Weekly with Chana

<p>living with the times, bringing the past to the present. weekly with chana is a refreshing new way of seeing ourselves within the parsha and how we can use these lessons to live happier more meaningful lives today. happy listening :)</p>

Shavuos | The Day Hashem's Love Brought On the Criticism of the Entire World

Lecture given at Soul Centre Sydney in honor of Shavous 2024


Metzorah | Stuck in Dubai, How to Get Unstuck, Let Go, Lean into Gratitude and Liberate Oneself.

Pesach a time of liberation, a mental game of removing ourself from a sense of stuckness and letting go.


Tazria | Blemishes of Greatness, The Strongest People, the Most Difficult of Challenges.

What was Tzaraat, this strange leprosy, what is it significance and what can we learn from it today?


Shemini | The Dichotomy and Dangers of Extremism, The Power of Balance and Synthesis.

This weeks Parsha we discuss seemingly two opposites, the inauguration of the Mishkan and the death of Nadav and Avihu on that difficult day. As well as the laws of Kashrut. Why the seeming randomness, what can we learn from the synthesis of these two ideas?00:00 The Significance of the Eighth Day02:22 Balancing Growth and Solace04:17 Bringing God into the Mundane05:14 Imbuing Regular Life with Meaning06:39 Faith in God Amidst Challenges


Purim: There Will Be Inevitable Victory, Will I Be a Part of the Story?

The power of the words of Mordechai to Esther, Can I find Hashem in the Hidden? The secret to achieving success in our lives, contributing to the narrative?


Pekudei: The Orphans of Ofakim, the Hostage Families Comforting the Wounded Soldiers, The Completion of the Mishkan, Accounting for Every Material, When Every Detail is Blessed.

Why do we Tally all the Materials at the Completion of the Mishkan? Why do we Emphasis Blessings as we complete Sefer Shemos?


Vayakhel: Rami the Hero Saving 750 Nova Survivors, Half Shekel, One Unit, for Hashem to Dwell Within.

In a Parsha filled with the details of building a Mishkan why is this called Vayakhel, with a singular term referring to the collective congregation? The Secret to Unity, the Secret to Collective Joy.


Ki Sisa: The Gardens of the Moshav Netiv Hasarah, Raising Ourselves Up to Transform Brokenness to Wholesomeness.

Why do we discuss the broken Luchos here? Why between the Parshiot that discuss the vision and then subsequent implementation of the Mishkan?


Terumah: The Secret to Jewish Survival, The Deal with Emperor Vespasian, The Wandering Jew, 2000 Years of Exile, Ben Gurions 1937 Speech at the Peel Commission, How did we make it?

The most fascinating commandment in this weeks Parsha is regarding the transportation poles of the Ark. Why was it so essential? Why did Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai believe that Yavnah was important to be saved?


Mishpatim & RC Adar: Can Joy & Pain Co-exist? How can we Celebrate Joy as a Community when our Family is Suffering?

What are the symptoms that lead to the pain? How do we practice experiencing joy as a community when there is terrible tragedy that surrounds us?


Yisro: Hashem vs ICJ, UN, US, Knesset, SA, PLO. We Became a Nation, with a Code that Lives On Forever.

This Parsha discusses the laws and judicial implementation of the advice of Yisro, as well as the giving of the Torah. The Torah is essentially a body of laws and regulations. What is the difference?


Beshalach: Faith in Trying Times, Miriam as the Forerunner of Unwavering Belief, In Honor of Hersh's Mum Rachel Goldberg and all the Remarkably Strong Women in Impossibly Dark Times

This episode is sponsored by my dear friend Kayli in honor of all the hostages returning safely home! And the end of this milchama!Miriam crossing the Red Sea, with a Tamborine in her hand sings her own Shira, her own song of praise? Why the need for her own song? Without her perhaps there would have been no salvation. The unwavering faith of women in impossibly dark times is what will inevitably bring the ultimate salvation.


Bo: Preparing for Freedom, The Sun, The Moon, Dipping, BBQing, Proud Jews Then, Now and Forever

The Jewish People as a nation are finally getting ready to leave Egypt. Hashem instructs Moshe, three specific instructions to preparing for their ultimate redemption. How do we achieve freedom as a people now, just as they had then?


Vaera: The Nova Festival Massacre, The Survivors, The Holiest Souls, The Heroes of Israel, The Only Answer to Pain

We have experienced so much pain, Hashem we need the final redemption speedily in our days.


Shemos: Am Yisrael Chai, We Will Live Forever, What is the indestructible secret of the Jewish People?

Moshe Rabenu, the leader of the Jewish People. What were the events that led him to be the greatest leader of all time?


Vayechi: The Kindergarten of Nir Oz, The Pain, The Hope, The Jewish Story, The Happy Endings

What is the hopeful message of the ending of Sefer Breishis? How do we endure the pain? How do we move forward?


Vayigash: The Most Important Lesson in Life, Releasing Victimhood, Reframing the Narratives of Pain, Living with Strength

Yosef singlehandedly reframes his narrative, absolves victimhood and lives through strength. The most important life lesson from this weeks Parsha.To sponsor an episode: aycmediaproductions@gmail.com


Miketz: Investing in the Good Times, United Now, United Forever, How to Create and Maintain the Happy Ending?

What can we learn from Yosef's unwavering Bitachon, in the good times, in the hard times? The Lubavicher Rebbe's insight into Pharoh's dreams and Yosef's rise to success.


Vayeshev: Pain, Trauma, Loneliness, Yosef's Secret To Getting Through and Landing on Top

The story of Yosef and his perseverance and faith is my favorite story in all of Tanach. What is the secret?


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