We're Drunk and We Know Things

Welcome to “We’re Drunk & We Know Things”, 3-time Podcast Awards winners! Delving into the pop culture archives for a broad range of topics from film to tv, books to video games, and technology old and new. Recorded in bars, with beers. This podcast ended in March 2022, but we encourage you to listen through the archives, they're really good fun.

Jaws! (The ultimate episode)

Back in March, we sat down to record a bumper bonus episode to celebrate the end of WDAWKT as a regular podcast. After we'd recorded, we went out for a few drinks, a nice meal, and a few more drinks, and in the glow of companionship and the fog of the following hangover, we rather forgot actually to edit, master or release the episode. So here you have it. Six months late(r) than planned, the final WDAWKT - Jaws!


The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Universe, for though it cannot hope to be useful or informative on all matters, it does at least make the reassuring claim, that where it is inaccurate it is at least definitively inaccurate. In cases of major discrepancy it's always reality that's got it wrong." Don't panic! We're not doing the movie, or the TV show, or the books, or even most of the radio show. This episode is all about the OG HHG, the first ever part of the radio show that spawned all of the above. So grab your towel, sit back, and enjoy the ride.


Dick Tracy

Warning: Contains 150% of your daily recommended allowance of Dick jokes. We're not sure what led us down the rabbit hole that ended at Warren Beatty's 1990 live action interpretation of the classic detective comic strip. We're even less sure if we like the film or not. One thing is for certain, it's got "Style". With an all star cast (mostly unrecognisable) an award winning soundtrack (full of songs only a mother could love) and a colour palette of 7 (count em), and some of the worst matte work in cinema history, it's certainly of an era. Is it good? Well you'll just have to listen to find out* * Unless of course you've seen the film in which case you already know the answer and we share your pain.



Part two of our hacker, tech, double bill is a different beast, less 00's cyberjizz and more grounded. With an all-star ensemble (seriously, check out the cast!) Sneakers actually is an undersung classic. Sure it has some plot holes but where else do you get these actors on screen together doing something that may be semi accurate with cryptography? We love it, we hope you will too.



It's a techy, hacky, cyber double bill this month starting with what we'd love to call an under appreciated classic ... but we can't cos it's not. What it is though is The early 00s on a plate! From Travolta chewing the sets, to Halle Berry smouldering so hard she's in danger of setting fire to John's interesting hair piece, a techno sound track from none other than Paul Oakenfold - it's got it all ... so why don't we like it? Well you'll just have to listen to find out.


WDAWKT Top 10 Christmas Songs!

It's beginning to look a lot like the most wonderful time for dashing through the snow with all I Want for Christmas... we're back with our second festive top ten, this time it's Christmas songs! As ever, a medley of seasonal songs and a reminder to not record in the same pub that's showing the rugby (sorry about that). There's something for everyone, from classic crooners, to punk pop hits, heck even the muppets show up again. Merry Christmas and happy holidays from WDAWKT and we'll see you in the New Year 


WDAWKT Top 10 Christmas Movies!

Happy festive season to one and all. And in the spirit of giving, we're giving you not one but 10 movies wrapped up in this, the first of our Christmas specials. From the warming seasonal classics, to the hotly debated, each and every film on the list is hand picked by one of the WDAWKT crew to bring a little holiday joy into your life. Should it be the case that we haven't included your favourite then let us know, and we'll definitely add it next year, probably, maybe.


Auguste Escoffier

We figured a change of pace would be welcome this month and so we dive into the modern kitchen with the father of modern cuisine Auguste Escoffier ... not literally, he's been dead for a while. But we get to take a tasty trip through the history of the man himself, his impact on the kitchen, and we do it all to a back drop of carousel music (don't ask). Bon appetit! 



Continuing with our shameless rehashing of previous content in the name of nostalgia (what? If Hollywood can do it then we definitely can), we're heading back to the scary, wonderful world of robotics. From fictional to friendly to "holy cow is that real?" we cover the origins, the current day and look at the future of what could be. WE TALKIN' 'BOUT 'BOTS BABY!!!


Blade Runner 2049

We're going back to the beginning ... almost, as we revisit two of our earliest episodes. The first is a sequel to one of our favourite films, and it kinda holds up. Denis Villeneuve, Roger Deakins, and an all star cast return to LA to make a movie that's nearly as good as the first one. But not quite. Enjoy!


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Do you ever wonder if we just phone this in? Well sometimes we do - by returning to a topic that's so beloved to us, your nerdy, inebriated hosts, that we can pretty much just show up and smash it out. This month, after the excitement of John Williams, we're back with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and it's exactly what you expect... except it took Mike like 4 goes to get started. Enjoy!


John Williams

It was only a matter of time before we finally had to spend a whole episode talking about one of the most influential composers in cinema history. John Williams (not a sir) has scored some of our favourite film franchises, plus a couple we're not so hot on, so this bumper episode is all about him. From humble beginnings as a jazz pianist, to the world's largest bookshelf for all his awards, and a return of the John Williams game, we can only hope that this does the man justice. He is, after all, an absolute legend.


Hand-held Gaming

Did you know there were over 50 hand-held gaming systems out there? It's not just about the gameboy!!! Ok it's mostly about Gameboys, but it's still a finger flying, button clicking, adventure from the early handheld battles, through the battery life renaissance, and into the future as we look at all things digit-al ... digit ... as in finger? No? 


Lethal Weapon 3 and 4

Picking up where we left off it's time to finish this! This being the Lethal Weapon series in case you weren't sure. And while the first two are dark and moody, the second two are ... also pretty dark but feature Jet Li and some seriously silly stuntwork.  Oh and Rob gets really cross about E3, Mike decides to break into spontaneous song for no reason, and it audibly rains throughout the whole recording - like WDAWKT Noir only we're not washed up PIs with a half a bottle of whiskey in the desk drawer and a tragic back story.  Anyway, enjoy!


Lethal Weapon 1 and 2

Proving once and for all that we may be too old for this stuff, we're back with a double header, an iconic duo of films starring the iconic duo of Gibson and Glover, its the first part of Lethal Weapon!


Mike Buys Bitcoin

Turns out, even after our amazing Live Show where we talked all about BitCoin, Mike has never actually bought any. This changes today as we cover most of the entire process, from opening an exchange account, to funding, trading, configuration of a hardware wallet and monitoring the value of BitCoin. Of course we're doing this outside a pub so expect it to go wrong... Disclaimer: The contents of this episode are for entertainment purposes only and nothing contained herein should be considered investment advise. Please do your own research and remember that Crypto Currencies are a highly volatile asset class. None of the content should be considered an endorsement of services or platforms. 


Jack Reacher

We didn't go looking for trouble, but sometimes, when you're recording a podcast in a small bar, in a sleepy town in the middle of Jersey, trouble finds you.  In this case, trouble was the owner of the bar demanding we settle our tab ... which was fine cos we'd been there a while discussing the cultural impact of Jack Reacher! Over 24 years, 25 books 2 movies and one soon to be release TV show Reacher is a brand juggernaut. Quality is debatable, but success and impact is not.  So grab your folding toothbrush, hop on the WDAWKT bus (destination anywhere but here) as we head deep into Reacher country.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

And now for something completely different. We told you season 3 was gonna mix it up and this is us doing just that. Our first ever episode dedicated entirely to one computer game (just happens to be one of Rob's faves). 1992 SNES Action RPG The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. From the concept through to it's impact on later games and the very odd semi realtime expansion that was only available in Japan, we hack, slash, dash and fall per way through the world of Hyrule in both its guises, and along the way come to realise that the true power of the Triforce was within us all along... also that retro games are super cool!


Ghost in the Shell

Continuing our two part exploration of classic Anime, this episode is all about Ghost in the Shell. And we mean the 1995 original not the weird, live-action remake, or one of the many spin offs. We explore the expanded universe of the movie (briefly) and generally marvel at the progression of animation techniques that led rise to this absolute masterpiece.  Don't worry btw, we're not turning into an Anime podcast, we're back in our next episode with something completely different!



After a brief hiatus we're back with a new (ish) format and this first episode, the opener for a double bill of Anime goodness with Akira.


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