Weekly Sermon

We are a Church located in Cleveland Park in East Nashville. Our mission is to LOVE everyone, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community. Everyone is welcome! We’re all in this together. No matter our history, circumstances, or goals, we’re all human and all need love and acceptance. That’s why the church exists—and why you belong!

Hope For The Hopeful

“Hope is seeing light in spite of being surrounded by darkness.”Join us for “Hope for the Hopeful.” The 3rd part of our “Spread Hope Like Fire” Series.


Spread Hope For Your Breakthrough

Pastor Michael brought a powerful message about spreading hope for your breakthrough. Check back weekly for additional podcasts and services! Thanks for listening!


Racial Reconciliation

Having experienced the suffocating effect of racism and personal bigotry throughout his life, Anthony discovered the freedom to live victoriously from anger and bitterness by applying God’s Word and the practical skills for inter-cultural understanding. He in turn desires to help others do the same.


The Hope That Fuels Fire

This week, we had the honor of hearing from our Pastor Of Prophetic Life, Michael Hall. Check back weekly for additional podcasts and services! Thanks for listening!


The Way: Week One

We are so excited for the amazing journey God is unfolding for us as we come into alignment with His heart. Getting back to the simple gospel is foundational.


Father's Day w/Pastor John McLendon

He talked about the spiritual journey God guided him through to get him to where he is now. That very spiritual journey is what started Pastor Mark Lancaster's walk with The Lord. Pastor John saw Jesus in Mark and believed in him when he needed to see Jesus the most. Because of Pastor John Mclendon's obedience to The Lord, Pastor Mark is now walking out his spiritual journey and being obedient to the call at One Stone. That is a fathers legacy! What an awesome way to instill a culture of honor. Bless these 2 incredible men of God! Spiritual Fathers to many, for decades to come.


The Way: The Key For Direction

Often times on our Christian journey we find ourselves walking blindly because we tend to move forward in our own power. What does it take to choose the right direction, and to know the mission God has for you? The answer is simple... Prayer.


The Way: Who Are You Carrying To Jesus?

Do the healthy need a physician? Throughout scripture, you see Jesus going into the most unlikely places, dinning with notable sinners, and showing compassion to the cast aside. He met people right where they were, restoring hope to the hopeless and healing the broken. We are called to be an influence, and a light in our daily lives. What separates us from everyone else at work or the grocery store? We are called to Love radically...Who are you carrying to Jesus?


The Way: By His Side

Jesus cherished companionship. He was intentional in choosing who’d walk by His side closely. He saw something unique in each of His disciples and recognized the power and influence they carried individually. He called forth identity & purpose in each of them...and taught them The Way of the kingdom. Even today, He wants us close, By His Side... “The Lord is close to all who call on Him.” 


Special Word from Jonathan Tremaine Thomas



THE WAY: Be Bold Enough To Be Rejected

Fear of man can be prevalent in some believers minds, causing them to doubt themselves when sharing the gospel. In Mark 6:11 Jesus talks to His disciples and warns; “whatever community does not receive you or your message, leave it behind. And as you go, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” Not Everyone we come in contact with will accept Gods love...and thats ok. If we are obedient to His voice we are planting a seed that will one day, change their life. The important thing to note is, God loves everyone. Even those who reject Him. We are called to love like that. Are you bold enough to be rejected?


THE WAY: Be Selfless

Can you imagine how Jesus must of felt, after the loss of his cousin and great friend, John the Baptist? He was heartbroken and mourning his loss. He arrived off the boat to a massive crowd, waiting for Him. Jesus, despite His circumstance, saw them and his heart was filled with compassion. He saw they appeared as lost sheep without a Shepard, He ministered and taught them many things. (ref, Mark 6:34)


THE WAY: What is your intention?

Jesus made it possible for people to belong, and have life to the full. To all Those who would never be given a chance and even be disregarded..Despite what people may be walking in, He sees their potential, and their legacy. He paid the high price because He knew our worth. What is our intent? We may have the best intentions to see people’s lives changed, but do we see THEM as God SEES them...


THE WAY: Stay The Course

In life, opposition will come, you may feel at the end of your rope, weary, or even like you’re in a dry place desperate for rejuvenation. But what you need to be reminded of is...you have Jesus’ DNA, you are inherited daughters and sons of The King. When you grab ahold of your identity in that, you will see from a higher perspective and begin to recognize and appreciate the fruit that will come from staying on course in this season. He sees the bigger picture, trust Him.


THE WAY: Go From The Mountain

In Mark 9, we see Jesus shining with the Glory of God for the first time...The transfiguration of Jesus that took place on top of that mountain was a promise & glimpse into a kind of life beyond what is apparent to earthly eyes. He was allowing them to see things from a Kingdom perspective, see Him the way God sees Him...filled with the light of His glory. As we go from the mountain, it’s important to remember things from that perspective, no matter what comes against us...we are all inherited children of God filled with His glory.


NEW SERIES: 100 Days Outside The Maze

This past Sunday we started our NEW SERIES: 100 Days Outside The Maze. This series is not just a series, it is a plan for walking in the fullness of the Kingdom being 100% intentional about all we do in our daily lives to be in line with Heaven's agenda. Invite others to join you as we step outside the maze and see the breakthrough of Heaven on earth!


100 Days Outside The Maze: Start With The End In Mind

We don’t create our destiny, we discover our destiny. He already sees the full picture. When we look at circumstances from a heavenly perspective and see ourselves, and our future, the way our Father in heaven does…we start with the end in mind. We are acknowledging that Christ is in us and we cannot fail. Take comfort, and walk in His perfect peace, with that knowledge and confidence.


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