What Then Must We Do?

<p>Is there any hope at all of building and maintaining a free society? If so, how? If you are among "the remnant", this might be the show for you. See blog & discussion at: <a href="https://bretigne.substack.com/">https://bretigne.substack.com/</a></p>

What is a "Directed Evolution Experiment"? And Are we Living in One? - with Kevin McKernan

I speak with Kevin McKernan about the recent Project Veritas video in which a Pfizer employee claims that the company is contemplating directed evolution experiments with the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Kevin walks us through the reasoning behind his view that we are already witnessing a massive directed-evolution experiment in the real world, as a result of the medical interventions introduced in response to Covid-19.We also talk about the some of the fundamental problems that lie at the heart of the ...


Can Liberty Dollar Save the World?

I speak with Wayne and Kathy Hicks of Liberty Dollar Financial Association, about Liberty Dollar's history, and its rebirth as a Private Membership Association.If you're looking for solutions to state-controlled money and financial systems, and if you're not entirely sure that Bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) is the answer, then you need to listen to this episode. Liberty Dollar's new incarnation is truly revolutionary - and it doesn't stop at money and finance.We talk about food security, the...


Not Crypto, Not Barter - Could XClave Bux Be the Alternative Currency We Need?

I spoke with Markus Allen, founder of XClave, a few months back, about his radical concept for creating independent private towns, including plans for an independent currency. At the time, I fully intended to post the episode in a timely manner. Then our family decided to move out of California, and the next few months were a frantic blur.Now, nearly 5 months later, this particular episode is more relevant than ever. With governments seizing the bank accounts of those who oppose their actions...


Jeff Tucker on the launch of the Brownstone Institute - and the racist history of infectious-disease fearmongering

In this episode, I speak with long-time liberty hero and entrepreneur Jeff Tucker, about his launching of the Brownstone Institute in response to the worldwide authoritarian response to Covid-19, and why the Institute's efforts are so needed now.We also talk about one of the primary - but little talked about - driving forces behind racial segregation and the eugenics movement: Fear of infectious disease, and the belief that those of "inferior" races were more likely to be disease vectors than...


Jeremy Hammond's "The War on Informed Consent: The Persecution of Dr. Paul Thomas by the Oregon Medical Board"

Only days after publishing a study comparing long-term health outcomes of vaccinated children to those of unvaccinated children, Dr. Paul Thomas had his medical license suspended by the Oregon Medical Board. Jeremy Hammond's latest book tells Dr. Thomas' story, but is really about much more: Hammond builds the context within which the persecution of Dr. Thomas arose, and in doing so, tells the story of today's health freedom movement. Anyone who wonders where that movement sprung from, ...


What Roger Koops Learned When he Audited the CDC

As director of quality assurance, Roger Koops interacted closely with the FDA for many years. I speak with him in this episode about his experiences, the nature of that agency and about how the regulatory landscape has expanded and become more burdensome over time. He also tells about the time he was tasked with auditing the CDC, what that experience taught him, and what – if anything – that agency is good for.We also discuss the problem of professional myopia in the world of science, and the...


What Gene Epstein would tell Jordan Peterson about Austrian Economics

Recently, Jordan Peterson asked who he should have as a guest on his show to talk about Austrian economics, and Gene Epstein's name came up. In this episode, I ask Gene what he would say to Dr. Peterson, or to anyone looking to understand what Austrian economics is all about, what sets it apart from other schools, and why its insights are so important right now.Gene is the former Barrons economics and books editor, and now hosts the Soho Forum. I spoke with him last month about where he think...


Unbreaking Science with Dr. James Lyons Weiler

How broken are the systems that evaluate scientific research, and what can be done to fix them? I talk with Dr. James Lyons Weiler about these questions, and about his own contributions to independent research - including his analysis of VAERS data for deaths and anaphylaxis following vaccination for Covid-19, and his participation in the international Nucleaic Acid Amplification Testing Evaluation Consortium (NAATEC), which will evaluate the efficacy of PCR testing for Covid-19.Dr. Weiler's ...


Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski on how the lockdowns may have made Covid-19 more dangerous

I speak with Professor Knut Wittkowski, former head of the Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, about what normally happens with viruses when societies are not locked down, and how locking down may have made things much worse, and especially for those most vulnerable.We also talk about the nutritional supplement he has developed, and how it might help protect against Covid-19 and other respiratory infections, as well as a host of other probl...


The economy: Time to panic yet? With Gene Epstein

When eternal optimist Gene Epstein is worried, you know things are bad. So... is he worried? I speak with the former Barrons economics and books editor, now host of the Soho Forum, about where he thinks we are now, and what is to come. Gene lays out his view for the next few years, backs it up with good data-driven reasons, and talks a little about his own investment strategy. He also explains why I was wrong about hyperinflation in 2008.Gene's article, "The Great Suppression" can be found he...


"What are we getting wrong?" Jeremy Hammond takes the health-freedom movement to task

I speak with independent journalist Jeremy R. Hammond about some of the things he thinks some of those who are critical of the official Covid-19 narratives are getting wrong.We also talk about censorship, and about how to be good news consumers in these crazy times.You can see Jeremy's work, and sign up for his newsletter (which I highly recommend), here.


Kevin McKernan: Is the peer-review process fraudulent?

The last time Kevin McKernan was on the show, he told us about the (devastating) review of the Corman-Drosten PCR methodology that he co-authored. In this episode, he talks about some of the fallout from the review, including a scathing, but imprecise, attack from PCR expert Dr. Stephen Bustin - why that attack is puzzling, and what it tells us about the state of peer review.My previous episode with Kevin, talking about the Corman-Drosten Review, is here.The Corman-Drosten Review Report (with...


Dr. Paul Thomas on the suspension of his medical license 5 days after his "vaxxed vs. unvaxxed" study was published

According to the Oregon Medical Board, pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas is "...a serious danger to the public health..." Oddly, they only discovered this after he published a peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of patients who had been vaccinated to those who had not. You can see some of the results of that study here. The study itself is here.The order from the Oregon Medical Board, suspending Dr. Thomas' license, is here.Dr. Thomas' book, "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" can be found...


Kerry McDonald on a powerful weapon against teen depression. Also: What to do about Halloween!

I speak with unschooling mom and homeschooling advocate Kerry McDonald about an upcoming 4-day webinar to help inspire teens' inner entrepreneurs – and about why it is more critical than ever that we encourage our teens to find ways to create and to contribute now. We also talk about Halloween... FEE's "Entrepreneur Week" is Nov. 16-19, and is FREE. You can sign up here.Kerry's book, "Homeschooling in the Time of Covid-19" is available for download here.Her article "How our Culture Disempower...


"They could have done this on any cold virus" - Kevin McKernan on PCR deception

I speak with founder and CSO of Medicinal Genomics, Kevin McKernan, about some of the problems with PCR testing, as well as some of the incentives to produce high positive test numbers, both of which are making it difficult to get a meaningful picture of SARS-Cov2 infections and cases.You can find Kevin on Twitter, and he recently Tweeted about some of these issues here.The paper on molecular mimicry that he mentions is here.The CMS document that spells out penalties for failure to repo...


How the Great Barrington Declaration Came to Be, with AIER's Jeff Tucker

I speak with Jeffrey Tucker of the American Institute of Ecomonic Research, about the Great Barrington Declaration - the document created by four esteemed scientists, calling for an end to the lockdowns. Jeff talks about how the idea came about, and about some of the backlash they have faced since the Declaration was released.You can read–and sign–the Great Barrington Declaration here.You can watch the video about the Declaration here.See coverage of some of the attacks on the Declaration her...


Connor Boyack: Fighting the war for our children's minds

I speak with Connor Boyack, author of the Tuttle Twins series. He talks about the war that is being waged for our children's minds, why independent thinking is so critical, and gives some positive inspiration for communicating the philosophy of liberty.You can find the Tuttle Twins books here.Connor's Libertas Institute is here.And the book by Milton Meyer, "They Thought They Were Free" is here.


"Propaganda does not want any argument." A conversation with NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller

NYU media studies professor, Mark Crispin Miller, recently came under attack for questioning the official narrative on masks in his class on propaganda. We discuss what happened, and talk about the nature of propaganda and why, after all this time, it is still so effectiveYou can find Professor Miller here - and I recommend subscribing to his newsletter for some quality selections of content that is censored elsewhere....and you can support his work here.Professor Miller's essay "Masking Ours...


"Trump, Minneapolis, and the Divided State of America" - Independent journalist & filmmaker Brandon Ferdig talks about his latest documentary

I speak with independent journalist and filmmaker Brandon Ferdig, about what's really going on in Minneapolis in the aftermath of the riots, and about his upcoming documentary about why our society seems more divided than ever before.One year ago, the polarization of American politics was on vivid display at Trump's re-election kick-off event in Minneapolis. Here Brandon Ferdig interviewed eager attendees and angry demonstrators; he captured the protests outside and scenes from the rally floo...


Peggy Hall on Unlawful Government "Orders"

I speak with educator and activist, Peggy Hall, about the legality (or lack thereof) of CA Governor Newsom's "orders" to shut down businesses and force people to wear masks. We also talk about what increasingly appears to be an executive-branch takeover of the government in California, and what you can do to stop it.Peggy's website: The Healthy American.You can see Peggy's videos here.A book everyone should read: Life and Death in Shanghai.The New California State, which Peggy talks about at ...


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