Weighing In with Weighless MD and Wellness

Weight loss, Nutrition, and Gut health.

Mindful Weight Loss

Cheri interviews Tracy Pleschourt, who is the  Founder of Self-Made U which helps men and women create Self-Made wealth and wellness through life coaching. Tracy has mastered and now teaches the critical skills necessary to manage your mind and overcome any obstacle, including overeating, over drinking, time management, career & relationship changes. Tracy's passion is helping people achieve better metabolic by conquering the Mind Math.  What are you telling yourself everyday that is driving your behaviors to keep you where you are at.  Working through this aspect of health can move you beyond your unhealthy state and get you to start thinking differently about your approach.  You'll want to listen to this one a few times!


7 Principles to Phenomenal Health

Cheri talks to Dave Sherwin from the Dirobi Health Show about 7 principles of phenomenal health. Listen as they dig into what is essential to not only losing weight but keeping it off for good.


Kiran Krishnan and Cheri Talk Gut Health: hint (weight loss and brain health)

Kiran is a pioneer and expert in Gut Health. Cheri and Kiran discuss the complexities of the gut microbiome and how it plays a crucial role in weight loss and brain health.  Anyone who is struggling with weight or dealing with anxiety and depression must listen to this podcast.


8 Strategies to Stop the Typical Holiday Weight Gain

Listen to Cheri and Erica share their most effective strategies for keeping weight off during the holiday season.


Weighing In With Weighless MD: Mold Exposure with Holly

We go from our house to our car to the office on repeat. What symptoms should you look for when you expect mold exposure? How can you tell if you need to get your home tested? Do air purifiers help control mold in the home? Forget about eating healthy to lose weight if you are constantly being exposed to a toxic environment caused by mold. 


Strategic Weight Loss

Cheri and Erica discuss why weight loss is so much more than calories and exercise. They develop programs that are strategic so that abnormal fat stores can be burned and patients quickly transition into a healthier metabolically state. Learn the details about each program and hear about their new yearly membership program and how you can be a part of it.


Supersized Lies: How Myths About Weight Loss Are Keeping Us Fat – and the Truth About What Really Works’

Cheri Stoka, owner of Weighless MD and Wellness, interviews Robert J. Davis, PhD about his New Book ‘Supersized Lies: How Myths About Weight Loss Are Keeping Us Fat  – and the Truth About What Really Works’. Cheri digs into the flaws of what we are told and why studies and claims are not the whole story.  Robert has a passion for health and articulates why research is important but explains why we must beware of lies and deception.  Robert's book is available now for electronic download.


Exposing The Dangers of Processed Foods

Erica Gutierrez, Registered Dietitian and Functional Nutritionist at Weighless MD talks to Cheri Stoka, owner of Weighless MD about processed foods and their affect on the body. It is so important to note that children are developing adult diseases from being exposed to processed foods daily. Millions of people die each year from lifestyle diseases and we need to start educating children at a young age. These diseases are absolutely preventable! How can we provide balance for our children so we can get them to eat healthy without feeling deprived? Why are doctors not addressing prevention with their patients? How does the food industry play a role in the information we are being provided about healthy eating in our society? Erica and Cheri provide great insight into these questions as well as advice on how to guide our children to become intuitive, healthy eaters. 


What are you willing to do to protect your health?

Erica Gutierrez, Registered Dietitian and Functional Nutritionist at Weighless MD talks to Cheri Stoka, owner of Weighless MD about her recent experience in the healthcare system.  Cheri gets personal with her recent surgery and events that took place during that process.  Bottom line is there are many pearls to pick up during this podcast.  Be an advocate for yourself!


Getting to the Root of Weight Gain with Specialty Testing

Cheri and Erica discuss various specialty testing that they offer at Weighless MD.  Weight loss is multifactorial and you must start looking beyond calories and exercise. If you are struggling with your health and consequential weight, you must listen to this.  The human body is sicker in this modern world we live in and you must achieve a balanced state if you desire long term weight loss.


Weighless MD's Unique Approach to Weight loss

Cheri and Erica discuss various factors that contribute to weight gain, weight loss resistance and what is really needed for long term weight loss.  


Weighing In On 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines are completed and we want to know if anyone follows them!  Food guide pyramids, my plate etc etc.  Now it's about customization.....Will this help our obesity epidemic?  Listen now.


Food Sensitivities: What really is happening in the body

Cheri and Erica, Integrative nutritionists discuss why food sensitivities can be damaging to the body and what you can do to resolve your issues.  


Diet Culture

Cheri and Pete discuss Diet Culture and how it has manipulated many people into thinking that quick fix weight loss programs is the solution. Break free from this massive industry and learn to look beyond the nonsense media.  


Sugar Cravings?

Cheri Stoka, owner of Weighless MD and Erica Gutierrez, RDN and Director of Program Development at Weighless MD discuss the ins and outs of sugar cravings.  Are they normal?  What happens in the body when too much sugar is consumed and what can you do to eliminate them altogether.  This is crucial to long term health.  Sugar is abundant, hidden and creating a foundational health pandemic.


Regaining Balance in the Body (for Optimal Weight Loss)

Cheri and Pete discuss the many reasons why the body is out of balance and how to regain it for optimal health and weight loss.  Cheri touches on hormones, mental wellness, gut dysbiosis, fluid balance and drainage and detox pathways.  You don't want to miss this one!


Insight and Strategies from a Successful VIP Patient

Cheri turns the table and interviews, Pete who is a current Weighless MD VIP patient.  Cheri asks Pete questions about how he prepared himself to get started and what strategies he learned along the way that helped him maintain a 90lb weight loss.


How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off!

Cheri and Pete discuss details and strategies of how to lose weight long term. Pete lost 100 lbs and has maintained it for 1+ years.  You will hear about Weighless MD's New 3 month VIP Virtual program that will include all the necessary steps, strategies and diets for an effective transformation.


Virtual VIP Progressive Program

Learn about our exciting new program launch that is 100% virtual.  This is a 12 week program that will move you from an unhealthy, overweight state to a vibrant, healthy state of wellness.  If you are ready for serious weight loss, this is the place to start.


Digging Deeper Into Supplementation

If you are taking Vitamin D or Calcium you must understand how other nutrients play an important role in its absorption and utilization in the body.  Too many people are taking high doses of vitamin D, and not considering other important factors.  This podcast will break it down for you.


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