Web3 Unleashed

Join us as we dive into the world of Web3, exploring the cutting-edge technologies and innovations that are shaping the future of the internet. From decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens to privacy and social impact, we'll uncover the potential of Web3 to revolutionize how we interact, transact, and create online. The host of the Podcast, is Mr. Kalyanjit Hatibaruah, the CEO of Flugelsoft Group, a tech and management genius. With 25+ years of IT experience and an Electronics and Communication Engineering degree, he's a genuine tech guru. Not only that, he's a public speaker & advisor in different blockchain projects, hands-on programmer, Web3 influencer and a Metaverse Adoption expert for brands and corporates. He even built an ISP infrastructure network in 2002! He leads a global team of skilled professionals with top-notch systems and's the ultimate guide to the tech world. He is also a Angel Investor at Mumbai Angels and helps startups raise funds in the VC network.

Designing User Experiences for Crypto Apps

Designing User Experiences for Crypto Apps UX Challenges: Some unique UX challenges for decentralized apps include: - Managing private keys and wallets - secure yet easy onboarding is critical. - Communicating complex concepts like consensus mechanisms and gas fees. - Lack of username/password login - requires rethinking authentication flows. - Volatile data on blockchains - UI should adapt to rapidly changing states. - New patterns like transaction signing and crypto transfers. Best Practices: Some UX best practices that help address these: - Clear onboarding flow for setting up crypto wallets. - Intuitive information architecture and navigation. - Familiar interfaces for core tasks like transfers and transactions. - Responsive feedback for blockchain interactions. - Educational elements to explain technical concepts.


Venture Funding and Startup Landscape in Web3

The emergence of Web3 has opened up an entirely new startup and funding ecosystem. As blockchain networks allow new models of value transfer, governance, and ownership, there’s no shortage of ideas for entrepreneurial innovation. This has attracted billions in crypto-focused venture capital along with new decentralized fundraising models. In this episode, we’ll explore the landscape of venture funding in Web3 and how entrepreneurs turn concepts into reality in this nascent space.


Metaverse and Digital Worlds

The "metaverse" has become a buzzword as immersive digital worlds start taking shape. But what exactly does this future version of the internet entail? In this episode, we’ll explore the building blocks coming together to construct these real-time 3D environments. While still early, virtual worlds are expanding what’s possible online for collaboration, recreation and creativity. Tech giants are investing billions into metaverse development, but an interoperable, open vision ultimately may win out.


Crypto Economics and Token Design & Distribution

What is Crypto Economics? At its core, crypto economics refers to the study and design of economic systems facilitated by blockchain technology and native crypto assets like tokens or coins. It blends multiple academic fields to construct economic models, incentive structures, and value exchange mechanisms for blockchain-based networks and applications. Token Design & Distribution One core area is the design and distribution of native blockchain tokens or cryptocurrencies. These digital assets facilitate economic coordination and governance within decentralized networks. The initial token distribution model and properties like inflationary/deflationary supplies, fee distribution, or governance rights aim to incentivize activities that secure and grow the underlying blockchain network.


Marketing in Web3 Communities

Today we're focused on community-driven marketing in the crypto world. Decentralized Marketing: Marketing in Web3 has to align with the decentralized, community-led nature of blockchain projects. Some key implications: - Messaging and positioning needs to resonate with crypto native users who value transparency and decentralization.


Product Management in Crypto

Product managers lead the development of blockchain applications and services. They identify market opportunities, define product strategy, and manage the launch of new crypto offerings. Some responsibilities include: - Conducting user research to understand needs within Web3 communities. This informs product requirements and roadmaps. - Leading design sprints to prototype and test new concepts quickly. PMs collaborate closely with designers and developers. - Developing go-to-market plans including marketing and communications around product launches. - Analyzing performance metrics and usage data to optimize products over time.


Understanding Blockchain Development

Understanding Blockchain Development Welcome to a new episode of "Web3 Unleashed: The Future of the Internet," a podcast series that explores the exciting world of Web3 and its potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the internet. I'm your host, Kalyan, and In this episode, we'll explore blockchain development and what developers do along with an summary of an interview. Smart Contracts: First what exactly does a blockchain developer build? A major part of the job is coding smart contracts. These are programs stored on blockchains like Ethereum that run automatically when certain conditions are met. For example, a DeFi lending protocol has a smart contract that releases deposited funds to a borrower once collateral conditions are fulfilled. The core coding language for Ethereum smart contracts is Solidity.


Introduction to Web3 Startups and Career Paths

Introduction to Web3 Startups and Career Paths Welcome to a new episode of our podcast Web3 Unleashed. startups and careers! I'm your host Kalyan and in this episode I'll be providing an overview of this exciting new industry on Web3 Startups Careers and the types of jobs it's creating. Web3 refers to the decentralized internet being built on blockchain technology. Instead of large centralized platforms, control and value are distributed across global open networks. This enables new business models powered by cryptoassets and public blockchains like Ethereum.


Who Are You? Identity & Reputation on Web3

Who Are You? Identity & Reputation on Web3 Here, we’ll explore this next generation of identity and reputation systems being built using blockchain and cryptography. From self-sovereign IDs to token-gated networks, managing identity in a decentralized way unlocks new models. Identity and reputation are foundational pillars of Web2 networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and eBay. On Web3, decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and attestation systems are emerging to manage digital identity and credentials without central authorities.


Pricing the Priceless - Valuing Crypto Assets

Pricing the Priceless - Valuing Crypto Assets Here, we’ll explore crypto asset valuation nuances and some examples of how metrics like fair value, network effects, and utility modelling are adapting to better understand tokenomics. The novel economic properties of cryptocurrencies and crypto-native assets present challenges for valuation using traditional frameworks. Emerging token valuation methodologies draw from a mix of financial, technology, and network effect modeling.


Pushing Boundaries - Innovations in Token Design

Here, we’ll explore some emerging token innovations and standards that are shaping the next generation of cryptocurrencies and decentralized apps. One of the most exciting aspects of blockchain technology is the ability to create programmable assets and tokens with novel functionalities. New token standards are expanding possibilities for crypto utility, governance, interaction models and more. ERC20 popularized the idea of standardized tokens on Ethereum, sparking the ICO boom. But newer standards add capabilities like staking, governance and regulatory compliance.


Trading Peer to Peer - The Rise of Decentralized Exchanges

Trading Peer to Peer - The Rise of Decentralized Exchanges In this episode, we’ll explore how DEXs work and some of the leading platforms like Uniswap, PancakeSwap and SushiSwap that are making waves in crypto markets. The growth of DEXs signals the next evolution of trading. Decentralized exchanges or DEXs are transforming crypto trading by enabling direct peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. Built on blockchain technology, DEXs offer advantages like privacy, security and open access while avoiding regulatory hurdles faced by centralized exchanges.


The Wisdom of Crowds - Prediction Markets & Collective Intelligence

The Wisdom of Crowds - Prediction Markets & Collective Intelligence In this episode, we’ll explore the fundamentals of prediction markets and some innovative examples of how they can be applied to enhance decision-making and forecasting accuracy based on the aggregated knowledge of participants. Prediction markets are platforms that allow groups to trade predictions on future events, harnessing the wisdom of the crowd to generate probability estimates. They hold potential to improve forecasting across business, politics, technology, entertainment and more by leveraging collective intelligence.


Building a Greener Web3 with blockchain technology

Building a Greener Web3 In this episode, we'll explore the landscape and momentum around achieving carbon neutrality and minimizing the broader ecological impact of blockchain technology. As blockchain technology begins permeating industries, skepticism around its environmental impact has emerged. The energy intensive nature of crypto has raised questions on sustainability. In response, an encouraging wave of solutions is rising - from blockchains focused on carbon neutrality to comprehensive tracking of emissions across protocols. Conscientious innovation around sustainability will be key for the future of Web3.


When Worlds Collide - Quantum Computing meets Blockchain

When Worlds Collide - Quantum Computing meets Blockchain In this episode, we’ll explore how quantum computing stands to influence cryptography, cryptocurrencies, and the future security of blockchain networks. While still early stage, quantum will likely require upgrades to crypto primitives down the road. The advent of quantum computing will have massive implications across industries, including emerging impacts on blockchain technology. By harnessing quantum physics, these new computers can solve problems intractable for classical systems.


Scaling Up - Solutions to Blockchain's Growth Pains

Scaling Up - Solutions to Blockchain's Growth Pains In this episode, we'll explore some of the leading techniques like layer 2 rollups, sidechains, sharding and beyond that promise to enable faster, cheaper transactions and widespread usage of blockchains. Overcoming scaling hurdles will be key to mainstream adoption. As blockchain adoption increases, scaling has emerged as a major technical challenge. Leading networks like Ethereum are constrained in transaction speeds and throughput. A variety of innovative scaling solutions are aiming to overcome these limitations.


Crypto Wallets and Key Management

Crypto Wallets and Key Management In this episode, we'll dive into Crypto Wallets and Key Management Cryptocurrency wallets play a crucial role as the interface for users to interact with blockchains and securely store their crypto assets. Wallets come in many forms, from mobile apps to hardware devices, with different mechanisms for managing private keys. In this episode, we’ll explore the key types of crypto wallets, their security tradeoffs, and real-world examples to understand this critical piece of blockchain infrastructure. Mastering wallets is essential for safety and usability in the crypto ecosystem.


Bridging Towards Adoption - Mainstream Blockchain Integration

Bridging Towards Adoption - Mainstream Blockchain Integration In this episode, we’ll look at some of the pathways emerging for broader integration of blockchain capabilities across finance, social platforms, identity, supply chain and more. Moving towards mainstream use unlocks the benefits for society. For blockchain technology to truly fulfill its potential, mainstream adoption beyond just crypto enthusiasts is essential. Integrating blockchain meaningfully into everyday applications can help drive wider acceptance across consumers and enterprises.


When Worlds Collide - Quantum Computing meets Blockchain

When Worlds Collide - Quantum Computing meets Blockchain The advent of quantum computing will have massive implications across industries, including emerging impacts on blockchain technology. By harnessing quantum physics, these new computers can solve problems intractable for classical systems. In this episode, we’ll explore how quantum computing stands to influence cryptography, cryptocurrencies, and the future security of blockchain networks. While still early stage, quantum will likely require upgrades to crypto primitives down the road.


Bringing Blockchain to the Masses - Consumer Apps in Web3

Bringing Blockchain to the Masses - Consumer Apps in Web3 While blockchain technology holds great potential, it often remains abstract and inaccessible to mainstream users. However, the development of intuitive consumer-facing applications and interfaces can help bridge this gap. In this episode, we’ll look at some of the apps and interfaces bringing blockchain functionality into straightforward, engaging consumer experiences across finance, social media, gaming, and more. Making Web3 more tangible for the average internet user is key for wider adoption


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