DiscoverYour World Within Podcast by Eddie Pinero
Your World Within Podcast by Eddie Pinero
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Your World Within Podcast by Eddie Pinero

Author: Eddie Pinero

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Using his unique blend of inspiration and storytelling, Eddie Pinero motivates his listeners to live their best lives and find the opportunity intertwined in every moment. This is not a self-improvement podcast, this is a self-empowerment podcast, reminding the world that we are always one decision away from a totally different life.
773 Episodes
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero highlights the importance of being true to yourself. Drawing inspiration from Emerson, he emphasizes that the greatest accomplishment is to remain authentic in a world that constantly tries to change you. Eddie encourages asking the right questions and staying true to your path, even if it means standing out. Authenticity and pride in your uniqueness are key. Be yourself always and live in a way that aligns with who you are and what’s important to you.
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." — E.E. Cummings Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero explores the evolving nature of courage and its profound impact on our lives. He discusses how courage can both stay close and push us into uncharted territories. Eddie shares personal stories of how courage has helped him transform, face fears, and embrace vulnerability. From overcoming defeat to seeking deeper relationships, he emphasizes that courage is about showing up, even when it's hard. He reminds us that love and pain coexist and that giving our all, even on our lowest days, is a testament to true courage. Tune in for an inspiring reflection on the dance with courage.
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." - Viktor Frankl Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero delves into the concept that the answers we seek are often within arm's reach, emphasizing the power of choice amidst suffering. Drawing on Viktor Frankl’s insights, Eddie explains how personal pain, regardless of its source, fills our consciousness completely. He cautions against comparing our pain to others, stressing the futility of blame and the importance of taking ownership of our circumstances. Eddie explores how harnessing internal strength and focusing on hope can transform suffering into a catalyst for change and growth. Tune in to discover how to turn rock bottom into a foundation for a better future.  
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this podcast, Eddie Pinero explores the unwavering dedication needed for true success. If you leave the door cracked when things get difficult, you will kick it open. If you have a plan B, you will abandon plan A when challenges arise. Eddie shares his journey from zero subscribers to over a million, highlighting seven years of minimal growth from 2014 to 2021, followed by a sudden spike due to consistency, packaging, and branding. People at a retreat weren’t interested in the changes that led to his channel's growth but rather how he didn't quit during those lean years. Eddie emphasizes the importance of loving what you do, focusing on meaningful work, and refusing to quit despite minimal growth. He didn’t measure success by numbers but by the impact of his speeches. Eddie’s commitment never wavered, regardless of the circumstances, proving that to win means persevering through suffering. This episode is a testament to resilience, adding value, and the power of not leaving the door cracked.
"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Peter Drucker Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this powerful video, Eddie Pinero explores the journey of self-discovery and unleashing your full potential. Eddie shares insights, stories, and practical steps to help you break free from limitations and pursue your true path. Learn how to transform your mindset, embrace your unique journey, and chase your dreams with determination. If you're feeling stuck or searching for motivation, this video is for you. Join Eddie and start unlocking your true potential today.
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this podcast episode, Eddie Pinero shares an extraordinary story of transformation and resilience. Join us as we delve into the life of Eddie's friend, who went from being homeless and hopeless in his 20s to becoming successful in the real estate world. At his lowest point, a simple overheard phrase, "I love my life," sparked a change. Though he initially mocked it, repeating the phrase began to lift his spirits. He decided to give life one more day, then another, and another. This shift in mindset turned his days into months and years of gradual progress and ultimate success. Eddie highlights the profound impact our thoughts have on our reality, showing that with the right perspective and courage, we can overcome any obstacle. Tune in to discover how a few changes in perspective can lead to life-changing transformations. Remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with someone who needs a dose of inspiration today!
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now" - Chinese Proverb Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero dives deep into the fleeting nature of time and the boundless opportunities that lie ahead. As time slips into the past, it leaves behind memories of what could have been. But remember, the best time to act is now. Embrace the present moment and its infinite possibilities. Learn from the past, but move forward with conviction. Transform your pain into purpose, your struggles into meaning. Adjust your perspective and see the present as the beginning of a new chapter. You were made to rise. 🌟 
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today." — Franklin D. Roosevelt Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero shares ten pieces of wisdom he wishes he had known back in high school. These lessons aren't just for students—they're timeless insights anyone can use to live a more inspired and fulfilling life. From managing time effectively to embracing failure as a learning tool, Eddie's reflections will help you navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply someone looking to grow, this podcast is packed with valuable advice to help you on your journey.
"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst." — William Penn Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero delves into the essence of time as our most valuable currency and the importance of being methodical in its use. He explores the impact of our devices on productivity and mental health, emphasizing the need to balance consumption and creation. Eddie discusses the different seasons of life, encouraging listeners to not define themselves by recent struggles but by their next steps and opportunities. He highlights the importance of looking back to see progress and the danger of overcomplicating life. Ultimately, Eddie urges us to carve our own path, protect simplicity, and rise above obstacles with conviction and respect for ourselves.
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." - Steve Jobs Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this enlightening episode, Eddie Pinero delves into the transformative power of subtle change and the journey of self-discovery. Key highlights include: Subtle Change, Great Progress: Explore how true progress often comes from changes within ourselves rather than external shifts. Redefining Impossible: Understand why the word "impossible" is the most deceitful and how to overcome this mindset. Failure as an Invitation: Learn to see failure as an opportunity to start anew and grow stronger. Perception Shapes Reality: Discover the profound impact of perception on your reality and how to harness this power. Embrace the Journey: Find reassurance that, in time, everything will make sense as you continue to evolve. Join us to redefine your limits and transform your life through subtle yet powerful shifts. Don't miss this inspiring discussion on embracing change and overcoming obstacles.
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Brault Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero delves into the power of storytelling and how it shapes our lives. Reflecting on personal experiences, he emphasizes the importance of finding joy in simple moments and overcoming life's chaos. Feeling stuck? Eddie reminds us that contentment is always within reach and beauty awaits our discovery. Tune in to be inspired and reshape your story.
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - The Queen, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll 🌟 In this video, Eddie Pinero explores the incredible power of belief and how it can turn the impossible into possible. Inspired by the Queen's quote from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast," Eddie delves into historical examples like George Washington, the Battle of Thermopylae, and Alexander the Great's conquest of Tyre. These stories show how belief and determination can overcome any obstacle. Remember, leaping a mountain might be impossible, but climbing one rock at a time is doable. The journey to achieving the impossible starts with a single step. Join Eddie as he shares insights on harnessing the power of belief to overcome challenges and turn dreams into reality. YouTube:
"What gets measured gets improved." - Peter Drucker Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  Measure and Improve with Eddie Pinero Peter Drucker famously said, "What gets measured gets improved." This episode dives into the importance of measuring progress to enhance focus and achieve goals. Eddie Pinero explains how tracking your key areas, whether finances, health, or personal goals, increases awareness and helps turn targets into tangible outcomes. Key Takeaways: The Power of Measurement: Until you measure something, you're guessing and leaving life up to chance. Increased Awareness: Tracking progress builds awareness and reveals areas for improvement. Focus on Key Areas: Measure and track the handful of things you want to improve. Seize Opportunities: Don't operate blindly; stay alert to opportunities. Life is about meaning. Start measuring, focus, and watch your reality transform. #PersonalGrowth #Focus #MeasureToImprove
"When you put the man together, the world falls into place" - unknown A collection of motivational speeches by Eddie Pinero focusing on building yourself up and taking control of your life.  YouTube:
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." — Ambrose Redmoon Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero explores the essence of courage and adaptability. Life isn’t defined by our plans, but by how we evolve when those plans fall through. Eddie discusses the importance of dreaming big, stretching yourself, and staying real in your approach. He emphasizes that success often comes from hanging on when others let go. Embrace imperfection, step into the world, and be willing to figure it out along the way. Join us as we dive into these life lessons and more.
"People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer and all their lives for happiness." -Unknown Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  n this episode, Eddie Pinero dives deep into the dangers of waiting and the transformative power of courage and momentum. Learn why embracing the imperfect journey is essential, as real growth starts with taking action today, not waiting for perfection. Key Takeaways: Disarm Tomorrow: Make your magic now and face your fears head-on. Embrace Imperfection: Understand that everything valuable begins imperfectly. Take the First Step: Move towards your goals instead of waiting for life to push you. Welcome Discomfort: Like turbulence on a plane, discomfort shows your strength and resilience. Life's Reaction: When you walk yourself towards your dreams, life will react positively. Start your journey towards a courageous, momentum-filled life today. 💪✨ #EddiePinero #Courage #Momentum #TakeAction
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action" - Tony Robbins This episode features a collection of speeches by Eddie Pinero focusing on taking action and moving with conviction towards our goals. YouTube:  
“Sometimes what you don’t do is just as important as what you do.” ― Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero delves into the transformative power of courage and its pivotal role in personal growth. Discover how one bold action can change your life, creating space for experimentation and new opportunities. Eddie discusses the importance of aligning your actions with your true self and cutting away excess distractions. He emphasizes the courage needed to face the disconnect between your current actions and your aspirations, encouraging you to push forward and achieve your dreams. Tune in to learn how to harness courage and move boldly towards your goals.
"Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear a path" - anonymous  A powerful compilation of motivational speeches by Eddie Pinero to start your day right!
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." – Ralph Waldo Emerson Monday Motivation Newsletter: Free Ebook:  YouTube:  In this episode, Eddie Pinero dives into the importance of embracing your strengths and recognizing when you're in the wrong spot in life. He discusses how our ability to positively impact the world decreases when we operate outside our zone of genius. Eddie shares insights on focusing where your happiness and strengths intersect, rather than acquiring arbitrary skills. Key topics include: Understanding the power of working within your strengths. Recognizing when you're in the wrong spot and making a change. Balancing the things you love with necessary tasks. Surrounding yourself with people whose strengths complement your weaknesses. Freeing yourself to excel in what you're great at to reach your full potential. Tune in to learn how to create a life where your true potential can shine.
Comments (3)

Shourov Paul


Apr 24th


Great episode bro , especially the sound of the into , it takes me way back a moment when i decided to change my life and i came across yours and ended up listening the whole time

Jun 7th



Jan 27th