We Are Losing It

<p>2 restaurant girls become best friends and each take their own path to losing 100+ pounds. Follow Justy & Steph as they share all things weight loss.</p>

Episode 41: Are You A Member Of The Clean Plate Club?

Most people that suffer from the disease of obesity struggle with over eating. Some of us can recall back to childhood when we weren't allowed up from the table until our dinner plate was clear. This is where the term "Clean Plate Club" came from. Somehow that mentality sticks with you. Whether it's a childhood behavior like this, or simply not wanting to waste food. We can easily come up with 10 reasons why we feel the need to clean our plate. And sometimes that reason may simply be tha...


Episode 40: 1st Quarter Goal Check-in

Did you set goals or make a resolution in the beginning of the year? Have you taken time to reflect on those goals to see if you're making progress?Listen in as we review the goals we've set for ourselves in 2024. Some things we've learned while talking through this:It's ok to pivot a goal if it's not quite right for youWe are both on the edge of missing a goal that we need to tighten up onSome goals come easier than othersWe're so glad we have each other to work through these things tog...


Episode 39: Stress and How It Affects Weightloss

We are excited to welcome back Jeannie Boyer, RD to the podcast! On this episode, we are talking about Stress & How It Affects Weightloss. This episode is pretty powerful, in that it makes you think much more deeply about what stress is actually doing to your body. Jeannie also uncovers how our brains have been trained to do certain things for YEARS, and that we need to take the time to retrain it to align with our goals.If you tuned int to Episode 18 you heard Jeannie discuss weight rega...


Episode 38: Overcoming Your Motivation Struggles

In a recent podcast, we talked about what to do when you aren't "feeling" motivated. In that episode we broke down that motivation isn't a feeling, but rather the reason one has for acting in a particular way. You can't feel it, but you can certainly take action on a feeling, which can lead to motivation. Easier said than done though, right?! Lack of motivation is where we are looking to change our behavior. We can want it all day long, but until you act on it, it's simply just a d...


Episode 37: The Skinny On Meal Prep

Meal prep can be scary if you've never done it before. It took both of us a long time to pick up the habit and stick with it. And this is coming from 2 restaurant girls! So we get it! But bottom line is, it can help you stay on track. Even if you choose 1 dish to make. Start small and build up to a full weekly prep, if you choose. And please don't think you have to make boiled chicken, steamed broccoli and sweet potatoes every week. That's not a thing!There are tons of options for easy meal o...


Episode 36: Why You’re Not “Feeling” Motivated

How many times have you said, "I'm just not feeling motivated" when it comes to your health and fitness journey? We've all been there! Especially in the colder months when all you want to do is hibernate like a bear and eat snacks. Listen as Justy and Steph break this down for you. Grab a pen and paper to take notes, because we promise you will find a few nuggets of wisdom that you will want to take away with you!Follow Justy & Steph on Instagram, where they share their weight loss journe...


Episode 35: 2024 Goals & A Recap of 2023

Happy New Year to all of our listeners! We hope that you feel as though our podcast has helped you with your weight loss journey to some degree! We are just 2 besties that have been through so much in our weight loss journeys and we've FINALLY REACHED MAINTENANCE!! We hope that you can learn from our trials and tribulations so we can all find success in our journey for health. 2023 was the first year that we wrote out personal goals AND ACTUALLY STUCK TO THEM! Can you believe...


Episode 33: How To PIVOT Your Thoughts

As most of you know, Justy and Steph both lost over 100 pounds, but used different methods of getting there. They've both been on a weight loss journey for YEARS, losing and gaining weight. But around 2019/202 they each knew they had to get serious about it.Steph had weight loss surgery in 2020 and since then has dedicated herself to learning how to navigate through the mental side of weight loss/maintenance. Justy did not have weight loss surgery, and peope always ask her... how did she...


Episode 32: Holiday Headwork & Nutrition w/ Jeannie Boyer & Lora Grabow

Staying true to finishing our year STRONG, we brought on 2 wonderful professionals in the bariatric community to talk about holiday headwork and nutrition. Tune in and listen as I get some live, on the spot coaching about my love & fear of cookies... especially over the holiday season! I had an "aha moment" during my coaching from Jeannie Boyer, RD and Lora Grabow, LMSW that I feel will steer me in the right direction this holiday season! I decided right then and there to join their 4 wee...


Episode 31: Getting A Hold of the “Bers” w/ Rob DiMedio

As we continue our journey to stay on track for the rest of 2023, we are excited to introduce Rob DiMedio, also know as @myweightishistory on Instagram!In this episode, Rob breaks down what he refers to as "The Bariatric Bers". But we all know, the head work around weight loss isn't JUST for bariatric folks, but honestly for anyone that struggles with their weight. We also talked more in depth about Rob's journey, specifically why he chose to have weight loss surgery, how his fitness jou...


Episode 30: Heading Into The Holiday Season Prepared

Last episode we talked about finishing the rest of 2023 STRONG! And we're going to spend the rest of the year helping you navigate HOW to do that. Once summer ends, we dive into Back To School and then almost immediately into Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving and then all of the Dec-Jan holidays. It can be really hard to navigate all of this. It's like a 1-2 punch followed by a KNOCK OUT by the new year.So let's head into this fall/winter holiday season prepared! Listen as we give firs...


Episode 29: 3rd Quarter Goal Checkup

Last episode we talked about finishing 2023 strong! Today we are following up to see where we stand on the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year.A lot can happen in a year. You made need to pivot or even completely change a goal, if necessary. And that is ok! as long as we are staying focused and applying ourselves.It does up no good to set a goal in January and then never look back. Then when December hits, we start checking to see how we did for the year and beat ourselves...


Episode 28: Finishing Out the Year STRONG with Dr. Bruce Seaton

It is so important to close the year out with as much emphasis as we started the new year with! In this episode, we drill in on the handful of things you can do to finish the year strong!You've heard us talk about these things before. But we thought it would be even better have our thoughts backed up by a doctor!We brought on Dr. Bruce Seaton, a general practitioner, whose passion lies in helping and treating folks that struggle with the chronic disease of obesity.Listen as we discuss how to ...


Episode 27: Post Mounjaro Update

We both decided to call on Mounjaro to help us cross the finish line into maintenance on our weight loss journey. In May, Steph reached maintenance and stopped taking it. Justy did the same when she reached maintenance in July. Listen as we talk about our experience after both spending some time navigating maintenance without medical assistance. Spoiler alert... it's still not easy! We decided to game plan how to avoid major regain, on the spot, as we recorded this podcast! We ...


Episode 26: Self Love vs. Self Care

It took us a long time to realize that there is a difference between self care and self love. Weight loss requires self love, or you will continue to bounce around in the yoyo with the scale. Listen as we talk about how we started to truly LOVE ourselves and give us what we needed to be successful in our journeys. With that being said, where does self care fit in? We talk about where and how we fit that in our journeys too. And just like all habits, this one has to be built slo...


Episode 25: Hunger Scale

Call it what you want... hunger scale, intuitive eating, mindful eating... either way, it's the key to having a healthy relationship with food. If you struggle with over eating, this episode is for you!Listen as Justy & Steph talk about the hunger scale, what it means and how to use it. This is your first step to controlling when and how much you eat. Follow Justy & Steph on Instagram, where they share their weight loss journey and road to living a happy & healthy lifestyle.@...


Episode 24: Fighting Urges

Picture it: You've been crushing your day! Woke up early, worked out, stuck to your eating plan, met your water goal, took your vitamins... all the things! You come home from work. Sit down to your planned dinner and then begin to wind down for the night. All of a sudden, the urges kick in! Your brain starts telling you why you should enjoy a dish of ice cream or slice of cake. This wasn't part of your plan though. And your brain wont SHUT UP about it!If you can relate, this is the episode fo...


Episode 23: Excuses

Most of us can tell when someone is feeding us a line of BS. But oddly enough, we don't know when we are feeding ourselves the BS. Or maybe we just chose to ignore it? Either way, it's time to get real with ourselves and stay true to our goals. Listen as we discuss how we fought back to our own mind games. We had to stand up to ourselves and fight for what we really want. One thing we learned after years and years of fighting the good fight... we always came out on top and feeling better. FEE...


Episode 22: 6 Month Goal Check-Up

Have you checked in on your goals that you set back in January? What good is it to set goals and then forget about them, and hope that you nail it come December 31st?This is your reminder to sit down and review where you stand with the goals you set 6 months ago. Where are you crushing it? Where are you falling behind? Listen as we discuss what we need to improve on, where we've called audibles and where we are KILLING it!Follow Justy & Steph on Instagram, where they share their...


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