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Whale Tales Podcast

Whale Tales Podcast

Author: Whale Tales

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A monthly podcast bringing you stories, news, fun facts, and more about whales, dolphins and porpoises.
80 Episodes
Just a bunch of whale nerds this month on the Whale Tales Podcast – we are joined by Kate Hruby and Kevin Campion from Save the North Pacific Right Whales to talk all things North Pacific Right Whales and learn more (as much as we can?) about these rare, sneaky whales.   Show Notes: -Save the […]
Break out your Britney because we did it again! It’s another Oops All Stories episode featuring incredible stories from all over the world (and THREE new species for the library!) from some amazing Storytellers! Thanks to Vanessa: Selby: Sigrún: Judith: Sara: and Blue Dolphin Tours: Elizabeth: WhaleWise: […]
The Whale Tales Podcast is back this month with two incredible guests! We welcomed researchers Caroline Weir and Morgan Martin to the pod to talk about their paper “Peale’s dolphins (Lagenorhynchus australis) are acoustic mergers between dolphins and porpoises” (as featured in this month’s Patreon Journal Club!) as well as all things Peale’s Dolphins! We […]
Episode 070-Gladis

Episode 070-Gladis


Happy Orca Action Month! We are celebrating all month long on the Whale Tales Podcast with four special episodes each highlighting a specific Orca (or OrcaS) from around the world with a truly terrific tale. Today we are wrapping things up with the currently very famous Gladis-or should we say Gladises? Show Notes: – Killer whales […]
Happy Orca Action Month! We are celebrating all month long on the Whale Tales Podcast with four special episodes each highlighting a specific Orca (or OrcaS) from around the world with a truly terrific tale. This week we are talking the notorious Port and Starboard! Show Notes: –Confirmation of the occurrence of a second killer […]
Episode 068-Old Thom

Episode 068-Old Thom


Happy Orca Action Month! We are celebrating all month long on the Whale Tales Podcast with four special episodes each highlighting a specific Orca (or OrcaS) from around the world with a truly terrific tale. Today we have a short and sweet episode about Old Thom (not to be confused with last week’s episode about […]
Episode 067-Old Tom

Episode 067-Old Tom


Happy Orca Action Month! We are celebrating all month long on the Whale Tales Podcast with four special episodes each highlighting a specific Orca (or OrcaS) from around the world with a truly terrific tale. First off we have Old Tom and his pod “The Killers of Eden.” Show Notes: -Eden Killer Whale Museum
The Whale Tales Podcast is back with another amazing guest Joëlle De Weerdt from Association ELI-S who is here to tell us all about humpbacks in Nicaragua and the research she is doing on them for her PhD. If you want to hear us loose our minds about humpbacks (again, probably not for the last […]
Super exciting episode this month with an incredible guest Erin Gless, executive director of Pacific Whale Watch Association! We dive deep (fun puns!) into the history and mission of the PWWA and the work it does in the Salish Sea plus TWO Fun Flipper Facts!???? Show Notes: Pacific Whale Watch Association: PWWA Social Media […]
Dolphin filled episode this month – we’ve got dolphins facts and more dolphins facts and a dolphin story and dolphin themed call to action. It’s the only way we know how to celebrate Dolphin Awareness Month! Show Notes: –Lauryn Fly Instagram –Behavioural laterality in foraging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) by Kaplan et al. –The Life […]
We are back with another mailbag episode answering questions that were asked by you! Show Notes: -Perucetus: -Podcast episodes with notes on become marine biologists and/or featuring marine biologists: -Best marine biology universities (western centric): -A Conversation with “Twain”: -A Surprise Whale
Happy 2024! We are kicking the year off with a journal club (that you may have already heard if you are a patron of ours) on the paper “Harassment and killing of porpoises (“phocoenacide”) by fish-eating Southern Resident killer Whales (Orcinus orca)” by Giles et al, plus a handful of clips from our friends! Content […]
Welcome back to the Whale Tales Podcast! Today we are joined by Olivia Brodhurst and Crystal Lacey to talk all about the Whitsundays and the East Australian Humpbacks you can find there! Show Notes: Whales of the Whitsundays: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: World Cetacean Alliance: Whitsundays Whale Heritage Area Candidacy: […]
For this months episode of the Whale Tales Podcast we talked to Emily Cunningham, marine biologist and conservationist  about her research, Humpback community science in the UK and so many other things – it was amazing and we are so excited to share it with you! Show Notes: -Emily’s Website: -Motion for the Ocean: […]
We are joined by returning guest Ashley Keegan this month to hear all about the whale watching season in the Salish Sea this year! Show Notes: –Ashley’s Stories
Journal Club is back! And so are these little guys – who are everywhere apparently – we are talking about Harbor Porpoise Aggregations in the Salish Sea by Dave Anderson et al. Show Notes –Full paper –Back on the Water with Grey Whales. –Diving behaviour in Harbour Porpoises –Tea Bag Ghosts (video)
Episode 057 – Baleen

Episode 057 – Baleen


Welcome back to another episode of the Whale Tales Podcast! Following up on our Cetacean teeth episode we are taking a look at the other set of cetaceans – The Baleen Whales! Show Notes: -The Naming of Things: The Disorder of the Order of Whale Names: –A Summer in Húsavík, the European capital of […]
World Krill Day

World Krill Day


Surprise! We are popping into your feeds today to help celebrate the second ever #WorldKrillDay with a special episode all about those lil guys who have a big impact – krill! Specifically today, Antarctic krill. 🦐 Join us and our incredible guests as we learn all about krill and the super important role they play […]
Welcome back to another episode of the Whale Tales Podcast! This month we are talking all things Odontocetes -or rather the chompers that gave these Toothed Whales their name! 🦷 Show Notes: -The Naming of Things: The Disorder of the Order of Whale Names: -The Naming of Things: The Ginkgo Toothed Whale: -Development […]
Just in case our Orca Action Month mini eps weren’t special enough for you we have an extra special super fun episode today (maybe our fav of all time?) – that’s right it’s Oops All Stories! 😆🎉 The Stories: -An Evening Encounter with Type B Gerlache Orcas in Antarctica: -Christmas Eve Orcas: -Incredible […]
Comments (2)


Thank you for sharing the eco-friendly efforts you've made. It's given me ideas on what else I can do. For example, there isn't a place in my area that provides a free drop-off for soft plastics for recycling other than bags, but I found Ridwell online. When you purchase a membership, they will pick up items for recycling that aren't usually accepted - like film, multilayer plastic, Styrofoam, clothes, etc! I canceled my streaming services and signed up for Ridwell. I'm excited to recycle more!

Sep 27th
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