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We Heart Mom Jokes

Author: As Always Productions

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Welcome to the We Heart Mom Jokes Podcast. This is a series where Lalita and Smita, two comics who are moms talk to other comics who are moms about parenting in these strange times. If you are looking for useful tips on parenting, this is absolutely not the place for you. If you are looking to hear from others who are up to here in it but still trying to have a laugh along the way, you are in the right place. Welcome! Have you eaten?
28 Episodes
We talk to Natasha Muse, a mom of two, standup comic and self-described queerdo. We discuss the complete hypocrisy that is built into the job description of being a parent as well as uncover why Natasha considers herself the Oprah of timeouts. You can find Natasha at and @NatashaMuse on sosha-meeds!As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting....why?
We talk to Karinda Dobbins, a standup comic, screenwriter, ex-biotechnologist and, say it with me, mom. We chat about the therapeutic value of being a standup comic and if nothing else, that it's one way to get people to listen to what we say. We discuss cultural differences in parenting, but also some universal truths, like the undeniable the power of The Look(TM). And the fact that this is all one big long form improv, so we may as well have fun. You can find Karinda @KarindaDobbins on all platforms.​As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting....spoiler alert! It doesn't exist.
0. MOM Jokes Trailer

0. MOM Jokes Trailer


Welcome to the Mom Jokes Podcast. This is a 6 part series where Lalita and Smita, two comics who are moms talk to other comics who are moms about parenting in these strange times. If you are looking for useful tips on parenting, this is absolutely not the place for you. If you are looking to hear from others who are up to here in it but still trying to have a laugh along the way, you are in the right place. Welcome! Have you eaten?
We talk to Zarna Garg, a mom, immigrant, lawyer and Tiktok star on the rise. Damn, anything she doesn’t do? In this episode, we cover important topics like fish foot spas, therapeutic trashy reality TV, the nightmare that is travelling with children and a discussion on the merits of cooking vs ordering in (spoiler alert, if they eat, you are winning.) As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting, this is not the place for you!
In the season finale, we talk to Davine Ker, a standup comic, mom, double-immigrant and polyglot! We talk about how motherhood prepares you for standup - whether it's getting used to nobody listening to you, or hearing people botch jokes all day long and still insist you listen! The season ends on a bright note as we chat about the (small) silver linings of 2020 including fewer speeding tickets and the Masked Smize(TM)! You can find Davine @DavineDC on all platforms.Thank you for sticking around and listening to Mom Jokes! We love you! We see you!As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting....good luck! Godspeed! Try to laugh along the way.HPkZRqSwRYtzReXuVbbW
We talk to Jeanette Marin, a mom of four ( yes, four), standup comic and cancer (yes, cancer) survivor about staying positive and celebrating the little things. In this episode, we cover important topics like flying placentas, pandemic birthday party planning and details like the point of life. Find Jeanette @JeanetteMarin on Facebook and @JeanetteMarinCo on Twitter.As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting, please go to a different podcast.
We talk to Susan Lieu, a playwright, performer, standup comic, enterpreneur, chocolatier and mother. We talk about things like who needs time outs the most (hint: it's not the kids.) And innovations that make parenting easier, like designated screaming rooms and snot gloves. And the fact that we are proably not doing the best we could as parents. And that's ok.​As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting....good idea! Please share what you find!
Smita and Lalita look back on the highlights of season 1 of WeHeartMomJokes and start to look forward to season 2.
In this episode with Lin Sun, we cover, among other things, how jail prepares you for motherhood (!) We talk about about how doing standup is less scary than being a mom. And the healing value of having low standards. It's true, sometimes you just have to let go. Follow Lin @LinSunTV on the gram!As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting....sorry we can't help. Have you tried the internet?
In this episode with Jaci Terjeson, we discuss important matters like career options for Zoom perverts, power moves on airplanes and whether, as moms, we are also allowed to be people. We also uncover a Seattle conspiracy theory involving umbrellas and, hold on to your hats, rain. It's fascinating! Big Metorology exposed! Finally! Follow her @JaciTerjComedy everywhere!As always, if you are looking for useful information on parenting...we'd like to get you in on the ground floor with these magic beans. 
9. No more niceties

9. No more niceties


In this episode with Dewa Dorje, we do things a little different. We get reflective about our love of comedy. (Spoiler alert: it involves our parents.) We also talk about what smells worse than Axe body spray. (Hint: Not using Axe body spray.) Finally, Dewa completely defies the spirit of this podcast and gives us an actually useful parenting tip. It involves bathrooms. It's a good one. Follow her @TheOnlyDewa on Twitter and @DewaDorje on Instagram.As always, if you are looking for useful parenting tips...oh wait, this episode actually has one! Scream!
Mature topics and language alert! In this wide-ranging episode with Bobbie Oliver, the three of us have a grand time conversing in three different languages, all of them English. We talk to Bobbie about her unconventional path to motherhood. Let's just say, she could run a master class on embracing what life sends your way. We talk about standard outsider problems like daring to dream and being judged for our accents. The conclusion? Let them misunderestimate (sic) us! It makes the reveal more fun.As always, if you are looking for parenting tips...are you open to cautionary tales?
We talk to Danna Kiel about comedy, parenthood and chess and how all three are surprisingly similar. A defensive game only takes you so far. And you are only as good as your last move. Don't believe us? Try negotiating with a 3-year-old... or a drunk heckler. (Fact: They're not that different). As always, if you are looking for useful parenting tips are we!Follow Danna @DannaKiel on Instagram and @DJDannaK on Twitter
We talk to Emily Paige about the importance of being true to yourself because the alternative is... not good. We discuss having mom jokes mansplained at us as well as being harassed for the mere fact of wanting to tell jokes. And there's a grand reveal near the end on our true motivations for doing comedy. Spoiler alert - it's because we like to have fun! As usual, if you are looking for useful parenting tips... do they have to be useful?​You can find Emily at @EmPaigeComedy on Twitter and Instagram.
13. Bonus season 2

13. Bonus season 2


We recap season 2 and also cover important subjects such as whether it's emotional cheating to consult a psychic, alternative uses for lavender bath salts, and hypocritical pickles. ​We also talk about our upcoming Live! show on March 19th to celebrate 1000 downloads of this podcast! Register at Proceeds go to Second Harvest Food bank. We'd love to see you! Find us on instagram @WeHeartMomJokes
14. Pre-Bonus Season 3

14. Pre-Bonus Season 3


In this short episode, we ruminate on the wisdom of the Buddha who we believe more or less (paraphrasing here) said, "Ouchie is inevitable." We also kickoff the launch of Season 3! Some say we refuse to stop. We say we're unstoppable!
Lisa Gilbert, mother of triplets (yes, with a T) joins us to talk about hard and soft truths and how the playground will always tell you what is what. We cover business ideas like smelling bees and playground coffee pop-ups. We also get serious and talk about the challenges of discussing race and colorism with our children. It's not easy, but it's not optional. Lisa brings her signature wit and grace to the conversation and we had a blast!  Find Lisa at @LisaGilbertComedy on Instagram and FB 
Kim Evey joins us to talk about the unspoken challenges of parenting which include surprisingly large amounts of photography. We also try to solve some mysteries like the optimal number of children, husbands and Kim's real birthdate. But it's us, so we swiftly give up. We do keep the jokes coming, though!  Find Kim @KimEvey on Instagram or at
Erin Patrick joins us as we nerd out on the joys and challenges of comedy. We talk about roast, toasts and social media boasts. We also debate the nature of mom, dad, non-binary and parenting jokes. Of which, there is no doubt we are the butt of. There is a silver lining - the friends we made (literally, in the case of our children) along the way! Find Erin @ErinPatrickComedy everywhere.
Srilatha Rajamani joins us to talk about being true to yourself, even if that means feeling a little uncomfortable at times. We discuss what makes us laugh, and how we find inspiration for jokes, often from strange, and sometimes awkward, places. Ultimately, we come from a place of love and honesty. And it's the best thing.Find Srilatha @SrilathaSauce everywhere.