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Wide Awake

Author: Elias Dickson

Subscribed: 0Played: 4


It took us awhile to find our passion, which turns out to be death.... destruction.... anarchy, over all end of the world stuff. Welcome to Wide Awake, where we discuss and explore post-apocalyptic themes and sometimes not in a healthy way. (Such as when I take 3 items of YOUR choosing and try to survive for 3 days in the Cali desert) we have many guests, we are amateurs with some police, security, and military experience.... and nothing better to do so please join us and either laugh or.... mourn our passing. One way or another it’s an adventure.
3 Episodes
After this you should be very much wide awake. We talk about Superman attacking little girls, I mean.... no? Just kidding. We discuss the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. This dates back to 1781. Not all is disturbing. We also talk about flying around as well guess who. As always if we get some things wrong lease let us know. I would like to make this a big PROJECT that we all have a sAY and stake in. To do this I need followers: IG @WideAwakepodcast \Twitter: @teamdickson \ Snapchat: \ and finally facebook: EliasDickson_Official. LASTLY: a new podcast I'm starting will involve you. Month to month you will vote on several idea of which I will participate in (within reason) IF you feel this is a good idea, show me the support via the feedback on here so I know to start preparations. Sty save out there.
"Are you awake"

"Are you awake"


My Cohost is sleeping beauty so I figured I would knock the first one out. The story is a magical one, full of battle, and heartbreak, maybe even some redemption. Enjoy
This first episode is from a young lady who I volunteered to be her guest. Great episode, short and sweet. Stay tuned for more details regarding our up and coming episodes.