Weather with Cliff Mass

Atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass provides a weekly weather forecast for the Pacific Northwest, details current and future weather topics, and discusses related topics. Podcast is released every Friday at 9am. Support this podcast and ensure it remains ad-free on Patreon!

Freezing Rain and This Week's Dry Forecast

The big weather story today is the freezing rain that is hitting the eastern U.S.  How and why does freezing rain occur?  Where the are freezing rain "hotspots" of the Pacific Northwest?  All will be revealed in my podcast.    And I will provide the forecast, which is particularly dry this time of the year.


Smoke Forecast Over Western Washington, Wildfire Threats, and the 3D Nature of Northwest Smoke

This podcast takes on  Northwest smoke.   I explain how it is highly three-dimensional and why smoke can be visible aloft but never make it to the surface.  I also give you the latest forecast, with warm/smoky conditions on Saturday followed by substantial improvement and cooling on Sunday.


No More Heatwaves, Smoke in eastern Washington, and Meteorological Fall is Here!

The signs are everything that meteorological fall is here in the Northwest and in the second segment I will tell you about them.  In the forecast segment, I will talk about the upcoming cooldown, the end of heatwaves for the year, and describe the smoke plume moving into eastern Washington.


Northwest microclimates and a very pleasant weekend ahead.

Tired of warm temperatures?  This weekend will be the one for you with highs in the 70s in the west and 80s east of the Cascade crest. But one last heat event is ahead.   In this podcast, I will not only provide the forecast, but tell you about local microclimates and what causes them.


What controls Northwest humidity and a pleasant weekend ahead

We have experienced unusual humidity during the past week.  Why?  I will describe what controls the "stickiness" of the air in our region.  But before I do that I will review the forecast, which is quite favorable for this weekend, followed by another warm spell on Wednesday and Thursday.


A Below-Normal Wildfire Season, But the Big Wildfire Period is Ahead. Plus, the Forecast

This has been a below-normal wildfire season over the western U.S., but we should not get complacent!  Historically, the most dangerous wildifre period is about to start, ironically because of cooling temperatures.  I will explain the meteorology of the prime, late-summer wildfire period.  And I will start the podcast with a very pleasant summer forecast for the west, but one with toasty temperatures mid-week in the east.


Weather Signs in the Sky and the Roller Coaster Forecast for the Next Week

Weather forecast models are great, but there are potent weather signs in the sky that provide advanced notice of weather changes.  I will talk about a few local weather signs here in the Northwest.  And I also discuss the latest forecast, with warming ahead followed by a cooling crash on Wednesday.   The Northwest weather roller coaster continues!


Did Global Warming Create this Heat Wave? And the End of the Heat in Sight.

This podcast explains an apparent contradiction:   the region is slowly warming yet extreme heat waves are not increasing over time.  It is an interesting story not covered in the media.  And I also provide the latest forecast, with the heat wave continuing over the weekend and ending abruptly with a major cool down on Monday.


Why is late July so dry in the Pacific Northwest? And a mixed forecast for this weekend.

We are just about to enter the climatologically driest time of the year in the Pacific Northwest.  In fact, we are one of the driest locations in the country in late July.  But why?   The reasons are discussed in my podcast.  And I will also review the weekend forecast, which will be a bit cooler and cloudier than normal.  The cause?  That pesky low pressure near our coast.


Why was it so humid this week? And the dry, warm weather ahead.

People were complaining about humidity this week.  I tell you why our humidity is generally low in the Northwest and why it got sticky this week.   I also give the forecast for the upcoming week, which includes a mini-heat wave and no rain.


The July 4th Forecast and The Secret Sauce for Northwest Thunderstorms

This weekend will be one of extremes...from warm to rain...and I  provide a detailed forecast.  Some locations will get thunderstorms.  In my second segment, I explain why thunderstorms are infrequent in our region and the secret sauce needed to bring boomers to our region.


The Origins of the Yellowstone Flooding and the Weekend Forecast

Yellowstone Park and its vicinity experienced record-breaking flooding last week and this podcast will tell you why it happened.  And I also provide the weekend forecast and a look into next week.  We will start with showers and then "enjoy" a bad case of June gloom.


The Origin of Turbulence While Flying

Why do planes sometimes bounce around in the air?  What are the causes of the turbulence you experience while flying?  In this podcast, I will explain the several causes of these sometimes unpleasant motions.


ANOTHER Wet Weekend and Why Do Thunderstorms Like the Mountain Crests?

It is clear to anyone living here for long that thunderstorms and convective showers prefer the high terrain of our region.  Why?  I will answer the question in this podcast.  And I will give you the soggy forecast, with a month's worth of rain, falling during one week!


The Detailed Memorial Day Weekend Forecast Plus the Historical Perspective

This weekend is going to be a mixed bag weatherwise, with both rain and sun.   I will tell you when and where you can escape the murk.   How ofter is Memorial Day weekend sunny and warm in western Washington?  What is the long-term trend in the weekend's weather?   All will be revealed in the second part of my podcast!


Is there a drought in eastern Washington? And finally a decent weekend!

This podcast starts with the forecast, which promises sunny, warm weather over the lowlands of both sides of the Cascades.  Showers in the mountains, though.  And then I take on the hype and exaggeration regarding eastern Washington drought, describing the favorable conditions for water supplies in that region.


Triple Dip La Nina and a Wet Week Ahead

It is looking likely that an unusual triple-dip La Nina is in store:  three La Nina years in row.  I will explain about this phenomenon and discuss the implications.  I will also talk about the weekend forecast and the outlook for the next week.    Spoiler:  you won't need your sunglasses. 


Knowing about temperature can save your life. Plus the weekend forecast.

Knowing the difference between surface air temperature, found on your smartphone or reported on TV, and the temperatures of the ground can save your life.   I will explain in the podcast.  I also supply the weekend forecast, with lots of rain, but with one day that will be dry and relatively warm.


What does the Northwest get so little lightning? And a nice weekend ahead,

I am often asked why the Northwest has so little I thought I would answer the question in this podcast.  And, of course, I provide the latest forecast...which is quite favorable for this get ready for outdoor fun.


My Take on Climate Change, and a Cool, Showery Period Ahead

I have been asked many times about my view on climate change, so I thought it might be useful to summarize my thoughts in this podcast.   And I also discuss the latest forecast, with showery, cooler than normal weather continuing.


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