What the Shell?

Welcome to ”What the Shell?” where I dive into major hacks and vulnerabilities in a way meant to be accessible by anyone. Come with me as we look at each incident through an exciting lens of curiosity. Join us on our discord if you‘d like to participate in discussions with myself and our guests! https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn

040 - Inside the Shell

This is a bonus episode for the new year at the request of a few listeners. There isn't a major hack here, this is about two things. 1. My process for making episodes 2. An experiment I did this year keeping track of all new media I consumed and ranking it. Media List: https://whattheshellpod.com/blog/first-post-and-2024-media  Discord: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn  Website: https://whattheshellpod.com  Instagram: https://instagram.com/shell_pod  Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/shellpod.bsky.social     


039 - Good Media Hacks?

Is there such a thing in "good" hacking in media? Or are we doomed to watch two people type on one keyboard. Let's talk the good side before we go bad. Discord: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn  Website: https://whattheshellpod.com  Instagram: https://instagram.com/shell_pod  Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/shellpod.bsky.social   


038 - Comment Panda [APT 1]

Let's revisit another APT. This time, we're moving over to China to talk APT1. Discord: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn  Website: https://whattheshellpod.com  Instagram: https://instagram.com/shell_pod  Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/shellpod.bsky.social 


037 - IoThree

It's that time of year, what better way to hop back in than to talk IoT and holiday hacks. Discord: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn  Website: https://whattheshellpod.com  Instagram: https://instagram.com/shell_pod 


036 - Watching the Watchmen [Crowdstrike && KnowBe4]

Let's talk about two stories this week. First we'll dive into the CrowdStrike fiasco from a few weeks ago and then we'll see what happens when a company accidentally hires a North Korean spy.  Discord: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn  Website: https://whattheshellpod.com  Instagram: https://instagram.com/shell_pod 


Renewed, Rebuilt, Refreshed.

Let's have a chat? Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/   


035 - Taking Out Equifax

Remember when almost half the country had all the information needed for any kind of loan stolen? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.   Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


034 - SWAT

Let's talk about Swatting. The dangerous practice that's part cyber crime, part real crime, and always a terrible idea. Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


033 - Cult of the Dead Cow

This week, we're going to chat one of the most well known hacking groups of all time. The "Cult of the Dead Cow".  Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/  Cult of the Dead Cow Book:  https://www.amazon.com/Cult-Dead-Cow-Original-Supergroup-ebook/dp/B07J54F9KR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1DF1O7WMS9YCG&keywords=cult+of+the+dead+cow&qid=1692040055&sprefix=cult+of+the+dead+cow%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-1 


032 - Recalibration

I'm back. Let's recalibrate where we're at. Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


031 - Gary, The UFO Hunter

Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


030 - Crafting Game Cheats [Interview w/ TNH]

We've got a discussion about crafting game cheats with community member and content creator Totally Not a Haxxer.  TNH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/totally_not_a_haxxer/  What The Shell Links: Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


029 - Bug Bounty Hunting and Streaming with NahamSec [Bonus Interview]

We've got Ben Sadeghipour, AKA NahamSec on the show this week to talk his life as a bug bounty hunter, twitch streamer, and internet educator. Here's another bonus episode for you all! NahamSec Links: Full Site: https://nahamsec.com  Twitch: http://twitch.tv/nahamsec  Twitter: http://twitter.com/nahamsec  What The Shell Links: Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


028 - The Mighty Zeus Malware

Let's climb Olympus, talk money mules, and dive into some malware from the late 00's and early 2010's.   Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/ 


027 - [Byte Sized] Is it okay to use OSINT online dating?

This weeks episode had technical difficulties. So I talked to a patron who requested this, and in order to give you all something to listen to, I'm putting this request out! We're posing the question: Is it okay to use OSINT online dating? Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn 


026 - Jack Rhysider [Bonus Interview]

Jack Rhysider takes us down the rabbit hole to talk about his show, Darknet Diaries.   DnD: Darknet Diaries : https://darknetdiaries.com  WtS: Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn  Twitter: https://twitter.com/shell_pod  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shell_pod/     


025 - What is the Dark Web?

Let's shine a light on what the dark web is, and what's going on down there. Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn    Darknet Diaries "Welcome to Video": https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/131/


What the Shell? [Trailer]

Updated Trailer for 2023 Welcome to ”What the Shell?” where I dive into major hacks and vulnerabilities in a way meant to be accessible by anyone. Come with me as we explore these topics and many of the more interesting facets of the cyber industry in a way that makes it easy to understand and easier to enjoy.  


024 - Cyber Bounty Hunters

Let's talk a bit about bug bounties? Maybe get paid 10 Million dollars? Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn 


023 - More Internet Of Things, More Problems

Hacking pacemakers? Spying on Tesla? Let's talk IoT again. Site: https://whattheshellpod.com Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bJauPBBhHn 


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