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West Clouds Rising

Author: Joel Michael

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Eyes to See in the End Times

Exposing what is hidden at the  end of this age to prepare the body of Christ for what is coming

30 Episodes
Imagine looking up to amazing signs in the heavens and seeing Jesus Christ in the clouds, calling you up to spare you from the promised wrath of God. As you rise, you suddenly remember the loved ones you are leaving behind to suffer the most horrific time in human history. Imagine the gut-wrenching feeling as you look up and say, “But Lord, I can’t leave them.” So what happens then? I struggle with this thought. So, in the midst of playing this tormenting scenario out in my mind, the Lor...
The rider of the pale horse will bring the sword, famine, pestilence, and… wild beasts...wild beasts? Surely, we can easily relate to the first three but as we commute to work or take our kids to a soccer game, we hardly concern ourselves with the possibility of deadly attacks by wild beasts.Could it be far more sinister than we think, tying into the breeding of fallen angels, humans, and beasts to create the monstrosities of myth and the cryptids of today? We’ll uncover this curse in the acc...
Death, the Rider on the Pale Horse - the mysterious bringer of the sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts. His destruction is so widespread that he is followed by Hades to gather all the souls he harvests. Death is the last of the four horsemen, placing fear in the hearts of men and acting as a final destructive force to usurp the established society we live in and leave an opening for the Beast to rise. We’ve talked about how we are to respond to these spirits, but how does one face...
The Rider on the Black Horse - the horseman of scarcity and strife; he brings famine and social unrest. Together with his brothers, the four horsemen ride, ushering in turbulent world events. False leaders and prophets arise, war is spreading, famine and social conflict are growing, and death stands at the doorstep. We see evidence of their work in the news each and every day and their influence is growing. How do we prepare for this changing and darkening world? On this episode&nbs...
The four horsemen ride, ushering in turbulent world events. False leaders and prophets arise, war is spreading, famine and social conflict are growing, and death stands at the doorstep. We see evidence of their work in the news each and every day and their influence is growing. How do we prepare for this changing and darkening world? I will share with you insights God gave me about the horsemen; of mysteries hidden in their symbolism and their past missions. But most urgently, I want to ...
The four horsemen ride, ushering in turbulent world events. We can see that they have been released through the news reported each and every day, and their influence is growing. How do we prepare for this darkening world? I will share with you insights God gave me about the horsemen; of mysteries hidden in their symbolism and their past missions; insights you have never heard before. But most urgently, I want to share with you recent revelations about how we are to prepare for each of th...
The Beast is rising.Persecution is coming.Most of us rest in relative safety… But that will change. However; God has instructed us how to overcome persecution, and if we are successful, we will be revealed as the Sons of God… Mighty in God’s power, guarded by His angels and protected under His wing. To start down this path requires one thing… a choiceAs we start Season 2, I’ll unravel the mystery of the Sons of God in this episode of West Clouds Rising.Thanks for listening! Be sure ...
A third Jewish temple… for nearly 2,000 years, the Temple Mount has been without a temple to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Many Jews and Christians alike see the rebuilding of the temple as a prerequisite for the coming or return of the Messiah. Anticipating that Messiah’s appearance is near, the Jews are preparing for the rebuilding of the temple; producing temple vessels, searching for a pure red heifer, and practicing the rituals for temple sacrifices. Many Christians believe it wi...
A seven-year covenant with the Antichrist that lulls the world into a false peace, allowing him to take power, and usher in a seven-year period of greater distress than the world has ever known, referred to as the Great Tribulation. This prophecy is a firm tenet of end-times prophecy and sets the timeline for the Great Tribulation period. But is this prophecy established in scripture, or is it part of a millennia-old deception created to point people away from Jesus as the Messiah? I’ll...
Revelation details the lives and destinies of four groups of people: the raptured, the resurrected, the martyred, and the damned. The paths of these groups are intertwined in the writings of Revelation, making it hard for readers to distinguish between them. Today on West Clouds Rising, I and going to unravel the paths of each one of these groups, to understand their unique experiences, whether hopeful, harrowing, or torturous. In Revelation, the apostle John warns us to learn and unders...
At times, God shows us unique ways to understand His plans and purpose for what He has done and plans to do. In my own advent preparations, He gave me a Christmas revelation. In this, God showed me how my Christmas story this year reflects His purpose in our creation, our position in the kingdom, and the gathering to comeWest Clouds Rising is a podcast that examines the mysteries of the end of this age. Thanks for listening! Be sure to like the episode and follow West Clouds RisingIf you...
The personal and horrific account of the mothers who birthed the Antichrist and False ProphetThe creation of the Antichrist and False Prophet; a chance birth, or a calculated series of processes and rituals to produce the quintessential man and the ultimate evil? Today, on West Clouds Rising, I am going to continue to describe to you the shocking accounts of eyewitnesses about the creation of the Antichrist and False Prophet. I’m going to share with you the aggregation of testimonies abo...
The shocking eyewitness account of the creation of the Antichrist from the culmination of iniquity stretching thousands of years to the first Babylonian rebellionMost of what we know about the Antichrist is after he comes to power. But what are his origins? We know Satan calls him forth, but the Bible says he will actually be the offspring of Satan. So that means he will be born. He will have a mother. And the same would go for the False Prophet. Would these beasts have been conceived in quie...
The Bible speaks of powerful beings, supernatural encounters, and bizarre creatures. So how do we respond when the strange, the unbelievable, and the otherworldly are attested to through eyewitness testimony? Do we deny it or find amazing revelation, bringing to life parts of the Bible we struggle to comprehend? Today, we will dive into eyewitness testimony of fallen angels in this episode of West Clouds Rising.Thanks for listening! Be sure to like the episode and follow West Clouds Risi...
Why does Satan believe he can win against the almighty God? Is more revealed in the Book of Revelation about his true intention... has he found a back door to victory? And how will his plan stand up against the awesome power of God? The time is coming, and we will soon bow in awe of the power of God.We’ll discuss this in this episode of West Clouds Rising.Thanks for listening! Be sure to like the episode and follow West Clouds RisingIf you like this topic, check out the blog site at www....
One of the most puzzling mysteries of the end of this age is how those with opposing theologies will accept the same Antichrist. How will atheists, Muslims, Jews, and even many Christians fall for this deception? The answer is prophecy.We’ll talk about this key to the mystery on this episode of West Clouds Rising. Thanks for listening! Be sure to like the episode and follow West Clouds RisingIf you like this topic, check out the blog site at for over 100 pos...
There are dark entities around us… they have been with us since our beginning. They have had victories and major defeats, but they are immortal and keep coming. While they have the same purpose and even strategy, they change their tactics as people have changed. So who are these entities, are they behind the rise in UFO or UAP sightings, and are they setting the stage for a deception foretold in the book of Revelation? I’ll be talking about this on today's episode of West Clouds Ri...
In the wake of the Covenant School shooting by a transgender person in Nashville, several far left voices came out blaming Christian values for the shooting. Some directly shamed the school for its supposed role, its indoctrination of children and some even taunted the school for relying on prayer. Should we be surprised? Or is that what we should expect per Jesus’ warning to us about a significant sign of the end of this age?Thanks for listening! Be sure to like the episode and follow W...
Revealing the mystery of the False Prophet, the great deceiver whose surprising appearance in Revelation was hidden from the prophets...From Genesis through the epistles of the apostles, we are told to expect an evil one to come; a man who will conquer Jerusalem and seat himself in the temple as God. But in Revelation we learn of another, the false prophet, who will accompany this evil man and decieve the world into following him. Who is this false prophet? What is his role? And why is h...
Are we are in a season of judgment? As society has rebelled against God’s ways we are experiencing tragedy, war, and societal collapse. How should we react? And what hope do we have in this increasingly hopeless world?Thanks for listening! Be sure to like the episode and follow West Clouds RisingIf you like this topic, check out the blog site at for over 100 posts on Bible prophecy!