What Congress and the Media Wont Tell You

Devvy's show covers her 27 years experience investigating government corruption, how federal programs actually work vs the pablum sold to the American people. As someone on the front lines and in the trenches full time for almost two decades, Devvy's show is unique. As both a journalist and former live talk radio host she not only explains the problems plaguing this nation, she knows the answers.

Deep state corruption 11-16-2017

Guest Kelleigh Nelson is a prolific researcher and writer. Please pass this show to your mailing lists, get it post to Facebook and send to family and friends. Very important show.


Federal jurisdiction and why it's so importantdia Wont Tell You 11-02-2017

Guest: Constitutional attorney, Larry Becraft, discusses federal jurisdiction and restrictions on the Congress. A must listen to show.


The America haters and their ideaologyMedia Wont Tell You 10-19-2017

The Democratic Party is a sub-set of the Communist Party International and anyone who doubts that does not understand what it means.


Tax reform talk more BS

Where do your federal income taxes really go? Not where you think. The IRS is misapplying who is actually liable for filing a tax return and YOUR U.S. Congress critter allows the big lie to continue.


Must hear Interview Larry Parks

Larry Parks has been in the trenches for the past 40 years on the disabilities of our currency and why it hurts America and Americans. This show deals with the massive negative impact for Unions and the phony fiat currency we're all forced to use.


Most Americans are NOT prepared for this 8-24-2017

Do you have a Power of Attorney? If you are injured is there a Medical Power of Attorney? If not, there is no one to speak for you. Tragedy happens in a heart beat. Don't think it can't happen to you or a loved one. Do you know the astronomical costs of assisted living? What will you do down the road. Very important information in this show.


Charlottsville & Destruction of National Monuments 8-17-2017

The destruction and/or removal of our national monuments and statues: America's new ISIS.


No. Korea, Iran & Obamacare

America gives millions to No. Korea in humanitarian aid in violation of the constitution while threatening military action. The sane 'leader' of No. Korea. What would he gain by sending an ICM or nuc at Guam or America?


Why A Bankrupt America 08-03-2017

The truth about the worthless currency we are forced to use and where your federal income taxes really go. It's not what you've been led to believe.


17th Amendment not ratified 07/20-2017

The Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was not ratified by enough states. Show covers the facts, historical documents and Devvy's lawsuit in Texas. A very important and hot topic never discussed in the media.


Your Congress critter spends 25-30 hrs a week doing this

Additional coverage of Obamacare from a constitutional perspective and why nothing that needs to get done in Congress is getting done. It's not what you think. On your dime THIS is what they spend a great deal of each day doing. What an outrage.


Why the 1973 HMO Act began the destruction of health care coverage

Obamacare only made the problem worse.You can't solve a problem until you go back to when and how it started.


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