the plagues on Egypt, turning the hearts of mankind away from the temporal and to the eternal.
Affliction is something that every human being experiences in this life. What distinguishes Christianity from humanity is that the Church is guaranteed hope and comfort in affliction. This hope is not based on something passing in the temporal, but the incorruptible in the eternal. Earth is not the believers permanent residence and a greater inheritance awaits us on God's eternal shores.